
Military Analysis Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Ukraine currently has the advantage so far as the initiative still sits with the Ukrainians."
"For internet commentators it seemed like nothing could stop Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenaries."
"Starting with the Russian tank fleet, what you're looking at here is visually-confirmed loss data from WarSpotting."
"What's its funding like? What sort of equipment does it use? What's its training like? And evaluate its combat potential."
"These howitzers have proved to be inappropriate, wrong weapons for this war."
"The Russians are grinding them up in that V meanwhile same thing's happened in kopans that's happening and there's nothing the ukrainians can do they don't have any troops left they got nothing left."
"If the war comes down to how big is your army then Ukraine will lose."
"When you saw the significant collapse of the top of the Afghan troops we had trained or up to 300 000 of them just leaving their equipment and taking off, that was, you know, I'm not, this is that, that's what happened. That's simply what happened."
"If we look at the current status of the Ukrainian Army along this front line, the Ukrainian troops stationed along this front line have temporarily dialed back the intensity of their onslaught."
"The US military officer says China could invade Taiwan in the coming years..."
"So why does any of this matter? Why have I gone off on a ... discussion about the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics and the very large militia forces that they have put at the disposal of the Russian Federation?"
"The Russian military is collapsing on the front lines."
"Russian air defenses in Ukraine were not toothless."
"Russia's tactical mistakes continue to mount, derivative experts argue of a deeply flawed strategic approach from the Kremlin."
"Russia is losing armor at a horrendous rate."
"We've under they've significantly underestimated the strength." - Commentator
"Bachmut and Soledar have become the epicenter of the wars fighting."
"Putin's army, which is taking a beating from the Ukrainian Army, has a serious inventory crisis."
"It's important to build up a good work ethic... Put your head down and get through it."
"Without the Americans, they realized that the Afghan government was not going to be one of the winners, and that's one of the reasons why the army crumbled so quickly."
"Underestimating your enemy is basically the worst mistake you can ever do in war."
"That's madness. There is no way that the Ukrainian army is going to defeat the panoply of the Russian army."
"The desperation has set in. Ukraine's counteroffensive is essentially over, a continuous rolling defeat."
"This is a NATO war at a certain level not formally not legally not officially but that you had pointed out that to a large degree in terms of armaments even you could say professionally trained soldiers and aspects of it."
"The Russians have just been losing constantly."
"Does that look like an army with 1,500 tanks? Clearly not," - narrator.
"The Russian military knows that it's losing to the Ukrainian military the average Ukrainian Soldier is better equipped better trained and more highly motivated than the average Russian conscript fighting in Ukraine."
"Russia could go in, they certainly have enough troops, they have enough armor air certainly all the supporting arms they need in terms of missiles artillery so they definitely could launch an invasion." - Lieutenant Colonel Hal Campo
"It's another one of these almost unbiased ways of measuring the value of a navy and its designs."
"If Chia Falls, it is a very bad situation for Ukraine..."
"It does start to look as if this whole Ukrainian defense line west of Deva is collapsing now..."
"Ukraine can liberate all its territories militarily but it will be a long hard war with heavy casualties." - Mark Milly
"The ukrainians will prevail. It might not be as quickly as some Western analysts expected, but we will prevail." - Ukrainian civilian
"The reason if this is really the case that this might be happening is that there's concerns about the progress of the war."
"Russia's staggering losses were likely due to a combination of relative effectiveness of Ukraine's modern handheld anti-armor weapons, mines, uncrewed aerial vehicle dropped Munitions, and precision artillery systems."
"Ukrainian troops are already outnumbered and outgunned even before Russia has committed the bulk of its forces."
"Seeing how our game played out I think there's no question it's due to Longstreet and his two divisions."
"Strategically and operationally, the Russian campaign has, one month into the conflict, at least in its original configuration, been nothing short of a strategic and operational catastrophic failure."
"Putin faces dismal days given the casualties."
"Ukraine situation report: Russian forces being chipped away along multiple fronts."
"People like Oric Warspotting, and in this case, Andrew Peta, work with his team to not only find all the stuff but geolocate it."
"There's actually an accumulation of evidence that Ukrainian forces on the front lines in Herson region are indeed thinning."
"I think the submarines are some of the most destabilizing weapons out there."
"Saturation and the offense-defense contest will dominate naval warfare throughout the 21st century."
"The M1A2 is the most advanced Abrams to date."
"A major battlefield defeat for Ukraine could signal to them a fundamental weakness, when in reality, this is simply the nature of a conventional war when waged by powers who closely match each other."
"I think we are seeing just the degradation of the Russian forces to a really significant degree on a daily basis."
"Ukraine has maintained its superiority in the fight for some time now."
"If they actually do what they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia."
"If that's what the Americans can Mass produce then the war is already lost."
"Russian artillery: a formidable component of modern warfare, challenging and innovating."
"If Russia still has the advantage in Manpower, weapons, equipment, ammunition, even if Ukraine is successful with their counter-offensive, it'll be temporary and it will be reversed."
"The bigger Putin's miscalculations, the faster he ushers in the defeat of the Russian military and his own downfall."
"NATO would win... immensely stronger than Russia."
"Who caused this attack if we are going to help our allies?"
"Putin is not doing well...presently on that battlefield they are losing the war."
"Russia's underestimation of Ukrainian resistance and its best-case scenario planning have led to demonstrable operational failings."
