
Public Transit Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"I felt so weird coming back because if you bring up like Poland or whatever to anybody in the U.S. they're gonna think like okay Poland must be some random Eastern European shit x satellite country whatever but it's like damn if they can do that like why why don't we have any real public transit anywhere."
"Public transit...an absolute necessity for low-income people to survive."
"The Next Future Transportation is an advanced smart transportation system that aims to revolutionize public transit."
"I love public transit because it's great for the environment, it's good for communities and for public health, and not because I suck at driving."
"But to say that cars have just won forever would be a disservice to the many public transit projects happening in Canada and North America."
"Because small increases in public transit use can have big social benefits. It might even make public transit itself better because it shows that there's demand."
"The whole thing is kind of an argument for more public transit, which is proven to be safer."
"Grand Central is one of the world's largest, busiest, and my favorite train terminal."
"The world's first ecologically clean train transports over 100,000 passengers per year."
"Transit planning... You don't need a car. That is your choice and it's reflecting itself in the transit utilization."
"Transit in North America is often sub-optimal alongside resistance to change."
"Let's just say you know it's it's not a real thing right let me show you the extent to the public transit network in a double."
"Dublin, one of the largest cities in Europe around Metro is finally gonna be getting a metro and I think that's kind of cool."
"It's amazing how accessible European cities are with public transit."
"It's important to realize the city loses $690 million a year to Fair evasion."
"The sky is very ample and very empty and very free. So the vision is, can we build a socially acceptable mass transit solution for daily transportation that is affordable?"
"The Ontario Line will likely make a significant impact on Toronto's transit network from day one."
"Having nice-looking infrastructure is good for public transit."
"I believe that with the money coming in from infrastructure, it's going to actually help us rebuild American transit."
"Seoul Metro is among the world's most accessible and best connected."
"If there was some new technology that was much cheaper and better than the transit options we had today, don't you think that some of the world's leading public transit cities would be adopting it?"
"There probably aren't going to be any newfangled technologies that arrive that allow New York to leapfrog its way to public transit Nirvana."
"Public transit will make higher density, higher margin projects more viable."
"Creating a logical route system for efficient public transit."
"Placing bus stops on main streets to avoid disruption to residents."
"Bidirectional service for accessibility and convenience."
"Expanding transit network to serve diverse community needs."
"These travel times are incredibly impressive and mean that not only will GO be really attractive because it will be super frequent but it will be so much faster than it is today."
"Public transit is relevant to our community today, is going to be relevant to our community in the near future, and is going to be relevant to our community in the long term future."
"A debt payment of $3 billion, for example, is enough to run the Washington, DC metro system for an entire year."
"It could take years before fare revenue and subway ridership return to their pre-pandemic levels."
"The U.S. spent $79 billion on public transit in 2019, yet most public transit across the nation is finding itself in a fiscal crisis."
"There was a time when the U.S. boasted a public transit system that was the envy of the world."
"Public transit relies heavily on subsidies because it's still far from a profitable business."
"The Netherlands as a whole is incredible for public transit with a major focus on cycling infrastructure."
"China won a contract for the Boston transit."
"One of the most innovative rapid transit systems in the world."
"The big jump is if you can eliminate those station stops on the bus or the train. You took a 45-minute ride down to a 10-minute ride."
"The most efficient way to move people around large cities is public transport."
"People are moving around, people are getting from point A to point B, and they're doing it with transit, and that is exactly what we want."
"There is nothing more immaculate, in my opinion, than the vibes that come from listening to an audiobook on public transit."
"Get them on public transit as opposed to on the roads in a taxi or rental car"
"The biggest takeaway from the story is that it is never too late to build better Transit."
"The public transit in Liverpool is surprisingly good."
"...we aren't going to have great public transit in North America if we settle for good enough."
"Public transit allows locals a way to get around the city far easier and cheaper than messing with a car."
"The public transit here is incredibly clean, reliable, modern, affordable, and easy to navigate."
"Traditionally you can rank cities according to who has the worst traffic. It really hinges on how good or bad their public transit system is." - Lisa Abramowicz
"How do we design a system where it's actually more convenient and economical for someone to use public mass transit than their own vehicle? So that's the kind of thing that we're working on."
