
Magical Realism Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern; it's about this very magical circus."
"True love, I believe, is magical, but I have a very realistic approach towards just love and romance in general."
"Every member of the Spellman family is born with a twin."
"Here it's okay to be different, but not too different. There it's okay to be magic, but not too magic."
"Could it be that Harry has actually subconsciously created this magical world?"
"The effects of the curse will result in a rapid accumulation of money as no matter how or where you try to spend money it will always be returned to you with interest."
"Trust your instincts, the magic starts to happen."
"Adventure Time takes place in the land of Ooo, a magical land where cool things can happen."
"New possibilities unfold with elements of magic."
"Las Pozas: spread out over more than 20 acres of tropical jungle, felt more like Narnia."
"There's truly magic behind every door, behind everything."
"Kentucky Route Zero is more a part of [magical realism] tradition than nearly any other game I've ever seen."
"Celestial rain, a healing rain with a slight life-healing effect."
"Hey, I never said being a magical girl didn't suck, you just never asked. I can't be blamed for that, you know? Nobody ever asks."
"An advanced civilization would be indistinguishable from magic."
"Leaving it in the past is gonna help you ascend to even getting to know the greatest version of you is truly magical."
"Why does it have to be a monster? Why can't it just be a book? What dickhead troll of an author decided to write this book and then enchant it to deliberately f*** with anyone that read it?"
"Magic cannot exist without its fantastical or unrealistic elements and tropes being treated with a certain degree of sincerity."
"It's not anything groundbreaking, like I said, if you just want a sweet wholesome fun magical realism romantic time, pick up this book for sure."
"A book that makes me feel like I'm in a Studio Ghibli movie."
"It's atmospheric, full of murder, full of magic."
"Also, evil grandma just pulled a cruciatus curse on him after doing basically nothing."
"If it's in a fantasy world and glows and isn't a mushroom in a cave, it's probably magic."
"Different worlds, girls wielding weapons, and now Fox poison magic. Next on the list: a talking, talkative magic sword."
"I'm starting to accept this as normal. This level of magic, extraordinary."
"Magic as a character stitches together the places in this movie."
"The more naturalistic we were with the kids, with the performance, the blocking... the more magical the magic was going to be."
"Encanto is a magical example of the magical realism genre."
"Cinema is an art form deeply rooted in the experience of the impossible and the realization of the magical."
"Being John Malkovich investigates the most ridiculous fantasy conceit: a door that's a portal into John Malkovich's consciousness."
"Magical realism presents its magic alongside its realism as equally beautiful and worthy of marvel."
"I think it was just so unique and interesting and well written and a good fantasy story to read if you want something interesting and more contemporary but also very colorful and whimsical."
"Magical realism inspires this magic that's tied to emotion, it's not arbitrary."
"Only a fool would consider a Daedric artifact to be an inanimate object."
"We're entering magical realms of manifestation where you can manifest instantly knowing how you use focus and intention."
"It was whimsical, magical, and everything I wanted... it was just so nice to be back in Wonderland."
"And just like that, Windy’s spell was broken."
"Magical realism reminds us that there is magic inside of us always."
"Also, on top of that, she is supposed to die at midnight on her eleventh birthday, but instead of that, she is whisked away to this magical, secret city called Nevermoor."
"Just to be clear though if you are confused about what is happening, that is a real wizard who hates us."
"It's raining frogs," Brody points out amidst the chaos of magical malfunction.
"It's nebulous magic, it's that magical realism that isn't always explained."
"Without its white magic we would have a sadly impoverished world."
"The pages of the book that were on his body rewrote themselves to reflect what happened."
"She writes worlds and Magic that feel impossible for me to hold in my hands."
"I don't think this gets a pass for me. Oh, so your power isn't filling things up out of thin air? Both? Yeah, but I'm filling something in the process. So, in exchange, Jim has to fill a void. Yes, wow, I've never seen everyone squirm."
"Magic itself is a trope, but there are so many sub-tropes revolving around magical systems or magical creatures, and sometimes they're the worst."
"It doesn't read as a magical hero saving the day, it reads as a ‘get out of jail free’ card."
