
Conflict Impact Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"34,000 civilians have been killed, 1.2 million people have been forcibly removed... today in Gaza we're seeing over 40,000 we've surpassed the 34,000 number, we've seen 2 million people displaced."
"Every single family has been affected: family members have been killed, homes have been destroyed, school is paused. Everybody is suffering in Gaza."
"The conflict is exacerbating concerns over food, fertilizer, fuel security, particularly in the developing countries."
"I'm truly sorry for all the hate this brought to our doorstep."
"Do you think cancer prevention can bloom, even on a battlefield?"
"Protracted conflict in Afghanistan undermines Pakistan's transformed vision for itself, which is a paradigm focused on geoeconomics."
"If one attack...pushes so many Israelis to become inhuman, imagine yourself what it does to Palestinians who live under those attacks for decades."
"The actual human beings that live there have been suffering for eight years, constantly getting shelled, constantly living under some of the worst conditions."
"The consequences of this war will be far-reaching."
"Shows that the citizens of Kharkiv have maybe gotten a bit of reprieve today from just the absolute bombardment shelling they've been seeing over the past few weeks."
"The lessons learned in Afghanistan, the lessons learned in Iraq over 20 difficult years, well, the Ukrainians right now in part are doing as well as they are because the lessons our troops learned on the ground."
"It’s unclear what the future of Chernobyl will look like once the war is over."
"Modern military hardware like jdam guided bombs has given the Ukrainian Armed Forces a significant advantage in this fight."
"There has not been a famine anywhere in the world since the 1990s that was not induced by its own government or by other governments waging war."
"Such aid when promptly and consistently supplied dramatically improves the odds of a decisive Ukrainian victory over Russia."
"War is terrible. War is awful. War is punishing and cruel and ruins lives and ends lives."
"Far more Russian soldiers have been KIA in this conflict than in Afghanistan, and it may start to look like Russia's Vietnam."
"The Russians can absorb these losses, the Ukrainians can't."
"Instead, merely starting the war prevents Ukraine from beginning extraction."
"And as long as fighting continues, the energy reserves may as well not exist, which thereby preserves Russia’s market power."
"From their perspective, at least 88,000 Russian soldiers have been killed since February's Invasion."
"Putin's army, which is taking a beating from the Ukrainian Army, has a serious inventory crisis."
"For the person who has been killed or tortured in Ukraine, there is no difference what particular weapon has been used."
"China will gain more if Russia loses this war than if Russia wins."
"Such conflicts could threaten reality itself…"
"Ukrainians are not to be blamed; we were just trying to stay and grow as a nation in our country."
"Winter is coming and it will impact both sides."
"Russia is running low on ammo Russia is experiencing significant shortage of artillery that are impacting its fire focused military to carry on the fight in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine."
"And so in the short and medium term, American cluster munitions and munitions sent by other countries may make a critical difference."
"Perhaps the only upside of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that Vostok watches have fallen in price."
"Putin experienced a shortage of ammunition as a result of the Ukrainian Army conducting operations almost daily targeted at ammunition Depots and supply routes."
"I think that's where the coach comes in but like when you direct that anger directly to a player i think it just like damages the team chemistry too much and it's not actually good at all."
"There is zero percent chance that once this [__] conflict ends one way or the other that Ukraine will be a safe place ever again."
"In March alone, Russia reportedly launched over 3,000 guided aerial bombs, 600 drones, and 400 missiles at Ukraine..."
"Russian soldiers are being killed in Ukraine at the fastest pace since World War II."
"That will be a price worth paying, Mr. Speaker, for defeating the objectives of Vladimir Putin and showing that aggression does not pay."
"The Ukrainians have been suffering the greater losses from these exchanges of fire."
"Putin's War appears to have earned him the ire and indignation of those he promises to defend."
"This conflict, this defeat of Ukraine, is going to change the world. The world will never be the same after this."
"The Ukrainian Army made a move that will change all the balances of the war."
"Thankfully it can't get worse... they've already pretty much hit rock bottom with how they're attacking civilians."
"I'm scared by this. I do not support Russia's war in Ukraine."
"We don't lose any sleep over the fact that 20 million Ukrainians are homeless right now."
"High Mars Rockets have been a game changer in Ukraine."
"Stranded planes, bombed-out buildings and
unrecoverable debts - all brought about by
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could end up costing
investors billions of dollars."
"The commitment of additional Ukrainian military units may turn the tide."
"The leverage point in the Russia-Ukraine war is the scarcity of supply."
"Avatar goes above and beyond to show an unexpected side of armed conflict."
"The siege of Mariupol was a pyrrhic victory for Russia."
"New nighttime satellite pictures from NASA show how the lights have gone out all across Ukraine."
