
Predation Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"We know from looking at living animals that predators actively target juveniles."
"Most modern predators target juveniles; it's likely then that many of the groups we find of juvenile dinosaurs were a response to a predation threat."
"Cats are masterful predators capable of spotting prey from meters away in the dead of night."
"This jaguar wastes little time diving into the water to slay a caiman as if it were an inflatable doll."
"Predation is the only way to break the wall between species."
"Owls fly completely silently, making their strikes very difficult to defend against."
"Of all like the animal facts in the world, there's so many disturbing ones but one that I never was able to get over was the fact that some bigger birds eat smaller birds."
"It was almost like watching a nature show, knowing the gazelle is about to get it from the lion."
"That's one ruthless killer right there, kitty then rubs itself off in the mud and gets ready for a feast."
"Piranhas Don: born as dangerous predators, able to devour creatures many times their size."
"What could a giant at the top of the food chain among all creatures feed on? Other giants, of course."
"The mole snake tries to escape, but the honey badger has other plans. Once the snake's jaws are immobilized, the badger digs in."
"He's a horrific human being who's gone out of his way to be a human predator and done it very effectively."
"Its ambush abilities are unrivaled in the animal kingdom, and as an apex predator, the Jaguar faces no adversaries in its natural habitat."
"This world is full of predators, they prey on the innocent."
"Isn't it more likely that people were killing them and then dragging them in the cave to eat them?"
"Predators do not target the strongest among us. They target the weakest."
"Neanderthals were vicious Predators who assaulted and devoured every animal they found including us but they were also resilient so resilient they're with us still."
"Anacondas: capable of devouring a chicken as a light snack or twisting a large Cayman into a pretzel."
"Harpy eagle: with deadly talons that can exert several hundred pounds of pressure, crushing their prey's bones and killing victims instantly."
"Have you ever seen a snake go for turtle eggs right under the turtle's body?"
"Once the venom takes effect, the rodent goes into a seizure."
"This snake grabs a frog and the frog doesn't seem to struggle."
"This snake looks up above and finds these little birds interesting."
"The axolotl is an aquatic predator; it'll attack things like squid and fish."
"Giant pythons camouflage themselves very cleverly... when the prey is in ambush range the python will launch the front part of its body to grab it and then use its body to wrap it until the prey is defeated."
"Hornets love to go out hunting for honeybees and they are seriously good at it."
"A diverse taxon of terrestrial gum fire burns, sexually dimorphic creature in which the females are large heavily armored predators."
"They prey on their own community, like gangs."
"The orchid mantis is the exception to the rule... They evolved to help their hunting behavior."
"When they can smell the weakness, they eat you."
"The ants attempt to break apart the lizard into more manageable pieces, pulling from all angles."
"The eagle is indeed a killer in the air."
"The larvae are eating machines, often leaving no sign of their prey behind, chewing through and devouring exoskeletons and all."
"This neurotoxin is gonna paralyze its prey so this length can, um, eat them alive."
"A fully matured jaguar can capture any crocodilian regardless of species."
"After experiencing the struggle with each other, the Anaconda proceeds to squeeze its prey to death."
"No predator, no successful predator, warns its prey."
"It may also suggest that there is prey in the atmosphere that we don't know about and that it actively hunts and eats by relying on this electric organ."
"Man is the only predator that preys on other predators. Damn, bro, that's cold."
"We are predatory by nature, that's what men are."
"Things that are easy to kill get killed. It's true for the people they find often but it's also true for all the megafauna. Human beings are opportunistic predators."
"...this python has just finished killing one and is now swallowing it whole. This is completely insane."
"If it's God that oversees this whole process, if he designed it, and he wanted it to be the way it is, why is there so much suffering involved, and predation?"
"In the wild, the strong eat the weak."
"I think it was toying with us, like a cat letting the mice think they could escape before going in for the kill."
"You can't put something that is a prey item with a predator and then expect them to live and be okay. The predator is going to eat the prey, that's how nature works."
"Given how different the attack is for smasher shrimp than their spear relatives, their prey is also very different."
"Humans are relegated to being their prey."
"This creature drinks spinal fluid, which is a very specific thing, and it has a creepy tongue that comes out."
