
Essential Workers Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"We are grateful to them and to all the essential workers for their service and sacrifice."
"Our country cannot exist without these folks that are working in our grocery stores, our local firefighters, our community folks."
"We've learned who is essential, not just the wealthiest among us, not a president who fights his fellow Americans rather than fight the virus that's killing us and our economy."
"America's truckers, shippers, pilots, and delivery men and women play an important role in delivering the goods needed to keep our economy going."
"Essential work reveals the true backbone of our society."
"Since the pandemic hit in 2020, both John Deere and farmers became even more essential in feeding America."
"Undocumented immigrants contribute $1 trillion in GDP, $20 billion in federal taxes, 80% are essential workers, one in four are homeowners and pay property taxes."
"One should not have to put their life at risk to go to work as an essential worker."
"Delivery workers should still show up to work; it's an essential function."
"We're working hard to provide childcare, especially for essential workers."
"The history of my community has been invisible throughout the discourse of American identity."
"Thank you to all our key workers and unsung heroes."
"They can't stop us. They can't stop us. We're deemed essential." - Joey Diaz
"Truckers...move the goods that Canadians need at all hours of the day and no matter what the weather."
"You guys are heroes keeping the society going."
"Essential workers are being asked to risk more, sacrifice more, and suffer more."
"They're not being compensated, and other people who are not even essential workers have been cashing checks left and right."
"The essential workers are the absolute most important employees in this entire country right now."
"People are realizing that essential workers matter... really appreciating the work."
"It's not the financial wizards of Wall Street that made this country run or make it run. It's you, America's essential workers."
"Teachers need to be thought of as frontline workers."
"Do essential workers receive proper protection and compensation for their efforts that help prevent society from potentially plunging into chaos?"
"After spending the day with these essential workers in the food industry, I've learned just how much they put their safety on the line in order to ensure people are fed and society continues to function."
"Supermarket workers really are the unsung heroes of this pandemic."
"We need to do more than just praise our essential workers. We need to pay them."
"Nurses keep the hospital running without them we would not be able to do our jobs."
"Grocery store workers, they are heroes right now."
"The city needed us... I'm proud to be a part of that."
"So, I really salute my essential workers out there. I really do. I mean, they're going out in the world, subjecting themselves to risk, bringing that potential risk back home. I think that deserves a little bit more compensation, personally."
"We're in this time where we talk about essential workers in this world in the middle of COVID, you know, the essential workers putting our food on our table, those same essential workers deli deserve to have a living wage and be paid fairly."
"Truckers are what gets us the product... Without them, we literally don't have what we need."
"It's a recognition that during the early dark uncertain days of the pandemic they showed up so every American could keep going."
"What is certain is that the majority of truckers like the majority of Canadians are fully vaccinated and they play a vital role in keeping our shelves stocked and our economy running."
"That doesn't mean we disparage the thousands of hard-working law-abiding and peaceful truckers who quite frankly have kept all of you alive the last two years by filling your grocery shelves."
"I will always fight for the trucker the essential worker the Canadian who wants to work."
"There's so many essential workers that do not get the respect that they need."
"A big THANK YOU to all the essential workers out there!"
"We deserve to have a say in what is going on here, and you can't call us essential and then treat us like we're garbage."
"It did not seem they were concerned about our health concerns or our jobs as essential personnel."
"Shout out to healthcare workers, delivery workers, all the people we need."
"They want to commit to you but the communication needs to improve."
"He keeps the economy alive, he is essential. 100 percent S tier."
"Salute all the essential workers keeping the world afloat, yeah man."
"We had to notice essential workers last year. Let's keep noticing them."
"Thank you to everybody who has to be out in the world to keep the essential services running."
"God bless the sanitation workers, the garbage men... they are the men and women keeping us from descending into filth and anarchy."
"The world literally couldn't function without truck drivers."
"Restaurant workers have always been there for us."
"Shout out to snacks in general, shout out to snacks and the essential workers stocking snacks."
