
Phenomenon Quotes

There are 1134 quotes

"It's Pig, absolutely. I would say Peak as well because Herobrine is an entire phenomenon, unbeatable."
"The human brain is by far the most sophisticated phenomenon that we have been able to observe to date in our universe."
"It defied gravity for approximately five minutes, an eternity for those who bore witness, and then in a breathtaking display of otherworldly power, it ascended vertically, piercing through the dense layer of clouds."
"Ufology has always been really fascinating to me because there are these things that are going on that we get these tiny glimpses of."
"A Mandela effect is a phenomenon where a large group of people remember something differently than it is now."
"This amazing phenomenon demonstrates an important feature of remote viewing: targeting namely that one must specify not only the target location to be observed but the time as well."
"Marvel kicked off a phenomenon with the release of 2008 Iron Man."
"Certainly the miraculous is something that doesn’t normally occur."
"Turned into a full-blown cultural phenomenon."
"What you have heard here today is evidence of a phenomenon."
"There is a real phenomenon here, there's no question about that."
"Enormous clouds of bats... so many in fact that from a distance they looked like smoke."
"The Blair Witch became a national phenomenon."
"After the what we just showed you right now, the miracle of the actual rainbow fitting over the timeline of human history did not come from me, it came from above."
"I think this phenomenon... has an element of choice and free will."
"This is a huge international phenomenon, this show."
"This Mandela effect has blown away everyone, and I mean everyone."
"The phenomenon is always crossing those boundaries."
"Power Rangers was a multimedia and pop-culture phenomenon right out of the gate."
"Power Rangers was a pop culture phenomenon from day one."
"Deja vu, a glitch in the matrix or a signal from a parallel universe."
"Understanding the phenomenon of crashed UFOs or UAP really does get us to the heart of this phenomenon in a lot of ways." - Richard Dolan
"But as they entered the field, the lights lifted off the ground and traveled soundlessly across the treetops, out of sight."
"The sun no longer appears as a bright glowing sphere but a simple black ball. This phenomenon is called a solar eclipse."
"Around the world, people are reporting a low, incessant, highly disturbing hum."
"That's not a glitch, that's a spacecraft in them clouds."
"It started as a goof, a prank, a collection of memes, and one could argue that it ended the same."
"The speed at which it moved and punched a large hole in the clouds as it left."
"Building four disappeared turned into dust went away."
"Resistance is an interesting phenomenon itself."
"Ice volcanoes: a surprising natural phenomenon."
"This is an example of the Mandela effect. Little things like these are signs that multiple universes are out there."
"That became a phenomenon in that engine, too."
"When 120 kilometer per hour winds hit New York State, a rare and dramatic weather phenomenon occurred across the Great Lakes."
"Whatever it is that the Mandela effect is, we know it's real."
"The Mandela effect is a really weird phenomenon and it has confused and puzzled people for years."
"A view is a view and I want to say thank you, a phenomenon that I wish somebody would study. They need to do a whole psychological study on that."
"This car is a phenomenon... regardless of whether you like Tesla or hate Tesla."
"Did you know that feeling whenever you rub on your eyes and you see all those like weird colors and shapes? It's a phenomenon called phosphine."
"I honestly believe I wouldn't be sitting here today if I didn't believe we are dealing with a real honest-to-goodness phenomenon."
"People were healed, delivered, saved because of the blue mist."
"There is official authentication of the phenomenon which is something we have not had in 70 years."
"...Time Slips are regarded as accidental time traveling encounters."
"If you have just awoken or are falling asleep when something suddenly happens to you that could be considered a religious miracle, then it is entirely possible that you have actually encountered what we call 'the phase'."
"The most important thing I wanted to say to you right now is that we are not discussing some very narrow phenomenon. It is encountered in one way or another by billions of people."
"He blotted out the Sun for three full days."
"The closer it got, they could see that it wasn't a lantern but a ball of light floating three feet off the ground."
"Fred was a phenomenon... notable not just for the size of the sound wave, but in the way that it reverberated throughout culture."
"Crop circles first popped up in Arkansas in summer 2003."
"It's an instant fan favorite and cultural phenomenon."
"It was just this phenomena unlike anything anyone's ever seen."
"My Little Pony became a cultural phenomenon unlike anything before."
