
Action Taking Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and physically move, or your brain will stop you."
"It's not necessarily what we do that makes us successful... but the mindset that leads them to be able to take the actions required for their personal success."
"Daily belief expansion: In order for you to be able to take the action in life to get the results that you desire, you have to believe that the thing that you're doing could lead to the result that you desire."
"Let's just do something, just let it go. Euphoria was the first time I felt people actually heard the rarest form of."
"Taking action on what it is that you want in a dedicated way."
"At length, I came to the conclusion that I must act."
"Take action. It's only worth something if you actually go out and take action."
"And then take action and that can never happen without telling ourselves the truth."
"I've discovered that in 100% of the cases, no exception, people who won't take step number one never take step number two."
"It's now time for you to start taking steps."
"It's okay to fail, and you just need to take action."
"Call on the ancestors, but honor their power by taking action in our lives."
"Relief ain't so bad till you can get to the point to take the actions that eventually give you the freedom."
"You don't need to hit the bull's eye the first time, you just gotta fire the gun."
"All you need is one good reason to just [ __ ] do it."
"Change your potential, take massive action, get great results."
"Don't worry so much about being a perfectionist."
"They fear taking a leap of action right now."
"Instead of saying I'll just put that off, say how can I?"
"Confidence is the ability to move, in my opinion, from thought to action."
"You gotta have some if you want something you gotta just go and take initiative and go and try and get it you know try and so we'll start working for it that's the first thing you got to do you know and that [ __ ] happens fast like yeah I think."
"Stop talking about it and just do it. Make your life happen. You have the power to change your reality."
"The integration is what's important. You can skim the surface of 100 things, but listen, research, read, and take action because now there's no time left."
"There does come a moment when the fear of continuing on the path that you're on becomes greater than the fear of taking action."
"Freedom of choice means being free not to ask demand or fight for what you want but simply to go and get it."
"Taking action is part of the law of attraction."
"It is go for it time... stepping out there and taking action."
"Decision made now, that might be wrong, is better than no decision at all."
"Analysis without action is futile; take action, experiment, and learn from the results."
"Decide what you want to do and put it into action; thoughts aren't enough."
"Your ships are coming in, you're planning for the right time, get ready because your ships are about to come in, get ready to take action."
"You just gotta get on there and do it like that."
"Combat that indecisiveness by just making decisions, big or small."
"People just need to come together, find a meeting point, and make things happen."
"We can't do anything if we don't take one step."
"Take time to think about that small thing that you could do in that moment to take action towards making yourself feel better in some way."
"Take action as soon as you think it's a good idea, don't just keep thinking through a million things."
"The only way to become a master is to get started on it; just take action."
"Congratulations if you have taken action on this cryptocurrency."
"Life is all about taking action, taking a risk."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"Executing is taking action, knowing what, when, and how to buy, and actually doing it."
"You will go get it done, and that's just what it is, ain't nobody gonna stop you."
"Most importantly, take action and follow every opportunity that arises. Say yes more often, trust your intuition, and manifest your desires into being."
"Most people hit that moment of action and they stop... the thing that stops them is fear."
"Now is the time to act; you have everything within you to succeed."
"Just one step towards the situation and things that you actually want to do."
"Start doing what you wanted to do all along."
"Invest in your knowledge first so books classes seminars, and once you do that, then you gotta invest in taking action."
"Will you take action and put this into work? Type 'committed' if you are committed."
"Oh no, no, this is not acceptable. I'm going to fix this right now."
"The more you learn the more you realize you don't know anything, but someday you're gonna have to take action."
"Just don't be the 99% of people that never takes any action."
"You have the skill, the confidence, and you're taking action. You're not procrastinating, this is focusing your dreams rather and you're turning those visions into reality using inspired action."
"You never have to wait till you think you're perfect, just go learn as you go."
"No more indecision, no more delaying, no more procrastination, when I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it."
"Stop putting things off. Act on it. Live in your best interests."
"When I feel like I'm missing something, I go and I do it."
