
Assassination Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"JFK's assassination is still the most conspiracy theory-riddled case in American history."
"John F. Kennedy's life was cut all too short when he was assassinated in 1963."
"We live in a world of assassins, and the best of them all is Agent 47."
"Elm Street is the name of the street that ran past the book depository where Kennedy was shot. To me, it was where the innocent world ended."
"These assassins murdered the demigod Godwin the Golden, and the rest is history."
"An unbelievable 90 percent of the public believes that Kennedy's assassination caused a period of depression and cynicism to take over the country."
"I don't kill only bad people. I kill anyone on my orders list. It doesn't matter who the person is."
"It's time to meet up with Kiddo and get to planning Kimble's assassination."
"She's an archaeologist and confident in her assassination abilities."
"There seems to be no debate that the CIA and Secret Service were involved in the assassination."
"Once you're in the business of assassination, you unleash terrible forces."
"By killing Hitler, his aristocratic Seal of Approval elevated him above the other right-wing leaders."
"The leading dissident in the West was targeted with a plot to kill him by poisoning by the CIA of Mike Pompeo under the watch of Donald Trump."
"He was killed today because he was the greatest threat to Putin's corrupt rule."
"Daughter of Putin ally killed in car bomb outside Moscow."
"Speculation swirls: Was Arshad Sharif's killing a targeted assassination to silence a critical journalist?"
"The assassination you were born into, it's proof."
"The suspect mentioned his motive in his confession saying that he was unhappy with former Prime Minister Abe and wanted to kill him."
"The assassination of Litvinenko shook the world out of their complacency regarding Putin."
"Detectives concluded that 'it seemed that it was more like an assassination,' shedding light on the targeted nature of the crime."
"This was significant. This man was the fifth nuclear scientist that's been killed since 2010 in Iran."
"Killing an act of war is very different from assassinating ideological opponents who are carrying no weapons and passing no policies."
"Kennedy's assassination, a conspiracy at the highest levels of government."
"If there's one thing most of us half remember about Julius Caesar, it's the ending."
"The cheapest, easiest way of resolving this would be for a Moscow Brutus to terminate President Putin with extreme prejudice."
"When you participate in the character assassination of a black man, you are also complicit in their actual assassination."
"President Kennedy has been assassinated. It's official now, the president is dead."
"Examine any one aspect of the assassination closely enough and you're likely to come away with more questions than answers."
"Krombopulos Michael was likely taking out targets that needed to be taken out."
"Kennedy's assassination continues to mystify and intrigue."
"Just one person in a crowd whose guilt is assured the moment they pull the trigger."
"The word conspiracy doesn't even necessarily mean that there were other people involved in the planning and execution of the assassination."
"The shooting of Oswald sparked immediate suspicions of conspiracy, suspicions that persist to this day."
"John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and James A. Garfield are all US presidents who were assassinated on the job. But was there a 5th?"
"Alexander Litvinenko - But what could drive someone to assassinate the world’s most famous pacifist?"
"Reinhard Heydrich - The death of Reinhard Heydrich showed the world one important thing - as protected as Hitler’s inner circle was, they were not invincible."
"Berta Cáceres, one of the country's most well-known indigenous environmental leaders, was gunned down in her home early Thursday, less than a year after she won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize."
"So the only way I think you could construe this as an attempted assassination, given the payload and targeting involved, is if someone had credible intelligence that Vladimir Putin would be sleeping on the roof of that building at 2am."
"Assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing."
"The tragedy of Abraham Lincoln's assassination."
"So we have an event taking place which might have been staged by the CIA but eventually, Putin just gets shot in the head and that kind of ends Russia's authoritarian regime."
"We have to keep in mind that the United States has launched over a hundred assassination attempts against President Fidel Castro." - Gregory Wilpert
"Bad girl also known as Charlotte Birkin was the second-ranked assassin in the UAE until her encounter with Travis touchdown in No More Heroes."
"Russian President Vladimir Putin is being accused of the assassination of Chechen commander Yevgeni Pisarenko."
"Abraham Lincoln was actually liked by the American people, he was literally assassinated by a man who believed he was acting on behalf of half the country."
"The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth."
"This frame is a killing machine and mostly you will be spending your time on assassination and survival runs with this frame."
"Charles Harrelson committed his biggest kill of all time - he took out a federal judge."
"Then they all piled in, including Brutus, and it was stab after stab after stab."
"The assassination of a judge... that is the kind of thing that happens in a society where the rule of law is under threat."
"Nobody wants to think that another country is meddling in their politics, is going to overthrow their president or assassinate their president."
"We can't just extrajudicially assassinate people."
"Thirty thousand Czechs immediately demonstrated against his murder in the main square in Prague. But it was too late. The assassination worked, and Hitler brutally responded in Lidice. This heavy price meant no late."
