

There are 62 quotes

"The repercussions of labeling HIV infection a 'homosexual disease' led to unsold suffering in gay communities."
"Scientists have been conducting experiments on cats to study molecules that could stop HIV/AIDS."
"According to the World Health Organization, since the beginning of the epidemic about 79.3 million people have been infected with the HIV virus and 36.3 million people have died from HIV."
"It was their activism, their fighting, that helped turn HIV and AIDS from a death sentence to a condition you can not only live with but live a perfectly normal life with."
"With affordable drugs, people with HIV and AIDS could remain healthy and live longer and more productive lives."
"AIDS has had an impact on our entire culture."
"Um, I learned about AZT from 'Rent,' you know, the first time I heard of the term AZT was this medicine that could really heighten your quality of life if you were living with HIV and AIDS, specifically HIV in the '90s."
"I'm a gay man and I agree absolutely with Mark Christian that Rock Hudson should have told him he had AIDS."
"To have a man like Magic Johnson come out and say, 'Yeah, I'm HIV positive, and watch me continue with my life,' lets a lot of people realize that this is not the end of life."
"I was a houseman when HIV/AIDS started in '82, and now, you know, as I've gotten older, we've got this other huge pandemic really."
"AIDS patients have an infection that weakens their body's defenses. They know if they go on to develop a cancer or pneumonia they'll almost certainly die."
"Since 1981, more than 75 million people have become infected with HIV across the globe."
"My other hope is that there is an increase in emphasis on destigmatizing HIV and decriminalizing HIV."
"You have it within your power with what you know now to make sure that nobody else ever has to suffer as a result of HIV/AIDS ever again."
"But those living with HIV know this as a matter of life and death."
"The earlier you can get on top of it, the better off you're going to be, and here at Body Positive, we have an exercise program. It is our belief that you've got to keep your body as healthy as possible to battle this disease."
"Survival was an option when it came to HIV, however, that simply wasn't the case during the 80s."
"We've taken a disease that was essentially uniformly fatal and right now, if you put people on the proper combination of drugs, you can essentially allow them to lead almost a normal life."
"It is okay to be HIV positive. You still belong, you still matter."
"The majority of people who get HIV in the world these days are younger women of color."
"South Africa's got the largest ARV treatment program in the world."
"AIDS is curable, the Berlin patient proved that AIDS is curable."
"...I was immediately rejected I didn't want to know even know if I was in your own community right there was a stigma attached to it because of the weight loss because of what the virus didn't you when I transitioned into AIDS from HIV."
"No one should die of AIDS because they can be treated. But it tells you that we're not getting drugs to everyone who needs it."
"38 million people living with HIV globally."
"Nobody should die of AIDS because they can be treated."
"No one should die of AIDS because they can be treated."
"I got caught aids they said he died but um."
"What a person who has a diagnosis like HIV needs is the love of a family."
"Undetectable equals untransmittable."
"The only thing that we knew about HIV was people dying. Nobody ever talked about those people who were living with it."
"The werewolf condition as an allegory for HIV/AIDS is a compelling interpretation of societal fear and discrimination."
"Every person affected by HIV/AIDS is a beautiful individual with dreams and family."
"Rock Hudson's courageous revelation marked a pivotal moment in history, igniting a movement that continues to drive progress in HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, and treatment."
"Dave Brindle not only challenged stigma but also inspired countless individuals to confront the realities of HIV/AIDS with resilience and compassion."
"Kevin Peter Hall's legacy lives on through his iconic performances and the awareness his story brings to the ongoing battle against HIV/AIDS."
"His bravery in sharing his health struggles served as a reminder of the importance of raising awareness about HIV/AIDS."
"A spokesperson for HIV/AIDS prevention, education, and gender equality."
"The Ryan White Care Act established programs for people living with this disease."
"Barry's involvement underscores her dedication to combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic and promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society."
"The scientific consensus is very clear: HIV is the virus responsible for AIDS."
"It's crucial to rely on scientific evidence rather than discredited theories to combat HIV/AIDS effectively."
"The human immunodeficiency virus is the virus, and AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is the illness that is caused by the virus."
"HIV and AIDS throughout the world is a global problem."
"The HIV and AIDS prevalence rate has been a very clear decline from 0.28% to 0.14% in the two years period."
"We need to come together to fight the stigma and ignorance around HIV and AIDS."
"We try to do what we can to fill the voids of people with AIDS who are diagnosed."
"Everyone who has AIDS has HIV, but not everyone with HIV has AIDS."
"We're on track to end the scourge of HIV/AIDS; that's within our grasp."
"His public disclosure of his disease helped reduce the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and drew much-needed attention to the importance of prevention and treatment efforts."
"He continued to speak out about HIV/AIDS and educate others about the disease."
"20% of the proceeds go to help fight HIV/AIDS across the world."
"Empowering women is going to be critical to reducing the transmission rate."
"The vast majority of untreated HIV infections eventually lead to AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome."
"HIV/AIDS death rates have fallen by 86% in this country."
"The treatment for this is something called ART therapy; it's antiretroviral therapy."
"The HIV/AIDS epidemic is both a scientific challenge and a human tragedy."
"His courage in confronting HIV/AIDS and his efforts to destigmatize the conversation surrounding the disease continue to resonate."
"He is one of the people responsible for the discovery that HIV does lead to AIDS."