"Malamar has the ability to draw whoever is unfortunate enough to be Malamar’s target close to them before wrapping them in their many tentacles before finishing them off with their digestive juices."
"Orcas will be able to wreak havoc on the seals. You now have a lot less defensive options."
"Guess what? Mongoose are really good at killing other things."
"But predation, even though it looks a little scary, isn't always bad."
"Everybody can be a predator. The environment and circumstances can create Predators."
"A polar bear catches a harp seal and begins to eat it while the seal is still alive, which is a rarely seen behavior."
"...those fish want to be feeding up on something big, they are opportunistic feeders."
"I'm actually really pleased to see that the frog has grown to this size to begin with. A lot of animals that do not have the proper coloration for their environment end up being easily predated upon by other predators."
"Lionfish are an ambush predator, and they’re very uniquely camouflaged, so they can sneak up very close to their prey."
"The great white favors the blitz technique used by human serial killers."
"You see, Toxoplasmosis hijacks the brain of a rat, forcing it to hide out in the open where it can be found and eaten by cats."
"The Moray eel has a secondary set of Jaws kinda like the monsters from the Alien movies actually when it bites you can bet it's gonna hurt."
"Coyotes and American badges have been known to use team play to grief prairie dogs and ground squirrels."
"Reptiles can eat bugs, fish, and small animals. Snakes can eat big animals like deer."
"If there were scavenging attempts from Greenland sharks on this night, based on how long this species lives for, those individuals that did that would still be alive today."
"The cold reality is that North American bears will eat just about anything… or anyone, if they’re hungry enough."
"Cattle are defenseless against the Predators wolves especially like going after young calves and Heifers."
"The scene was brutal, as if something had played with its food."
"Edging. Law enforcement has a name for this kind of guy, a potentially dangerous predator who goes from chat room to chat room, intending on an encounter with a child."
"My bunny population may grow exponentially until they run out of resources or run out of food or until wolves or foxes come into the neighborhood and there's some non-linear effect."
"Velociraptors were renowned for their exceptional agility and speed, making them dominant predators."
"The flag-tailed assassin bug is a methodical murderer—it stalks its prey very softly and smoothly."
"The venom claws now serve as silverware, pulling soft flesh from the exoskeleton like a discerning diner ripping meat from a lobster tail."
"The red back spider hasn't come down to bind the mantis up because it still sees this critter as a major threat."
"There was a tortoise in the Seychelles that was filmed preying on a hummingbird. Have you guys seen this at all?"
"Perhaps through the predatory fish, we hope to discover something about our own inherited nature."
"Ultimately, on a balanced environment, I would give the battle to the T-Rex nine times out of ten."
"Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right? So maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecna."
"Wild dragons were formidable yet ultimately conventional predators."
"Forest rockets were traditionally assumed to have preyed on relatively small animals that could be dispatched with a minimum of struggle."
"Small prey may have been thrown against the ground to stun or kill it outright before it was swallowed."
"Orcas are sophisticated predators operating like a wolf pack."
"Anything that you see out there has figured out a way to survive, and so we know that predation is really the major driver of what coral reefs look like."
"It's the only place in the world where giant jungle cats hunt crocodilians and eat them."
"In the grassland food chain, the frog, which preys on the grasshopper, is considered a secondary consumer."
"Sharks have their own unique patterns for hunting."
"There's a single purpose for all orb webs: to catch fresh, juicy prey."
"He's a predator... designed to remove the weak."
"Legend says these catfish are known to eat anything from fish, birds, monkeys, to dogs, kids, and grown men."
"Why do you think a healthy young male grizzly would decide to stalk, kill, and eat a human being?"
"Lions are sneaky hunters, big jumpers, and have really loud roars."
"Homo erectus is also remarkable in what has been found alongside it, notably the bones of medium and large sized game, leading to the belief that this human was an apex predator."
"Bald eagles are known for their exceptional vision which allows them to spot prey from great distances."
"The harpy eagle has incredible intelligence allowing it to match the cunning of its monkey prey."
"Leopards are notorious for being agile and cunning predators, a real threat to animals."
"These arachnids are eating the pest insects that are out there."