"Lethal but invisible poison has historically enabled killers to strike without fear of reprisal."
"The vision of the Third Secret includes a bishop dressed in white, believed to be the Pope, being killed by soldiers."
"Kennedy was taken out... He was not a team player."
"The Wanted app is a beautiful evolution of the assassination activities."
"down in the street three blocks over in the parking lot we need to kill the gaijin assassin first few movie fans were pining for an"
"Heydrich was the only high ranking Nazi to be assassinated in the whole of WWII, a fact that explains our continued fascination with him."
"A fatal shot was fired from the right front, striking the president in the head."
"Deathstroke is one of the best outright assassins in all of DC comics."
"Much of Domino's time on X-Force was all about flexing one of her best skills being an assassin."
"Kennedy, although being eliminated by the CIA, won in this sense in that America and the world was not embroiled in a massive nuclear war."
"Evil Morty's diabolical plan... evil Morty needed the votes and an attempted assassination could, and did, tip the scales."
"There's no man in the world who's proof against an assassin's bullet."
"The number one suspect is always the guy who replaces the person who is assassinated."
"Beria was dragged out to an anteroom and shot in the head."
"Assassination became a worry for Elizabeth as in 1584 William of Orange, the important leader of the resistance in the Low Countries, was assassinated by a Catholic assassin."
"The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy."
"Less than 24 hours after he spoke those words, Martin Luther King was assassinated."
"To this day, James Earl Ray maintains that he did not shoot Martin Luther King."
"Martin Luther King arrived in Memphis on April 3, 1968, a day before he was assassinated."
"The best thing he could have done for the people of Burkina Faso was killing that piece of [ __ ] before he was cooed by him."
"Ever since last year's assassination of the president of Haiti, we've seen increased international attention on much of what's going on with Western intervention there." - Lance Gross
"Understand when our brother Fred Hampton got killed in 1969, he got killed December 4th, 1969. Him getting murdered just assassinated, what they do not tell you."
"It was a sophisticated assassination with a lot of planning."
"On the 28th of June 1914, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, is shot dead."
"On June 28, 1914, the empire’s heir, Franz Ferdinand, was visiting the newly-annexed province of Bosnia when a Bosnian-Serb terrorist shot him dead."
"Prepare to be shocked. It's the number one murder for hire hit."
"I then got to thinking about how I could silently take down my next Target Carlos and remembered that on his route around the upper floors of burger Al gazer he liked to stop for a glass of whiskey in the living room area."
"The perfect murder weapon: poisoning quickly became the most common assassination tool."
"We both know that Oswald did the shooting, but we also know who was responsible for this whole thing."
"The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, requires little introduction."
"Emperor Titus Mede II lies dead, and the Dark Brotherhood yet lives."
"If the deaths of Xi Jinping's former associates are related, it could only point to one conclusion: some form of subversive act against Xi Jinping."
"He was the only American ever to carry a US government manufactured poison to another country with the goal of assassinating the leader of that country."
"This is the Bible for the JFK assassination: sworn testimony by witnesses who have no reason to lie."
"It's a plot to kill the president and this proves it."
"The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 sparked World War I, leading to a global conflict."
"Alexander looked his would-be assassin in the eyes; he had survived the seventh attempt, everything was behind him now."
"In the summer of 1914, a Serb nationalist assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the crisis which ensued eventually spiraled into a European-wide war."
"Taking the lives of Hampton and Clark was an assassination."
"She specializes in assassination and currently serves as The Unofficial bodyguard to the emperor."
"I am 100% convinced that there was a conspiracy to kill our president."
"There was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy."
"It took a bit under six seconds to assassinate the president of the united states it took the warren commission 10 months to measure out those seconds bit by bit."
"Julius Caesar must go he needed to die and they were more than happy to make it happen and facilitate his demise."
"That's how they assassinated him or something, cats and the great General Washington, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth of England."
"My book shows quite conclusively the shots came from at least two directions."
"I took this position from the moment the assassination... was talked about that it was so crazy an act so wretched and Sinister an act."
"My dad was assassinated in 1971, June 28th, but it took him seven years to die."
"An assassin's bullet has robbed them of their president, a man they spent millions to get elected."
"Both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot and killed."
"Someone really wants to kill them or maybe they want to kill him specifically."
"Within a week, Lincoln would lie dead, killed by an assassin's bullet. But America had pulled back from the brink. The American nation is once again united."
"Yeah, like Rome has this long history of uh, you know assassinations, um, and sometimes it's by the closest guards and people that somebody can have that's actually like a global thing and trade."
"Henri IV would also die in tragic circumstances after a catholic zealot named Francois Ravaillac stabbed him while in his royal carriage."
