
Political Statement Quotes

There are 820 quotes

"Just a few moments ago, the White House issued the following statement: 'We are appalled by the senseless killing of Ambassador Seaton and three members of the embassy staff.'"
"We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election."
"Egypt's current president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, has been repeatedly vocal about his belief that Egypt's overpopulation problem is the biggest crisis the country is currently facing."
"The Democratic Party is the world's last best hope against fascism."
"These are weapons of war, they're weapons of mass destruction, they have no place on the streets of America."
"America is willing to fight till the last Ukrainian."
"Alabama Republican Governor Kay Ivey saying it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated for keeping this pandemic going."
"Real power is not given. Real power is something to take."
"It's important to remember, Trump isn't a dictator."
"Build the wall, you know, and that's it, he brings the house down. Landslide 2020."
"We cannot allow these crooks, because that's what they are, to steal an election from the American people." - Rudy Giuliani
"Nancy Pelosi has said that this is about conscience."
"Trump is the man who can save the Western World."
"It's really to make a political statement that you support free speech; it's a protected human right, and blockchains are speech."
"President Biden blasted Republicans for standing in the way of quote Americans rights to make the most personal decisions about their own bodies, families and lives."
"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: 'We said you can't send a COVID positive nursing home resident back into the nursing home.'"
"Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows."
"Here she is wearing a dress that said 'Tax the Rich' at the Met Gala surrounded by all the rich people."
"You can't use the military as a political weapon. Do you remember who said that? I said that."
"Public education has become public enemy number one." - Kirk Cameron
"Gun violence in this country is an epidemic, and it's an international embarrassment." - Joe Biden
"I'm not going to stay silent when members of my family lie to the American people."
"I once again ask the representative from New York to resign and save himself and this country from this vote."
"No nucleic acid but food, no lockdown but freedom, no lies but dignity, no cultural revolution but reform, no leaders but votes, no slaves but citizens."
"I want to unify the country back, let's just help them get back on their feet."
"That's what we're doing and so Abbott said, claiming that the move was necessary."
"We are here today not to defend the Constitution against the president United States but to defend the Constitution from the house managers."
"Florida is where woke goes to die... would you like to join us here? Please do."
"The entirety of MGSV is a thesis statement against militarization, and it does not mince words or try to both sides the argument."
"It's Christmas time and we want to give you a Christmas present, America. Ladies and gentlemen, we are winning."
"I support abortion rights is a universal right for all women in America."
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"Hong Kong mustn't just become another Chinese city."
"The president wants law and order, which is the best way to ensure peace on our streets."
"George Floyd deserves better and his family deserves justice. His life mattered." - Joe Biden
"I have infinitely more respect for the illegal immigrants who will cross deserts than for these people in the cities who say 'America's racist, I hate this country.'"
"We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe."
"I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole." - Mike Pompeo
"The only thing I have done wrong is to win an election that was expected to be won by a crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats."
"Supporting our allies is an Easy Choice. Securing our border is an easy choice." - Mark Kelly
"Trump is the bodyguard of Western civilization."
"We're gonna push for peace. I think I will fall out of my chair if that actually happens."
"I'm going to take democracy every single time."
"This is the president of the United States with the man with the nuclear football meters away, and he's undermining democracy in the most profound way."
"China is an adversary and they are not our friend." - U.S. Lawmaker
"Everything that's made America America is at stake."
"It's our future. It's Europe that's at stake. It's up to the Europeans to decide." - Emmanuel Macron
"Next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country."
"This is a very, very big moment for our country."
"A tournament competitor voiced his support to them quoted liberate Hong Kong the revolution of our times."
"We really are running out the clock on democracy itself."
"A system that legitimizes vigilante murder is deeply broken." - Representative Gwen Moore
"I'm not interested in feuding with the Vice President. If he wanted to clear this up he could come out today and say he's changed his mind, that it shouldn't be legal to discriminate against anybody in this country for who they are. That's all."
"Violence is not the answer." - Senator Martha McSally
"We won't last another four years with this plan, just so you're all clear. There will be no 2028 because dude we only have a short window to get everybody on board with this or we're the whole country."
"This is how we get our country back. We need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election, they rigged the 2020 election with the Hunter Biden laptop story, and they're going to rig this election. Accountability."
"We're going to do it again, and you see the kind of numbers that we're putting up. They're unbelievable. Best job numbers ever!"
"Xi Jinping, the Chinese ruler, was saying you don't control your own airspace."
"Thank you, Mike. The violence and destruction taking place at the U.S. Capitol must stop, and it must stop now."
"We're not red America or blue America, we're one America."
"We need amendments, but we need them in a different way."
"We will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world, like we had it just four years ago."
"We will end deadly Sanctuary cities. You know, the Democrat Mayors want to end them. But they're afraid to get indicted."
"Three people are dead in a suspected terrorist attack in the southeast French city of Nice." - Visiting the site, French President Emmanuel Macron says France was attacked over its values and tears for freedom.
