
Minority Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The vocal minority will always be louder, but that doesn't represent everyone."
"History is not led by the majority, it's led by the dedicated minority."
"Individuals look for the truth, the top performers... are not members of the majority. They're at the fringe extremes."
"The smallest minority in the world is the individual."
"No one prefers renting. The absolute smallest minority of people might prefer the convenience of renting."
"America that doesn't agree with this outnumbers the white republican Trump party that wants to remain in power even though it's a minority."
"People who really care about faith, it's a minority sport, it always has been and it always will be."
"A small group can have a disproportionate effect."
"We're the 5% of the population that can actually have a direct effect upon the policies."
"Being a minority, being an underdog is an advantage."
"Women who have been in that situation only a small minority of them say this is what worries me."
"Most conflicts throughout history... it's always a small minority seeking change."
"We need to keep remembering that we do not make up the majority of this country."
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual."
"People hate it when you call out their hero and actually speak the truth."
"With righteousness and Yah, even though our numbers were small, they were still victorious over the enemies."
"Extremists only make up a very small percentage."
"For the past half century, veganism has been a minority within a minority in America."
"Nobody wants to believe it, nobody wants it to happen, well except for a small group of few."
"There are one to five percent of the people who have a spiritual responsibility."
"Anyone can do this, but very few find the road because we're consistently weighed down by the things that pull us down."
"He only ever granted freedom to a small handful."
"If you survive to the 2030s as a pure human being, you'll be in a small minority."
"The ability to speak well, the ability to have confidence to speak when you're in a minority and the consensus is against you."
"The Constitution is written not for the 50 million, it's written to protect the rights of the 2 million."
"Make me a believer that you really care and talk more about what's happening with the majority instead of the minority."
"All you see is that 5 percent, and that 5 percent eclipses the entire 95 percent."
"The very purpose of a Bill of Rights is to play certain things beyond the reach of majority..."
"The excelling in Good Deeds are the minority but most special."
"It's important to emphasize that only a tiny percentage of the children exposed to abuse and trauma develop these pathologies."
"The X-Men were always woke in that original sense, responsive to the dynamics of marginalization. Mutants as a minority is textual from the beginning."
"As Muslims, we identify ourselves with the dark world, so we're not any minority. We're part of the majority. And the white man is the minority."
"A tiny little minority, two-thirds of one percent, they have collected between 25 and 33 percent of all the Nobel prizes ever awarded in science, music, and literature."
"The problem for them is that their number is fairly small."
"Only the minority of psychopaths are actually violent."
"They will voice their opinion even if they are the minority when it comes to a certain opinion."
"if enough minorities grouped together you're no longer the minority"
"The minority can make the difference."
"The ash experiment teaches us that when you're a minority, it's very difficult to stick up for your beliefs in spite of what the majority says."
"Those one percent make our lives amazing."
"Laugh it up, William. Okay, no, I know it's actually growing in number. I think the legless few. Oh yeah, yeah, it's the legless minority. Yep, it's now the minority, not the few anymore."
"A very small portion of the population is fueled by a very dangerous ideology."
"We're really talking about the loud minority, not the silent majority."
"It's a small band of people that bring about a change in the entire world."
"Never ask of yourself what you would never ask of another minority."
"The majority is no one, the minority is everyone."
"If you love writing and every time you get an essay test you get excited, that's good, but you're kind of in the minority."
"I mean, people hate Googan. Yes, they do. And I always think it's always a loud, the minority is the loudest group. The haters are actually, it's a very small group."
"Tiny little minority, two-thirds of one percent. They have collected between 25 and 33 percent of all the Nobel prizes ever awarded in science, in music, and in literature."
"It's not all the Jews, it's actually a very small group, and they were the ones who had everything to lose."
"The Amish are the fastest growing ethnic minority in America."
"Only a minority of patients will actually go on to surgery."
"The goal is not to be the majority, it's never been the goal."
"They were both minority groups... Germans and Jews were in a sense partners."
"I'll tell you this though, if Zoro saw that he was a minority, he would have got cut down."
"It's potentially dangerous for a religious minority whose identity is still regarded with skepticism by many in the mainstream."