"Albino lions are believed to exist as well, and like any other lion, they hunt large mammals such as zebras, antelopes, and buffaloes."
"They possessed unique features and traits that made them formidable predators in the ocean."
"It could swallow prey half its size and surpass nearly everything in the ocean in terms of speed."
"Do you have any idea which animal is most likely to eat a human? It's the monster-sized saltwater crocodile."
"Western diamondback rattlesnakes... their prey isn't even aware of their presence until they're within striking distance, and by then, it's too late."
"In reality, direct competition between predators in the same environment is rare in nature."
"Dunkleosteus was really one of the first examples of a big ocean-going predatory animal, occupying a role sort of similar to what we think of as a great white shark today."
"The head and neck was flexible, they argued that it would have been used more like a modern bird of prey."
"Bass love to ambush and eat crawdads."
"Bulldog ants are formidable killers and no amount of struggling can save this caterpillar from the bite of the hunter's terrifying mouthparts."
"It's a known fact that big perch will eat small perch."
"Cats can even use their whiskers to figure out what direction their prey is trying to dodge in right before they pounce."
"Komodo dragons are natural predators designed to kill their prey; that's why they're at the top of the food chain."
"Everything that's alive has something that eats it or makes it sick."
"This thing had an incredible 90 tentacles like boneless fingers that it used to capture prey."
"It's all about instinct; it's all about an animal seeing a prey item escaping and saying, 'Hey, I need to attack that, eat that as quickly as I can.'"
"The owl's strikes are very difficult to defend against as players just about never see them coming."
"The shark, while not being bioluminescent itself, can use the bioluminescence of other species to lure prey towards its mouth."
"Interactions between crocodiles and sharks are relatively rare, but both species do likely prey on each other when they can."
"Having this wide repertoire of foraging behaviors makes the nurse shark a pretty important predator in tropical seascapes."
"They are trying to prey on the most vulnerable people."
"He watched, fascinated by the attack, his heart thundered in his chest as he witnessed a top predator furiously on the hunt just meters from where he swam."
"Gulper eels can open their mouths wide enough to swallow creatures much bigger than they are."
"These creatures outside the mist, they're not evil, they're just animals that are predators."
"Killer whales are considered the greatest predators on earth."
"Velociraptor seems to be built for speed and quick attack."
"These mice can bite as well as bark; they're carnivorous and eat all kinds of crunchy invertebrates."
"The golden eagle was considered one of the most powerful predators in the avian world."
"Its beauty masks its true intent, getting a decent meal."
"By resembling something harmless and attractive, the orchid mantis can draw its prey to it."
"These formidable creatures may ensnare and prey upon animals that most other invertebrates could only dream of capturing."
"The assassin bug's venom attacks both the nervous and the muscular system, paralyzing the prey in just 3 to 5 seconds after being injected."
"Lack of human ambiguity is what has and always will make us the deadliest predator alive."
"Instances such as this prove that sharks are better hunters than crocodiles."
"Predation of lionfish decreased the native marine life population by an average of 65 percent, with some sites showing as high as a 95 percent decline in just two years."
"Exerting very little energy but my gain is tremendous; that's a perfect feeding scenario for a top-tier predator."
"You ever seen a wild lion take down a gazelle?"
"Predators are really experts at human nature because that's how, to a large extent, they've been effective at what they're in and what they're doing is because they're able to read people so well."
"All fish eat other fish, and you can never go wrong by fishing a streamer or a baitfish imitation."
"The African crowned eagle might be the only bird of prey to actively target human children."
"Watching polar bears hunt whales on Hudson Bay, how cool is that?"
"At some stage, every carnivorous baby bug must strike out on its own and make its first kills."
"The pirate spider is an ambush predator par excellence."
"They are fearless hunters and attackers."
"The great white is a beast when it comes to hunting seals and penguins."
"A shark's guilty of becoming more bloodthirsty, or could there be other reasons why more people are being attacked?"
"The most important weapon being its vicious jaws."
"Hippos can kill 500 people each year. Now, picture a predatory and more terrestrial version."
"They became apex predators, eliminating other species due to their super aggressive life cycle."
"Tiny vampire-like organisms... the earliest evidence of predation in the fossil record."