"Shout out to snacks and the essential workers stocking snacks."
"Let's fight for living wages for those essential workers."
"Nurses are holding this country together right now."
"And during the pandemic, a lot of people felt convicted about how overworked and mistreated our essential workers are. And nurses were at the top of that list."
"Housekeepers. It's a thankless, underpaid, miserable job but so critical to patients' health and well-being."
"Garbage men/women. Lest we be buried in our own waste."
"Janitors. Those people are unsung heroes."
"Electrical line workers. Those men and women go out in the worst temperatures and conditions at any time of night just to get your house its power back."
"If it wasn't for farmers, ranchers, truckers, all those good Blue Collar folks, America definitely would not stay running. So hats off."
"The bravery of our truck drivers, such bravery, and food suppliers, such incredible bravery."
"The reason every time I grab my mask... is I think if I come in contact with someone who's an essential worker... I can't afford... for them to be sidelined."
"Thank you to all of our essential workers who are still working on the front lines making sure everyone is safe."
"By keeping your distance, you're protecting your community, Scotland's essential workers, and our NHS."
"Health care workers were absolutely essential but they were also the most vulnerable people."
"If you're an essential worker right now, you're the best."
"They're the people who keep the lights on and the world humming."
"Essential workers are workers who are really needed in our society to keep it going."
"Without them, it would have been a whole disaster. Period. Go essential workers!"
"Every day at 7 o'clock my neighborhood goes ham... it is actually just appreciation for essential workers."
"Thank you to all the essential workers... you are genuinely making the world go around right now."
"We understand automotive technicians are essential personnel; we want to thank you for being available to service the vehicles of our most important citizens."
"The strongest shoulders that carries us all are the teachers, the garbage collectors, the nurses."
"Hazard pay is that $10,000 that would land in your bank account if you worked during the pandemic as an essential worker."
"We were called essential, but we were treated like we were disposable."
"If you are part of an essential business, well thank you, thank you so much for your hard work. We really appreciate you guys."
"Stay safe, obviously with the current situation guys, stay at home unless you're an essential worker or unless you need to be going out."
"The American Rescue Plan and Treasury's final rule support public sector employees, essential personnel, and other workers who will drive America's recovery from the COVID-19 crisis."
"Shouts out to all the essential workers."
"If you're an essential worker, thank you for continuing to make the world go round in these crazy times."
"One more shout out to the grocery store workers because, man, did we need groceries when we were stuck at home."
"This would be a great one to give to somebody who is one of our essential workers."
"We desperately need more truck drivers, and you're keeping the supply chain alive, so thank you."
"We want to thank all the necessary workers out there."
"Anyone out there taking a risk to keep the world going, we support you guys."
"They are picking up the garbage, they are fixing the powerlines, those are the people that need decent pay, decent laws, and decent health care."
"Whether or not you believe, if you are an essential worker, we appreciate you."
"Whether you're a believer or not, if you're an essential worker, thank you. We appreciate the work that you do."
"Grocery store workers are the real heroes right now."
"Special hello to all the men and women working, doing things like keeping the electricity on, the natural gas, the truckers, picking up trash."
"Essential workers were those people who had to show up to work to keep society functioning."
"We are eternally grateful for what you did."
"If you're a supermarket key worker, thank you because you're amazing."
"The essential workers are heroes."
"I'm not gonna take that for granted because there are so many people... considered essential personnel where they have to physically go to work."
"Thank you so much, paramedics, nurses, carers, supermarket workers, social workers."
"Thank you to anyone who is continuing to work in jobs that are essential right now."
"Thank your local grocery store workers and pharmacy workers because they're putting their lives on the line for us."
"I love you all, my first responders, all my essential workers, everyone from doctors and nurses to mailmen to restaurant workers, all of you, thank you for sacrificing your time and ultimately your health for all of us."
"We are so blessed to see all these incredible essential workers risking all to help and protect us all."