
Information Accuracy Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"From disinformation to misinformation, a subtle but significant shift."
"I wanted to give law enforcement accurate information. I knew that I hadn't done this, and I wanted to give them as much accurate information as I could."
"How do we verify that our data is factual in an era where our sensors are few but powerful?"
"Information accuracy is crucial so that people don't believe dumb stuff."
"We need real information, people need to be told what is true."
"It's really important to give the public accurate, credible information when you're trying to control a new disease spread."
"Remember, all information here must be correct."
"I want to give you sort of accurate information, I want to paint a real picture of what happened without leaving out important details but at the same time without sort of adding a bunch of useless information."
"The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer."
"It's ridiculous all the misinformation that was initially put out there."
"We need accurate information, truth not misinformation."
"So okay, the information here wasn't wrong but rather misleading because they didn't have the proper context."
"We were the source of medical information on YouTube, debunking the misinformation."
"Propaganda can be good and honest if it presents information accurately and fairly."
"The information is still relevant. If the information was outdated, I wouldn't post them. But the information is relevant."
"The reason why it's harder and we miss more is because context matters so kova 19 related information is easier for us to identify if it just uses one of the certain keywords etc."
"The media would never be able to get away with what they get away with if they had to have their information tested in a court of law."
"Life is Stranger Than Fiction; some things he said are very out there but the fact that he had all this info that is now coming out 5 years prior is crazy."
"We want to be the people that Americans can rely on to understand what is really going on."
"The only way we combat that disinformation is to put out the real information."
"I want to give people the right information."
"Is this list real? What's the URL? The short answer is yes, it absolutely is real."
"Do your part. Stop spreading rumors. Follow official sources of information such as local emergency response websites and pages, government websites and pages, and local reputable news outlets."
"This is a time to help people and provide accurate information with accurate headlines."
"How to listen to this energy and try to give the right information that the energy needs to be provided."
"If you paid attention to the mainstream media you are likely to be much safer and much closer to the truth."
"It's so easy for false information to spread."
"Social media is a great source of information; however, it can many times be a great source of disinformation."
"This should serve as a friendly reminder to fact-check your information, cross-reference sources."
"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails. Was that true?"
"Look for accurate sources and talk to people who have actually been to the country."
"The real situation is much, much worse, and the number of infected people and deaths should be multiple times than the official number."
"We talk as if we know exactly what we're doing, then we look it up."
"People want information, they want to know that it's honest, they want to know that it's accurate."
"We asked them for the information, they hold liable for the veracity of the information they send."
"Stay strong, stay informed, stay alert – only together will we get through this."
"Intentionally giving them the right information."
"Accurate information and truth, even when it's hard to hear."
"Above all else, some news that tends to break earlier and be more reliable than most."
"It is safer for a kid to read a reliable source that has been approved and purchased by a media specialist rather than to be misinformed by a non-credible source." - We need non-fiction books that are inclusive.
"The right to free speech, accurate information, and conscience-based non-violent activism continues to be eroded."
"We just want to give you good accurate information about what's happening in democracy and what's happening in court."
"Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world."
"Just because it's on social media doesn't mean it's true."
"We need government agencies to help us understand what is factually incorrect or factually correct."
"It's why it's so important to ensure the facts are verified."
"Access accurate and unbiased information... that's what we should fight for."
"Be very careful about what you hear and what's reported."
"It's much better to get those skills from a dedicated website than to watch a low-edited video on YouTube, which might not even have the correct information."
"Data is important... real data is better than unsure information."
"We want to make sure we get you guys accurate important information on a daily basis." - Ana Kasparian
"People need inspiration, not misinformation."
"There wouldn't be rumors and speculation if we got the information the right way."
"I hate misinformation. Oh, I particularly loathe misinformation."
"We have to get back to facts and we have to have facts dominate the scene."
"We can put factual based information back into the mainstream...so people understand what's there."
"Even if the model hallucinates, it will be forced to output the source from which it got its information, so there is no misinformation being spread."
"One of the ways that you can learn if the information you possess is correct or incorrect is by sharing it."
"Do your research and don't be out there sharing stuff that your parents don't know."
"He used your name, he rattled off a ton of very exact info."
"There was never an attack, but what they do know is what didn't happen."
"The credit scoring system can sometimes be highly inaccurate and correcting false information is a daunting process."
"Old science textbooks have outdated information and we don't toss out every theory in an old science textbook because some of the information is bad."
"Information and misinformation is a big problem."
"This particular source of the information was just dead-on it solidified a lot of the information we had."
"Wikipedia seems to change all the time. I do a lot of these interviews, they hit me with some facts about me and I tell them, 'I see you've been reading Wikipedia.' That's not correct."
"Getting the correct information out to you is the most important thing for me."
"It never gets stagnant... as long as the primary editors... are editing and updating that information, it's going to continue to always be up-to-date."
"This case is about the obligation of corporate officers to provide complete, truthful, and accurate information at all times."
"My guest today is someone who seeks to cut through all the noise and hyperbole by simply presenting the information about our world as accurately as possible."
"You need to know what it is that you want to find out about, and to do that your data has to be clean."
"I'm gonna try to do my best to make sure that the information that I'm bringing you guys is correct and accurate and not fake news."
"With the PI system in place, we like to provide you with one version of the truth."
"I want to make sure that I'm bringing accurate information and a thoughtful opinion to things."
"The role of the media is to provide precise information."
"Providing accurate financial information is very important."
"I'm doing my best to make sure I'm getting the most accurate and up-to-date information that I can."