"Beautiful double rainbow! A double rainbow!"
"When there are measurable physical effects of a phenomenon, we can say conclusively the phenomenon is real."
"The results of the randonaut journeys can only be called a phenomenon."
"Back in the '90s, the film was a worldwide phenomenon."
"Meet Corro 7b, a planet where it constantly rains rocks."
"Marvel was a cultural phenomenon that many of us loved and still want to love"
"Clouds turn gray because they get thicker."
"Pieces of the same metal will get stuck together if they touch in space."
"What happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."
"Lights like this could in fact be geological or electromagnetic discharges from the Earth, basically concentrated energy beams that are being projected upward into the heavens."
"Don't think I'm a dick, but you have definitely found a hot spot or perhaps a central hub for traveling orbs."
"Fire rainbows: one of the rarest things you might glimpse in the sky one day."
"Light Pillars are thought to be the source of some mistaken UFO sightings; all they are in reality are optical illusions, beautiful but nothing too out of the ordinary."
"It became a worldwide phenomenon."
"Every 12 hours the falls are going to reverse and you'll see them more right before and after the tides."
"If you fly the Concorde at 1,400 mph due west, the sun comes up in the west."
"Bridge over troubled water proved to be a rare and phenomenal moment in music history."
"It's the ashes form a distinct dog shape in the air."
"Storming Area 51 would go on to inspire a plethora of other events."
"It was a supernova unlike anything we'd ever seen before, discovered by this fourth year graduate student at the University of Texas."
"Supernovas and the gamma ray bursts associated with them are the brightest beacons in the universe."
"It's a horror phenomenon like the fact caller ID became three times more popular after this movie came out is just so cool."
"That's pretty unusual, and I think it's happening now too."
"The stones were responding, yellow Rays began to come out of the stone and surround the guy."
"The Mandela Effect is really interesting."
"The lights resembled the infamous Phoenix Lights."
"I think it just like swept the nation, it got everyone collectively all at once."
"We are on the cusp of proving the reality of the phenomenon and the secret of Skinwalker Ranch."
"A Mandela effect is an unsettling phenomenon where a large group of people remember something differently than it is now."
"Put simply, the Mandela effect is this super weird phenomenon that has confused and puzzled people for years."
"What were those lights that James Senior saw in the middle of the woods because they weren't headlights?"
"It's hard to find phenomenons that were as strong as The Vampire Diaries."
"we're looking for aliens they were flashing lights the car was covered in plasma"
"The rise of the West has been a very profound phenomenon."
"There's a lot of really strange stuff going on surrounding the national parks and the missing 4-1 phenomenon."
"Sailing Stones, also called sliding rocks, walking rocks, rolling stones, and moving rocks, are part of the geological phenomenon in which rocks move and inscribe these long tracks along a smooth valley floor without animal intervention."
"The movement of the rocks happens when large thin sheets of ice floating on a winter pond break up in the sun."
"Some very, very unusual stuff happens with multi-mold cable that you totally wouldn't expect to see."
"If dash cam footage is anything to go by, this is not a rare phenomenon."
"It was amazing to see at first, but when it kept coming, some people became worried."
"Religion is a natural phenomenon. It's part of what the universe does in its human form."
"UFOs and USOs are probably the same things."
"On the night of October 4, '67, a UFO was seen to hover over the waters of Shag Harbor, tilted to a 45-degree angle, and descended rapidly to the water's surface producing a flash and the sound of an explosion."
"It's a reality. The USOs in Puerto Rico are real. There are hundreds of testimonies and witnesses. It's all real."
"Bruce Lee was more than just a martial arts superstar; he was a phenomenon, showing us all what people can do with the right mix of discipline and passion."
"Deep in the vast domain of the Australian Outback, an enigmatic spectacle has puzzled observers for over a century: the minmin lights."
"Vampire stars are a real thing they're part of a binary star and they can literally drain the life out of the other star in the system."
"And when I say stop, I mean it came to a dead stop and was perfectly still. It wasn't like the corn was moving. It just stopped moving."
"...a massive cloud with a reddish tint appears in the sky."
"...most people you know if you look at all the testimonies like Jacques Vallee collected over the years you see that the phenomenon has as many physical characteristics as it has mental characteristics."
"We know why everybody knows of the Florida man's existence, but why does said Florida Man exist to begin with?"