"When a person takes action and goes after what they want, anything becomes possible."
"Do it anyway, yes I am on record saying just do it anyway."
"You have everything you need to take action and make your dreams a reality."
"And your accomplishments are going to be entirely determined by what you actually do and my talk is going to be about that how to take action exactly what action is made up of and why it's critical to recognize that humans lead with belief."
"If you're in a spot you don't want to be in right now guess what if you don't actually take action towards changing that right now it'll keep you there for a long long time."
"Taking action on dreams with newfound inspiration."
"Did you make a plan, a decision, and execute it?"
"It's those small actions that you take today will determine yourself in two years time three years time in four years time."
"The only thing stopping you from making money with this is making the decision to go out and do it."
"Just take action... 99 people don't take action, they just leave thoughts."
"Let's just do it, let's go ahead and go with it."
"The best course in the world can't do anything for you if you don't take action upon it."
"Taking the leap of faith at some point, you're gonna have to take action."
"You're gonna do it anyways, all of the stuff that you foreseeing you're doing, you're gonna do it."
"Go within and start taking action on those realizations."
"You're challenging yourself for taking action."
"Now is the time... things will come together for you... taking action."
"Don't hesitate because procrastination can lead to a loss of blessing."
"You need to get out of your head, stop overthinking, and take action."
"The best way to do anything is to just do it... You need the experience and the reps."
"Get to work on your dreams, take the first steps, make things happen."
"You are the shaper of your destiny now, so take action."
"Taking imperfect action means having a goal and taking a small step towards it."
"What's the Holy Grail between somebody taking action or not? It's one word: certainty."
"The main reason people fail? They never start."
"Sometimes you just have to decide something and do it."
"Mike had finally found comfort in taking action."
"Time to act upon your plans. Your creativity is rewarded with luxurious or abundant resources."
"Action kills anxiety. Taking action always kills anxiety. Just moving in some way, just moving."
"A lot of people are at the point where it's like you don't need any more info, you just gotta start doing some stuff."
"As soon as you get an idea, find some small way to test it. Immediate imperfect action is always the answer."
"If I will make this decision now and act on it, I don't have to do it again in the future."
"Once I've made the decision and taken the appropriate course of action, I will review my decision."
"Nothing's going to stop you; just if you're going to do something, you just do it and you see what happens after."
"Don't let indecision... don't ever do that; you make a decision."
"I guess this is far enough away, and my headache is mostly gone. Here goes."
"Accountability is the key to actually doing anything."
"Mindset or taking action for entrepreneurs is the most important thing that you can do to be successful."
"Close the gap between the thing in your head you keep saying 'I want to do' and 'I did that'."
"Paralysis by analysis... you've got enough facts to make a decision right now."
"You can't be afraid of failure, otherwise you'll just be so immobilized to take any action and to prepare."
"The more you overcome fear, the more you take actions, even scary actions, that somehow lots and lots and lots of unexpected good things will happen to you."
"When you set a deadline, when you set a time limit, when you just take action, the higher amounts of energy actually get yourself done and stop procrastinating."
"When you just take action, you grow your garden very fast."
"Procrastination is all about not being able to overcome that initial friction point."
"You're beginning to manifest, you're beginning to take steps, take action."
"Vision boards don't work if you don't take action."
"Hi everyone, my name is Matt, and I make videos to help you get unstuck and focus, plan, prepare, and take action on the work that matters the most to you."
"Be decisive, make a decision. It doesn't have to be the best decision, just a decision is better than nothing."
"It's like ripping a Band-Aid off; you just have to."
"The third thing is do the work, is taking action."
"Nothing makes me feel more confident and better than just having the things that I've wanted to do and physically taking action and just putting them into work."
"I found that people who get started the quickest and take the most action have the best results."
"Information is awesome, but it's useless if you don't actually apply it and take Massive Action."
"Build first, then your courage will follow."
"I'm sick of waiting. I'm going to go ahead and make things happen."