
Universal Rights Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"All of them are people, all of them in my mind are deserving of the same fundamental rights."
"Life is important, no matter what the color. Life is important."
"With all of our heart let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."
"Injustice is a threat to the safety of all people."
"Universal human rights, for example, are not an internal affair."
"Everybody deserves to have something that they really love."
"A threat to any human rights is a threat to all human rights."
"We live in a country where the First Amendment states freedom of speech is for everybody."
"No one should have to fear for their life, period."
"Human rights are human rights, regardless of your relationship."
"I completely support free speech for anybody."
"I deserve joy and wealth, we all deserve joy and wealth."
"Everyone deserves a reasonable defense, regardless of whether they're guilty or not."
"Freedom is a universal right and it always ends badly because there's always blowback."
"You deserve love, happiness, and success like every other human being on this planet."
"Our constitutional rights are natural rights regardless of the Constitution and they are for everyone."
"You're just another person in this world to me that deserves to be happy and deserves to live a normal life."
"We all deserve respect. We all deserve happiness."
"Everyone should be able to live a happy fulfilled life, a life with dignity."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness exists for every man, woman, and child."
"Muslims need to be the voice of justice for every human being, not just for Muslims, despite pressures to remain silent."
"We should be promoting freedoms which are truly universal, absolutely and utterly without any requirements."
"Everyone deserves the chance to live their dreams."
"It's not just about Australia, it's about the freedom of all the people living on Earth."
"No one deserves this, no one deserves that." - Speaker
"Due process needs to apply to everyone. We are better than this."
"The issue of liberty should apply to everybody."
"We all must be free. If we're not all free, nobody's free."
"Every human being on Earth should have the same expectation of rights."
"We became a society that was not only modern and wealthy but dignified and humane too by committing to universal rights like health care and meaningful work for all."
"Everyone deserves to be healthy, everyone deserves to be comfortable, happy, clean, and educated about their own health."
"Earth humans deserve the truth about other intelligences that are not only in our solar system but that are in many other solar systems."
"The right to vote is on par with every other right on earth."
"We will always stand for the first freedom, the freedom of religion of every person of every faith."
"When you protect speech for the people that you disagree with most, you protect it for everybody."
"Equality for everyone, regardless of any form of classification or grouping."
"When we stand for the proposition that the rights that we enjoy are indeed universal and if they are universal that there are no people for whom they shouldn't be secured."
"Every human being is of value, regardless of his or her origin, religion, nationality, gender, status, or position."
"These freedoms of expression and worship, of access to information and political participation, we believe are universal rights."
"Liberty and justice for all, not just some."
"If it's not freedom for us all, then it's not freedom for anyone."
"Freedom is universal, so it's not just for Americans, it's not just for Europeans, it's for everyone."
"If we have an idea of universal rights... then what about women?"
"We want to make sure that we protect people's liberties, everybody's liberties."
"Space is the endowment of all mankind."
"We all deserve respect for being human beings."
"The law of the land which is constitutional, supporting the principles of freedom and maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind and is justifiable before me."
"Every human being is equal in value."
"We all have a divine right to the riches of the universe."