
Environmental Management Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Our inability at least at this moment to manage our environment better, how we're destroying our living space and not doing enough... to preserve or at least allow a sustainable living space."
"He was a man who knew exactly what it takes to make landscapes, habitats, and wildlife flourish."
"Buy the rock today, get it into the cycle bins and just start getting that beneficial bacteria."
"My Mississippi river solution is the only thing that's really going to work."
"Without proper management, the future for all fisheries may be an empty net."
"Maybe the tide is starting to turn on this and we're going to start to understand that we can think in terms of centuries and that we can actually manage this."
"This is like deciding you know what this forest might burn so let's cut a third of it this is crazy."
"The fires in California, you need forest management."
"If you're going to make progress for hunters and for turkeys, you have to have the research, you have to have the science."
"Ancient India was much better at environmental planning than modern India."
"Short-term gain hurts the longevity of the parks."
"They're called nutria and they're so bad that the state is actually paying people $6 a tail just to kill them."
"We've barely scratched the surface, this game is landmark."
"Clear overgrown trees and brush from your area that will help keep your structures safe in a storm with winds or wildfire."
"The biggest one is undoubtedly the climate control situation."
"Excellent job with that, but I think one of the more impressive things is the way that they have managed to keep more noxious industrial uses away from residential uses."
"Fight the cold, we need to get the generator working."
"That's the Ventura County Fire Department releasing an army of satanic avatars to happily snack on the dry brush in the area, thus preventing forest fires."
"Controlled fire or prescribed fire is the method of burning certain land to reduce Wildfire hazards."
"This is material that's sitting in the forest that really would have no other outcome other than to be burnt."
"Quintuple the US Forest Service budget and hire the heck out of a bunch of people that would go in and manage the forest."
"Let's make it illegal to fish in certain sections, seas, oceans, or water."
"No less than 85 percent of all wastewater is reused."
"Israel has overcome the droughts that have plagued this region of the world for millennia."
"The final icing on the irony cake is the film's release caused such an increase in tourism the government had to close the beach to the general public so it really is a forbidden place now."
"I usually set up a little room full of slicksters and pump CO2 to that room."
"Silvopasture as Joel Salatin teaches: forests are pastures."
"Installing a drainage system is important in ensuring proper soil drainage and preventing flooding during heavy rains, providing better growing conditions."
"We're not battling the Assyrians, but we are winning the war against Israel's water crisis."
"If that bar gets low, we die. So clean up the trash, fix everything."
"Welcome to Tyto Ecology, where you can grow and maintain your very own ecosystems."
"Boundaries make for health and growth in life. Guardians don't thrive if you just let everything grow, there has to be like trimming and pruning and planting."
"The climate Engineers again completely shut down the flow of rain into the West."
"This will reduce many flood issues for Jakarta."
"Have you ever heard of the kangaroo harvesting program? It's a unique program implemented in Australia that allows for the sustainable and managed harvesting of eastern and western gray kangaroos."
"If somehow in the future, if we can turn these reptiles that are invading our state into everyday table fare, I mean, I think that's probably the best idea we can do."
"We do have resources we're just not using them."
"Not to kill them, but to capture them. It's part of a three to five year effort to capture and move 20 to 30 wolves to a new home on Isle Royale National Park in Michigan."
"The premise involves a dispute between an Aboriginal community and the residents of a neighboring tourist town over how to handle the beast."
"We have an obligation to collaboratively address areas of great global need, including climate change, public health, and narcotics control."
"Israeli agriculture is very high tech. We moved from throwing some water on the ground and see whatever grows to drip irrigation, hanging the plants, making more out of the three major things that you need for growing something."
"What Brad and Jan learn about the madtoms could help guide management and restoration plans by observing the fish up close, they can learn how the madtoms are succeeding, and what is needed for the population to grow."
"The management of this part of the valley demands a strict balance between conservation and recreation."
"Holistic resource management is the first new thinking on the environment in centuries."
"What's our capacity to manage environmental quality? What role has and could law play in determining the future of environmental quality?"
"Transparent monitoring... enables you to establish a proactive and a positive corporate culture towards environmental management."
"An environmental management system is composed of four main tasks which contribute to a system that is continuously improving."
"Mineral cycle is huge; erosion is a big deal, so this helps with all that stuff."
"Much of the Earth is covered in rangelands; these areas, if managed properly, may have the potential to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide."
"Proper microclimate is number one, feeding and watering is number two."
"Cultural burning is a real legitimate tool, one of the few legitimately scalable tools that we as human beings as a species have to actually combat things like climate change."
"The Colorado River Basin provides water for more than 40 million Americans, seven states, 30 tribes."
"It's open season on the invaders, no bag limits, very few rules, and an all-out offensive against public enemy number one."
"We've got fish populations in over 250 miles of streams in the state that wouldn't be there if we weren't applying limestone to those waters every year."
"Early detection is the key; we need to find infestations as early as possible because when we locate them early, they tend to be quite small, they can be remedied easily and relatively inexpensively."
"Egypt is also expanding their wastewater capabilities which included the construction of the largest agricultural wastewater treatment plant in the world in 2020."
"Controlling erosion and sedimentation means putting together a plan to set up a variety of controls called Best Management Practices, or BMPs."
"Strategies for dealing with reservoir siltation fall into one of three categories: sediment yield reduction, sediment routing, and sediment removal."
"Maintaining a protected area is a challenge, it's not difficult, I think the fact of starting to work with the communities, it is the fundamental part."
"Technological excellence in genetics, management, and the environment has ensured leaps in productivity."
"These issues are only going to grow as human activities in space grows, and it’s time we began thinking more seriously about how we manage our cosmic neighbourhood."
"Soil erosion and the things that fix soil erosion are the same thing that's going to fix your nutrient recycling."
"Good management can increase carbon in soils."
"Mitigate means to slow the problem down."
"Finding that right balance is such a difficult question and such an important one from a policy standpoint."
"Addressing forest health risks is really addressing carbon risks as well."
"Doing nothing is also seen as a strategy of soft engineering."
"To catch an invasive species in its first year is unusual, which is why I think there's a strong case for us being able to eradicate it."
"Trying to regenerate the soil through the action of the hoof and mouth of the cattle."
"A producer really is... you have to maintain environment, right? You have to make sure that whoever you're working with, that their visions, their music, their aspirations are met, and it's not really about you."