
Audience Support Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"These videos take a lot of time to put together, record, edit, etc. So you know, show as much love as you can because it just inspires me to keep making more of these videos."
"Build our own institution slowly but surely and sustain it with the support from the audience rather than making ourselves entirely beholden to advertisers, investors, shareholders, and so on."
"To my audience, I need you to know that I am blessed to have your support and love."
"What matters is you. You are what makes this show happen. You are the reason that this show is uncancelable, and we are funded entirely by you, Mug Club."
"Show it some support and love by slapping that like button."
"There's never been a better time to find talented storytellers working in the genre and an audience to support it."
"Thanks to you, my viewers, for supporting me."
"Each one of these helps me out in varying degrees, and I can't thank you enough for supporting the channel."
"Thank you so much, great patriots, for helping us through super chat and supporting the free press."
"You don't need corporate backing, you need the backing of your audience."
"The support from viewers has been insane, can't put it into words."
"Show that amazing support for the new series, slam that thumbs up button."
"Thank you to our sponsor and remember that this is only the first of multiple parts... Your support is very very much appreciated."
"I've set up a Patreon... I want to be able to dedicate more time and create higher quality and hopefully higher volumes of content."
"We are trying to bring you the best content possible, and with that, we're going to need your donations."
"I appreciate those of you who have stuck by regardless and just watch the commercial sponsored parts. I really appreciate that."
"If you enjoy tonight's show make sure you hit the Venmo and the Cash App before I leave."
"All of my time and energy goes into making these videos I create for you to enjoy, so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms."
"It's not behind a paywall, it's free on the internet because people like you watch the show."
"We just want to keep making funny stuff, and the audience has been really supportive of that."
"Make a good movie and people will just naturally support it."
"Thank y'all for supporting the channel. You guys are holding this channel together even when they demonetize us."
"Remember guys, you enjoy the stream, donate with super chat. It helps us out loads."
"Step number seven is... decide how to help your audience further."
"It's been a big year, really big year. So thank you everyone who has subscribed and supported the channel by watching our content."
"Absolutely thrilled to see what they've been able to accomplish."
"Hit that like button, subscribe, really appreciate you!"
"Thanks for watching and honestly just all around thanks for the support lately. It's been nice."
"If you want to support the channel and you like what we're doing, you can subscribe to the channel."
"For every one troll comment, there are a hundred people who are saying that they're very happy about the value I'm bringing to them."
"Folks, we really couldn’t do this show without you. Whether you like, comment, watch or share our content, your support is the reason any of this is possible."
"Thank you for being here and for being supportive. I really appreciate you guys."
"Just wanted to quickly thank you all for the support on these two videos. I never thought they'd do half as well as they have."
"You guys are incredible at supporting this series."
"Let's get this video to 11,000 likes, I appreciate the support as always."
"Make sure to drop a like. That's the best way to show your support."
"France... she just recovered so well... she gained the entire crowd's support."
"Crowd's still really behind Aaron Kirk, they really want to see him make that tag."
"Thank you guys for supporting all their series, it's doing great on everyone's channel."
"The audience in this arena tonight gave me massive energy."
"Hit the subscriber, hit the like. Those things really help creators like me, especially with all the time I put in."
"Appreciate supporting the content, people watching, have a great day."
"Thank you guys for watching, for liking, for subscribing."
"Thank you guys for supporting me throughout this season. It honestly went a lot better than I expected."
"Leave a like, subscribe with a notification bell, and share this video as it helps the channel a lot."
"Thanks for watching this one, you know it's been a really rough year but you guys have made 2020 so rewarding and it's I've personally had a great time and it's only because of you guys."
"None of this is possible without you. We're so grateful for you each and every day."
"Thanks so much for watching, thanks for your support on these recent videos and I will see you in the next one."
"You guys show me that no matter what happens I still have an audience and that for me is amazing."
"Let's get this video over a thousand likes. I'd greatly appreciate the support."
