
Crucifixion Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"Who is Jesus? Did he die on the cross? Did he claim to be God?"
"The idea that Jesus could have survived his scourging and crucifixion I think is just highly highly improbable."
"As a non-believer, the crucifixion has just an act of man's behavior, a way of behavior to another."
"The handwriting of requirements against me were nailed to him on the tree were wiped out on the tree on Calvary."
"The crucifixion as a symbol of all-conquering self-giving love is extraordinary."
"The most important event... Jesus dying on the cross... because that is the way that we're saved."
"According to tradition Saint Peter received a special punishment crucifixion but not like Jesus. Peter asked himself to be attached upside down so as not to die like his master."
"God becomes a man, walks on this earth as a man, lives an absolutely perfect life, and then, according to the foreknowledge, the sovereign plan of God, he has lifted up by the hands of us and nailed to a cross."
"Any worldview that denies Jesus' death by crucifixion is simply out of touch with reality."
"When your flesh is finally crucified, there is a power that is executed in your life beyond anything you have ever seen before."
"Crucifixion was invented 700 years after this was penned."
"For Christians, this is where Jesus was crucified and resurrected."
"The unanimous testimony of the relevant historical sources from the first century after Jesus all testified to his crucifixion in Jerusalem under Pontius Pilate."
"Jesus was the light of the world, so God confirmed who it was dying on that Cross by five Mighty Miracles."
"I met a man at a place called Calvary; he was dying on a cross of wood, that man was God."
"This man dying in front of my eyes, truly this is the son of God."
"He always loves his son in his sacred Humanity for 33 years but never was that sacred Humanity so lovable as when he was hanging on the cross."
"It's the biggest single problem in the world, how we react to the crucifixion, whether we say it matters or not."
"The cross... this horrible instrument of torture... that's where the power was."
"It wasn't nails that held Jesus to that cross, it was love for you."
"I view [the crucifixion] as one massive flip of paganism where ancient pagans sacrificed their sons to show their love for their God, but God sacrificed His Son to show His love for humanity."
"The crucifixion was not a tragedy. It was an achievement."
"The prophetic puzzle that God revealed through Isaiah confirms the correct date for the crucifixion of Yeshua."
"The crucifixion is so well attested that it's become a criteria for reconstructing Jesus in historical Jesus studies."
"The death of Jesus is kind of a really big deal in the case for the resurrection."
"Crucifixion is a public political statement."
"The crucifixion of Jesus is the most well-established fact of ancient antiquity."
"The cross is the only place that you can meet God... if you want forgiveness of your sins and you want to go to heaven you have to come by the way of the blood."
"The mark of a Spirit-filled life is a crucified life."
"What in the world was he doing on the cross?"
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"When he looks at that cross, he is satisfied fully and completely."
"Bart Ehrman fully affirms the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Jesus has already won the victory for our Salvation on the cross of Calvary."
"Crucifixion is a word laden with meaning and symbolism... archaeologists found the first ever evidence of this cruel punishment in a quaint historic village in Cambridgeshire."
"Was Christ crucified? I have shown from the Quran that he was."
"There is no historical doubt that Jesus was crucified."
"Jesus was crucified, I'd start with that so that we could be pretty confident of."
"On the cross, Jesus is the sinner God made him to be, so that we might be the righteousness of God."
"How perfectly does this identify the sufferings of Christ by crucifixion?"
"There was a guy named Jesus. He existed. He died on the cross."
"The most pastoral person in the world was beaten and crucified so tell me how I'm supposed to be pastoral if I am not following what our Lord Jesus did, right?"
"The New Testament records that Pilate released the rebel leader and crucified Jesus."
"The Gospel is that Jesus Christ was crucified, He was buried, and He rose again on the third day."
"We preach Christ crucified; it's not about what we've done, but what He has done."
"But each of these messiahs had failed mostly ending up nailed to a cross."
"The wounds on Jesus's body that were given to him at the time of the crucifixion."
"The good news is that Jesus Christ came, He was crucified, and on that cross He shed His blood for our sins."
"The cross did not hold Him, He held the cross."
"To say that the crucifixion and burial and resurrection of Jesus was the pivotal moment of history is not an exaggeration."
