
Gaming Consoles Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"Ultimately, the PlayStation 2 ended up being the best-selling console of all time with over 155 million units sold worldwide."
"Despite this, the Gamecube was still a contender and could go toe-to-toe with the PS2 and Xbox."
"Reviewers praised the console's 3D graphics and that $300 price point."
"All things considered, I could certainly see us not getting PS5 Pro."
"It's going to have an SSD to virtually eliminate load times, thank goodness."
"All your old controllers will still work, I think that's a pretty cool move."
"I loved it like an Unreal Engine demo got us more excited about PlayStation 5 than a PlayStation 5 event did like such a bizarre console generation like launch period whatever you call it."
"154 million units worldwide, ONLY BARELY bested by the Playstation 2."
"You don't have to know what console this is on."
"Xbox One X looks great, but I think the price is on par for what you're getting."
"I think just by default this is going to be my standard emulator."
"Turning the Xbox into what Microsoft originally wanted... a PC in the living room."
"These new machines, in fact, are a lot—they're so much stronger than PS4 and Xbox One that it's actually looking upwards, I'd say it's more positive."
"If Sony had included just a fraction of the effort in Astro’s Playroom, released just two years later, it could’ve been a different story."
"They basically failed to excite people about a games machine... showing almost nothing games related."
"It is remarkable how things have turned around there if you look back to the series s Xbox one s father and the Xbox one X whole DNA if X had changed completely all of this is gone yeah."
"We want more than that, we want the ultimate 3DO."
"The greatest 3DO you could possibly possess."
"The RG 353v is a mix between these two. It has a similar form factor to the 351v but the same power and performance as the 353p."
"The ability to get hacked is not something that is going to be happening on a console."
"The extent to which it's more powerful is up for debate, but fundamentally the Switch 2, if we could call it that now or Super Switch, needs to be able to match the feature set of the current generation consoles."
"It is now evident that Xbox is the clear Next Generation technology leader."
"There's been talks about a revision of some kind for the Switch in 2021."
"You cannot sell a $400 console that doesn't have a single game the company is known for what an unbelievable mess that entire situation was."
"This was the Sonic that grabbed the attention of a whole new generation of kids, helping save the franchise."
"The Switch is by and far the superior console, but there's nothing wrong with recognizing the Wii U as the past."
"If you're one of those people who still hasn't managed to get a PS5, I'm gonna give the recommendation I always give: follow Wario64 on Twitter."
"If you're one of the people who's like, 'I don't know, I think I'll just wait for the PS5 slim,' I think you should be trying to get a PS5 now..."
"Long press on the DualSense and it will mute everything."
"It'll take a few months, a few years to get Microsoft's Xbox Series X on the same page with all the TV makers."
"The best new piece of gaming hardware you can get your hands on right now is a three-year-old, $200 basic version of the Nintendo Switch."
"It was developer-friendly, which brings us to the reason you'd buy a console in the first place: the games."
"Let's first of all talk about the Series S side of things because it's been announced for Series S, it's not a case of if but when."
"The Steam Deck can absolutely achieve the portable Series S dream."
"Polygon says the Steam Deck is my new favorite console."
"Sony has delivered throughout the PS4 generation but right off the bat they're continuing to deliver with the PS5 generation with a healthy next-gen leap thrown in the mix."
"Hey, you can literally play all of your PS5 games on PS4 on this portable PS5. I think that'll sell well."
"What will decide the next generation of consoles is games and software."
"Since these consoles are still so new there really won't be any kind of sales or discounts in the foreseeable future."
"Building consoles that will open up many doors for developers."
"Nintendo's console, they know how to do it right, you know?"
"In both instances we were unable to get a reading meaningfully higher than ambient so in other words the series x in an objective sense is functionally inaudible at a distance of about 20 inches or greater in our test environment."
"I think Xbox will figure because not because we didn't say PlayStation 5, we said PlayStation."
"PlayStation 5 is the fastest-selling console in the company's history."
"The 3DS has lived an incredibly full life but I'm glad Nintendo decided to kill it off. That means all of their development efforts can go towards the Switch, and that means we're getting more games for the Switch."
"PlayStation needs better competition to force the platform to up its game."
"The next box, that's pretty good right next box?"
"Make the UI of PlayStation 5 a situation where it's a healthy blend between the TV experience and a desktop experience."
"I think it's unfortunate that Microsoft is choosing to set this one out because Sony is going to have the performance dominance if they do produce this console for a good four years potentially this generation."