"If you enjoy my art, please support my channel by smashing the like button and subscribing in case you haven't already."
"I really do hope that you have enjoyed this video and that it has helped if it has will you please like the video for me it definitely helps me out."
"Thank you so very much for the support on the series."
"Roman coming back from cancer... should win."
"Once again I really want to take the time to thank you guys so much for the support on this series."
"Thank you so much for starting the show right and supporting us. It's incredibly important your support."
"Creators are struggling right now, and as a person who derives their well-being from creativity myself, it's just so wonderful to know that I can give you guys something."
"If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like as it helps out the video very much."
"I am glad that she chose mike in the end and that it worked out because I think they're so much of a better couple and I've rooted for them right from the beginning."
"Please like Please Subscribe it really helps me to continue to share this free work with you."
"Thanks very much, guys. You guys have been awesome. Without that, we'd be dead."
"It's the best way you can support the channel."
"It's thanks to all of you that not only was I able to keep the show going, but I was able to grow and mature as a content creator."
"Your support keeps the show going, that's how we do it here."
"We rely on our viewing audience to continue our operations."
"Thank you for your unprecedented dedication to helping your viewers attain financial help during these uncertain times of hardship."
"The power of a season two and us being able to do these things really is in the fans and them going and watching the show again or downloading the album and stuff."
"Hopefully that helps at least one out there and thanks for watching."
"It is a very, very rough media landscape out there, which is why I've been asking more than usual for you guys to help support us."
"Drop a like if you want to see more like these, definitely helps out the channel."
"I think there was elements within the media and within contemporary culture that just got real mad that general audiences really got behind a character like that."
"Thank you all for your incredible support. I love you."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting this series."
"Those are small, simple things, but they are the best way to help us kick YouTube's algorithm right in the booty, you know?"
"You kept it alive and we thank you so so so much."
"I poured my heart and soul into this—show lots of love in the comments!"
"If we ever get knocked off, I would only ask one favor: Please stand up for what shows you like," appealing for support in case of any issues with the show's platform.
"We're putting that right to our production and stuff and we really appreciate that."
"If you liked this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up, it does help me out."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting the show. You guys are the reason why the show is afloat."
"There's no fear of cancellation at Compound Media because everybody who subscribes loves comedy."
"Don't look at the score. We down a lot, but a lot of people came to watch us play tonight."
"I've never taken corporate money, I'm 100% funded by my audience."
"Thank you for watching all this way anyway it helps out the channel just as much if you're uninterested as if you are"
"Social media, those are the people who are watching and keeping you afloat on this show."
"If you like what you saw today, please consider supporting us on Patreon or our channel memberships. That really allows us to push out more content like this."
"If you do like that type of content, do show your support with that like button. It really does mean something."
"Glad you guys could continue to tune in, glad you guys continued to support this series."
"That's the first time they cheered me in a football video."
"Stats will go up and down I mean you know everything just goes up and down but no matter what I know the true viewers out there people have been supporting me since day one you guys you guys have always been with me."
"Please know I'm here like I said for you guys to provide the best content possible."
"If you enjoyed the content, want to support the channel, why not hit the thumbs up button, why not leave a comment, why not hit subscribe, why not even hit the bell?"
"Who has to listen to The Young Turks? The people who support us on the internet. That's what gives us strength."
"Thank you for keeping your audience constantly armed with truth and facts."
"To see that a lot of people were showing support for the series, it really, really means a lot."
"Thank you, lovely people, for coming along for the journey."
"The majority of my audience has been there to help pick me back up and get me back on track and when I've been successful that's when my audience truly flourishes."
"You don't have to support any YouTuber. Every membership, every donation is more than what you should expect."
"Support my channel in a meaningful way. It tells YouTube to push this video out to more viewers."
"You are the ones saving this channel, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"I really would appreciate your support. It helps the channel and helps me be able to buy different things and give you guys more content."
"You guys are the reason I'm able to make these videos and do this type of stuff."