"The siege of Mariupol was a pyrrhic victory for Russia."
"Putin's plans can put so many people on the street."
"The period of collapse has begun for the Russian army in all areas."
"If Russia acts, it'll show weakness in NATO."
"China's navy, according to various US sources, will soon outgrow the US navy."
"Retired General Kenneth McKenzie observed that after the Wagner march, Putin was 'weaker today than he was 72 hours ago.'"
"Putin Victory Is Possible because winning is about endurance rather than capturing territory."
"The Iranians just proved that it's not infallible; it can be defeated."
"The Ukrainians are at a standstill at best or in retreat at worst."
"The Ukrainian military has become a nightmare for Russia's massive military machine."
"A war with Iran would make the war in Iraq look like a cakewalk." - Tulsi Gabbard
"The New York Times called it the most disastrous Russian tank operation of the entire War."
"If you take each individual soldier on this list and you break it down... it is the clone trooper."
"The Continuous defeat of the Russian army raises the possibility of larger operations being organized by the Ukrainian forces in the near future."
"Crimea's invincibility is greatly exaggerated by International observers."
"Putin was unsuccessful in this conflict despite the fact that he employed more extreme tactics against the Ukrainian military."
"The reality is that the warnings given by those Ukrainian military commanders that an attack on gorlovka would achieve nothing have proved them to be absolutely right."
"What are your thoughts on the Russian Army's casualties and the Ukrainian Army's successful offensive?"
"The reality is there's still a lot of work to do Russians keep bringing their mobilized troops to Ukraine."
"Why would you turn a loss in a war that is tolerable into something which could potentially be absolutely catastrophic?"
"If the Taiwanese fight, the Chinese have very little chance of actually succeeding."
"This was not a success for the Russian army, it was a success for the Ukrainian Army."
"More importantly, it disavowed the notion of any inherent Russian military superiority on the basis of geopolitical reputation or economic power alone."
"If you told me that six months ago this war would still be going and that the Ukrainians had not just survived but started to win, I would have called you a propagandist or just ridiculously optimistic. Yet here we are once again."
"It's a very real possibility that China would win a war against the United States in the future."
"The apocalyptic words of General Sir John Hackett: 'a catastrophe with untold loss of life.'"
"The ammo they had they were very unpopular and I kinda can't wait to get into that story because people really sort of assume the other way around."
"For the Japanese, the aftermath of the battle is a recognition that their carrier force is finished."
"It just shows you how weak and pathetic the Russian military is."
"Certainly it makes an interesting contrast to the way the Ukrainians defend their positions."
"It's like the Russians almost implicitly admitting that their intel was crap."
"The Russians are winning, they've shaped the battlefield to the point where they're achieving all of their objectives."
"Russia is getting stronger every day, Ukraine's getting weaker every day."
"Russia has advantages across the board... Russia ain't going to lose this war unless they make some huge mistakes and Russians don't necessarily make huge mistakes."
"After 25 days of fighting, Vladimir Putin has failed to carry out his primary objective, to seize Ukraine's capital and force regime change."
"It seems like conflicts are determined in large part by morale."
"Recently the Russian defense has noticeably weakened."
"I think the Russian forces would be in Kyiv by now."
"For all the talk of American and Western foreign aid being largely responsible for Ukrainian victories, I can't help but think they might have done this entirely on their own."
"Based on the facts presented by Kovalenko, we may conclude that the Russian army has reached an irreversible state."
"Russian offensive in East Ukraine is advancing, while U.S defense official John Kirby said, 'any objective Observer of this counter-offensive can't deny that they have made progress.'"
"Getting out of there was unequivocally the best call and it did not matter what we did, that was going to be the Taliban's to take over."
"The KV tank prompted the German Army to realize the limitations of their own tanks."
"Experts are interpreting the accumulation of troops around Donbass in April as a risk of a new dangerous escalation."
"These claims, which had been extensively fostered by propaganda in Russia and reinforced by rosy analyses from military experts around the world, were destroyed by the fierce Ukrainian resistance."
"Russian and Soviet battleships by Stephen McLaughlin... the best reference book."
"The presence of these NATO weapon systems is increasingly making Russian soldiers see it in those terms."
"This becomes even more apparent today as their much-touted counter-offensive has failed completely."
"If they had been the F3 battle cruisers instead, it probably would have been slightly better for the Royal Navy."
"The only conclusion we're comfortable making however is that in the case of war the Chinese would likely neutralize Katka and Route the Russian Navy."
"What matters goes far beyond the raw tonnage of warships, the number of missiles, and weapon ranges."
"I always thought they were bad soldiers, now I'm sure of it. I had turned their rights, pierced their center, and everywhere victory was mine; but they didn't know how to run."
"It seems like we dramatically underestimated the Ukrainian's capacity to resist and organize and fight, and we overestimated the Russians."
"The F-35 remains in every sense nothing more than an expensive prototype rushed into mass production."
"Russia's dreadful performance in Ukraine suggests that not only on the military front but on a lot of other fronts as well, Russia is not as valuable a partner as perhaps the Chinese Communist Party had hoped."
"The odds have to favor the Rodney; it's got the thicker armor, it's got the heavier guns, it's got more of them."
"North Korea's equipment isn't particularly terrifying, but a second Korean War wouldn't be a cakewalk."
"The battle would be recorded as a victory for the British but it was a Pyrrhic one and it amounted to an American strategic victory."