
Nuclear Safety Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The meticulous deployment of these resources underlined the gravity of the situation and both countries' united commitment to avert a nuclear tragedy."
"The Council must make every possible effort to avoid any kind of nuclear disaster whether from direct attack on a nuclear facility or as an unintended consequence of conflict. Such a disaster would have grave ramifications for generations to come."
"These are the guys who operate and control nuclear reactors and they make sure that another Chernobyl doesn't happen."
"Fire still kills far more people than nuclear power ever has."
"Any disaster in any of Ukraine's nuclear power plants wouldn't just be a catastrophe for Ukraine but could potentially be a catastrophe for a much wider area in Europe."
"The waste isn't a problem, all right? It remains radioactive, it's highly regulated, and there's never been an accident with it."
"Elon Musk may have saved the planet from nuclear annihilation."
"The biggest and most significant benefit of Japan’s HTTR reactor is how it fixes one of the biggest and most notorious flaws of nuclear energy: the risk of a nuclear meltdown."
"They don't have the nuclear proliferation concerns."
"Urgent action by Europe can stop the Russian troops. Do not allow the death of Europe from a catastrophe at a nuclear power station."
"After decades of waiting and dangerous indecision, these nuclear sub reactors have reached their final destination, but they cannot be fully broken down for another 70 years, when their potent radioactivity has diminished."
"Who is to say that we won’t encounter another hurricane, flood, or tornado that won’t dismantle yet another nuclear reactor on the same level as Fukushima?"
"You're more likely to encounter higher doses of radiation in a nuclear weapon than you ever would in normal life."
"Chernobyl is the poster child for the dangers of nuclear power."
"The bottom line is that even considering higher estimates, nuclear meltdowns and radiation leaks just aren't a serious public threat compared to fossil fuels."
"The risk of a potential nuclear disaster does have them determined to complete their mission."
"Getting along with other countries and you're talking nuclear powers, getting along is really a nice thing, it's a smart thing."
"Let's not hype the threat; let's actually see it clearly. We have reason to be afraid of melting ice caps. We have reason to be afraid that we haven't secured loose nuclear material in the former Soviet Union."
"The meltdown of SL1 solidified a safety criterion for all future nuclear reactors built in the United States."
"But if the tamper and core made full contact, the plutonium would go supercritical, and all that would remain of the Los Alamos facility would be a black scorch mark on the ground."
"At every control room of every nuclear reactor in the world, there is a button with one single purpose: scram."
"The incompetence in this instance though doesn't come from battlefield failures, but from a crumbling nuclear infrastructure."
"The fact that these accidents have occurred, serious accidents with nuclear weapons, just points out how dangerous it is."
"Since 1945, over 60 criticality accidents have been recorded, leading to at least 21 deaths."
"The fine folks who, every day, protect our butts from nuclear disaster, are heroes."
"Thank you for preventing the end of the world."
"The containment is defined by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission as... to confine fission products that otherwise might be released to the atmosphere in event of an accident."
"So given that, we have developed a set of design principles from which we implement nuclear safety from the start into the weapon system design."
"The the nuclear threat may appear to be over but recovering from an ecological or biological disaster is now a high priority in the 21st century."
"Nuclear: 0.04 deaths per terawatt hour electricity produced."
"The new structure is meant to keep the reactor and its previous sarcophagus contained for at least the next 100 years."
"Nuclear energy is the safest industry there is, even windmills are more dangerous than nuclear power. Come on, how can a windmill be dangerous?"
"RBMK reactors generally have three different types of control rods."
"We have safely figured out how to transport nuclear waste."
"It is fair to say we have safely figured out how to transport nuclear waste."
"He became a deep expert in nuclear command and control and a really dedicated truth teller to expose the dangers."
"We could do so much good, whether it's humanitarian aid throughout the Middle East or the safety of nuclear."
"The conclusion was that it was possible to survive an atomic bomb blast as long as you had a good fallout shelter or other protection and were fully prepared before the bomb dropped."
"Almost two hours had passed since criticality and finally the public was made aware of the nature of the accident."
"Nuclear is the safest form of electricity generation apart from solar, and it has the advantage of being available when you need it, not just when the sun shines."
"The earth is still spinning; it's still okay. The nuclear problems haven't gone off."
"Know the danger of nuclear weapons to protect yourself and your family."
"The greatest irony on planet Earth is the one radioisotope that could have hurt someone in a nuclear meltdown is used to treat thyroid cancer."
"If you're in a floating nuclear bunker, the benefit is that you can move and escape any fallout plume that might be drifting towards you."
"Accidents that happen with regards to nuclear power are very rare, and when they do, they very rarely result in the loss of life."
"The purpose of the coolant is to take away the heat from the reactor."