"Simply attacked, the will of the people was under assault." - Joe Biden
"Imagine an American politician saying this: free medical care no matter where you come from AKA whether you're a citizen or not. Absolutely not."
"Only democracy can save us from this disaster."
"Joe Biden literally said just a few weeks ago that if Donald Trump had done his job, every single human being who died of COVID in the United States would still be alive."
"The Russian people are Consolidated as never before."
"This race is bigger than me. It's bigger than Jon Ossoff. It's about the future direction of our country."
"Solidarity should be universal not just within the United States."
"When I go to the red carpet I'll wear the let's go Brandon dress."
"Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate." - Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate.
"Here is Joe Biden, the bill I'm about to sign is not just about today, it's about tomorrow, it's about delivering progress and prosperity to American families."
"There is no excuse for what these people did to the American Embassy, period."
"I believe in the rule of law and that's what our country is about, and no person is above the law, not even the President of the United States." - Dr. David Guadalupe
"This is the worst public health crisis for a generation." - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
"As long as I'm president, America will never be a socialist country."
"America will always uphold our Second Amendment."
"I've been doing this for a long time, so let me just be plain: Black people, especially black women, are the backbone of this party."
"If I'm in the health I'm in now, if I'm in good health then in fact I would run again." - Joe Biden
"The President of the United States is not a crook."
"Every day counts so much... you cannot wait." - Governor Mike DeWine
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible... tonight is your answer."
"The election was not stolen." - Murdoch admits, "duh," Trump lost.
"Ak-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, says Obama, not in the hands of criminals."
"Failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will never be forgotten." - President Biden
"This is an unforgettable, unforgivable act of despicable barbarity." - Fumio Kishida
"It belongs to us. It does not belong to Donald Trump, it belongs to the taxpayers." - Karen
"Until our country is restored to freedom and to liberty, I don't know when I will be back."
"There was even a time when people fasted regularly as a matter of religious or even just physical discipline." - In the decadent year of Our Lord 2023, a brief interruption of gluttony constitutes an act of political heroism.
"The whole world is watching. The whole country is watching."
"This country's not going to make it if we keep going down this road."
"Brexit and my father's election are one and the same." - Donald Trump Jr.
"No collusion, no obstruction, complete and total exoneration."
"Drug prices will be coming down 80 or 90 percent."
"Mass unemployment is a policy choice, you're choosing to do this and we must choose differently." - Jayapal
"Tonight, I say to the Russian oligarchs and corrupt leaders: Your ill-begotten gains will be gone."
"President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance."
"Russia is implementing its plan and attacking a neighbor to whom it has decided to deny existence freedom, the land dignity, and life." - Albanian Ambassador to the United Nations
"The future will be made in America." - Vice President Kamala Harris
"Wearing the Magga hat is a giant middle finger to all of those people - but resisting the overreach of the left is not the same thing as endorsing racism."
"The individual Western official was really downplaying the nuclear risk at the moment"
"The president's intent was to stand up for the men and women of NASCAR and the fans."
"We want to support helping secure our border. This is a national crisis, every state is a border state."
"I'm ready to sign a big beautiful stimulus, you saw the other day I said go big or go home."
"Reports of the death of democracy in the United States are grossly, grossly exaggerated." - Boris Johnson
"Abolish the monarchy, cut off their heads immediately, viva la republique!"
"Anyone, regardless of party, should want consistent, secured voting systems in this country."
"I will not mislead the American people... the buck stops with me."
"I reject Donald Trump's xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation rather than attack members of Congress."
"Whoever becomes the leader in AI will become the ruler of the world." - Putin
"Brazil's Bolsonaro says he will be killed, arrested, or reelected."
"I'd rather be dead than red." - Rose Namajunas on fighting for freedom.
"President Putin hints at Ukrainian objectives: 'Russia will end this war by Force of Arms, freeing the entire territory of the former Ukraine.'"
"If you don't love this country, you shouldn't be here." - Unspecified speaker
"This is absolute proof of what we knew all along... we were attacked by a hostile foreign power." - Gerald Nadler
"The kind of growth we need is sustainable but builds growth for the long run." - Rishi Sunak
"You cannot tax your way to growth nor can you tax your way to an election victory." - Steve Baker
"Big parts of the British state are going to go bankrupt within my lifetime." - Steve Baker
"The Ukrainian President says he wants a ceasefire and peace."
"If you're 15 years old you can't get a tattoo in the State of Florida but they're going to give you permanent medical body alteration you can't consent to them." - Ron DeSantis
"Thank God that Joe Biden came in and saved America from literally authoritative fascism in the United States."
"Mayor Lori Lightfoot boasting of decline in crime in her city while the murder rate is up 30 this year."
"I completely condemn the violence in the Capitol."
"81 million people are going to clean their guns. That's all I'm going to say."