"It depicts one of the most emotionally charged moments in the New Testament, the aftermath of the crucifixion."
"Crucifixion was fairly common, and the Romans were pretty good at crucifying people."
"Jesus' death as a consequence of crucifixion is indisputable."
"Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberias at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate."
"What if kyus never were meant for Jesus to be crucified merely arrested?"
"Jesus voluntarily died on the cross because he was paying the price of the sins for everyone."
"He saved the whole world in the greatest act of all. Alright, in the six hours on the cross, when He finished with 'It is finished,' He saved the whole world like this."
"was he crucified I think this is probably the one we can say 100% yes to it seems a very odd story for um the early Christians to to make up if if Jesus wasn't crucified why on Earth would you say that"
"I've titled the message 'The Crucifixion: A Cosmic Singularity.'"
"The crucifixion is a paradox because it is such sad news and it is such good news."
"Allah says they did not kill Jesus nor did they crucify Jesus."
"We now know that crucified victims could be dignified with a proper burial in a family tomb, just as the Bible describes Jesus being buried."
"The crucifixion of the Lord Jesus was the most necessary act of justice required by divine holiness."
"The crucifixion is no doubt the most evil, treacherous, villainous act ever perpetrated on anyone by humanity."
"There is no crucifixion... they killed him not."
"I have been crucified with Christ."
"Can you find me one historian, just one, from the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, up until the seventh century, that denied the crucifixion of Jesus? Not one."
"Jesus's career as described in the New Testament lasted all of three years, at the end of which he was crucified by the Romans as a common criminal."
"He was crucified for our sake under Pontius Pilate."
"So, why believe a text that came 500 years later written in Arabic that says otherwise when you have these four gospels written by independent eyewitnesses according to them multiply tested in Greek that say that he was crucified?"
"The victory of Jesus on the cross is crucial as he rendered these forces powerless."
"Jesus was crucified when he was 33 years old."
"Jesus's death by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate as sure as any historical event could ever be."
"The Centurion who oversaw Jesus's crucifixion had to remark that he was the Son of God."
"Jesus must have predicted that his crucifixion, his suffering would be an important part of his movement."
"I think it's in the Book of Matthew where it says the veil of the temple was and this is the physical symbol of when this all happened at the crucifixion."
"For everything connected with our self-life was put on the cross and crucified with Messiah."
"If we're to have any hope at all, it's not under the sign of crucifixion but of Resurrection."
"At the very summit of all that we know about Christ is His sin-bearing substitutionary death upon Calvary’s cross."
"What in the world got him crucified under Pontius Pilate? What was so dangerous or perceived to be dangerous or subversive about this man?"
"The cross is the fact that Jesus went out to die on the cross." - Billy Graham
"It is very important for the Christians to believe in that because Christians have basically relied on their view of salvation on the belief that crucifixion is important for salvation."
"I'd rather be crucified in this way than have Muhammad pricked by a thorn."
"Jesus died by crucifixion... Jesus died by crucifixion... the evidence is present... Jesus died... the most solid fact of ancient history."
"He humbled Himself all the way to death, and the worst possible death, the excruciating death on the cross."
"The guy Jesus was crucified next to said, 'Uh we're, we are... We deserve this but this man did nothing wrong.'"
"The crucifixion quickly developed as an atonement. The death itself is historical, but the interpretations are theological."
"It's Jesus and the cross he is glorified supremely so in that moment as he says earlier in John like that bronze serpent in the wilderness I will be lifted up and I will draw all men unto me."
"Jesus did die on the cross; it's the greatest fact of history."
"The earliest known source of the Gospels said nothing about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus."
"When we actually examine the evidence we will come away with the historical plausibility of an uncrucified Jesus."
"A thousand years before Jesus was crucified, David described His crucifixion when there was no such thing as a crucifixion."
"The crucified victims remained on their crosses for several days. It is highly implausible that a secret follower of Jesus of Nazareth would be granted special permission by Pontius Pilate to remove the body from the cross immediately after death."
"The idea of allowing your own crucifixion, the look on his face is like, 'oh.'"
"This crucified man, surely he was the son of God."
"If Jesus would not have died, everything would have just laid there."
