
Mankind Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The progress of mankind has been incredible, and that won't stop."
"Brothers, all calculations and prophecies say the days will come that will determine the future of mankind."
"Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'"
"Exploration of the globe has had benefits for mankind that are hard to calculate."
"The proper route forward for the redemption of the individual and for mankind as a whole is as a consequence of the redemption of each individual."
"When mankind stood at that point where self-annihilation could occur."
"Space is one of the last places left for mankind to explore."
"Without hyperbole, if Resaca is not stopped, mankind's extinction is imminent."
"Mankind has always survived, even through destruction."
"Glory to Raptoria, the last hope of mankind."
"The development of writing is one of the most important steps in the history of mankind."
"Mankind's arrogance is what is doomed to fail."
"This is the most expensive engineering project and the most incredible accomplishment that mankind has ever achieved, completely agree."
"Are we alone in the universe? This, for mankind, is probably one of the most classic questions."
"It's really saying that mankind exists independent of its particular situation."
"This is potentially World conquering information, technology that can change the course of mankind."
"Mankind has historically possessed an insatiable desire to explore and learn more about what lies beyond."
"There's god, god created mankind on the land."
"He is the hero of humanity... he rescues mankind, he vanquishes the Beast and he restores Dominion of the Earth."
"Ignorance is the greatest curse against mankind."
"It's about purpose and there's no nobler purpose in my opinion than to serve mankind."
"It's well known today that Africa is considered the cradle of mankind."
"Mankind will come to the brink of self-inflicted annihilation."
"Men sworn to defend Mankind and its Destiny."
"All his actions are for the benefit of mankind."
"In this world is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law."
"Isaac has some valuable information that could help mankind."
"We go into space because whatever mankind must undertake, free men must fully share."
"The story of mankind has been one of balance between good and evil."
"It's like a game of cosmic roulette, and mankind cannot afford to lose."
"Mankind is the only living thing that is twofold."
"Business!" cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my business."
"And having witnessed how the best creative minds in the fields of art and medicine and law and business and religion were enthusiastically enlisted in such a fiendish cause under the banner of nationalism, it is really very difficult to continue to have much faith in mankind."
"Mankind is wonderful and it may invent something that can take us to a whole new level of productivity growth."
"This mission is bigger than any of us. It is vitally important that we accomplish what we are setting out to do, not for me, not for us, but for the benefit of all mankind."
"The day has come when man through you is about to probe some of the darkest mysteries of the universe."
"Sad? It's hilarious. I mean, there's every possibility that mankind will be the first species to masturbate itself into extinction. Now you're not going to tell me that isn't funny."
"Hope Springs Eternal. In fact, that's what's so funny about it. You do realize what you've done, Travis, don't you? You've handed Satan a victory, and in doing so, you've basically discredited the whole of mankind."
"The created realm responds to the presence of mankind."
"Spread peace, you know, to mankind."
"We're going to be even more fearless and anti-idealistic and more willing to accept the animalian nature of mankind."
"This is one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind."
"God seeks the perfection of mankind and the perfection of the world. This is God's agenda."
"Other history may be interesting, but this history is absolutely vital for the whole of mankind."
"It's the story of a disease, a very unpleasant disease, and of mankind's battle to defeat it."
"It doesn't take tremendous insight to realize we are on the threshold of the most fantastic adventure that's ever faced mankind."
"I used to want to save the world but the closer you get the more you see the great Darkness simmering within in mankind. Mankind is another story altogether. Facts."
"If only mankind could be prevailed upon to read a few lessons from the Great Book of nature."
"The problem of mankind is we are living life of politics and deception."
"One of the greatest inventions of mankind right next to fire and the wheel."
"Truly the fate of Old World and the rest of the Warhammer world is held in the hands of the Empire of Man which should always be helped and given all the available tools to safeguard it from the ever present lurking enemies of mankind and the encroaching grasp of Chaos."
"...it was the most familiar word in the galaxy a word the figure linked indelibly to all mankind."
"...mankind is redeemable and that mankind is ultimately good..."
"Mankind's achievements on a noteworthy level began with its political unification."
"The fate of all mankind hinged on the decision of just one person."
"Mankind could be the next dominant species to face extinction."
"Mankind possesses the courage to overcome all terrors."
"I forever lament mankind's inability to let natural beauty speak for itself."
