
Democratic Process Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"The American people will ultimately decide the election, adding 'And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.'"
"If you can, in addition to building broad-based from below movements for reproductive rights and really connecting that to existing movements for civil rights, for labor rights, and also use that kind of energy to begin to build a consensus within the Democratic Party about getting rid of the filibuster, about court reform, then I think in the more medium term, you might be able to make some changes via voting."
"We need to have elections rather than selections. This isn't a party thing, this is a people thing."
"It's not just a majority, it's an overwhelming majority of Americans who want to see those passed."
"Voting is how we express our values and put people in positions of power."
"Democracy is about having this conversation and making sure we walk everyone through it."
"The more different their platforms are the greater the choice that's being offered to us and that's what democracy is really all about choice."
"That's why November 3rd is our moment. That's why November 3rd is vastly more important than the 25th amendment because we get to decide whether we want him or not."
"Imagine if Putin got less votes than his opponent and still became president. That's our system."
"Ask why there is so much evil in this country. That's the question. I don't have the answer but I know God is the solution."
"Encouraging, not forcing, folks to exercise the right to vote."
"Ultimately, I am prepared to accept any accurate election result."
"Although we may not agree on the desired outcomes up and down the ballot, we are united in our call for the American democratic process to proceed without violence, intimidation, or any other tactic that makes us weaker as a nation."
"Reflecting on the Democratic process, Tucker Carlson nostalgically outlines a vision of a bygone era where citizens had the power to choose their elected representatives free and independently."
"We are making history today. We are making history in this process and we're showing the American people that this process works."
"Our movement is strongest when our best ideas emerge through full debate."
"We need to vote in such numbers that they just can't stop us."
"That's what democracy is about. That's what our job is: to vote these things up or down. Let's get that vote."
"Best mod you can make: sometimes a full tank of fuel."
"I think it was inexcusable that Democratic leadership in the House and Senate blocked that in the bill we passed last week."
"This is one of the most important elections in our lifetime."
"In sum, the Constitution is neutral on the issue of abortion and allows the people and their elected representatives to address the issue through the democratic process."
"That's right. The Democratic party said we can't have this third-party candidate."
"The only person I'm not sure we're going to have an election in 2028 is the one that tried to stop democracy earlier and that's Donald Trump."
"If the UK truly is a voluntary union of equal nations, there must be a democratic way for any of those member nations to withdraw from it."
"In America where we can wake up on a Monday morning and we can realize we can vote for our candidates again."
"The extremes on the left and right are trying to defeat a two-party solution for partisan purposes."
"We've got to stand up Republicans are Banning abortion rights tearing down democracy blocking progress."
"If you believe in the Democratic process, there has to be oversight."
"Democracy is a team sport and while the secretaries of State might be the referees we all need to play our part."
"Yeah it's menacing gaslighting anti-democratic lowercase d bullsh."
"If you lose the vote, you have to accept the result. That's how democracy works."
"Here is this incredibly vibrant Young country, and these are the candidates that we're going to get."
"I think it's a better system when we can include the public and listen to the public and respond to what they want."
"If we don't hold the integrity of this process, then we are simply a third world country."
"We need to give this Congress, this president, the votes they need in order to continue our pursuit of a more perfect union."
"I got really turned off by the democratic establishment after 2016. That was hard to watch what they did to Bernie Sanders."
"The only poll that matters is the one that you show up to on Election Day."
"We need to make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"We should make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"Under socialism, decisions of societal importance are subject to a democratic process."
"Big win for democracy. People showed up, Gen Z showed up, people of color showed up. It was really fantastic."
"It was a good night for democracy... responsible pro-democracy grown-ups are in charge of the process."
"Everything that we mentioned—all of these elections, the people that were voted into power—were voted into power democratically."
"If Trump lost fairly then he lost fairly you just have to accept that right?"
"The only thing any reasonable person is asking for is we count all the votes, that's literally the only thing."
"I don't understand how people can see him priming this up then he pulls the trigger on this and people are like wow I'm so shocked I can't believe the Democrats stole it."
"If we're going to reach that then we need to make sure that everybody can get to the polls."
"What we're talking about is empowering the people to make laws... it'll be a win-win."
"What do I believe, what does Joe believe, what do the other candidates believe, and you guys are going to make up your decision. It's called democracy."
"The people of this country get to decide who runs the country, and the people spoke loud and clear in Iowa."
"The verdict is going to be delivered by the voters."
"The goal should be to put as few roadblocks as possible between you and actually voting while still maintaining the safety and integrity of our elections."
"The court is undermining majority rule but see this cuts both ways."
"Parliament met, Parliament changed the law, Parliament had a debate, Parliament will be back."
"You vote for who you believe in and you will never waste your vote."
"What you can do is vote. What you can do is run for office. That's how change happens in a democracy."
"Elections are year-round work. Democracy is something we need to be working on every day."
