
Regional Stability Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Security can only come from within the countries and within the region."
"This accord will enable us to continue to stand by the Palestinian people and realize their hopes for an independent state within a stable and prosperous region."
"The water challenge is plaguing the region are so severe and so intense, many believe that lack of water, yes water, if unsolved, will lead to the collapse of Asia as a region."
"These forces in this region, they're on our side. They are confronting these medievalists, the ones who want to take us back, and so therefore, they're the ones that should be supported."
"Peace in Afghanistan is non-negotiable for us...it's an existential issue for us."
"David will then claim leadership over the Sultanate, and as the new leader, he will finally bring peace to the desert."
"We don't have these crises down in Florida right we don't have an economic crisis down in Florida we don't have a coveted crisis down in Florida right things are going pretty well down here"
"For China not to swallow small countries in the region, it is essential that the United States not withdraw support from the region."
"Montenegro's accession is good for Montenegro, it's good for NATO, it's good for the stability of the western Balkans, and it's good for international peace and security."
"Stability in the Middle East is vital for the security and development of the region and beyond."
"The situation is such that if Batman Falls, well in time the rest of Donbass Falls as well."
"China is not going to be dragged into any war or any confrontation. What they're trying to promote is peace, they want regional stability."
"It's our biggest trading partner... if Europe's on fire they're not prosperous."
"North Korea has rapidly escalated its provocations and such unilateral actions are a threat to the peace and stability of Japan the region as well as the International Community and are absolutely unacceptable."
"This whole region is a mess because of outside meddling right."
"Achievements that would make the emperor proud they include ending white minority rule in southern African nations helping to create a new nation in South Sudan and promoting stability in Somalia."
"U.S security strategy will help implement a comprehensive economic, political stability, and security strategy for the region."
"We need an Indo-Pacific charter to prevent war between the major powers in Asia."
"North America doesn't look like it's seriously deteriorating as a region either."
"A peaceful and prosperous Ukraine, a free and open Black Sea, that's a powerful idea."
"As long as the persecution of the Palestinian people continues, lasting peace and stability in the Middle East is not possible."
"This was a brilliant strategy... it really was the leadership shown by President Vucic, Prime Minister of Kosovo, that's the beauty of focusing on economics."
"This has taken real political courage... but this is a big, big day for, I think, stability in the Balkans as well."
"The alignment of Wagner Group soldiers with Ukrainian forces could mark a significant turning point in the conflict with far-reaching consequences for the stability of the region and the future of Russia-Ukraine relations."
"It does look as if the situation in chuar is now very bad indeed..."
"Central Command says the exercise reinforces the U.S commitment to the Middle East."
"Now they are in the east, close to the Donbass and core Russian territories."
"Trump's diplomatic engagement with North Korea brought stability."
"The loss of Taiwan would break that geopolitical chain that is the fulcrum for U.S Global defense."
"Whether there's disintegration or unity in the Horn of Africa will determine a lot about the nature of the continent, the region, and the globe moving forward."
"The Islamic civilization is the only civilization that has allowed Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others to live side by side in harmony with Justice and security for all."
"What they signed is essentially a peace deal."
"We are looking to make sure that we're making measured steps in concert with our allies in the interest of long-term stability in the region."
"The United States-Japan alliance is the cornerstone of peace, prosperity, and freedom in the Asia Pacific."
"With our friends and with our allies, with Japan and so many others, we have ushered in an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity on these seas and between our lands."
"If Bachmat falls, and of course if the important neighboring cities of Slavyansk come under [Russian] control, well, the credibility of the Ukrainian government will be severely damaged."
"There's no positive scenario where nuclear powers start gobbling up their smaller neighbors."
"The successful attack on the Russian military facilities in berdiansk using Storm Shadow missiles further highlights the Ukrainian armed forces' capabilities."
"Peace and security remain the priority for the people of Mali and the Sahel."
"Please continue to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the wisdom of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government."
"Maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula and preventing the situation from deteriorating and escalating conformed to the common interests of the International Community."
"Strategic partnerships and alliances: Japan's path towards regional stability."
"We are committed to a peaceful Indo-Pacific free from coercion, with sovereignty, international law, and the rights of all states respected and upheld."
"In the early 1980s, Panama was an oasis of peace in a region torn by violence."
"Somaliland reaffirms its commitment to peace and stability of the region."
"We may be delivering Al-Qaeda another prize; they'll be in Libya. They weren't there before."
"The administrative structures developed in this region have remained almost the same for many centuries."
"The true reason behind their help in ending the bloody civil war in Borneo was to secure peace and to protect the region's booming international trade."
"Armenia remains committed to an agenda of peace."
"The Biden administration should lead a regional effort to preserve democracy or democratic stability."
"Nothing quite stabilizes a region like everyone relying on each other and making money. Seriously, it's one of the best things that can stabilize regions."
"Japan's interests are best served by peace on the Taiwan straits."
"In order to maintain strategic balance in Asia, Taiwan has to preserve its status."
"The United States Army Europe contributes substantially to the security of the region."
"It's about industry, it's about capacity, it's about relevance, and it's really about the free and open indo-pacific that we all ascribe to hope for."
"A Taliban-run Afghanistan is the worst possible outcome for Pakistan's stability."
"We will accelerate the search for peace and stability in that region."
"Singapore must be active as a player, working with other AMS interested in preserving the peace, stability, and prosperity of the region."
"We hope we can work together to keep the region plural, open and most important of all peaceful."
"Our North Star at The Institute is this guiding principle that technology must Advance freedom."
"The investment is crucial to maintaining peace and stability in the Pacific."
"We believe that resolution of this conflict is essential for achieving a secure and prosperous future for both Azerbaijan and Armenia."
"The Japan-U.S. Alliance is the cornerstone of peace in the Indo-Pacific region."
"Italy contributes to peace and to stability in the Mediterranean."
"The operative question is not how to maintain US primacy, but how to enlist the strengths of Indo Pacific countries to guarantee the region's stability, prosperity, and freedom from domination by a hostile great power or combination of great powers."
"We must deserve peace in Southeast Asia."
"The Abraham Accords... aimed to provide a solid foundation for enhancing regional peace, prosperity, and stability."
"You have to reach accommodation if Northern Ireland is to exist."
"The trend in Asia is towards stability."
"A stable Afghanistan is essential to stability in the region."
"The most important objective of ours: peace in Afghanistan, peace for the Afghan people, peace for the region, peace for Pakistan, peace for us, and peace for the rest of the world."
"Businesses should be held to a higher standard... providing for the economic stability and the social stability of a particular region should take precedent over profits."