
Age Diversity Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"You should have cryptocurrency in your portfolio, no matter your age, advisors say."
"We're all ignorant in certain ways; if you're forty years old, you're 60 years old, you're 80 years old, maybe you're just a little ignorant about video games and how cool they really are."
"People that play video games are not just 15 or 12 or 9; they're 20 and 30 and 40 and my age."
"We have newborn babies and people in their 80s living here, creating a cross-generational, inclusive environment."
"Don't be afraid to look for friendship in people who are older than you and people who can mentor you."
"It doesn't matter how old you are, you can be 14, you can be 12, you can be 67 and you can compete at these tournaments and then it is so awesome."
"Anyone can make a difference no matter their age."
"Age is no barrier to talking about bikes." - Professor Louis Passfield
"It's great to see kids here ranging from little kids to lots of adults who have been lifelong Spider-Man fans."
"A lot of us may be older, a lot of us may be guys, but we still love this show and the people who make it."
"This is simply incredible, the amount of detail, you can tell the different ages of each person."
"David Silva, he may be 35, but this guy could be 95 and he'll still be balling out."
"I believe that no matter your age or interest you can find a way to make money on social media."
"Short demo but effective. I like the design."
"There is a world outside of Tumblr, and a lot of people live in it, and I know a lot of people who are non-binary who are over 25, over 30 even."
"We're reaching absurd levels of gerontocracy. We need young blood in the United States."
"People were ready for stories to see women my age... people were looking for more honest content about women."
"Technically it does become harder, but practically I've seen people who are 40, 50, and 60 change a lot."
"Minecraft is like the one, do you know what I mean? Dude, we've seen applications from people who are like 15 to applications who are people who are like 43."
"Every company needs at least one over 70 executive in the c-suite."
"Age was just a number, and they simply wouldn't give up on their dream."
"More people over 13 on Roblox today than under 13. Think about that."
"Janet Jackson is now in her mid-30s, however, she has appeal all across the board."
"We can have many careers in us so never judge yourself on your age."
"The show is for everyone, so you can be any age and still enjoy it."
"Approach somebody who is older than you and describe to someone what you're trying to find."
"E-scootering doesn't just have to be for adults and big kids."
"Investing is not just for people who are young."
"Trust me I've done a lot of jumping circles over the years I taught physical education 11 years little kids age five all the way up to kids in grade 12."
"I'm the oldest guy in the tech space that you know of... but look for me on channel 38..."
"The show actually had a huge fan base of older audiences, hell, I was one of those fans."
"Anyone can do it. I've seen 16 year olds succeed. I've seen 60 year olds succeed. The only thing that separates the winners from the failures is that the winners didn't quit."
"Just because one audience member is older or younger doesn't necessarily make them better than another audience member it just means that they're capable of different things."
"There's not an age limit on any of this content. It's for everybody."
"Let's end age shaming and age segregation; let's include, not exclude."
"I love the fact that Warner Brothers, Clint Eastwood's, making a new movie for them and he's 90."
"Age and experience don't make you instantly more creative than another person."
"I'm 47 and I'm the oldest person, yeah, and I love that. Surrounded by 20-year-old kids. Let's do the show."
"It's all relative, but for me, there was a 16-year-old kid that completed it and there was like a 75-year-old man that completed it."
"It's great for actors, especially women who aren't 25."
"man there you go 90.90s back to back share the wealth man I know give the old guys a break"
"There is absolutely no age limit on swifties and there shouldn't be. Don't ever let anyone make you think otherwise because it's true."
"That's what makes our sport so great, the guys, whether they're 50 years old or 20 years old, are packing in their hardest."
"It's not just a game for all shapes and sizes, it's a game for all ages as well."
"At any age you can benefit from it. My oldest patient is 86. We've done tons of people in their 70s, 60s is like nearly bread and butter. Our most common ages are probably in their 50s, right? But at any age you can benefit from it."
"Are you too old to become a YouTuber? No, you're not."
"Can you imagine a skincare company that has an ambassador who's 74 years old? It's a very cool company to work for."
"You can be in your late 20s or mid-50s and meet your new best friend."
"The beauty of carting is its accessibility to people of all ages and means."
"It has a universal appeal to people of all age groups."
"It's quite easy to find someone in your age range, no matter what age range you are."
"I didn't know they allowed elderly firefighters, that's pretty cool."
"If what they are saying makes sense, it doesn't matter if they're 70 or 17."
"Despite graduating as a woman in their 50s, she was well known by many classmates half her age."
"This is the story of the oldest person to qualify for the Classic Tetris World Championships."
"I'm a gamer, honey. I know I'm old, but I'm a gamer."
"It was a brilliant concept and he had the age range from children through to grandparents so there was somebody there for every member of the audience."
"Age shouldn't be a reason to exclude someone who's nice and wants to be part of our group."
"We don't care, the young old together."
"Age doesn't matter. Everyone can do it, be it anyone."
"It's been so fabulous getting to meet women of all ages where the age isn't determining who's mentoring who."
"I literally got hired when I was 39 years old, so if you're older, over 30, whatever, 40, it's possible."
"Older people have a right to be in this culture just as much as younger people."
"Enjoy your nail in these ages and I'll tell you why, was I right? Look at this, holy cow, everybody's putting their age, they're all the best people."
"I'm 63 years old and I have an eight-year-old, a six-year-old, a five-year-old, a three-year-old, a one-year-old, and an eight-month-old."
"Internships should not just be for people in their 20s."
"You know you've proven that people over 40 still belong in a workplace."
"People of all ages can live together happily."