"We want to protect the franchise of the American people. We want an honest, accurate, lawful count."
"It makes it a lot more democratic in some ways."
"The American people who are set to vote in less than four months deserve to have their voice heard."
"Nothing in this case casts any legitimate doubt that the people of Wisconsin lawfully chose Vice President Biden and Senator Harris to be the next leaders of our great country."
"Let us peacefully and through the democratic process take back this country for the American people."
"If we all vote, there is nothing Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us."
"You voted in record numbers in November. Your voices were heard, your votes were counted. The will of the people prevailed. We won three times here."
"Being able to hear every candidate out, hear them make their case, I think that's the right thing to do."
"The test of the Constitution is when somebody else by popular vote goes against what you want and you suck it up and reassess."
"Democrats got just a little bit over one-third of the seats despite winning over a majority of the vote Statewide."
"Progress is never made particularly in a democracy without those qualities."
"The need to make certain that the president of the United States, if he loses this election, will abide by the will of the voters and leave office peacefully."
"The government leaflet said the result of your decision is final and it will be implemented. Should people not believe what they're told?" - Nigel Farage
"The system is doing that itself... people are upset now, they're ready to vote now."
"The voting process is the starting gun of the race, it is not the finish line."
"If your vote didn't matter they wouldn't be going so hard for it all right there wouldn't be they wouldn't be trying to sway."
"If 30% of Democrats believe that their own party stole the election, you have to look into it. You have to investigate it."
"Hard to imagine a more democratic process for law to follow."
"If they're right and there was mass voter fraud, then we're not overturning the election."
"The elections had ratified the will of the people."
"Let's talk about the significance of this vote."
"Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and foundational to the rule of law."
"This process and almost everything about it is undemocratic."
"In these countries it is thought here's a here's a crazy thought it is thought that the legislature the elected representative of the people is the most appropriate Arbiter of constitutional issues."
"Every voter, regardless of party, should be able to have confidence that their vote has been properly counted."
"Every vote should be counted. That's the mantra of this party."
"Democracy is not a static thing... you don't make a decision and you're stuck with it forever."
"We do, the American people are the final say that we get to vote them in and vote them out every every two years for the House members every six for the senators."
"The only way forward is to beat them at the ballot box."
"Simon with that fire song, bro. Quality stuff."
"People who voted in the 2016 referendum thought their vote would actually count for something."
"It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"Every single election should be a get out the vote campaign."
"That's how democracy works. Ghana was way ahead of Nigeria on the freedom index for a long time for a simple reason that it went from one election cycle to the other replacing the government in power."
"I'm absolutely in favor of having another vote, another referendum on this issue."
"We look forward to moving ahead and having an opportunity to have a healthy debate."
"In other words what we need to know to make democracy work for all Americans is compromised by media institutions deeply embedded in the power structures of society."
"Make sure you can vote, make sure you do vote."
"Democracy is not the act of voting. Democracy as a system of government, yes, but the act of voting is how we determine what the people want to do with their power."
"It is not extreme to demand secure elections."
"Democracy means persuading one another and then ultimately voting in the majority."
"I believe in the system that we have set up here. If your leaders are not working for you, the only way that you can get them out is to vote them out. There are other ways, but I don't condone that."
"Donald Trump doesn't get to decide the future of America's leadership... The American people do. Make every vote count and count every vote."
"It's gonna be great because they say in here the Chileans head to the polls on Sunday to either approve or reject what has been described as the world's most progressive constitution."
"Why are Democrats alienating potential voters?"
"We still don't see the value of, hey, you know, we need if there's a garbage collector election, we need to elect the Democratic garbage collector, dog catcher, school board, everything."
"Wow, you mean in America that people can actually remove their leader when he breaks the law?"
"Democracy works with that little principle of losers' consent."
"The most important thing really is not who wins an election or who loses but the election happens and the government acts based upon it."
"He's not allowed to be President. The left doesn't want the President to be able to be President."
"We don't want six southern states to choose the president for the whole rest of the United States."
"The more we have leaders who are unwilling to show up and answer the tough questions, the further we'll get away from the strength of our democracy."
"What is democracy? Throw a candidate out or you call him in. You either want him to come in or you want to throw him out."
"We as voters get to hold our elected leaders accountable at the ballot box, right?"
"I really want to know the truth; I want us to have confidence in the way we vote."
"This is how the Constitution dies, by a tie vote."
"What's more democratic than the two of us standing on stage talking about our plans for the great state of Arizona, and then let the voters decide?"
"Donald Trump doesn't decide whether or not he leaves office. We do."
"We are living in a historic moment in this country where Democrats are trying to overthrow our Republic so that they can protect their 'democracy' AKA dictatorship."
"Make sure you vote... that's really our only hope."
"Elections are not won by a majority of people; they never have been."
"This is why judges matter. This is why who we elect matters."
"We need to secure our vote, secure our elections."
