
Crowds Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Just when you lose hope in humanity, you see citizens coordinating to rescue each other in hurricanes, communities creating solutions to problems, people fighting for a better world."
"Even among the large crowd, it is possible to feel all alone."
"I don't think I'm some exceptional genius that can walk into a crowd of 10 million people and just be right."
"One of the most important things to know about crowds is the way diffusion of responsibility works."
"It's nice to feel such a living crowd are out of oneself."
"Playoff Crowds Are louder, playoff cameos have more flavor."
"The Wonder of Stonehenge has always drawn the crowds."
"We were at a place where they could not draw big crowds."
"We didn't mind crowds. Crowds could sometimes help you. People being interested in what's going on there."
"We did it, we made it. Well, I guess the summer crowds are here."
"They can be a great place to escape if the crowds get to be a little too intense."
"Avoid crowds by planning for off-peak periods."
"Avoid visiting during its first weekend on the first weekend of a new Fest you're always going to run into a sea of people."
"You never ever ever go to Costco on a Sunday."
"This whole area is incredible it's like a national park and it's Beauty it's like Glacier National Park but without all the crowds."
"The winter time, which is when I'm here, much less crowds in the park."
"And great crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan followed him."
"It's important to come early in the day to do this unless you like huge crowds."
"We're trying to watch um happily ever after but you guys there's way too many freaking people here."
"I don't do the whole Black Friday shopping deal. Can't stand the crowds."
"Plenty of cars and plenty of people all going through the Westworld facility."
"The sound design was very important to help realize the movie. Gavin wanted all the right sounds throughout, for the crowds, for the skating, for the shots, for every aspect of it."
"Just because a place is busy doesn't mean it's bad. It's about the infrastructure to support the crowds."
"This place in the 1890s was very crowded."
"Honestly, can't wait for my next crowd, that's why everyone's [ __ ] on the street, no one cares, including myself, including me, nobody cares."
"If they play like this, then the crowds will come back to football."
"Don't move to Kailua if you don't like crowds."
"People go into crowds, crowds is the last place I'd want to be if people have permission to murder."
"Beat the crowds at Crashboat Beach, famous for its white sand and turquoise waters."
"You're not gonna attract the crowds if the best aren't there."
"A man whose special Charisma always ignites crowds like the fabled gunfighters of the old west."
"A massive step to bringing back the crowds, to getting to close to full stadia again, to give the game full throttle back to the watching world."
"Honestly, these crowds are amazing."
"It felt good to hear non-piped in crowds once again."
"It just makes me feel a little bit more comfortable whenever I am in those big crowds."
"Crowds can really ruin a trip, so I need to take advantage of this situation and travel as much as possible while I can."
"People turn out in their tens of thousands for such football all year round."
"I'm alone in a different country and what do I do? Well, the entrance to this thing has a huge open space full of people, which were slightly comforting."
"Look at this crowd, are you kidding me?!"
"Costco at this time is crazy... it was like being at a concert just waiting for my food. So many people, everyone looked very impatient."
"It's the garden," said Roger, "and loads of people."
"It's kind of like crowds at Disney when one person starts moving in One Direction everybody's like, 'I wanna see, I want to see what's going on too.'"
"I've never seen this place this packed either."
"I just don't like your vibe there's not Universal gets empty so you gotta go and like walk around sometimes but Disney I feel like is always busy."
"The Celtics drew big crowds and played an entertaining brand of basketball."
"Holy [ __ ] this is a lot of people this is a lot a lot a lot of people."
"This was a nice break from the Magic Kingdom crowds."
"I think it is difficult because the moment I go around some of the places we all want to see, I'm just surrounded by people."
"Why a theme park? Well, theme parks are places meant specifically for big happy crowds of people."
"If you want to take a picture of something instead of having a thousand people going by and elbowing you and saying something, step to the side."