"In 2015, a resident in China captured footage of a perplexing floating city in the sky, prompting debates on whether it was a real-life multiverse or a mad scientist's prank."
"As insane and stupid as it may sound, it looks like this bird passed from one side of the Sun to the other by passing through the very ball of fire."
"He even nicknamed it the Devil's Hole."
"It's crazy that it echoes so much too."
"...a mysterious sound that literally rattles the entire Community."
"...what sounds like a loud snap almost like a huge racket has just smacked a giant tennis ball."
"...these strange loud explosion sounds that just come out of nowhere throughout history and around the world."
"Kofi Mania was one of those flukes of wrestling, the kind of accidental lightning in a bottle events that reminds you that wrestling is a living breathing product that still has the capacity to evolve in surprising and emotionally resonant ways."
"But as this recent incident plays out in Norway, locals are more inclined to think UFO, especially given the strange color, shape, and pattern of these lights."
"...leanis notes that the void seemed to appear where ancient battles took place."
"The void is moving toward the power plant along the power line."
"Pretty magical, it was happening by itself, self-organizing to some degree."
"A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is the largest anticyclonic storm in the solar system, persisting for at least 358 years."
"History is a multidimensional phenomenon."
"What's really interesting about these stones is that they appear to have moved themselves."
"A skyquake is basically a loud boom sound, and there's some people who believe that is has a supernatural explanation."
"The Ultimate Warrior found himself becoming pro wrestling's next big superstar"
"Once folks told their buddies about this it just kind of snowballed into this even bigger phenomenon."
"The image of Jesus in the clouds left people inspired and blessed."
"The origins of differently colored icebergs vary, revealing unique interactions with light."
"That candle just blew out by itself, legit just blew itself out on camera, no way dude!"
"I think there's absolutely something. There is a phenomenon that occurs, whether it is the once-living consciousness of a human being that's still lingering, don't know. It could be interdimensional, it could be, you know, quantum entangled."
"This gnome [expletive] thing... It's so fun, dude. It's like a candidate for one of the best things happening on the internet."
"It's called The Hum and people worldwide claim to have heard it."
"Xenoglossy describes someone who can suddenly speak a different language they're not conscious of."
"We both looked at each other and I told her the car just moved by itself."
"We both experienced this phenomenon."
"There was more UFO sightings during all of the nuclear testing."
"The secret of the experience is the Leidenfrost effect."
"But those who have studied the star children phenomenon say that these unusually gifted children display more than just superior intelligence."
"This new Britney Spears Mandela effect is insane."
"I have certainly seen my share of whiteouts in central New York but I have never seen anything like this before."
"Beautiful aurora lights dance across the night sky at the Earth’s polar regions."
"So there's lots and lots of fine material. This is exactly what we want. That's what dust storms are really made of."
"The idea of experiencing a near-death experience has been around for quite some time."
"These experiences have experienced a major resurgence in American culture in the last 50 years or so."
"It's an eclipse. It's an cool Eclipse."
"The voice in his head, the instant plowing of the ground, the strange symbols, and the rapid growth of the crops without planting seeds—all of these unexplained phenomena were occurring one after another."
"Despite the challenges in researching such a subjective and elusive phenomenon, the pursuit of understanding déjà vu is a testament to the human desire to comprehend the mysteries of our existence."
"This is probably the best footage up to this time of the so-called Loch Ness Monster."
"This was a turning point in the history of the Loch Ness Monster."
"The Mandela Effect suggests that our current reality has somehow been shifted into an alternate universe."
"Something strange was going on near the old construction site there is some kind of pillar of light in the sky."
"He meticulously recorded eerie events of fire and enigmatic lights that illuminated their campsite."
"It's a remarkable cultural phenomenon that this thing has captured the imagination and captured the, sort of, the levers of power in our culture in such a – such a – strong way."
"Love is not a parasitic phenomenon. It's not a parasite on the external enemy."
"Many of them did, actually. It's just how these weird things happen with no explanation."
"Wow 2010, this shared false memory phenomenon was dubbed the Mandela Effect by self-described paranormal consultant Fiona Broome."
"In the middle of the roundabout area was a green light/orb suspended about five feet in the air."
"It's mind-boggling, but it's happening."
