
Financial Empowerment Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"At one point, black people were capital, and now we are trying to figure out all the ways black people can gain capital."
"We're partnering with educators all across the globe, wealth builders across the planet; the Black Business School is in full effect."
"We look forward to changing the socioeconomics of this country, one household at a time, starting with you."
"I'm enjoying having money enabled and just working like this. It's so fun."
"We are showing that the institutional Wall Street and the big money players that we are wrestling back a little power."
"No matter how little money we may be working with at any given moment, it is always in our power to change our habits with money and to restructure how we think about it and in doing so, how we think about ourselves."
"Options trading can be a powerful tool if you use them right; it can help you reduce your risk and increase your returns."
"If you're discouraged I want you to have hope... the belief though that you have the ability to change your life and your money."
"Family, we're the ones who got to delegate, get that money and the power, never be fed, stick to co-sign, three. What did he say? Create, educate, the same, bar back, you."
"I have something that can really change things financially for Black people."
"I want it to be a place where you can come and get entertained educated and enlightened and I want you know black people to make some goddamn money."
"That means a kid born into poverty in this city would graduate with almost fifty thousand dollars in an account."
"Bitcoin is all about empowerment of the individual and giving people an alternative system to centralized finance."
"Bitcoin is open, borderless, and permissionless. Anybody can join the Bitcoin Network, anyone could download an app and have money right away."
"This can be an incredibly powerful tool for the entire world to put people in charge of their own money."
"Family, we're the ones who gotta get that money and the power, never be fake. Go figure, get the figures."
"Money can do so much good... it actually can allow us to live a life that transcends money."
"Financial freedom is the ultimate form of self-care and empowerment."
"Money answers with all things. The Lord gives you the power to get wealth."
"That's real money y'all see, do y'all see this, this is real money and it's just like this, this really can happen bro, it don't take no special person."
"Everybody kind of gets that crypto is like a the great equalizer for the average person." - Steven
"If you feel sick and you allow a woman to swipe for two million dollars, if that's what, I'm like good for you, girl, you got that money."
"We the ones who gotta delegate, keep that money in the power."
"Come out with an entrepreneurial mindset... to empower yourself financially."
"We give you the tools and resources to learn, grow, and navigate life like a boss and make money moves in the process."
"I like civil rights you know get your money where you need to King literally."
"You are capable of changing your financial picture... This is that lesson for you."
"Our goal with this show is to empower you financially, make you global citizens aware of this. How the government rips you off and how media lies to you."
"Once you have the financial capabilities, then you build financial empowerment, once you build up the confidence then what happened was you have financial dignity."
"Bitcoin is reparations... rather than ask for them."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate tool of the powerless."
"This channel is about getting people money and the volunteers embody that purple power spirit. They're viewers just like you."
"When it comes to your life and your money, you can make changes. All things are possible."
"Bitcoin gives us an opportunity to reclaim the power of the people."
"Take control of your money and create a life you love."
"Let's grind, let's get this money, let's uplift each other."
"You're a landlord, and it seems like what you're really telling people is that we have to stop being afraid of credit."
"We empower you to find financial freedom through crypto assets."
"We want to hit $100,000. Y'all, money makes this possible."
"Remember guys no matter where you are on this scale you can totally change your credit score."
"Putting more financial liberty into the hands of the people will probably solve a lot of these incarceration issues."
"You need to start saying to the financial institutions... that you deserve to be respected."
"I believe that all black Americans deserve a $25,000 check where if they invest it into a business they get another $25,000 check."
"Regular people beating Wall Street at their own game."
"Give people the money to be able to make those decisions themselves so that they can make those decisions well."
"Money's been telling you what to do your whole life, and now you're about to tell it what to do." - Dave Ramsey
"We can vote with our dollars, we can vote with our choices."
"Welcome to BitBoy Crypto where our mission is to empower you to have financial freedom through crypto assets."
"Budgeting is so freeing and cutting expenses and bills can really make you feel empowered and motivated towards financial freedom."
"Money can actually be a positive tool for change."
"You got to know the game to play the game. The only way you can change the game is play the game, get the wealth for your family."
"View budgeting from a place of empowerment, I could do that but I'm deciding to save for something I care about more."
"Another country has essentially legalized cryptocurrency trading, which is absolutely wonderful because it allows people in that country to legally be able to trade."
"We want to get a million black people invested in the stock market."
"Credit cards can help you level up from being a broke college student to thriving in the middle class and even building your way up to becoming a multi-millionaire."
"The point of crypto is to give back the power to the people for their finances."
"We're the ones that are gonna change the narrative and bring the money back to the people."
"Ultimately, this is about freedom. That's the way I see it. This is about giving power back to the people and enabling billions of people worldwide to use the financial markets to improve their lives."
"Bitcoin is meant to put the power back in the hands of the people."
"Welcome to BitBoy Crypto, home of Bisquad where our mission is to empower you to have financial freedom through crypto assets."
"Money is a pathway for fulfillment, empowerment, and finding your bliss."