"When Jesus was being crucified... Don't you think that some of the blood of Jesus got on them?"
"This man was crucified for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son."
"Jesus asked the father forgive them for they know not what they do while he was still bleeding."
"Tacitus mentioned Christians and Christ's crucifixion under Pontius Pilate."
"No one ever suffered like Christ upon that cross."
"The most important thing is Christ crucified."
"Jesus' death was unusual in six hours. Very good, he's experienced significant trauma."
"The crucifixion, resurrection, and Ascension are key events in Christianity."
"Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead."
"Jesus needed his full senses if he was going to articulate 'it is finished', and so he's going on the way and then he's finally now he's on the cross and then when he defiled that the words before the final words is him saying 'I thirst'."
"If somebody endured the beatings that Jesus did and then they put the spear, that's what would happen."
"The crucifixion was a sacrifice made out of pure love, the ultimate example of humility."
"The crucifixion is an example to be imitated, not a payment of a debt."
"Things come to a climax when Jesus is crucified, securing his role as the eternal light of the world."
"The Passion of the Christ and his crucifixion were central to their apostolate, their ministry, their preaching, their prayer life."
"Matthew 26:39 indicates that moments before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed to the Father, 'Abba, Father,' indicating that he would like it not to happen but leaves it in the hands of the Father."
"The victims carried the cross, perhaps a cross apiece, across the back of their neck and their shoulders, and their arms were tied to it."
"Jesus definitely did think of himself as the Messiah and was crucified for that."
"Crucifixion means death on the cross."
"When we look at Jesus on the cross, does it look like it's happening to Him or does it look like He's initiating the action? Jesus is hunting on the cross."
"Jerusalem was packed, people from all over the Roman Empire were visiting for a celebration. But Jesus's disciples were nowhere to be found. Really? Why? You see, after Jesus died on the cross, they had gotten some good news and some sad news."
"Christ was not crucified, he was not crucified, he was not crucified."
"The Holy Quran tells us they didn't kill him, Jesus, nor did they crucify him."
"Transparency is a beautiful thing Jesus was actually so transparent that he hung naked on a cross and hid nothing from mankind."
"Jesus isn't being executed as an innocent Jesus is being executed as a false king."
"That figure was crucified and probably most importantly his disciples including both male and female had visionary experiences of a risen Christ for whom that became the basis for a faith tradition that has lived on to this time."
"My old rebel self was crucified with Christ."
"All the poison was poured out upon Jesus on the cross."
"He didn't go crazy because they crucified Him, he said Lord forgive them for they know not what they do."
"Jesus was crucified but the Christ the Divine Essence left Jesus."
"It wasn't just another crucifixion. He actually defeated all of the horrendous satanic powers."
"To bind a Roman as a crime, to flog him an abomination, to kill him an act of murder, but to crucify him, there is no fitting word."
"So when I'm talking about the passion, I'm talking about the entire set of events that include everything that takes place up to the cross."
"It was because he violated a specific Roman law that the Roman government sentenced him to crucifixion."
"For the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city."
"He carried His own wood to His own execution."
"He was beaten, he was whipped, he was slapped, he was pierced."
"The crucifixion is the most heinous wickedness ever committed by humanity."
"He cried out with a loud voice saying Eli Eli lama sabachthani which is translated my God my God why have you forsaken me."
"Even those who were crucified with him reviled him."
"I am crucified with Christ. I died, yet I'm alive. Yet not I, but Christ is in me, the hope of glory."
"This life is exciting! The Crucified Life is exciting!"
"The Crucified Life is the one you live now."
"Jesus Christ crucified here on the Mount of Olives."
"I'm crucified with Him. And yet I live; but not I, Christ lives in me."
"Sin is what put Jesus on the cross, our disobedience nailed the Son of God on that hill."
"Apart from the cross, no greater agony has ever been experienced by any being who has lived in this world in human form."
"Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"
"I am crucified with Christ it is no longer I who lives but Christ that lives in me."
"It was an insult to the whole Jewish nation."
"When we make Christ and him crucified the center of our doctrines."
"Jesus came to be crucified for the sins of the world, to bear the sins of the world, to sanctify the world and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness."
