
Social History Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Marriage was not created for honorable reasons; it was created to build wealth, keep wealth in certain families."
"A lot of really great things we take for granted today were fought for, oftentimes at great personal cost or death, by unions and by striking miners and textile workers back in the day."
"Slavery in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries cannot be separated from segregation in the late 19th and 20th centuries, which cannot be separated from redlining and other things today. It's all connected."
"Life for the peasant in medieval Europe was definitely harder than for those of the nobility, but in the world of love and courtship, they were luckier in that they could marry for love."
"Many cowboys ended up forming extremely close partnerships, literally akin to marriages."
"The Cromwells were from the gentry class, the equivalent of the middle class in early modern times."
"There's a solid history of solidarity in class struggle and in race struggle."
"Inns were also places to have fun and drinking games were popular such as the puzzle cup can you drink out of that."
"Each week they're living and trading through a different era. From Victorian to Edwardian, rabbits pheasants through peacetime and wartime, from the swinging 60s to the shocking 70s."
"Being homeschooled, I have something in common with 100 of Civil War reenactors."
"And while history classes – and exams – tend to focus on those kinds of men – and they were mostly men – the real story of history is about regular people trying to take care of their families and not die."
"Queen Charlotte was renowned for treating her servants with great kindness."
"The revolt terrified the rich that a century later it was still discussed in hush tone."
"You learn a lot about what gay men had to go through during the 80s and the 90s."
"Even then, the damaging stigma of the workhouse remained dramatically affecting the lives of people who stayed there."
"Keeping animals around the house as pets was also a common practice in many pagan societies."
"They started the party culture, I'm sure there were parties before that, but not on such a massive level where teenagers and whatnot everyone was involved in that."
"The slave took his name... from slavery to citizenship... quite unique."
"These marble tablets... list the freedmen and full citizens of the town... suggesting huge social mobility."
"You should make a documentary about the barbecue rebellion and all the other Canadian actions against COVID lockdowns. A good 10-part documentary with interviews with cops, politicians, maybe bureaucrats."
"The pedagogical experience here becomes an invitation to make visible the languages, dreams, values, and encounters that constitute the lives of those whose histories are often actively silenced."
"The sudden slump caused massive social upheaval which the Nazis exploited to gain further political traction."
"The workhouse treated purpose according to how deserving they were of help it was a ruthless system designed to judge the poor without ever addressing the problem of how to deal with poverty itself."
"Hip-hop is an art form created in the ghettos of New York City by people of color most of whom were descendants of former slaves."
"Race matters, and the history of this nation was shaped for centuries."
"Tipping culture has roots in segregation and slavery, to be honest. It does."
"That party was called the last great moment in New York City's social history."
"As awful as it is, airport segregation used to be common, especially in southern states."
"If people insist on taking pride in history, there is a whole lot more to be proud of in the history of black struggle in the USA."
"It's very easy to forget the positions that we're in and what people had to go through in order to get what we have."
"India is actually much more inherently accepting that we assume it to be... ancient India embraced homosexuality."
"The legacy of Chicago's gangs: a city still wrestling with its past."
"Many of these populations have had very troubled histories of exploitation."
"America was built on the back of a black man."
"Virginia passed its first anti-miscegenation law in 1691."
"The defeat of the miners, the defeat of the trade unions led to the total abandonment of those communities."
"...this community is visible whereas a lot of those communities were invisible."
"Social history tells us how people live then as they do now."
"What if early humans actually had a rich history of social experimentation?"
"Unions built America's middle class."
"Shoes tell us a great deal; in fact, this is the one artifact in material culture that probably tells you more about people than anything else."
"Sometimes, the ancient people will tell you exactly the social significance of a pot."
"And ultimately, through these shop girls' stories, I want to understand how society changed when thousands of young women surged into shop work."
"The idea that there was a day where you could not work and do something for fun was a new one."
"You didn't have to be a member of the aristocracy to afford a servant."
"The freeing of forms of white bondage, the creation of a settler class turning them into citizens and property owners, made them white, made them free, made them settlers."
"On their top decks, the darlings of society danced away the night, while in their steerage thousands of immigrants endured a perilous crossing to America."
"I work as a museum curator and a social historian."
"Class and ethnicity were conjoined early in Ecuador's history, leaving a long legacy of racism."
"Everything back then revolved around taverns, political meetings happened in taverns."
"Here's a guy in third-class accommodations, working long hours not getting paid very well, but because of how he lived his final moments, 40,000 people came to his funeral."
"There has always been a black middle class."
"The history and identity of colored people is very layered and complex."
"The dollar princesses were a breed of American girls from newly wealthy families who married title-rich but cash-poor British noblemen."
"The wells first attracted wealthy landowners from all over the north."
"The films of Mitchell and Kenyon show us that Edwardian society was at a time of transition."
"History isn't just about kings and queens and wars and rich people; it's the little everyday moments experienced by ordinary workers and farmers and craftsfolk."
"The way men and women in specific social contexts in the Roman world guided their lives in the light of changing notions of public community to which they sense they belong provides insight into the history of the private life of Western Europeans."