"The Ukrainian Army has completely changed the balance of the war."
"81.4 percent of the civilian casualties in the Donbass war came on the side of the Donbass civilians dying there."
"It's been a bleak landscape with a war going on in the Middle East...we need a little bit of good news everybody."
"At every step of the way, what we have done in Afghanistan has only made things worse."
"Russia continues destroying Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, resulting in tragedy."
"It's still a war and war is horrible as hell."
"The people that are dying, the people that are dying that are getting killed, they're just Ukrainians. It's just Ukrainian, that's us so don't worry about it."
"The Russian army is suffering significant losses."
"They've killed now over 20,000 Russian soldiers... potentially twenty thousand dead in less than six weeks worth of fighting."
"The resulting song, Zombie, lives on as a haunting reminder of the human costs of these sorts of conflicts."
"As we roll forward over the next three, six, twelve, twenty-four months, it's going to get even worse until we get an end to the war."
"Ukraine, without a navy, without navy warships, have essentially operationally defeated the Russian Navy."
"Every piece of territory that the Ukrainians give up to Russians is terrorized."
"With these missiles, the Ukrainians could make it very difficult for the Russians to supply the front line."
"A potential escalation of military operations in Rafa would result in catastrophic humanitarian consequences."
"Germany cannot but be aware that the munitions... it is supplying are being used by Israel in these attacks."
"The biggest losers in this conflict are the soldiers dying on both sides and the civilians suffering in large numbers."
"For them, the single most important thing they've achieved so far in this conflict is economic direction."
"The successful seizure of the Kremlin's ammunition train by Ukrainian forces has turned into a crucial tactical asset, reshaping the Dynamics of the ongoing conflict and undermining Russia's military capabilities."
"So when the wagnerans arrived they immediately took control of bihau which essentially cut off the silica Rebels from the rear operating bases in Chad and Sudan."
"There are real people being affected, including American citizens with family in Ukraine."
"Countless Afghans were murdered by the Taliban."
"Let's Jump Right In. Why do I think that the war in Ukraine is historic? Well, it's less because of the war itself than because of what that war is revealing about the world we live in."
"The war is such a terrible thing it's so catastrophic you know it's sure you know you just don't such a human you know tragedy."
"Western tanks are a nightmare for Putin's forces."
"They were witnessing unarmed children being maimed."
"Ukraine eliminating more than 40% of Russian recruits monthly, per NATO official."
"And it's getting closer and the UN said the civilian death toll has surpassed 4000."
"1500 civilians have been killed in the last 14 days."
"The better it goes the more consolidated support for Ukraine will be."
"Rachel Maddow isn't telling you any of this stuff because she's a psychopathic liar Criminal who doesn't care about the Ukrainian people being slaughtered."
"Russian forces have suffered sign significant casualties and Equipment losses in a single day we're talking about a staggering 810 Fighters 12 tanks and 24 artillery systems lost in just one day of fighting."
"Putin desperately needs a win in Ukraine to prove that Russia is making some kind of progress."
"Russians had nothing to do with the conflict, yet we acted disgustingly towards Russian-American citizens."
"The US Israeli genocidal war in Gaza hit a grim Milestone on Thursday with the death toll in the territory expected to now have reached 20,000 people since October 7th."
"It would be such a morale boost for the Russians to take out a US Patriot system."
"The first effect of Putin's attacks since 2014 up to now is to consolidate a Ukrainian kind of identity, very different from a fascist racist kind of Ukrainian identity."
"If there is a conflict, this will actually help bitcoin to mature."
"Like many nations in this unstable part of Africa, its strife that's lifted Sierra Leone out of obscurity and into the world view."
"Upwards of 10 million people have had their lives upended... by this conflict."
"The situation in Yemen is also a massive humanitarian disaster."
"Society cannot exist in a state of constant war; peace is required for true change and evolution."
"The destruction of numerous Russian military targets by Colonel Seaman Visashan's 50th regiment has left the Russians desperate and helpless in Luhansk."
"Our main responsibility is to not [expletive] the people who are actually fighting this thing."
"Mark my words, this war will not be fought on the frontier but in your yard, you know, in your gardens, in your homes, and your towns."
"On any given day, 50% of the people in the Gaza Strip are not going to be eating to their fill as the war started and Aid is slowly trickling in."
"The rebels came there in 1998, January 6, 1998, the entire city. I will never forget it was in the very early of the morning."
"The worst thing about living in Ukraine right now is that when you're going to bed every evening, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will wake up in the morning."
"Consider how does this battle affect the story."
"A lot has changed in geopolitics as a result of the conflict worldwide."
"Every time there's a conflict like this, there is a generation of people that's impacted by it."
"Not a single week passes without airstrikes destroying the lives of thousands of Ukrainians."