"Portland has a total of five different light rail lines that interline quite heavily but that also do have a decent minimum service standard that I would say is quite good in the United States."
"At its best rail Transit is fast, frequent and reliable."
"The trains are relatively clean, the frequencies aren't that bad, and the real-time information at the stations is really good."
"This is the best thing to happen to transit in Montreal in a long time."
"There's a lot of options out there if New Orleans wants to serve both its guests and its own people with good rail Transit because fundamentally serving everyone is what good Transit should do."
"The real way to go is just better public transit."
"Having super frequent transit is also just as beneficial as having just frequent transit."
"We could and should improve the public transit system right now."
"Instead of building up density first to create congestion and then later alleviate that congestion with public transit, we could and should improve the public transit system right now."
"London buses are one of the most extensive systems in the world."
"You see in City skylines, road design and layout will only get you so far in fighting traffic. The best way to stop jams is for there to be no cars there in the first place. Gentlemen, it was time to busy ourselves with public transit."
"When you consider these systems cost one-third the price of light rail, I could see a lot of transit agencies starting to seriously consider investing in a good bus rapid transit system."
"Seattle has a ton of different Transit modes to get around on and while services like the ferry are classic to the city and the exciting building out of Link light rail is something to look forward to, the real Workhorse of public transit in Seattle is its buses."
"Everyone has a lot of thoughts when it comes to the premier city of the bay area but I think one thing that pretty much everyone can agree on is that it has a pretty incredible Transit network."
"For people like me who don't own a car, having great transit at night is critical to being comfortable and being able to live."
"Having fast service is what we really want if people are to broadly switch over to transit from say driving."
"...but given that the average commute of most people in the US is under 25 miles, it's unlikely that the majority of people watching this live somewhere where there is not good public transit."
"Finally, Montreal's transit plans meet the scope of this important city."
"Let's go back to the airport now; the Swiss take public transit very seriously."
"Public transit was amazing, loved it, so easy, so convenient, so amazing."
"Transit needs to be treated as a wealth multiplier because it provides an equitable mode of transportation and it can be a catalyst for new developments."
"The failure to develop public transit facilities is quite striking."
"We will get public transit back on track."
"For public transit systems to succeed, they need to connect to the places people want to go."
"Making transit faster is a complex arc, but there are a number of standard approaches that tend to work pretty well."
"Such a line is always really exciting because it offers high-quality transit that isn't focused on downtown workers."
"In 2008, RTA opened a bus Rapid Transit line that saw increased ridership, decreased travel time, and massive private investment in transit-oriented development along the line."
"Dynamic line displays show the upcoming stop as well as where the train is going along the line."
"An on-demand transit option actually seems like a fairly compelling idea."
"The city of Hong Kong developed with the transit system rather than the transit system trying to match the city of Hong Kong."
"The Delhi Metro is a really impressive system; it has 10 lines right now and all of the latest technology."
"Buses can do a lot of the same things trains can do, at a fraction of the capital cost."
"Transit decreases the external costs of transportation cities."
"Ottawa has a very low crime rate, high quality of life, great public transit, and low population density."
"We should apply an urban planning approach to ending drunk driving; this means disincentivizing driving and prioritizing investments in public transit, bike infrastructure, and walkable places."
"We're on our way to save the world, and it's all thanks to California's reliable public transit system."
"Subways in large cities like Seoul, Busan, and Incheon; several international airports and ferries."
"Mexico City simply has better public transit than we have seen anywhere in the U.S or Canada."
"The Neuron electric bus... packaging all of that and hopefully catapulting us into a cleaner, greener, and more importantly, smarter state of public transportation."
"Enjoy a free ride on our trams, trains, and boats."
"Most of the people taking public transit work outside of the home."
"The number of students using public transportation is greater than the number of retirees."
"That's why in 2004, the Turkish government embarked on an ambitious plan to build a brand new public transit system."
"Better transit for the US isn't some insurmountable task; really, the biggest challenge is that there are so many smaller challenges."
"Investing in TTC means more people will ride it, meaning that there will be more money coming into TTC."
"One of the best ways to address the climate crisis is to incent people to use public transit."