
Sociality Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The key thing here is that humans are an inherently eusocial species, and that we need social connections to remain sane."
"The more complex is an organism in a society, the less social is the whole system."
"I don't think humans are meant to live by themselves and alone."
"In coming together there is mercy and in separation there is a punishment. We are social animals and our world has too many solitaries in it."
"We're social animals... we need each other."
"Humans are very social creatures and one of our deepest desires is to bond and connect."
"We think we're independent creatures, we're actually very social creatures."
"Human beings have evolved to be cooperative with each other."
"There emerges a form of sociality which is radically different from the sort of possessive individualism that dominates in a neoliberal world."
"We are by far the most social species on the face of the planet."
"We're not made to live alone. We have to be connected."
"Humans have evolved to be social creatures, and if we isolate ourselves, we start to feel bad."
"We were not meant to be solo creatures. We were meant to be social creatures rather."
"It smells like a garden tea party if you're outside having tea in a garden with roses."
"We are social animals... full cooperation is very essential."
"The flexibility of taking on and off the vagal brake is what gives us this great resilience to be a social species."
"Our instincts are for social communication, to connect with others and to collaborate."
"As a social animal, the inner warmth, respect others' right and sense of concern of others' wellbeing, once we have genuine sense of concern of others' wellbeing, then no room of violence."
"The same sociality that we have here... we will have there; they will just be coupled with eternal glory."
"We come into the world yearning to belong, for we are by far the most social and cooperative primate."
"The orca is the most social animal on planet Earth."
"I am biting no ordinary people, it's got to be quite social and respectable."
"We have drives towards sociality and towards what we might call moral behavior."
"Elephants are really social animals. That means they like to be together; they really don't like being on their own much."
"Humans are social creatures, and the absence of human interaction can be incredibly challenging to endure."
"Studies of altruism and sociality in humans have reported strong effects of oxytocin and vasopressin allelic variation."
"Culture is simply another part of the natural environment, much as it is for other highly social species like ants."
"I do really love whales; they're very social creatures, very intelligent, and I love their social structure that they have in their family."
"We're social creatures, human beings are social creatures, and we do rely on each other."
"Primates, including Homo sapiens, are far more social and far more cooperative than they have been given credit for in the Homo economicus view."
"We have these metrics that as a social species we're capable of, that I believe are objective."
"Trees grow together, a forest is a bunch of trees growing together, and they're actually very social."
"At the end of the day, we're a social species."
"So this is a really great example of something that at one point had a strong spiritual significance to it becoming just like a social custom party favor."
"Gerbils are social animals and should never be housed alone unless it's absolutely necessary."
"History is yesterday's events and yesterday's gossip. People who don't like gossip, people who don't like history, can't like other people."
"We survived as a species by developing empathy and having the ability to develop complex social relationships."
"We are sexual, sensual, social, and spiritual beings."
"Humans are pack animals, and we have a very high social inclusion need."
"Human beings are primates. Primates have evolved to live in groups, both for protection and support."
"In clinging or in holding on to one another lies the very essence of sociality."
"These creatures may become the first social creatures on the planet."
"It's coded into our genetics to seek out other members of our species."
"People are social creatures who depend on each other to live in harmony, and manipulators disrupt that."
"We are clever, but why? What has been the evolutionary driver? It was the social challenges, being a social being, sharing."
"When food is plentiful, cats... will form groups with or without humans present."
"Humans are not meant to be alone, we're not meant to be in these tiny groups."
"We're not just animals; we have social interactions."
"The more social an animal is, the more complicated its communications will be."
"The more socially complex an animal or group of animals is, the more intelligent they tend to be."
"Humans are not made to go out on their own, they're meant for connection, we're built this way."
"The same sociality which exists among us here on earth will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory."
"The more social the creature is, the more their intelligence mirrors our own."
"The great powers of water... its presence has a social influence on animal life, fostering meetings within the same species."
"How we have this really fine-tuned sense of moral right and wrong... it's an evolved emotion for social primate species to get along."
"No other species of ape is more cooperative than humans."
"You are well put together, and that draws a lot of people to you."
"Human beings are the most social of all creatures."