"Tell me child, what more could he have done when he went to die on the cross?"
"It's the greatest act of Mercy since the crucifixion and the resurrection, the greatest act of Mercy in history."
"The greatest miracle that Jesus ever wrought was when he did not come down from the cross."
"The disciples of Jesus were expecting this picture that we painted, and they were confused and dismayed when he didn't fulfill those things before being crucified."
"In communion, we take a moment and we look back at what happened on the cross and we remember what he did on the cross."
"Of all the places that God could have ordained that Jesus be crucified, he ordained that Jesus be crucified on a hill called Calvary, which in Aramaic is Golgotha. Now, both the word Calvary and Aramaic mean the place of the skull."
"No greater topic could be selected than the topic of the Cross. God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"At the crucifixion scene in John's Gospel, Jesus entrusts his mother to the beloved disciple, indicating her importance in the early Christian community."
"You've got Christ crucified in between them and then when you understand that broadly speaking crucifixion was almost exclusively reserved for this act for this crime."
"We are called to the acceptance of crucifixion, complete crucifixion accomplished."
"The holy book points almost from its beginning to the crucifixion, to the death, and to the resurrection of Jesus."
"I submit to you tonight that the crucifixion and the resurrection must be a reality. Otherwise, you and I are left with no hope, for we have offended the honor of God."
"From a Christian perspective, from the perspective of the holy book, the crucifixion of Jesus is not fiction. It is fact."
"The Apostle John wants us to know what a privilege it was for him to stand there at the foot of the cross while his Savior, his Lord, and his personal friend, Jesus Christ, was dying."
"The cross was never an oops or uh-oh moment for God. It was not like, 'oh no. What do I do now?' God never says oops."
"If the Bible says contrary, we have to believe in the Bible. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom he slew and hanged on a tree that happened, right, Gage? He died on the cross, right?"
"The very crucifixion itself was written of line by line a thousand years before the fact."
"Every word in Psalms 22 he repeated so that you would know that the crucifixion was prophesied."
"John has Jesus crucified on the day at the very moment the Lambs have been slaughtered for theological reasons."
"Jesus hanging on the cross is the gospel."
"...none of the princes of the world knew the plan for had they known the plan they had never crucified the Lord Of Glory."
"The answer is the cross of Jesus Christ, where we have been crucified with Christ."
"You are a new creation; the old has passed away, it has been crucified, it is dead."
"Having canceled out the certificate of debt... He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross."
"If the rulers of the world had understood what God had planned, they would not have crucified Jesus."
"Jesus refounds the world at the cross."
"It is said to cover the spot where Jesus was crucified and buried."
"We have reports of Jesus's crucifixion in the Gospels and Paul's writings."
"On a certain day, at a certain time, at a certain place, Jesus Christ died on a cross for your sins, and three days later He rose from the dead."
"I think it's certain that Jesus was crucified."
"The crucifixion is integral to the resurrection."
"I determined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified."
"I have determined to know nothing among you except Christ and Him crucified."
"It's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross."
"The Roman crucifixion of Jesus is one of the best established, if not the best established fact of the ancient world."
"Love was God nailed to bleed and die to reach and love such a one as I."
"Behold the man upon the cross, my sin upon his shoulders."
"When Jesus was hanging on the cross, you were on his mind."
"There is something infinitely moving in the fact that Jesus in the agony of the cross, thought of the loneliness of His mother."
"Friday He will be crucified. Sunday He will rise again."
"We know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified."
"Jesus existed and was crucified in the Roman Empire."
"Francis would begin a project, a triptych that would later be titled 'Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion'."
"Look to Jesus, and look especially to the perfect work that He did for us on the cross."
"Instead of making the crucifixion a cause of Jesus's Divinity, it is preferable to see it as a consequence of Christ's Divinity."
"The crucified Jesus is... the place where heaven and earth now meet."
"The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the central event in all human history."
"Jesus from the very beginning of his life in ministry was focused on what he would do at the cross when he was crucified."
"Everything prior to the cross looks forward to it, everything after the cross looks back at it."
"Our old man is crucified... if we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him."
"Now those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
"We believe in the crucifixion, we believe that He conquered death."