"He calmly left after agitating him, he then smirked to himself as he saw the emperor smoke the poison cigars."
"I can think of a million possible ways for an assassin to carry out his work."
"the assassination was the best chance they'd ever have to punish Serbia which they had wanted to do for years now so from the get-go they were leaning heavily toward war."
"In which American city was John F. Kennedy assassinated?"
"The supruder film proves it: Kennedy's head moves forward and down first, then back—not back and to the left as commonly claimed."
"Why on earth would he have done this if he wasn't planning to shoot the president?"
"Framing an innocent Oswald as the patsy could only work if the conspirators could be confident that he would not be able to prove his innocence."
"There is physical proof that the bullet had to have gone through Kennedy's body before hitting Connally. The evidence debunks the 'magic bullet' theory."
"A lone gunman would actually be more to the pattern of presidential assassinations."
"The poison is odorless, colorless, and has no taste, so the target never even notices."
"Clone assassins were trained specifically to eliminate Jedi by utilizing Terrace Kasi, a form of unarmed combat."
"If true, it is not the single bullet that went through and then hit Connally."
"That strike’s purpose? The assassination of Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy."
"On March 19, 2013, Tom Clements, head of the Colorado prison system, was shot to death as he opened his front door."
"The fact that he's supposed to be a ghost story and he's just right out in the middle of the street just casually assassinated."
"The rifle also had a palm print on it and the palm print was identified as that of Lee Harvey Oswald."
"'The real story of Marlow's death was altogether more dark. It may have been not just murder, but assassination.'"
"The best way to go is JFK. I mean he did get it to the face."
"The Babington Plot was an attempt in 1586 to assassinate Queen Elizabeth. The goal was to replace her on the throne with Mary Queen of Scots, her Roman Catholic cousin."
"Assassins always risk bringing about the very thing they thought they were fighting against."
"I want to teach you how to fish, Cassie," Lady Shiva replies, introducing herself as one of the most feared assassins alive.
"I'm making the case that Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot the president from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, was the assassin and that he acted alone not as part of a conspiracy."
"It was possible to conclude therefore that it is unlikely that the national crime syndicate as a group participated in the assassination of President Kennedy."
"Oswald did it, and he acted alone."
"The Russians are planning to make an attempt on the life of the president tonight."
"When a she had several attempts on her life, and this one was interesting, the note that they found listed this: 'We only need to be lucky once; you need to be lucky every time.'"
"Just like Fidel Castro, how many assassination attempts do they have on Uncle Fidel? Many."
"With the curtain of night falling, the cloaked assassins emerged simultaneously and assassinated the politicians of Tilea and Estalia."
"...the night that Lewis Payne, Booth's chosen assassin forced his way into the Seward household..."
"Henry IV is assassinated by a radical Catholic."
"Since they could not act openly, they would have to kill him in the dark."
"Just hours later, when King Umberto found out about his demise, he was assassinated by an anarchist named Gaetano Bresci."
"Nana was sent by the elites with the mission to assassinate all the inhabitants of the island."
"It was from that meeting that podgy was returning to the Vatican on that icy November night in 1983; he was bringing with him the answer to the Pope's question: who had ordered aksa to try to murder him?"
"During the rally, a young sniper hides in a hotel across the street and when his stopwatch hits one minute, he shoots at Calvini, but the shot fails."
"Everything started turning when they assassinated him. It's like the whole country's been Willy lynched."
"Assassination of public figures in America is a partnership between the Assassin and the news media... they together invest years in the crime and they together reap the rewards."
"Why would you let your target know that someone’s coming after him? As a general rule, people are always easier to kill when they don’t know you exist."
"He wasn't going to do it. His score was, 'I'm not in the business of assassination. I'm in the business of negotiation.'"
"The atmosphere had definitely changed. Things were very cheerful among us. A couple of them, little girls, had just gotten married, and things were much more somber after the assassination. It just wasn't the same kind of atmosphere."
"The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 led to which of the following Wars?... the First World War."
"It's just such amazing history. I mean, we still talk about it today. Brutus and some other guys in the Roman Senate got together and say hey, when Julius Caesar shows up today, uh, we're all going to walk up and say hey dude, what's up? And then we're all going to stab him."
"She got her first look at the man she must kill later that morning as she wheeled her barrow through the cobbled streets that had fronted on the purple harbor."
"Many people forget that Seward almost didn't live to see it either. On the night of the assassination, Booth and the other assassins targeted not only Lincoln but Vice President Johnson, General Grant, and Seward."
"I'm an assassin, I'm gonna clear this whole camp before they even notice me."
"Two other sources in the intelligence community have confirmed to Don that he is a target for murder, and that the next attempt will be made to look like an accident."
"...he's not strong enough to kill a king."
"You cannot assassinate ideas, you can only assassinate persons."
