
Financial Criticism Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Mortgages are financial crack to Middle America. The poor can't afford them, and the rich don't use them."
"Over a period of 30 or 40 years the amount of repayment costs will be three or four times higher overall, than if you had borrowed it from the central government in the first place. So it is basically a giant accounting scam."
"They're blocking the ability to trade to protect Wall Street hedge funds, stealing millions of dollars from their users to protect people who've used the stock market as a casino for decades."
"Crypto and MLM have been the worst thing that's ever happened to the universe so far."
"Billions of dollars have been grafted into the pockets of corrupt Ukrainian government officials."
"The hypocrisy of it is ridiculous—it's all about money with Manchester United."
"You gotta be a bitter [expletive] to say, 'Oh, you must be going broke.'"
"There's this exorbitant amount of money being pumped into something and you're getting no return in any way."
"He swore at the financial companies, he swore at the banks, he swore at the real estate developers."
"More people pulling money from these garbage universities that are overcharging their students for a degree in nonsense."
"45 million Man spent on that bread, and he can't get a game blood. What kind of is this, swear down fam, honestly?"
"The money's getting pretty stupid pretty fast."
"I don't see the purpose of all of that money going to this entire family. It does sometimes become a little bit frustrating."
"How much more money do you want? You bought that, you got the club for nothing, you've had dividends, you've never paid any debt back and now you're squeezing a little bit more out."
"Artificially low interest rates really constitute a war on savers by spenders."
"The equity market in the U.S. has been manipulated since 2009, full stop." - Raoul
"Bitcoin is trading at a discount to the amount of kind of criminality that the central banks are involved with."
"This industry was built on the back of the 2008 financial crisis. Look at me in the face and tell me that the world financial system is healthier today in 2024 than it was in 2008."
"Interest rates, leaving you in debt for the rest of your life. That ain't right."
"He said basically $600, then giving $600 right now is like the most insulting thing in the history of the earth."
"I think that statement is glazanomics." - Critiquing corporate influence on decision-making.
"This is a bunch of wall street wankery, nothing to do with Tesla."
"We are totally causing a holy ruckus with this thing because we are calling out the out-of-control student loan industry."
"I want something real. I want real money. I don't want some new iteration of fool's gold."
"The dollar as it sits right now is headed to zero."
"The fractional reserve system is parasitical."
"Let's stop blaming everything on this infection. The real cause of all this is the massive debt, the poor and weakening economy."
"If you really want to blame someone, you blame the Fed. You blame the FED."
"The cost is already much too much—we spend twice as much as other high-income nations."
"It's not all about money... a lot of people kept trying to come down on us and condemn us." - Deep South Homestead
"Manipulation of money means manipulation of everything."
"Bitcoin is the most stupid thing you can do with your money."
"Why would you keep your money in the bank? It's a crime syndicate."
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"What's wrong with that? Anyway, the point I think for me it's a comment on the amount of money in football being insane."
"This is a slush fund to redistribute money from your pockets to people around the world."
"We read 10 bucks and up on the Sunday show because of course we are no-good lowdown money grabbers."
"Bailouts: privatize gains and socialize losses."
"The global financial crisis really made members of the Emerging Market members of the global South started to question the relevance and the trustworthiness of the U.S led Global Financial system."
"Bloody waste of good money, that’s what it is."
"Why are they charging people a hundred thousand dollars to airlift them in an emergency? That's honestly such a scam."
"I want the TD Snakes and the Creflo Nickels and the Joel Allstings... I don't want little tadpoles, little seals, I don't want you."
"Nobody wearing this hat should be able to say Britain should have to live within its means without getting sucked into an irony black hole."
"Don't do that, don't do that, don't do that 'cause listen, y'all wouldn't have none of these [__] today."
"Goldman Sachs comes out and lies, lies to everybody about what is going on at SLV and the naked shorts on the COMEX."
"There's only so much abuse you can do to a currency." - "Max Keiser"
"Wall Street's so dumb and stuck in their ways and does not get innovation and disruption."
"Wall Street wants to use your asset for their leverage game... they're not investment bankers anymore, they're casino arbitrage players."
"The banking system is resilient? It's completely insolvent, operating in a vacuum of perpetual debt."
"It's stupid, it's gambling, and that is what the whole world is taught to do." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Confidence is a con job. Have confidence in the financial system because it works? Oh yeah, it works for the really rich people. Everyone else, you're getting wiped out."
"This is anti-stability and they're insulting your intelligence when they tell you that they believe the financial system is strong."
"No one seems to have a problem with football players or managers or agents getting paid the king's fortune. Anyone moved to the idea that someone actually owns a football club should get some money out of it? They should be flogged at dawn."
"A usable currency simply cannot work if its value fluctuates like a wild roller coaster."
"BLM was a money grab for lawyers and people on TV, it was just a money grab."
"Banking is legalized loan sharking."
"Our current financial system sucks, there are a lot of things that could be made a lot better."