
British Monarchy Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The British succession has the least restrictive rules and therefore by far the most people in it."
"The Queen's grandparents appeared there, so did her parents at the end of the war, Churchill was there on the Queen's wedding day, and after her coronation all the royal family were there."
"The British monarchy and its coronation rituals... the most powerful symbols modern humanity has of the union between church and state."
"In a world of constant change, she was a steadying presence and a source of comfort and pride for generations of Britons, including many who have never known their country without her."
"Princess Elizabeth was born when few predicted she would one day rule Britain as its monarch."
"Buckingham Palace continues to be the center of administration for the British Monarchy."
"The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrates how years on the throne and the resurgence of popularity that the monarchy enjoys today."
"Queen Victoria never actually went to India, instead she had India brought to England."
"The height of popularity for the royal family: the wedding of Charles and Diana, William and Harry being born, and then it was Andrew and Fergie."
"It's not possible to talk about the Royal Family's racism without discussing colonialism."
"His reign would be the longest in British history."
"The people of Britain want William as their monarch, sooner rather than later."
"The British Monarchy might be reaching the end of its natural life or it might not."
"With a reign of 63 years seven months and two days, Victoria was the longest-reigning British monarch."
"Nowhere is affection for his Britannic Majesty stronger than in the fabled lands of India."
"The Queen of England owns 6.6 billion acres of land."
"She left an immense legacy both to the British people and to the wider world, guiding Britain through greater social, political, economic, and technological change than perhaps any monarch in history."
"The British Monarchy was going through changes and drama."
"Elizabeth I became one of England's most successful and loved monarchs."
"The House of Windsor has reigned over the United Kingdom since 1917."
"It remains to be seen what the British Monarchy will look like under the new King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla."
"The British royal family descended from King David with all of these reports reporting that the Queen of England had the monarchies lineage tree and had faith in it."
"Imperial greatness is inextricably linked to Britain's monarchy."
"When she came to the throne the standing of the British Monarchy was at a very low ebb, but when she died more than 60 years later, her status and Legend were beyond that of any other Monarch in the world."
"The Stuart dynasty came to power in England when the childless Elizabeth I died on March 24th 1603."
"This reign united the realms of England, Scotland, and Ireland under one monarch for the first time."
"After 22 years on the throne, during which momentous events such as the sailing of the Mayflower and Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot took place..."
"Upon ascending to the throne in 1625, the outwardly Protestant Charles married Henrietta Maria, the staunchly Catholic sister of France’s king Louis XIII."
"She was the mother of two British Kings, quite the feat isn't it?"
"Edward turned up in Britain again in late 1939 just after the war had started and Royal courtiers George VI and the British government are quite anxious that he'd be given some kind of official role outside of Britain."
"The Royal corgis gained worldwide fame and came to symbolize the British Monarchy."
"A new generation of Royals, this wedding marked a turning point for the British Monarchy, ushering in a new era of public connection and relatability."
"In the 1800s, The Keeper of the crown jewels lived in Martin Tower with his family."
"The British people loved her as a whole."
"Perhaps the most staggering storyline sees Prince Charles plot his mother's abdication."
"Monarchy is the opium of the British democracy."
"The monarchy becomes the great British royal family, the symbol of unity."
"The Tower of London is the place where they keep the Crown Jewels."
"Let's explore the thousand-year evolution of the English and British coronation."
"Westminster Abbey has played host to the coronation of 39 English and British monarchs."
"Their journey from sheep herding to powerful Earls to the throne room of British Monarchy is filled with startling twists and turns."
"It was 1939, Great Britain had declared war on Germany, and the British monarch addressed the world on the radio."
"Buckingham Palace stands as a symbol of the British Monarchy, a testament to resilience, and a showcase of grand architecture and opulent interiors."
"Together we've mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the rock on which modern Britain was built."
"She has become so part of British identity."
"Regardless of whether you support the monarchy or not, you have to admit that the British monarchy is one of the most iconic royal families out there."
"The crown jewels, the crown, the scepter, and the orb used for the Queen's coronation in 1953, are considered sacred instruments."
"The tours are really well done and will share information about the province's close relationship with the British Monarchy."
"Queen Victoria ruled Britain for the almost the majority of the 19th century."
"The collection includes St. Edward's and Queen Victoria's Crown, as well as the state sword, the Royal orb, and the world's largest diamond, the 530 karat Star of Africa, which is encased in the Royal scepter."