
Comparative Advantage Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"America was the best house in a bad neighborhood."
"It's still merited because they've still been better than those sides over the course of the season."
"In a well-functioning global trading regime, shifting production abroad is part of the process by which countries specialize in production of goods and everyone wins due to comparative advantage."
"Nobody likes your personalities better than mine."
"It's better than what we everyone currently has."
"That is a huge advantage between these two computers."
"The U.S. dollar is the worst currency in the world with the sole exception of every other one."
"Volley was faster every single time, in some cases by a factor of 10."
"The former is more accurate. It's a better country than most other countries. We should be proud of it and sustain it."
"I would get the XC90 personally over the Lexus RX or over the Acura MDX."
"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't."
"Apple has way better support than Android; it just blows Android out of the water."
"With its population growing twice as fast as China's, India may actually be in better shape for the next stages in the race."
"We have it so much better than anybody else. We had three meals a day, we were dry, we had one box free eight from from cavers would lend on it."
"Smith said that certain nations are inherently better at producing certain Goods and rather than nations trying to make everything themselves they should instead specialize and trade with each other."
"We have to make this move because every other advanced economy has already figured out that this is the way to keep the Amazons of the world from paying zero in taxes."
"If we had the lands, the banks, the farms, the jobs, the businesses, we had all of agriculture, they got to reconstruct. Oh my God, they doing better than us."
"What's interesting is when somebody's telling you 'you're pushing yourself too hard' and you say 'well, you're just not as strong as me'... it's 85% true."
"It's much nicer to be 4-nil up than 4-nil down."
"The STRIX card is undoubtedly in an objectively better position."
"Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are better together, they are better than either game alone."
"They have managed far better than Kiriyama as they had each other to rely on."
"We never made claims that we're perfect, but we're better than the alternative."
"The chunkier the terrain, the more the Yamaha stands out."
"I think it's better in our hands than anybody else's hands."
"It's different and arguably better than the status quo."
"You're doing something that Travis Scott can't do right now, and that's what I like about this."
"This thing is so much better in so many ways."
"We're not perfect, we're a work in progress. But we've gotten it better than any other country."
"Piloted shredder... similar to Yeti but with additional benefits."
"So that's kind of where this car is the clear winner in my opinion."
"Thesis based investing beats every other form of investing not by a little bit but by a hundred x."
"We have opportunities that other systems just don't."
"Democracies have a much better chance getting good than autocracies of whatever flavor."
"What's gonna be the best way of defending yourself? Pulling out the old single shot musket or pulling out something like an AR-15 or semi-automatic handgun, right?"
"Elf melter... it's just better than the flamethrower."
"The AK though... it's the ultimate mud gun for austere conditions... you need it to work, AK wins."
"In many ways could be considered to be superior to the alternatives."
"Frost Haven is ultimately just Gloomhaven but everything is done better."
"These guys basically do the job of bats but better in pretty much every single way."
"Buffalo is legitimately a much better team now."
"Strength will be number one—you're bigger, faster, and stronger too."
"They legitimately seem better against xenos than other armies now."
"These definitely have more grip than most of the competition."
"Face-to-face contact is far more successful than a phone call."
"Risley's personal damage is good and potentially great with a few caveats his normal attack damage when enhanced by his skill is similar to Wanderers with the added benefit that he can trigger the Melt reaction for even more damage."
"The mace is fundamentally kind of indestructible, now you can't say that of many weapons."
"Countries should specialize where they have something called a comparative advantage, not absolute advantage."
"Democracy is the worst system, except for all the other ones."
"The French were generally stronger because France is a more productive country."
"Even though this thing's not perfect, it's also far better than all of its competition."
"The law of comparative advantage tells us to specialize in producing the good for which the nation's opportunity cost is lowest."
"The world cottoned on to the idea of comparative advantage."
"A slice of pie that people are eating is better than a slice of nothing."
"For as rich as you are, it's much better by far."
"He's smarter than a lot of people."
"A country has a comparative advantage in the production of a commodity when it can produce the commodity at a lower opportunity cost than other countries."
"She has more potential than some of the girls that are on the ground."
"The best jury management is having somebody next to you that is way worse than you."
"Each country has a comparative advantage in spite of the fact that home country workers are more productive in both sectors."
"Who has a comparative advantage in mowing the lawn? Well, of course, it's Scotty because he can do it at a lower opportunity cost."
"We can live better over here than we can back home."
"People specialize in the things in which they're really good, which they have a relative advantage."