"John Wilkes Booth, a well-known actor and a Confederate spy, entered the president's box and shot Lincoln at point-blank range."
"As the sun rose the next morning, both nations were horrified to find their leaders lying in their bloodied beds, throats cut without a struggle."
"Assassinations are becoming more and more common."
"Malcolm was killed as a result of three conspiracies coming together, the major conspiracy was orchestrated by the FBI."
"Malcolm was killed because the Nation of Islam at that time represented the most formidable group in black America."
"Malcolm was killed because the Nation of Islam and Malcolm X was unbeatable."
"William McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo, New York, in September of 1901."
"Elizabeth has Mary's jailer sir Amyas Paulette to assassinate her by poison or suffocation."
"Just as he was gloating, a man in black suddenly appeared and injected a tube of poison into his body."
"July 20th, 1944: World War II assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler."
"Everybody was screaming, 'Kennedy was shot! Kennedy was shot!'"
"It seems that every political assassination triggers conspiracy theories."
"The shock in this country of the greatest non-royal in the country being just commonly assassinated was something absolutely astonishing."
"Under the faint moonlight of November 20, 1841, Maketū Wharetotara crept up on the sleeping figure of Thomas Bull."
"His pleas were ignored, and on May 11th 1812, Bellingham entered the lobby of the House of Commons and shot Prime Minister Percival in the chest."
"They just made a virus to kill a guy, a poison ring? Really?"
"Operation Mongoose, which was their operation to kill him or de-power him or whatever, is the dumbest. It's literally like they watched a Bugs Bunny cartoon and were like, 'We could do this.'"
"Anarchists assassinated, depending on how you count it, five, or six, or seven heads of state in the late decades of the nineteenth century, including President McKinley of the United States, who was shot or stabbed, I can't remember which, in Buffalo, New York in 1901."
"The license to Kill is useless unless one can set up the target."
"You can't leave the FBI out of this. You can't leave the U.S government out of this. They plotted to divide Malcolm from his teacher and create the circumstances that led to his assassination."
"Wanting to avoid a repeat of the Voruso fiasco, Lepke entrusted the job to two of his top men, ace assassin Harry 'Happy' Mayone, who assembled a three-man hit squad."
"A first-degree murder after allegedly ordering the assassination."
"One way to be viewed sympathetically in history is to get assassinated."
"Someone may have taken out the iceman, but they didn’t take out his bloodline."
"The gun that Booth shot Lincoln with... actual gun that killed Lincoln... with a single shot."
"Booth's plan was to basically kill off the leadership of the United States government."
"Now for a guy who's already paranoid and like living off the grid and has been [ __ ] over by the government one time before and whose name is Bob Lee Swagger just about the most presidential assassin name ever given to a human being."
"She was murdered eight days after the assassination of JFK."
"The poisoning of Litvinenko shows that the Russian state was prepared to carry out what in any other guise would be called a terrorist operation."
"A guy named Mark David Chapman blasted him four times."
"The assassination of Abraham Lincoln propelled Andrew Johnson into the executive office in 1865."
"How did you kill Danzo and his ROOT Army so easily?" Tsunade asked.
"The sherries had been assassinated. The crime scene appeared to be very limited as far as evidence remaining, which meant it was well planned, well executed, and professionally done."
"You took a life which is no small thing, yet you saved Lord Delance from a possible assassination."
"...the twisted family he came from because firstly I loved the concept that the Zoldak family are essentially celebrity assassins."
"The tragedy here is that he could have gone on to bigger and better things, he could have become governor or senator, he had everything going for him for higher political office and I think the assassination fever just ruined it for him."
"He invites over Henry the Duke of geese to have a little conversation and when Henry is least expecting it slips a knife into his back."
"She claimed to have obtained information that would, quote unquote, 'blow the lid off the Kennedy assassination,' a statement that following her death fueled speculation about her sudden and accidental demise."
"It's hard to believe that the Assassins would tell John all this information as they're shooting him. It never occurred to John that assassins typically don't provide a lot of information to their victims."
"It is worth noting that the Kennedy assassination tour is not limited to just Dallas but more on that later."
"You know, one of our primary allies in Afghanistan, part of the Northern Alliance, Massoud, was killed... just a couple of days before 9/11."
"Changing the outcomes of entire planetary wars with his intervention, Cypher has assassinated Planetary Governors, Cult Leaders, Inquisitors and even Astartes Chapter Masters during his many missions of unknowable intent."
"Gray men: invisible assassins, no special abilities, deadly weapons, difficult to detect."
"Julius Caesar was assassinated shortly after he was declared dictator for life another unprecedented phenomenon technically not the first emperor but his great nephew an adopted son he adopted in as well Octavian go on to be the first emperor Augustus."