"Welcome to the life of being a minority on the internet."
"...just because the chances, the odds are against you does not mean that you should not strive to become part of that minority..."
"Consensus means that you take all minority positions into account."
"It requires a supermajority to get anything done... minorities would be the fulcrum of political power"
"Loud minority shouldn't make us think that they're the whole picture."
"The majority are normally wrong and it's the minority that's correct. That could have been further from the truth. That is absolutely not true."
"The middle class is definitely the minority of the three."
"I'm the only woman in every single room."
"Even in the most democratic of democracies, it is always a small minority that rules and imposes its will and interests by force."
"If we wish to finish the railroad, it is certainly better to suit the greatest possible number, always with the understanding that the minority has all possible opportunity to advocate its ideas."
"It is also clear that racial and ethnic minority groups are at increased risk for COVID-19 hospitalization and deaths."
"The faithful way may put us in opposition to the majority."
"A significant minority within the unionist loyalist community does feel as if the systems of the state are now weighed against us."
"For goodness sake, please don't condemn a whole group based on the vocal absurd minority."
"The righteous among them are always very few, but through that few great things happen."
"Go to Joshua Project dotnet. All 50 of these people groups have less than 2% Christ followers."
"The things that we teach are so different, unique, well, I don't know if unique, but they're certainly in the minority."
"We have to be very careful in how you react to social media because in all due respect it is the loudest minority."
"The number of people willing to stand up under all that pressure is extremely small."
"You need to do what the majority are not willing to do."
"If we ever believed for one moment that there is strength in numbers, then God forbid we would immediately give way to despair because we are a very tiny people indeed."
"If we compare the majority to those that are the minority and we say to ourselves, 'Well, are there actually people who succeed?' We can safely say that there are succeeding, so for that reason, it is more than possible."
"Don't be one of the majority; join the minority."
"Being a minority in this country, it gives you a little bit more perspective."
"That's the reason why when you're part of a minority group, you do want to know that you're welcome."
"Sometimes it only takes a few to make a big noise."
"We might not have the numbers, but we have the spirit, true."
"Life for a single minority woman living abroad is good."
"Being a single woman or being a small minority is both hard and an opportunity."
"It only takes a small minority to instigate some kind of massive conflict."
"I may be of the very small minority that actually liked Alien Resurrection."
"Numbers should never scare you because they're an indicator that the vast majority of people aren't prepared to go all the way."
"What we lack in numbers, we make up for with guts."
"Only a minority can succeed at the game of life, and that minority inevitably arouses the envy of those around them."
"He knew what oppression was. He knew what it was to be a minority."
"A very tiny minority, left unchecked, can exert a disproportionate and deadly influence on an entire society."
"When people in a group agree with the minority, then the minority starts to exert influence. As this happens, more and more members of the majority will start to agree with the minority and convert towards their viewpoint."
"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth."
"This is a dangerous policy for minority people who we should be protecting."
"We're tired of like the subversive stuff, you know, the stuff where people act condescending to you and act like you as a minority can't think for yourself."
"We're living in the system where it's something less than 10% of any population can really steer the conversation on a polarizing issue."
"Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth."
"I am the only man among 207 women in my line of work."
"I started going to the minority affairs office because I needed a little help."
"Americans who report some type of disability or chronic medical condition make up 25% of our country's adult population and are considered by some the largest minority group."
"It is unforgivable to demonize a minority of vulnerable people in this country."
"I am sure that 95% of people didn't watch that part. A lot of work for a few people. I do it for you, the one or two people who watch the entire microphone comparison."
"The Jews' position under Muslim rule was in every respect an improvement as they went from persecuted to protected minority."
"The Lord did not choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the fewest, but because He loved you."
"I'm actually happy being the minority."
"In the United States of America, we try to protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority."
"Minority rights need to be preserved and the constitution should guarantee that."
"Purple Heart... I feel like so many of us, especially minority of America, are able to navigate through so many things that... a lot of us deserve a Purple Heart."
"It's a tiny number of people that produce almost all of everything."