"...because as you could see if there's less crowds um you know less people in the theme parks you'll just get so much more done and it would be more it will be so much more of an enjoyable experience."
"It's actually much easier to play to hundreds of thousands of people than it is to play to 20 people in a little place because they're just anonymous. It's just a mass of people."
"The crowds were incredible this week. I've got to say, the Comedy Cellar in Vegas at the Rio Hotel has just completely lit fire. The crowds are great, the club is great."
"It's an hour and a half before the fireworks, people were already lining up on Main Street, which isn't unsurprising at all."
"It's like I've never seen so many people be so entertained."
"Overall we did enjoy our time here but I don't know if we'd ever come back and visit just because we personally aren't huge fans of crowds."
"Everywhere I go, I think nobody's going to want to talk to me, but then there's always a small crowd."
"You're going to spend a lot of time zigzagging out of crowds."
"Visiting Magic Kingdom can be kind of a lot, easily to be overstimulated here and overwhelmed at the sheer amount of people."
"I'm standing in crowds, and that's when I feel the most on my own."
"I've never been there, done that, there's going to be lots of crowds but their Christmas Market is just wonderful."
"The doors are going to open at 10 a.m., and like 20 minutes, so I thought I'd walk around and show you guys some stuff before there are huge crowds everywhere."
"We came here at a good time, so I would recommend come here before 10 a.m. to beat the crowds."
"I would suggest probably coming here a little bit earlier in the morning to want to avoid the crowds."
"I feel like calling out names individually in a mob is actually pretty helpful sometimes."
"It's a breath of fresh air to see more and more crowds like this."
"I'm not always the best in like huge crowds; I get a little overwhelmed when there's a lot of people in one room."
"Seeing pictures of the crowd was amazing, had to be like ten thousand people probably at least, you know, packed place was sweet."
"I prefer a soul to a crowd, but I love crowds of souls."
"The wisdom of crowds is very wise most of the time."
"I love big crowds in films, and you know this is not CGI."
"We are just passing through Shibuya Crossing, which is, some people say, the most crowded intersection in the entire world."
"His fiery preaching style drew massive crowds in first century Israel."
"The wisdom of crowds is that crowds are wisest when people in them are acting as much like individuals as possible."
"That's the real promise of the wisdom of crowds."
"Another great way to avoid crowds is hitting a park on an off-season weekday."
"In a crowd, you are not special. It is important to remember this point."
"Crowds are just a lot of individuals. If you take them one at a time, they're not so bad."
"There's a safety and anonymity of crowds."
"It's busy, it's crowded. I like coming here, but I like getting out into the country and away from huge crowds."
"You can either accept that you're going to get lots of people in your shots and use this to your advantage or you can plan to avoid the crowds."
"I'm my best self on stage, performing in front of big crowds."
"He did not enjoy things like the festival for Carnival; the crowds and the noise made him anxious."
"The crowds... have a way of carrying your spirits, keeping you on a high."
"I can't deal with lines, and I get very bad social anxiety being around a lot of people."
"There's nothing scarier than getting on a stroller with a lot of people and then someone rolls up with a double stroller."
"I've been absolutely stunned by the crowds here."
"Thousands of people out in the streets... it was unbelievable."
"I don't like shopping after Thanksgiving because it's a mob at the mall."
"Jesus drew multitudes of people to his teaching."
"Look at the crowds up here at the top of the mountain; it's absolutely incredible."
"Just because I don't like big crowds or germs doesn't mean I am obsessed with being clean 24/7."
"Rue immediately asked Gale why he had just been telling her how to react to the crowds for the last 20 minutes when there was, in fact, nobody there."
"Little known fact about me: I get anxiety in stores that have lots of people."
"I'm honestly loving the no crowds here."
"I get very irritable around crowds."
"I hate early mornings, I hate big crowds like this, but I'm so glad we came."
"I've never seen that many people ever. It was insane."
"It's revolutionary, a little bit by the crowds, give you a bit more volume."