
Death Penalty Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The state of Florida is committing a crime, because I am innocent. The death penalty is not only a form of vengeance but also a cowardly act by humans."
"Odell Barnes Jr. wanted a whole lot more but also a whole lot less at the same time. He was convicted of murder in 2000 and sentenced to death. For his last meal, he ordered justice, equality, world peace."
"At his trial, Saldivar shocked everyone when he pled guilty in order to avoid the death penalty."
"The death penalty actually delays that closure."
"It's not very fiscally conservative for a state to pursue the death penalty when it doesn't make any sense money-wise to pursue it when we don't carry it out."
"The amount of people that we have brought to the death penalty chair that were wrongfully accused... it's almost 10 times more expensive."
"He was put on death row for his crimes but deemed 'too insane to be executed.'"
"It's too early to say anything about the death penalty in this case."
"If I were assessing a death penalty case, you're looking at aggravating and mitigating factors."
"I'm not a huge supporter of the death penalty."
"A system that focuses on restoration and preventing future harm is not a system that would ever have the death penalty."
"What they were particularly concerned about was the fact that Julian Assange might face the death penalty if he's extradited to the United States."
"I just will never understand the instinct of people to have a death penalty... I feel like you can't go through with that."
"The prospect that more innocent people will be executed... is an injustice that we really have passed over too casually as a society."
"Abolish the death penalty and all mandatory minimums."
"A lot of it has to do with death penalty, which is more of a philosophical approach."
"What's it like when one of your friends on death row is led away to be executed? Well, you spend, you know, years and years and months and months and hours of every day with a person..."
"I don't believe in capital punishment, so the answer would be no for now."
"Black respondents were nearly twice as likely to strongly oppose the death penalty than were whites."
"Realizing this, every other industrialized country in the world has banned the death penalty."
"Therefore, this panel finds that the death penalty is appropriate, should be, and is hereby given for each of the four murders by the defendant."
"My opinion on the death penalty is I don't believe in it. I have seen too many things happen like these exonerations and stuff like that."
"Let's abolish the death penalty and be one of the normal countries around the world and we don't need it. Let's join the civilized world."
"Around 4% of people sentenced to death are actually innocent."
"No one should actually die from that but it should be the death penalty."
"Murder is murder. So if we're killing someone who murdered someone, then we're murdering them too."
"Throughout history there have been people who have committed some of the most heinous crimes fathomable. For those crimes, they have been convicted and sentenced to death."
"Last Meal Project: Reflecting on the broader topic of the death penalty."
"I think I would rather have a death penalty than spend my life in prison."
"I believe that the death penalty that Bart Whitaker received is appropriate."
"Death in the game is permanent which will start you over."
"The government will no longer execute people."
"I'm predicting that the death penalty will be extinct by 2025."
"If there is even the tiniest little doubt that someone could be innocent, then they shouldn't be on death row. Death row should be kept for people who 100% did what they are accused of."
"I think these should receive the fullest extent of the law, and I believe that is for them to be put to death."
"I'm going to go ahead and take the step that I think Harvey wouldn't have taken and say that I think these two deserve death."
"I'm all for having a nuanced conversation about the death penalty."
"The death penalty doesn't deter crime. Statistics show that."
"Biden wants to abolish the death penalty - that'll also be pretty poggers."
"I support getting rid of the death penalty. I don't think that anyone should be considered beyond the capability of redemption."
"I don't think nobody should be given the death penalty. It's imminent, inevitable, so you can beat yourself with it over the head every day or you can live with it. I live with it." - Glenn Charles McGinnis
"Legal experts and statisticians who did some investigating believe that from 1976 to 2004, 4.1 percent of those who were given the death penalty were actually innocent."
"To do that to your own children and then to be a coward enough to like take the first plea that they give you so that you didn't have to be put to death."
"We have to be able to follow the law, and if there are people that say they won't impose a death penalty, then they're not going to pose as much." - Scott Reich
"Overall it seems that more and more people around the country are starting to feel that the death penalty is not the right solution in terms of punishment."