"Perpetual winter reigned now, and we were becoming terror-stricken beasts that preyed on each other for a life already doomed."
"The criminal always chooses the weakest in society, just as a lioness will choose the wounded deer."
"The radiodons will always be able to claim the title of the first super predator."
"The fascination of a falcon's flight and the beauty of it, even if it is with murderous intent."
"This was no slugging match of movie dinosaurs, but a surgical hit."
"Carnosaur sinks teeth into brontosaurus left rump, attempts to drag down victim, foot of the carnosaur penetrates deeply into the mud."
"Harmonizing with the pace of the prey is essential for a successful kill."
"It was like watching one of those nature programs where the eagle preys."
"Sperm whales have mastered the giant squid match-up and despite the squid's claws, beak, and superior mobility, the whale wins almost every time."
"Dragonflies perch on plants overlooking sunlit shallow waters where they prey on other small insects."
"This is extraordinary, it's a species of shark that actually attacks living whales."
"Many predators, including wolves, bears, and big cats, are instinctively triggered by fleeing prey."
"The Python slowly squeezes the life out of its prey."
"Praying Mantids are also large and powerful predators. They use their strong front legs to capture and devour their prey."
"If you can't breathe, you can't run. That's one way to gain advantage over your prey."
"Having a predator, a natural bacterial predator that could multiply faster than the dinoflagellates can."
"A gator the size of Snaggletooth could easily bring down an adult hog."
"God did not build us in its image; instead, God made us the perfect prey."
"Top of the food chain sat the Mosasaurus, apex predator of her domain."
"They have a specialized pair of front legs, or raptorial appendages, which are specifically adapted to punch prey."
"You know how fish are pretty simple, aren't they? They're just looking for a meal, aren't they?"
"It's a hard world being a top avian predator."
"That's why grasshoppers are such quick jumpers, because so many creatures are out to jump on them."
"They feed on large fish and are notorious for their frequent battles with sperm whales and sleeper sharks."
"Carmine Galante was especially cunning, not simply a predator to himself but to a leader of predators."
"The way these fish attacked their prey was nothing short of spectacular."
"Dragonflies are wonderful little bugs; they're the big hunters, the big game in the insect world."
"Campbell was a con artist who preyed on teenage girls."
"Lions circle the hesitant prey. People have a sixth sense for the weakness of others."
"A real rare occurrence to see them hunting in the wild."
"Once they do, they're natural born killers."
"The killer whale is a natural predator of the moose."
"Killer whales are the absolute apex predator in the ocean."
"The way that they kill their prey can often have very surprising benefits if you can extract a specific compound and then use that in medicine."
"Predatory fish like bass experience current as one of the most powerful feeding cues."
"There's a difference between being in a struggling situation and being someone that preys on other people."
"They have thousands of teeth, literally, and they have a unique way of suctioning onto the prey when they bite."
"With the invention of the jaw, you get to a new possibility for the animal to become a predator."
"The most painful thing an animal can do is eat you while you're still alive."
"It's a dragonfly eating a damselfly and it is so incredible."
"Together they became a super predator with unparalleled senses and tools at their disposal."
"When there's an encounter between a sheep and a rabbit... it's worse for the rabbits."
"A chameleon has one fast tongue; he spots his prey, takes aim, and Wham! He has his dinner."
"...they are incredible predators."
"Amazing to think that a bird of prey could have brought down an animal with the skull of that size."
"Spiders are different from insects in that they have two body parts... and spiders have eight legs and they're predatory."
"Buck stood and watched; the wild animal had made its kill."
"Sharks have rows and rows of teeth that help them catch and eat prey."
"It was obvious that the animal was eaten... when you think about what could possibly eat a nine-foot great white shark, the only thing that comes to mind is a much bigger shark."
"Seahorses are quite special; they have no teeth and no stomach, and still, they are one of the most vicious predators existing."
"If I want to catch my prey, I must be agile, nimble."
"You need the wolf to eat multiple rabbits to make another wolf."
"I cannot imagine any living thing standing a chance at surviving if this creature designated it as prey."
"Owls have a layer of down that goes all the way around every single feather on the owl's body, and that enables them to come in in darkness and attack totally silently."