"It's a democracy, everybody gets to run, make a case, and we get to vote."
"United States, a criminal record doesn't prevent you from being a congress person or the president. United States, the only person that could stop you are the people that are going to go out and vote."
"God will heal the land if we cry out to him and repent."
"It's democracy in action, we're vomiting them from the system."
"The people should choose whom they please to govern them."
"The peaceful transfer of power is a uniquely American invention... and there was no such thing as a president before George Washington became one..."
"This is an exercise of the power of the vote."
"You're not voting for your particular MP, you are voting to make sure 50.1% India-wide is crossed."
"This is now our time to do all that we can to make sure that in this election we add another Democratic president to that very small list of the last 40 years."
"You can say anything you want because at the end of the day it comes down to the voters, right? I mean, I agree with you."
"If the Taiwanese citizens would ever put this up for a vote and we're like, 'We want to be an independent nation,' it's up to them, you know what I mean?"
"This was not simply another four-year election but a crossroads in the history of our civilization."
"The council has spoken, and we reflect the views of the people."
"He did this democracy a favor by exposing the true vulnerabilities."
"Having more states adopt automatic voter registration is a step in the right direction."
"It's the job of both governments, Dublin and London, to act scrupulously in good faith to allow the Irish people to form and decide that future together, peacefully, democratically, and in an orderly fashion."
"Let's cast our votes, everyone will have a minute to talk about why they should be the leader."
"The only way we get to a place where we can start to fix it is to engage in the process, is to actually vote."
"Democracy requires making arguments to people persuading people communicating with and mobilizing them."
"If we want to make sure that people like him don't win again, we're going to have to engage with the people who voted for him."
"This Parliament the place is set up as a break on popular democratic accountability in each and every member state represented in this Parliament."
"Their entire theory of the case is that when we treat this like customer service and we make it easier, more people vote and that's bad for us."
"Democracy counts - you guys can't complain if you didn't vote."
"If you have a democracy why is it that the person who gets the most votes doesn't usually get to go to the White House..."
"The democracy in America... actually worked. The voting was honest."
"We make sure that our elections are free and fair and the Democrats don't want that..."
"If Democrats turn out in every national election that matters, we win."
"The people have voted and they don't want to go in that direction."
"That's not democracy, you know, regardless of the last election. How many people voted for Donald Trump? 80 something million, you know what I'm saying? That's a lot of people."
"The more ways and times there are to vote, the better it is for democracy."
"You know a couple things I would say is, you know it's important to remember, you know we are in a democratic system and you know it's heartening to see actually a transition happen properly." - Sundar Pichai
"We should have as close as possible to a hundred percent of the people who have confidence that the election process was done with integrity."
"Americans have a right to vote for the candidate of their choice without unlawful interference."
"Voting works... Donald Trump is kind of proof."
"So, it's not just about who you're voting for, it's about making sure your vote counts. That's the foundation for everything that we do and why we do it."
"...an open-ended delay would mean disregarding the votes of the 74 7.4 million people who voted to leave."
"The purpose of this process was to give the people direct control over all decisions of the state."
"You, yes you, your vote counts the same as mine, Molina's, and Sears'."
"Many of them insist they will make that agonizing decision and do their democratic duty."
"We simply have to wait to determine which choice the British people have made."
"People have the authority in the United States; we voted for you, you didn't do such a good job, you're out, next guy's in."
"Choose you by the voice of this people, judges, that you may be judged according to the laws which have been given you by our fathers, which are correct."
"This is the story of the gun and the ballot box."
"Peace and democracy are never the things done; they are always in the process of becoming."
"We hope pro-democratic can get a good turnout to show the power of people."
"The status of U.S. overseas territory should be determined not by Congress but by the people who live in them."
"The representatives were supposed to refine and enlarge the public views."
"Let's solve this at The Ballot Box."
"This is democracy in action and this is what's supposed to be happening."
"In deciding the life cycle of a state or disputes of territory, the weapon in the hand on the battlefield should be replaced with the ballot in the hand at the ballot box, according to the rule of law in a democratic state."
"Every voice should be heard, and the viewers get to decide."
"It is incumbent upon all candidates and all people who want to be president or vice president that you accept the result of an election."
"We are always one election away from pretty substantial change."
"That is democracy, and we might not like it, but that's how it is."
"Every vote must be counted as cast."
"Democrats, when it comes to getting a Democratic president, you have to think about voter turnout; that's what matters most."
"Rather than state legislatures appointing senators, they'll be directly elected by American citizens."
"No election in our history has met such a high standard."
"I love the voting and the deliberation center where everybody can vote right there in front of everybody."
"If judges misconstrue statutes or bend them to the judge's idea of what would be good public policy, it deprives people of the chance to express the policies that they want through the democratic process."
"That's how democracy works, and not voting is a choice."
"In a volunteer project, authority sort of flows upwards through the tree; the people on top are elected by the people lower in the chart."