"When people take control of their own financial future and education, they can thrive."
"Our mission is to empower you to have financial freedom through digital assets."
"Saving becomes fun and powerful instead of sad and compromising."
"We don't have to live poor... we have options that are just mind-boggling for the future."
"The money masters are only going to be our masters until we've had enough."
"My goal is to just help to create millionaires, billionaires, people that have financial power because it takes financial power to even change one law."
"Real estate is the game that will change everything for you."
"Every black person should be an entrepreneur, even if you never considered owning a business, because the tax code allows for you to get a refund on this separate but unequal check that you're taxed on every single year."
"Stop letting people convince you that you don't have any money."
"Money is a tool that can bless, help, build, increase, bring vision, and strengthen."
"Join the 700 Credit Club today for financial freedom."
"Financial sovereignty... that's what we're talking about here guys."
"Women are just as entitled to careers and success financially just like men. Thanks, big facts."
"Bitcoin is helping us gain wealth, which is purchasing power of stuff that we want."
"You are the king, whether you're a man or woman, I don't care, you are ready to rebuild your finances based upon a new attitude."
"You're going to not only believe that you can become wealthy but that you should and could and can become wealthy."
"I'm just out here doing my thing trying to help my brothers and sisters... get out of debt and build wealth."
"Bitcoin empowers people to have directly to have access to the first layer of money, a counterparty free asset that they can hold themselves."
"When I created my production company, I came after Gina, she blazed a trail. It's not enough for me to just nurture creatives and get their shows on the air. I need to get you paid."
"Bitcoin restores that and it gives it to everybody."
"Money in people's hands is going to help them solve their own problems in a better way than like a speech or a sound bite."
"If you elect me, I want to help you become financially free, I want to help you become a millionaire." - Pat
"One of the most empowering things...is to have control over our financial health."
"This is really how you can start empowering hundreds if not thousands of dollars of income in your portfolio every single month."
"I want people to have healthier budgets. I want them to have more in savings. I want them to go demand, not ask, demand raises."
"Move forward with confidence, explore, and empower your financial situation."
"Negotiating debt is such a powerful way to put the control back to you, and you will feel amazing if you come off that phone and you think yes, I've advocated for myself."
"If you want to change your relationship with money and if you want to change how much money you make, you are in control of it."
"Their lives are actually changing from Airbnb and they're able to bring in way more money."
"I made the decision entirely from a financial standpoint. What I didn't realize was how much confidence and pride and empowerment I'd feel. It had so many tangential benefits, that emotional feeling of 'I did this, and I did this for me.'"
"I insist that people take control of their money."
"Crypto is about taking control of your own money."
"If you can't figure out how to make more money here and become a leader of women here, you gotta go where somebody has already been trained culturally to be submissive with your little two dollars, then go to it."
"We need to get people who are service to others to a point where they're making money so that we can expand this movement."
"Most people do not realize the power they play in their own financial life."
"Helping people change their lives, being able to make that extra income for some people is just life-changing."
"It's actually really exciting and empowering because now you're not just blindly saving for retirement."
"My hope for Ethereum is that it leads to a fairer, better financial system that empowers more people."
"It was empowering for me to earn some money."
"My money represents me and my vote matters just like it does at the ballot box."
"We can create a generational legacy of wealth and connection to the power of our money."
"Our goal is to empower anyone to make money working for themselves."
"Financial resources empower you to live a comfortable life; never forget that you will never live a comfortable life in poverty."
"Empowering their own money gives them a purpose in life."
"The future financial system, which we have labeled Finnet, would empower individuals and businesses by placing them at the center of their financial lives."
"Empower yourself financially. Have your own, and not for the wrong reasons, but it just empowers you."
"Trade, build generational wealth, and let's change the world, one trader at a time."
Real talk, one of the biggest satisfactions for me is when you guys send me videos or messages saying, "Hey, I got my credit score up," or "Yo, I just closed on a house."
"This generation not only will have this huge financial empowerment but the power will go with it."
"If we all just came together, we can change the world. We can make people make money together, and once you make money, you can change the world because you can't change the world unless if you don't have the finances to do it on a big scale."
"We're at a historic income inequality and while this is not the solution to close that gap, it's part of it to help them earn some significant extra money."
"What made me wake up was... I really wanted a sense of financial empowerment."
"If you understand ownership costs and ownership needs, you will be unstoppable."
"Maybe you read 'You Are a Badass at Making Money' so that you indeed can become a badass at making money."
"Investing allows us to bridge this wealth gap; it is one of the most powerful ways to do so."
"It's really about empowering that trader to be independent."
"Embark on a journey of spiritual enrichment and financial empowerment."
"Empower yourself with your own finances, because that will empower you."
"Nothing's going to change until we start to empower ourselves financially."
"I feel so good actually making my own money and doing something on my own."
"You have the power to create a new money story for yourself."
"Choose life means to choose financial and economic empowerment, that the Lord is truly your Shepherd."
"The power will be in their hands and this is going to have a very deep and long-lasting impact on how asset managers respond to that."