"At no time on earth had mankind cooperated so well together."
"What is the providence of God? And how does God work in the lives of mankind today?"
"What is a knife but the primordial tool of mankind, this simple companion essential to mold the potential of your surroundings?"
"The beard has been around ever since mankind has been around."
"This is the idea of raising the dead and saving mankind."
"The properties of the island should benefit all of mankind, not just a select few."
"We scientists are going to have to go on sacrificing ourselves for the good of an unappreciative mankind."
"His Holiness loves all mankind and that too with a completely selfless love."
"This band of mortals had forged a new world order, an age for mankind where they may decide their own destiny and fate."
"The English-speaking peoples would remain, and are, the best hope, the last best hope for mankind."
"Mankind is the only creature in creation who has the power to determine the change they want."
"The Sabbath was a gift to mankind."
"It's innate in mankind and universal in all men, like language itself."
"Whatever they do is for the good of mankind."
"We work and pray for the unity of mankind, that all the races of the earth may become one race, all the countries one country, and that all hearts may beat as one heart."
"The basis of the teaching of Baha'u'llah is the unity of mankind."
"The idea that human effort ought to be organized for the improvement of mankind."
"Mankind is the number one contender for the WWF Championship."
"Genesis, the beginning of mankind and the world for the three religions."
"Never before, and perhaps never again, will a single effort so profoundly affect the future of mankind."
"Our Deen was meant to be a mercy for all of mankind."
"The transformation of mankind will depend on the transformation of the individual."
"The sword saint was the hunter who saved mankind from absolute destruction."
"The history of mankind had its origins in the intervention of forces from the civilizations that developed in the regions of the Mediterranean Sea."
"When mankind learns this simple lesson, peace will come to them as a natural result."
"Our cause is the cause of all mankind; we are fighting for your liberty when we defend our own."
"Indeed, we have honoured the sons of Adam."
"That is undeniably one of the greatest achievements mankind has ever made."
"The fairest and noblest race of man which ever lived, of whom you and your whole city are but a seed or a remnant."
"All mankind can become one with that Hallelujah."
"In that moment Superman chooses to save mankind and reject Krypton."
"In the name of the United States of America, I take possession of the planet Moon, of and for the benefit of mankind."
"The Roosevelt Shrine stands as a great heritage not only of India but of entire mankind."
"The history of mankind is the history of ideas."
"They gave us more than a nation; they brought to all mankind for the first time the concept that man was born free."
"Every prophet before me was sent only to his own people, but I was sent to all mankind."
"A new chapter of his journey was about to begin, a new exploration into the future of mankind." - Narrator
"It's not more a thrill but it's real exploration and this is much more serious and much more important for the future of mankind than just a plain exploit."
"There's something more, and the truth is all of mankind is looking for that something more."
"Grace is the free, undeserved goodness and favor of God to mankind."
"The scripture says that God has given man, and not spirits, dominion over the earth."
"Jesus came and died on behalf of mankind, not on behalf of Europe or Asia or Africa or the Americas."
"The four gifts to mankind: knowledge, creation, destruction, and choice."
"Why is it that mankind never seems to learn from the past?"
"Ancient Greek knowledge and civilization, like that of ancient Egypt, is the cultural patrimony of all mankind."
"It's one of the all-time greatest accomplishments that man has ever seen."
"They have the responsibility of protecting mankind."
"His decision had changed the future of mankind."
"The countdown to the destruction of mankind had already started."
"O mankind, this is a universal message."
"It's the age-old question that has plagued mankind for many years."
"Have I really realised that I am the world? That comes to the point."
"Mankind's history is far greater and older than we have ever imagined."
"He tells them to work together to revive mankind."
"The Tactical Surface Fighter is the apex of mankind's technological advances against the beta."
"We’ll track ancient stories of mankind."
"This isn't about me. This is about all of us, all mankind."
"Every single Prophet has come with the same message for everybody, entirety of mankind."
"An epoch when mankind had to bear responsibility for everything that happened in the world."
"The Quran is a revelation For All Mankind."
"Once mankind accepted a simple truth, humanity would not face this threat alone."
"Welcome to the future, everybody, although I'm afraid it is a very bleak future for mankind."
"Jesus was sent to draw all mankind unto himself."
"It's an inspiration to all mankind, we're supposed to be an impossible structure, it's actually quite possible."