"It's by chance. It's like one in 20,000, right? That's why it's a minority group."
"In Tunisia, there is also a small population of about a thousand nomadic Bedouins."
"Step out of the crowd. Understand that serving the Lord is a minority assignment."
"Jews lived in India as a small minority for centuries, never persecuted."
"Accounting for a minut 2% of all users."
"As Christians, we are going to be the minority of this world, but again, we are here for a purpose."
"A working healthy democracy is not about protecting the rights of the majority, it's about protecting the rights of the minority."
"Great groups never changed the world; it's always the few with vision."
"Massive change happens from a creative minority; it only takes a small percentage of any given society."
"I love the nine percent that are hopeful."
"When the minority is consistent and unchanging, it becomes more likely that members of the majority will be swayed or persuaded."
"You never are in minority when you are with the truth; even if you are one, you are majority."
"Ain't no give up in me; I'm part of the less than five percent of black women who regain custody."
"But we're airbenders, and there aren't many of us, so we've got to stick together."
"It's a great time to be a woman, it's a great time to be a minority."
"We are still outnumbered by the world... but remember, it's not about numbers, and it never has been."
"We were the only black students; we made sure that we graduated, honey, because all odds were against us."
"Even if we affect a million people, that's not enough. But if all we need is 0.1% of the population... don't underestimate the power of a single human being."
"If you can affect 0.1%, that is an overwhelming victory."
"Most people will fail. But you can choose to be one of the 5 or 10 percent who succeed."
"The minority is not going to be unheard for any longer."
"There's a group of people that will start and there's a much smaller group that will finish."
"Minority influence refers to situations in which one person or a small group of people influences the beliefs and the behavior of other people."
"A consistent minority can influence the majority to process new ideas more deeply."
"Being in the minority doesn't mean that you're necessarily incorrect."
"We've got less than 20 percent of the world's people who live in genuine democracy where human rights, labor rights, peace, democratic rights, and freedoms exist."
"Christian philosophy has a respected minority status, a place at the table in contemporary discussions."
"There's a remnant, a group of people who have not sold out to the idols of fame and fortune."
"The condition of the unsuccessful minority is truly pitiable."
"The number of those who govern is a very small percentage of those who are theoretically supposed to govern."
"We have to go back to just seeing people as individuals because that is the ultimate minority."
"We thirsted for vengeance; we were weak, however, and few in number."
"Sometimes it's not always wrong to be in the minority."
"So the female population of veterans only takes up about ten percent of the total veteran population."
"The majority is following the wrong, and the minority understands the right."
"The minority is typically the right."
"98% of human beings on this planet have perception, 2% of people have a perspective."
"It takes a minority of 5% to influence a crowd's direction, and the other 95% will just follow without realizing it."
"If a vocal minority, however perfect its cause, prevails over reason and the will of the majority, this nation has no future as a free society."
"Like Twitter users are the minority of the minority of the world they don't represent what people think."
"In a world of super-powered individuals, there was a mere 20% of the population who were born quirkless."
"When we look at social change, we see that a committed minority of people can shift the majority."
"The real problem with that kind of solution is how to guarantee the control of the defense or military power at the highest level wouldn't be hijacked by a minority."
"I would never say that about a group of minority people, especially seeing how I'm in the minority in this community."
"Three out of 800, but they'd won; Miloa had her victory, and far away Earth could rest in unearned safety for a while."
"With God, even the minority is better equipped for victory."
"For far too long, minorities have been excessively punished and incarcerated for cannabis while others profited."
"It's a very, very small percentage of any group that behaves this way."
"Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world."
"...it is possible that sometimes a small number might be right and the majority are wrong."
"Presentation is everything, especially if you are part of a minority group."
"99% of the people in the world operate out of a frame of reference, a pattern of thinking that is history and memory. One percent of the people operate out of imagination and vision."
"Our numbers are small, but our passion is potent."
"We're still here, there's less of us, but we're still making it, and that's a beautiful thing."
"The 5% that's you and me and your listeners, we're still here to win those people back."
"98% of people stay in their comfort zone, and the 2% who stray outside of that comfort zone are the ones who grow."