"This generation is gonna be a bigger leap than any generation we've done before."
"Sony obviously went all out and that was really exciting to see."
"We're making more PS5s in this difficult environment than we made PS4s in that launch."
"There will be no mention of a next-gen PSVR or backwards compatibility beyond PS4 for now."
"PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X both launched at $499 both are extremely compelling yet Sony still edges out an early lead."
"PS5 reveal event in February similar to the PS4 one shown, Sony shows the box this time."
"Sixty percent of customers would not buy a next-generation console that blocks used games." - Rob Lloyd
"God damn, the Switch is like the best thing ever made!"
"Cliff said this: 'The GX4000 arrived in the same era as the Nintendo SNES and technically the Amstrad was at least as good.' You what?! Cliff, there was nothing about the GX4000 that was even remotely close to being as good as the SNES!"
"Honestly, the first PlayStation is one of my favorite machines of all time."
"The HDMI and Bluetooth combination makes this the first Amerinick handheld device that can easily function as a retro console too."
"The Neo Geo is one of the few pieces of hardware from the 90s era that still has a sense of mystique and mystery about it."
"Nintendo Switch: it combines the power of a home console with the mobility of a handheld."
"The Atari Flashback series does everything it sets out to do."
"We built the world's most powerful gaming Xbox. Take that, Microsoft."
"In what world is it a negative thing for a video game console to prioritize the performance of that video game over the UI?"
"Now I'm no spec nerd but I've been researching a lot I've spent about six to seven hours researching this video and it's quite obvious that the Xbox does have the advantage overall with the specification."
"Maybe the CDI isn't going to be looked back on as fondly as the Dreamcast or even 3DO but it still gave us some great full motion video games."
"The Xbox holds up 20 years later as one of the greatest video game consoles of all time."
"And we have our backed up image of the PS4 hard drive."
"This console was initially produced by Panasonic in 1993 and was actually named Time magazine's product of the year."
"Value, it's all about value, and that's a big one that Xbox has been bringing."
"This generation of consoles is more like PCs than anything we've ever seen."
"Of the first 4 PlayStation consoles, all of them sit in the top 5 best selling home consoles of all time."
"For PlayStation 5, our goal was not just that the SSD itself be a hundred times faster, it was that game loads and streaming would be a hundred times faster."
"The PS2 had everything, complete backwards compatibility with the original PlayStation."
"The Xbox one X is the best gaming console on the market currently."
"The Xbox one X has a built-in 4k blu-ray player."
"The Xbox one X has basically 50% more gigabits per second than the ps4 Pro has."
"The Xbox one X actually has a 10% faster processor."
"Their PlayStation 5, their Xbox Series X, their PlayStation 4 are essentially ticking time bombs because of a CMOS battery situation."
"What is the longevity of these systems as opposed to previous generations that we've seen in the past?"
"No one is honestly going to go out and say, 'Well, I was going to buy a PlayStation 5, but then I saw some people on Twitter making fun of the size of the console.'"
"The PlayStation 5 is one of the hottest gaming consoles ever."
"Nintendo found the sweet spot with the switch and I think going forward they're gonna treat it like an iPhone and just update the model every year."
"Remnant 2 just made the strongest case for PS5 Pro."
"At the end of the day...for me, the console I have to definitely pick for 2014 is the Xbox One."
"Now, as for other systems like the Xbox One or PS4, those aren't really portable systems, but you might still want a way to bring them around and carry them around."
"The Vita is the Vita man... But it all comes down to this: the games, the library."
"The Quest 2 has outsold the Xbox series X and S put together."
"The PS5 is a major, major go if you can get your hands on it right."
"The console structure we've known and relied upon for some 40 years... all that is about to be radically upended."
"Both consoles are bringing over a slew of great games."
"It seemed that while the PSP was doing just fine, the DS was doing much better."
"The most impressive utilization of ray tracing seen at the PlayStation 5 event."
"So is the Nintendo Switch worth buying? Absolutely without a doubt."
"I feel like the PlayStation 5 is going to win launch this generation."
"Xbox when I was younger but PlayStation took over now man."
"The cons will be powerful enough to run high-performance games and will be easy to use for a traditional gamer who doesn't understand Web 3."
"Sales for the Xbox series X went up like 1 900 or something like that after the star field uh announcement."
"Consumers were choosing a console not only for what it was now, but what it would be in the next four or five years."
