
Application Process Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"If you want to secure a place on a competitive course at a competitive uni, then you need to make a competitive application."
"Stay focused, no need to reapply once you've applied once we have your details once you've created your your profile on the platform you're already unboarded."
"Communication is key before you submit the application."
"We only accept about 10 to 15% of people who apply."
"The application process: Early bird gets the worm!"
"I genuinely just wanted to like share my whole application process with you guys to help you because I know when I was looking for things I literally could not find anybody who actually showed their portfolio or anything at all."
"A lot of applying to medical school is answering the question of why do you want to be a doctor."
"You can apply for Medicare part D as long as you are eligible for Medicare part A."
"Great. You passed this part, too. Let's go over the application." - Immigration Officer Miller
"We're only taking in applications, meaning you actually have to apply to be able to even get accepted to actually even buy the course."
"College: you apply to five colleges hoping to get accepted into one, then you get accepted you get to find out how much it costs to attend then if you can go you really only have 10 major choices out of hundreds that actually leads to a good life."
"Basically, I just didn't want to go through the application process. I'm really cheap so I always said I wouldn't apply for college, I would go to Community College because I could go for two years for really cheap and then get into a state school."
"The early bird gets the worm. A lot of the success and potency of an application rides on how early you submit it."
"People need to read the instruction manual for AMCAS, AACOMAS, and TMDSAS. AMCAS very specifically says, project out the end date to the start date of medical school."
"Everyone's in a similar boat, all swimming through this giant sea of application stuff together."
"It's very easy to fall into the trap of mass applying to job positions."
"Make sure whatever you're writing in your personal statement is linked to the person specification."
"For those of you that have gone through a UK school sixth form college, you should know about UCAS. This is literally the holy grail every school goes through it and that will be basically your portal to apply to these universities."
"Oftentimes when you're preparing a grant application there is a word limit."
"Are you hoping to become a physiatrist to get into medical school and match into a desirable PM residency? You'll need to not only crush your MCAT and USMLE but also shine on your personal statement, secondaries, interviews, and other soft components of your application."
"Certainly, part of the application process is to submit a video, right? Why wouldn't it be?"
"Now if you know that you want a job and you never submit a resume or an application, will you get it? No, you won't."
"You just scroll all the way down to start the new application and then you click on apply to come to Canada."
"They moved up the deadline to submit your interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup, just kind of sneak it in under the radar."
"Once you click Next, you will be required to read and agree to a declaration, type out and submit the electronic signature, and pay the application fee."
"There is absolutely no harm in applying and getting accept and then turning it down it does not hurt your chances for other programs in the future I promise you're gonna be fine."
"Nothing will hurt in an application but what we will look at when we see something like that is additional coursework additional demonstration that you can handle the curriculum here at the Wharton School and that you've really pushed yourself."
"A cover letter summarizes why you should be considered."
"It's okay to change up your routine in your application process once in a while because you might discover something that you really love."
"Preparation is super super important to the whole application."
"We expect you as an applicant to the program to take ownership of your application, put the effort in, do your research, and make your application as strong as it can be."
"I am just overwhelmingly grateful for the success I had in my own application cycle."
"We're mostly going to be looking at how you acted and how you behaved and what you demonstrated rather than what you said on your application."
"I had to apply independently, meaning I went straight through the UAL website and applied it myself."
"Nobody can do your application better than you can do your application."
"There is no application fee; it is free to apply."
"Begin your application; there is no application fee."
"The admissions officers are just trying to get a feel for who you are as a person."
"Networking is something that you can really do to help your application."
"The federal rights ensure a prompt disposition of your application within 90 days."
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy, and hopefully, I can help you guys get a bit of clarity around the application process."
"Be one thousand percent yourself in the application."
"Have a really great day and wish you the best in your application process if you're applying."
"It's really important that you get a migration agent or a migration lawyer to actually help you lodge this application."
"If you are applying under the Abata Health Service program, you are going to receive a special link to apply for your NNAS that has been paid for already."
"Once you create a profile, complete your application, and submit it, it's going to go through the same process of completeness check, AOR, eligibility review, medical biometrics, background check, passport request, and finally confirmation of permanent residence."
"Every application is unique, so go through the document checklist that is your bible and match the documents listed in that checklist with your unique specific case."
"Your application is not submitted unless you see this green bar!"
"UCAS is the name of the organization that processes your university application; they're the go-between between you and the university."
"Read the guidelines very carefully and double check everything to make sure that your application is complete and adheres to the specifications."
"We had 300 people apply which is insane, thank you guys so much."
"God richly bless you, I wish you a successful submission and application."
"Well technically, you need two most important things: a certain list of documents and then you need an application form."
"The application process is sort of easy, let's be honest, kind of straightforward."
"The mailing and residential address debate: if you're managing the application yourself, your mailing address becomes the same as your residential address."
"Mention anything you forgot to mention in your actual application."
"Our application status changed from application received to in progress."
"Watch the video to the end because I'm going to be sharing with you how to make the application."
"You must be extremely honest and transparent in your answers."
"Give yourself at least three to four weeks to get the best application together and submit this with the best foot forward."
"People who are experiencing this delay or unable to begin the application, they should not panic because a lot of people are applying for this conditional license."
"The first thing that you need to do is to check your eligibility to apply."
"Applications often get rejected because applicants fail to provide their complete address."
"I'm going to take you through the step-by-step easy process to apply to this college."
"The final step is to apply for the scholarship or admission."
"You can travel while it's pending and it has no impact on the pending application."
"The application pathway for medicine is a lengthy and often tedious process, but it doesn't have to be a difficult one."
"So guys, with that, I have mentioned everything I could possibly think of when it comes to applying to Yonsei University."
"In NUS, you apply for financial aid at one portal, and the great thing is that it will just check for which loans, which grants, and which bursaries you're eligible for based on that one application."