"Thank you so much guys, you're the best, you're amazing again times a million."
"We are super thankful for all of you, the audience that watches this, likes, comments, subscribes, all that good stuff, and listens and just everything supporting us. We really appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts."
"I absolutely love it because the fact that people watch me and support my stuff."
"Honestly, thanks to you guys for supporting this Channel and for supporting me on all the other platforms because if it wasn't for you guys, there's no way in the world I would ever be able to go to Disney World."
"Thank you for watching, and as always, all of this is completely supported by you guys."
"Like, share, and comment, that is extremely important for my channel to grow."
"If you liked the idea, please like and subscribe."
"Give this video a thumbs up if it is helpful to you, that always goes a very long way for making sure that YouTube lets other people have easier access to this video."
"If this information was helpful, please like and subscribe to the channel."
"Subscribing is free man if you're watching my videos please hit the Subscribe button uh it does help me out a lot."
"But we really do appreciate you guys."
"People are cheering him, speaking his truth. What a true master of the promo!"
"We went through a lot of time and effort and money to make this particular video, believe it or not, so hit the subscribe button to support them."
"It's incredibly important to support the channels that you love."
"I appreciate all your guys' support, and I hope you have a nice day."
"If you liked this video, please hit the like button, it's free and it really helps out the channel."
"Keep showing the support, like and subscribe, it's free, goes a long way."
"It's super fun, so thank you very much for allowing us to do that."
"Like it, share it, subscribe to our channel, and support us further."
"Welcome back to my remodel series, and thanks for all the support and positive feedback you guys had for parts 1 to three."
"Thank you so much for supporting me and my channel, it means a lot."
"The story concludes here today. Thank you for your support; every view is a huge encouragement for us to create more exciting stories."
"She's a really likable, rootable character."
"Come on Amy, just one more, look at the crowd cheering them on, brilliant!"
"Thank you so much for watching and being so supportive and being so lovely."
"If you have any questions during the live presentation, I'm here to answer any of your questions."
"I will continue as long as you guys watch and enjoy."
"I appreciate you so much for watching, supporting."
"It's a massive thank you to you guys for watching and for all your support because that's what allows me to do fun stuff like this."
"With the crowd behind me, it's going to be pretty exciting today, and I should have a good chance to win."
"I'm doing my best to be consistent, go live every single day, hopefully I can be there for you guys."
"I just love experimenting, and I love the fact that you guys, for the most part, are here for it."
"I couldn't be here without people watching my videos throughout the years."
"I hope you guys enjoyed watching this; thanks for all of your support."
"But the thing is, the critics didn't get behind it, and the people were the ones that kept it going."
"Thank you very much, and one of the best ways you can help us is by liking the video."
"The audience like getting behind you just gives this extra push for you to start delivering emotionally."
"Any support you guys can give, I really appreciate."
"Please give us a thumbs up, it helps the channel to grow so that we can keep doing more cool stuff."
"When you go to Japan and perform, they're just here for you."
"If you like what you see, please remember to subscribe; we really appreciate the support."
"The audience is pretty much on your side, the readers want you to do good because they want a good comic."
"I don't think it's a competition, it's a landslide, give it up for your winner, Larry everybody!"
"What would mean more to me than you guys sending money is if you just support the channel by just hitting that like button."
"Don't forget to give it a thumbs up, that always helps me out."
"People will absolutely support content they enjoy."
"The cheers of the crowd, well, he won't mind that one iota because this lad lacks absolutely nothing in confidence."
"It really helps me and it really motivates me to keep making more content for you guys."
"I've been asking this question of the audience: Are y'all going to support these other people like y'all support me?"
"Thank you so much for the support on the new series."
"If you'd like the video, please drop a like, subscribe. I really appreciate it."
"Thank you all so much for watching and supporting me."
"The viewers saved me! Guys, thanks."
"If we want these movies, we as an audience need to go support these original ideas."