"...Big Flash of light simultaneously the protons and deons are flying up into you know interacting with the electrons in the cloth and producing this three-dimensional photographic negative image right there on the cloth."
"The Mandela effect refers to a strange phenomenon...events that never happened are clear in their memories..."
"In just a few seconds, it was above me, a spotlight shined directly on top of my truck."
"An enigmatic and perplexing phenomenon."
"Evidence in favor of Sai was comparable to that for established phenomena in Psychology."
"In both of these instances they were unassuming white star-like balls of light."
"As the moon slides in front of the sun, it casts a shadow onto the Earth."
"That's not the reason The Beatles are a big phenomenon, right? It's not just that those songs in isolation are good songs."
"The missing tornado happened right here in the far Southwestern quadrant of Texas."
"It became not only a bestseller, but a phenomenon."
"A black hole suddenly appears in the sky."
"It had been extremely cloudy and gloomy and no potential signs of the northern lights on the forecast but after dinner on the fourth night in Sarela there was a hint of green in the sky."
"When the Apollo 12 astronauts landed on the moon, the surface vibrated for nearly an hour."
"Perhaps more people are visiting these parks than ever and therefore are being subjected to whatever is causing them to vanish."
"Even though we can't see the glitch on the clock, it looks like we can see it on the spectrum. That is really quite remarkable."
"I think it's painfully obvious that there have been more missing person cases in the last few months than any other time during my research."
"I think a lot about how intergenerational that phenomenon is."
"Now this doesn't always work... you have to have the perfect conditions, the sand has to be dry, there has to be low humidity to hear the singing... but when you hear it, the sound is out of this world."
"I've driven over eight hours and climbed 700 feet of sand... just to get up to this point and kick sand off the side to hear the sound."
"Deja vu's like your parallel universes colliding, like in that exact moment you guys did the exact same thing and then you both did different things after that."
"Many might believe that they are safe from this phenomenon within cities and urban areas, but as these next few cases will demonstrate, the opposite may in fact be true."
"Don't let that divert you from the fact that this is a countrywide phenomenon, the sprawl of which is so massive that it would seem to eliminate the idea of any local criminal element. There appears to be something much bigger at play."
"He is just a phenomenon like we have not seen in this sport."
"Even a 19-year-old, you got to be impressed with Fernando at that age, that composure he had, the demeanor he had on the mound. It was a phenomenon unlike anything that I had seen up until that time."
"...you just get this emergent phenomena happen when you zoom out, it's fascinating."
"What is causing these circles? I find them almost intriguing and entertaining mystery."
"...certainly not swamp gas but something otherworldly that had visited the town."
"Some users suggest that the Mandela effect may be causing this mass mis-remembrance."
"Harry Potter was a worldwide phenomenon that launched a generational passion for the genre."
"To this day, we still have no conclusive answer as to what turned the waters red, and all we have are screenshots of this bizarre incident that baffled scientists and the internet."
"Just a classic case of misremembering and the Mandela effect."
"Hundreds of people reported an enormous object or objects in the night sky. It's the most confounding UFO report in 50 years."
"The hunt for Bigfoot became a global phenomenon and inadvertently turned Willow Creek into arguably the number one destination for squatchers and Bigfoot enthusiasts worldwide."
"We are absolutely of the view that it is not an anxiety phenomenon."
"Decoherence happens when a system becomes entangled with its environment."
"Bruce Lee was a phenomenon at a time, a phenomenon overdue to happen."
"The mystery of the Death Valley Germans became a phenomenon on the internet."
"The Mandela effect is a term used to describe a phenomenon where many people remember something in a particular way but it turns out to be completely different from what actually happened."
"It's just a ridiculous phenomenon now that individual investors have a whole different skill level than anybody that manages tremendous amounts of money."
"The stre stre streets of Moscow witnessed a curious sight in the sky as a saucer-shaped cloud drifted low over andropov Avenue."
"One of the very first viral videos ever created."
"...never seen someone rise and fall as quickly as Jeremy Lin did in the span of just a few weeks."
"I didn't know you could see the Northern Lights from Michigan, but apparently, you can."
"The whole sky from the Horizon up maybe 20 or 30 degrees and then it faded back to Blue was just bright red. It's just it was Unreal."
"Something is happening on a spiritual level."
"I call it the Mr beastification of YouTube"