
Societal Beliefs Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"We're told from a young age that money is hard to come by; we should study and work our whole life to earn it. How then can all this money suddenly come from nowhere?"
"What doesn't kill you makes you weaker... always trust your feelings... and life is a battle between good people and evil people. If you believe these three things, no wonder anxiety and depression is through the roof."
"Every Tau citizen believes in this message wholeheartedly, and that giving themselves over to the pursuit of the greater good is the best path for any individual."
"The Tau citizens, at the core of their being, believe what they are doing is right. That the creed of the greater good is a superior way of life."
"People believe that there is a superior group of individuals trying to control the world for money and power."
"That's literally what church was telling us they just didn't call it a simulation they said that a higher power God you know created the universe and all that stuff and I'm it's like okay you believe it or you don't."
"What we've got now is a significant part of our society that believes what they believe and they believe it fervently and they believe it to the point where they are willing to do violence."
"It seems to me that America's affinity for guns comes from three places: tradition, rights, and mythology."
"We cooperate because we believe in imaginary stories about gods and nations and money even though these things exist only in our own imagination."
"The majority of people in this country believe in fundamental human rights in the rule of law in democracy."
"Money is evil, and they actually teach that garbage to our kids."
"Luxury beliefs are beliefs that certain generations... can afford to have."
"In our country, there was always the belief that regardless of your income, you have the opportunity to move up the economic ladder."
"It seems crazy, but the idea that the world's most influential figures have been hijacked by reptilian shape shifters is one of the most popular conspiracy theories in recent history."
"Raising your hand out there if you were encouraged to have negative beliefs about men or women or a race or a culture based upon your toxic parents' beliefs."
"We've been programmed to believe that you guys are beyond reproach and that you're not human."
"The biggest confusion in America in 2019 is that money is happiness."
"California as an island teaches us something bigger than just how humans draw maps, it's actually more about how humans want to see the world, about how fake ideas spread and why."
"Luxury beliefs denote status and membership in the Elite Ivy League circles."
"White people wouldn't buy a book that talks about the lie of race because that was a lie to everything that they have been taught all their lives."
"That's like everybody thinks that, like, not for nothing, but everybody actually believes that."
"The problem with that is that white people have been so propagandized to be opposed to black people."
"You are not born evil because you are white. You are not born better because you are black."
"An entire community starts attributing the daily horrors of their lives to a mythical figure."
"Luxury beliefs...professed by the upper classes with little to no consequence."
"If most people believe something is right and true, then it must be right and true."
"Statism is the biggest lie sold to us over the thousands of years."
"There is no master race, that is a scientific truth."
"Everything we've been led to believe about the penal system in this country is backwards."
"Large majorities believe that housing is a human right. Large majorities believe homelessness can happen to anyone."
"There's not good data to support deterrence theory...most people...don't think they're going to get caught."
"Democracy lies in the hearts, not just in heads."
"Don't you think everyone deserves to feel that way?"
"Neatly packaged and palatable indeed, and oh how we want to believe."
"Jesus came for all races, destroy those lies."
"Why do we believe that everything successful requires a tremendous amount of hard work?"
"I don't know if it's a carpenter named Jesus, if it's a fat dude named Buddha, if it's an eight-armed elephant, if it's Shiva."
"More than ever now is the time to really pick up your bible and like learn to read it, learn to spend time with it, learn to dive into the truth and understand how the bible is put together."
"If you incentivize people to say 'oh it wasn't me,' people will begin ideas will plant themselves in people's minds."
"They'll run amok if they stop believing in God because forget you're not responsible for your actions."
"Helping people to understand the enchantment is a great way for them to see past it."
"We've got to understand what the truth is about the spiritualism that pervades our culture."
"Our values are old and true. They are universal because they're rooted in the fundamental belief that individual freedom enables both the greatest achievement and the gentlest kindness."
"The oppressed will always believe the worst about themselves."
"The big questions in life are tough, but if people believe in [__] douchey liars like you, we're never gonna find the real answers."
"What is justice? This question, at its core, is among the most fundamental we need to answer for ourselves because how we perceive justice defines how we believe the world should operate."
"We live in strange times... aliens are real."
"The only reason you believe it damages you is because you're believing your culture."
"There are those who believe that life here is being monitored by life out there, and there are those here that know it is."
"52 percent of Britons believe Britain is a racist society."
"Most people have no clue. They still think Jesus is white, you know?"
"Even in schools which are educating the children of plutocrats the idea that capitalism is sympathetic conservatism is found to be untrue."
"Most people aren't that stupid. I'm a very strong believer in that sunlight is the best disinfectant."
"I firmly believe that all of our humanity is connected and linked whether these folks like it or not."
"A lie doesn't become truth just because it's accepted by the majority."
"This is what people believe so we have to cater to them."
"There is a growing group that believes truth is irrelevant, truth is subjective therefore whatever people believe is truth and power is everything, these are the people who are willing who want to win by any means necessary and that is fascistic."
"These are myths that exist in our culture, which means women tend to believe these things and men tend to believe these things."
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
"The majority of our country doesn't believe in what is happening and that we must have bodily autonomy."
"Dominant narratives about race, family, media, society coupled with racialized structural arrangements and differential outcomes by race all promulgate the belief that people of color are inferior to white people."
"Many of us have learned by now that history is far from what we've been taught in school."
"This finding is something that it should shake the foundation of what we believe was our past because we've been lied to for so long."
"I think it's because they genuinely believe blacks are inferior there's obviously lots of successful black people right so the concept that black people are inferior is obviously wrong."
"Everybody says they believe in free speech, but..."
"Privacy isn't dead. It's one of those things where I think that it really is kind of too far."
"Collective belief in the existence of governmental authority is what makes the government exist."
"Romantic love: the myth that may be ruining your health."
"Maybe some of the things that you take for granted are wrong."
"People like to act like there's this big moment in history."
"We live in a country where we believe that white is right... if white folks love you, then we love you."
"The bottom line is... if you can't even bring yourself to question things like NASA... it's a far more tragic reality."
"Race is simply a social construct and speaks to nothing about what you actually believe, what you feel, what your moral value is."
"Feminism is the belief that women are worth as much as men."
"I think respect must be earned is a very toxic idea. I agree with you."
"Truth is truth even if nobody believes it but a lie is still a lie even if everybody believes it."
"The idea that all white people are inherently evil is not a serious thing that people believe."
"People have been sold a very big lie for a very long time. It's like when you have something on repeat, and that's the image and the idea that people have. This is what they believe."
"Religion shouldn't interfere. Muslims shouldn't try and impose their beliefs on society as a whole."
"People believe some pretty strange things these days."
"Believe me, there are few more millions who believe in these principles of democracy, hate racism in all its form to the core."
"It's all about might makes right and what people believe."
"Tattoos are illegal" is a misconception in progress."
"We live in a society that believes in the enforceability of contracts, and marriage is a contract."
"We've been led to believe that it's normal to hate each other, but we operate our best when we come together and when we actually love each other."
"We are a society that totally believes the surface and we want to believe the surface."