"Build the wall, it's the last hope they have."
"The corporate press is the enemy of the people." - Donald Trump
"As your president when they send me a bloating spending bill that's going to cause your prices to go up I'm going to take out this veto pen and I'm going to send it right back to them."
"Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It's time that we right these wrongs." - President Biden
"The president must be held accountable. One way or the other." - Hakeem Jeffries
"Enough is enough, enough of open borders, enough of disorderly chaos led by Coyotes, Smugglers, and traffickers." - Texas Commissioner of the General Land Office
"We're going to spend as much as it takes to build as much wall as we possibly can." - Governor Abbott
"If every other major country guarantees health care, by god we can do it in the United States of America."
"Vladimir Putin knows that we are in serious trouble."
"The American people know that they are not better off than they were four years ago."
"Ron Desantis saying florida is not going to require kids to mask because there is no rationale for this."
"We will not let President Putin tear down the security architecture that has given Europe peace and stability over many decades."
"It is very clear that the special counsel did not find that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia."
"Democracy must and should always prevail." - Q+
"A complete exoneration of the president of the United States."
"Unlike Donald Trump, we'll not surrender to the virus. I have a plan."
"The American people have real problems." - Brian Becker
"There is absolutely evidence of voting irregularities and I will say it now. I don't care if I get banned."
"I genuinely just want to advocate for a stable and healthy democracy."
"Americans never decided our children should be taught that our country is inherently evil." - Mitch McConnell
"A Labour government that acknowledges that trans rights are human rights."
"Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman O Tiangan declared that the CCP has never ruled Taiwan for a single day."
"As much as the government hates that we keep and bear arms, that's the only thing that keeps us free at this point." - Spawndog
"Silence is complicity. I refuse to be silent." - President Biden
"Smash global capitalism and create something."
"This investigation is a continuation of the greatest political witch hunt in the history of our country." - Donald Trump
"This dangerous anti-American ideology has no place." - Governor of Georgia
"Polish Prime Minister: Putin must be defeated in his invasion of Ukraine because he is also looking to invade other countries in the region." - Polish Prime Minister
"We will end affirmative action in every sphere of American life. It is a cancer on our national soul." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"Donald Trump lost this election. It's unquestionable."
"Talk is cheap around here. Votes are the currency of the realm."
"The Democrats are the party of big business... we represent the 30 million men and women who start small, great companies."
"We've ended the last administration's eight-year war on Pennsylvania energy."
"There's a new sheriff in town and that border is going to be secured."
"Republicans 'can't win a fair fight and they know it.'"
"Democrats are going to say that no one is above the law."
"DeSantis has put out a statement: 'The insinuation that Florida is underutilizing vaccines is totally disingenuous.'"
"I'm the greatest president in the history of America."
"He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love." - Democrats united.
"If abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either."
"The most significant threat to our future prosperity and freedom is the Chinese Communist Party."
"These neo-nazi hate groups... have no place in our society no place in florida i condemn them in the strongest terms." - Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis
"Everything is on the table." - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
"Most secure election in modern American history."
"Freedom will always triumph over tyranny." - President of the United States
"Putin may circle Kiev with tanks, but will never gain the hearts and souls of the Ukrainian people." - President of the United States
"President Trump has privately indicated a willingness to send 'another round of stimulus checks' of as much as two thousand dollars in direct payments to the American people."
"One of my proudest accomplishments as president was to make America energy independent."
"The hunger doesn't take a pause, the rent doesn't take a pause, the hardship doesn't take a pause." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
"Finally, we have a president that says the can stops here, the buck stops here."
"If we do not have free speech in the United States, we have nothing else."
"Listen, this is going to continue until we end gender affirming care."
"If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15."
"President Biden made clear our commitment to Ukraine."
"This is a cover-up and Fulton County is corrupt." - Comment from an X user
"A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy."
"Ukraine is finished as a country. I say that with just the utmost and starkest communication of reality."
"Donald Trump today called it the greatest crime in American history."
"No one can control TSMC by force." - Taiwan Legislator Wang Ding Yu
"It must end." - White House statement referring to Georgia's new voting law
"The law applies to the President of the United States as well as everybody else in this country, you're not above the law."
"If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by the truth." - Mick Wallace
"Joe Biden is going to be your president. I'm sorry if that causes you concern. There is no scenario."
"What we're asking the men and women of the border patrol to do is inhumane." - Lindsey Graham
"The gun is at the protection of all freedom."
"An assault on America... never been anything like it. It's an assault on our country."
"Biden's plan calls for raising taxes by over $6 trillion. Congratulations everybody, I gave you the largest tax cut in the history of our country."
"Tear down the great firewall now!" - Keith Kratch
"If they can do this to me, they can do it to you. Is this freedom?"
"Freedom isn't telling women what they're allowed to do with their bodies."
"Freedom is a very fragile thing and it is never more than one generation away from extinction."
"We're bringing back our country again. We're respected again."