"Even if you are some kind of person who thinks that death is a fair punishment, if something is killing innocent people, maybe you should get rid of it."
"Malcolm X provided a very real assessment of the death penalty, suggesting that true deterrence would only come from a system with mandatory death penalties, nearly perfect law enforcement, incorruptible police and judiciary, and strict pardoning policies."
"I believe that the death penalty is senseless and brutalizing."
"You, Dan, are a coward and a poster boy for the need for an effective death penalty in California. My only regret is that this state won't let me kill this coward myself."
"Nothing shows more clearly the moral bankruptcy of our society than the breakdown in concern for the sanctity of life and for the swiftness of the death penalty on those who take a life."
"I'm not for it. It's astronomically more expensive to deal with someone on death row."
"Now recommend to the court that the defendant Timothy R Jones Jr be sentenced to death."
"The court sentenced Charles to death. He bade farewell to his children who were with him to the end."
"They do not like the death penalty."
"I don't think we have the right to make that determination of who gets to live or who gets to die, and we get it wrong so often that it just doesn't make sense to continue it as a practice."
"There's going to have to be a mini trial of sorts for the judge to determine whether or not the defense can provide enough evidence by a preponderance of the evidence to show that Chad Dorman should not face the death penalty as a possible punishment."
"Now the thing I like about this not to just bounce straight off of the gun shot to the back of the head but um chicatilo was under the impression being on death row that once executed they could extract his brain and find out what's wrong with him."
"The Argentinian pontiff has pointed to the Church's stance on the death penalty as evidence of how the Vatican can evolve."
"The death penalty is something that actually has a long history within the history of the Church."
"Does society in a way have the right to insist that a man stay alive who does want to be executed?"
"Despite public outrage, the death penalty was never reinstated in Britain."
"If we're gonna have the death penalty, we should make sure at least that the people that are subjected to that punishment are actually guilty."
"I don't think the death penalty can be resolved or understood by asking do people deserve to die for the crimes they've committed. The real question is do we deserve to kill."
"I'm completely opposed to the death penalty now for many reasons, not just the statistical reason, but also I think it's immoral."
"Isn't the whole idea to get rid of the death penalty from the left perspective? So talk and learn to learn from these people."
"Notwithstanding the philosophical and intellectual debate of the death penalty itself, supplying nitrogen for the purpose of human execution is not consistent with our company values."
"The number of countries that still use the death penalty has in fact fallen quite significantly in the last few decades."
"The notion that the death penalty deters crime is false and goes against large bodies of research."
"An ethical decision is made on whether it increases overall well-being; the death penalty does not."
"The parents of the three-year-olds who died in the Boston bombing came out and said they do not support the death penalty."
"For every nine people we've executed, we've now identified one innocent person on death row."
"...the death penalty for me is do we deserve to kill."
"Death row sentences are terrifying, and for most convicts, they are the literal end of the road."
"I just don't really see how people viewed the death penalty as a form of entertainment."
"It's just immoral for a government to kill people."
"On paper, the death penalty is wrong."
"An innocent man is going to be murdered tonight; I hope Americans will realize the injustices of the death penalty."
"The majority of the people of Florida seemed not to care; they wanted the state to enforce the death penalty, whatever it might cost."
"The death penalty by state; what concept does this represent? Federalism."
"If America was authentically pro-life, then they would immediately abolish the death penalty."
"We have seen significant problems -- racial bias, uneven application of the death penalty."
"I don't believe in the death penalty at all because we know a lot of people who are innocent were murdered."
"I worked around the nation, arguing against the death penalty and getting people off death row."
"My personal opinion is that the death penalty cannot be applied fairly."
"The church teaches in light of the Gospel that the death penalty is inadmissible."
"The death penalty can be imposed fairly only after carefully considering all the reasons why death might not be the appropriate sentence."
"The racial terrorism of lynching in many ways created the modern-day death penalty."
"Too many innocent people have been put to death."
"We need a national moratorium on the death penalty, not a resurrection."
"When I am president, we will abolish the death penalty."
"It is talking about some really important topics with the justice system and in particular the death penalty."