"Again guys, not only do you get everything that you see right here, but you will also get to choose between an Xbox Series X or a PlayStation 5 along with your gaming station."
"In the US, PS5 pre-orders in 12 hours matched what PS4 did in 12 days."
"Sony has confirmed their commitments to accessibility options on PS5."
"Even if you bought a PS5 purely for PS4 titles, then you've just bought the very best PS4 out there."
"Let's talk about the cheap next-gen options that PlayStation and Xbox offer... the PlayStation 5 is a clear winner in that."
"Supply issues aside, Sony still has been able to move over 13.4 million consoles since launch, and that is a staggering amount."
"38 compute units and 16 gigabytes of GDDR6, I mean that would make it the best console for sure."
"The new consoles are really giving budget PC gaming a real run for their money now that like just the PS5 is a 360 Ti."
"Cloud gaming could potentially really help the Nintendo Switch against the PS5 and the Xbox One successor."
"I'm impressed by the performance; this is definitely a device that I would consider GameCube and PS2 friendly."
"Nintendo's backward compatibility goes a long way with making the fans happy."
"PlayStation 5 sales performance has been dependent on the company's ability to supply the demand, with the console sold out globally."
"Now that we've established that Nintendo Switch can in fact run Crysis, it should come as no surprise that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can also run Crysis."
"Sony has loaded the PS5 with a slate of accessibility options at launch."
"The Analogue Pocket is a unique and compelling addition to the broader world of classic gaming."
"Believe the hype and allow Xbox to power your dreams."
"I think that the Series X is going to be the linchpin of perhaps, or more accurately I suppose the cornerstone of what we can expect for PC titles going forward."
"Sony thinks the console generation leap is really important."
"Why PlayStation 5 is better than Xbox Series XPS 5 is saving gaming."
"At least Playstations trying to innovate and change and try to go a future risk they're really pushing the standard expect not in just what they're not just with their design their controller but the games the SSD."
"Nintendo knows that part of the selling point of the switch was the fact that you can play a lot of the same games you could play in the PS4 and Xbox one on the go."
"The point of this video isn't only to talk about ports, but also Nintendo's decision to leave the Wii U behind."
"Xbox series s is charms grow even more effective when the machine is stacked up physically against the larger more powerful but definitely more inconvenient consoles"
"While saving on the GBA takes a solid eight seconds of silence saving on the 3DS is nearly instantaneous."
"Smash just solidified the switch as the best little local multiplayer system."
"The switch is still on track to be my favorite console ever."
"The Series S pulls ahead of the Pro on basically every meaningful metric here."
"I think I'm just ready for Nintendo to make a bit of an upgrade on the hardware side, that's all."
"We're coming up on five years of that hardware, you know? They should be really familiar with it now."
"Now the major difference overall here is the PS5 has variable frequencies based on its workload and this is very different to the series X's idea of just consistent performance."
"The Xbox Series X, I have to say, they did a great job. They are selling them at a loss. They are making money through Game Pass, so the stuff they put in there, it's worth more than the actual asking price."
"Microsoft is rolling out an accessibility update for Xbox consoles."
"September 2023 was the best in terms of console sales for Xbox since 2016."
"Get a Switch now, it's the top-selling console in the world."
"If you want to beat the Series S, it's pretty easy to beat the Series S."
"Sony's first party studios... convince people to buy PlayStation 4s... when you don't see these kind of major releases on the platform [Xbox], you've seen more halo more Gears of War."
"Microsoft may try to undercut Sony... and sell the Xbox Series X at $400."
"I didn't think that we were going to have a next generation of consoles I didn't think I didn't think we were going to have it but apparently they're probably going to do it because they need to make money."
"Exclusive only really matters when you're trying to persuade people to buy your console compared to another console."
"We don't have to throw away backwards compatible PlayStation 3s anymore."
"The Switch is off to an incredible start and has been sold out everywhere for the better part of this year."
"I think the experience of Steam Deck with SteamOS is what makes it a console."
"New consoles are always my favorite part of gaming."
"It fundamentally changes the rules and allows us to think about ideas and game designs that are only possible on PS5." - Marcus Smith, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart
"PS5 will be backwards compatible with the vast majority of the PS4 catalog totaling over 4,000 games."
"So all around it's still good news for overall PS5 availability."
"Microsoft is getting ready, deep in architecture on their next generation of console hardware."
"The Xbox One and PS4 ports [...] were assorted the de facto versions of the game."
"Nintendo loves to bundle their consoles with new Pokemon games."
"One and a half years in, I think the PlayStation 5 is in a great spot."
"Consoles are getting more complicated now they're becoming more expensive."
"I got the Series S, it's better than the X1X."
"Both the PS 5 and the Xbox Series X will have a significant bump in performance over the current PS4 and the Xbox One."
"The Xbox Series X will be significantly more powerful than the PS 5."
"The ps5 is gigantic... taller than pretty much any console ever made."
"To understand the N64’s graphics, we have to first talk about anti-aliasing."
"Just a heads up for any of you last-minute shoppers who are trying to get a PlayStation 5 or an Xbox Series X."
"It'll be interesting to see what comes out for it in 2019 combined with possible PS 5 Xbox 2 announcements"
"I think there's a really good chance it becomes the number one selling console of all time."
"We finally have some evidence that the PS4 is finally going away."
"The new generation of game consoles powered by AMD offers the best gaming experiences."
"The Super Nintendo version hasn't even gone on sale yet."
"There is still a lot of excitement to be had with the launch of a new generation of game consoles."
"Gamers around the world had already made up their minds that they were not going with Xbox this generation."
"The PS4 is renowned for being loud, but the PS5 is really quiet."
"So, for a president that should be leading in 15 out of these 18 states, he only leads in two."
"It seems substantial enough, it seems like a substantial leap from the PS3 and it's gonna be easy to make games for, that is HUGE."
"PS1, PS2, and PS3 games all through HDMI, and yeah, it's a Blu-ray player as well."
"It's official, PS5 going toe-to-toe with Scarlet."
"We believe that the overwhelming majority of the 4000 ps4 titles will be playable on PS 5... we're evaluating games on a title by title basis to spot any issues that need adjustment."
"This is the best console that money can buy. No compromises."
"If you weren't already sold on the fast SSD backup compatibility should provide you a good enough reason to never turn on your playstation 4 again."
"Nintendo has done a lot of interesting consoles over the years... They were way ahead of the VR craze back in 1995 when they released the Virtual Boy."
"If you're still on a launch PS4 or Xbox One, I think upgrading is gonna go a long way."
"I just think the next consoles are gonna blow people's minds."
"Sony themselves actually don't recommend that you purchase it for play on a base PlayStation 4."
"The series S console is quickly becoming the main event."
"PlayStation 5 Pro General specs confirmed... higher than the PS5 and 300 tops of IN8."
"AMD are kind of doing quite well anyway because obviously their designs are almost certainly going to be used on the PlayStation 6 and uh whatever the hell the Xbox is going to be called."
"I think everyone really does want to know Series X versus PS5 being kind of the main contention point."
"In the long run, in terms of just sales and the better console, I can definitely see PS4 winning this console race."
"We can finally just put these two consoles in the same place and talk about this big decision you're going to make."
"The Xbox 360 was a resounding success, and by many accounts bested Sony in areas like third-party support and online functionality."
"Ultimately, Microsoft's vision for Xbox One is daring. It's a game console, and a good one at that, but it's also hoping to be the only entertainment device you need in your living room."
"All these consoles are connected, they have been for an entire generation, they're certainly going to be even more connected on a wide consumer scale moving forward." - Ryan McCaffrey
"We're definitely going to have more consoles to choose from come the holiday season."
"The Switch is definitely gonna make a run for the best-selling console ever made."
"There's no signs of things slowing down here, and while PlayStation may not have Game Pass, there are still many reasons why owning a PS5 is a very good idea."
"What really separates these consoles now are the exclusives."
"The Sony Playstation hit the shelves... immediately left Sega's new system in the dust."
"It adds more life to these games when you allow mods."
"Nintendo always did the handheld and the home console independently, and then they combined both."
"Xbox is now a carbon aware console, the first of its kind."
"Is Microsoft gonna put out a disk drive version of the Xbox Series S?"
"Nintendo, you got it figured out here with this hybrid concept; just work on refining it further."
"I think the digital edition was the original PS5 concept."
"Honestly, when I was playing on the Xbox, it made me feel a little more next-gen on the Xbox than it did with the PS5."
"This feels like the smartest next step to the evolution of Nintendo consoles."
"10 million PS5s have been sold between its two editions, and quite shortly we will be able to contrast that with the numbers from Xbox."
"It's no secret at this point that Sony is still having trouble getting PS5s into the wild."