"You have access to someone with a life experience that is magical."
"In a world where everyone uses magic in their daily lives, Mash's existence defies the natural order."
"There's something special here, something possibly magical, but it's so damn flawed."
"The world around you becomes enchanted in a new way."
"A positive outlook that the whole world is full of magic and Wonder."
"Why does Toffee know so much about the Butterfly family and magic?"
"The dogs save his life, and then in the very final scene of the film, they reveal that Santa is real."
"Animal shelter volunteer with a massive heart of gold and magical weight-loss powers"
"The syrup grants you whatever you desire most."
"Mirror's Edge's clockwork may seem nearly magical."
"By returning the pony's feather, you've given her back the power to fly."
"The magic traces Miriam had always believed existed."
"The Dragon Prince's magic system serves as a metaphor."
"Lalaloo gave Edward a heart; her magic brought the character to life. Now he's not a doll; he's a living being."
"The purpose of howlers of course being red letters that deliver a message expressing significant displeasure or anger in a manner which standard writing could not adequately convey."
"Sympathetic magic is very real because there are laws that the similacrum is governed by."
"I healed your hand with love for my daughter."
"Beware the stories inside may come to strife when read aloud, they come to life."
"Synchronicity is the universe showing its magic, meaningful coincidences."
"The world becomes a magical place when you grasp the correct patterns."
"She's able to stand on water, take steps, and even have time to enjoy the moment."
"Please read the X hex and the kiss curse because these are great."
"Kahlil Gibran's writing is like magic, like a magic trick every single time."
"The real magic wasn't in the glyphs, it was in her."
"Powerful magic requires more than just economic resources."
"Strength isn't just about magic, it's about character."
"The couple kissed and the shop vanished in seconds."
"There's always been that much magic in the world; we just have to have a better way to capture it and share it. Today, modern times are indeed a fascinating time period that puts the Earth and its creatures on display like never before."
"A solid foundation in old magic gives one the potential to merge their strengths."
"Using his imagination and tapping into the life force of the flowers, he’s able to resurrect them."
"Your body is literally like the most magical instrument you'll ever own in your entire life."
"That's much better, that friendship can't be destroyed, your magic is unbeatable Granny."
"Touya, my guy, you're dead and talking to God about being resurrected to another world. And THAT'S what shocks you? The existence of magic?!"
"As Vesper heads home, she passes by trees that pulse and breathe."
"Literally, I walk around all day with a lump in my throat. It's magical. It's unbelievable. I cannot deal with how magical places."
"Anyone can make this bond with a pseudo dragon."
"It's impossible not to fall in love, but this of course follows our main character Sophie who at the beginning of this book is cursed by a witch."
"Soul me who witnessed that asked whether hypnosis magic was not included in the goyu family's innate abilities he had heard that learning something different like that was very difficult."
"This is a journey you can't kind of explain and you just have to do this all the time, this, it's just magical."
"This is a tender love letter to books and summer time with a touch of magic."
"There's so much you could do with the idea of a magic sack that you pull things out of."
"This potion is stunning, this is not only the best potion that I've seen from the Wizarding Trunk, this is the best potion that I've seen from any subscription box."
"You want to see at night, you want sending stones, you know, you want to be able to just talk to anybody."
"I wish I could read it for the first time again. It's just magical."
"There's this fertility, creativity, destiny... a magical blessing."
"Magic to me implies that it's some abracadabra, no sweetheart, we are real, we are here, we are doing amazing and exceptional things every single day."
"This book has this magical atmosphere of hope and resilience even in the face of really awful stuff."
"Reality is magical, the more that you begin to believe that reality is magical, is the more that your life will be magical."
"Petite Maman - stunning, magical realism portraying the complex bond between a mother and daughter."
"All their willpowers simply disappeared and the king took the room and swept them out of the palace. Everyone was so happy then, Cinderella."
"Harry's imaginations manifest in the real world."
"Snow rising from the streets into the celestial heights."
"What if I use my magic to make an image of us in the sea together?"
"I hope you guys enjoyed my little storytime on how I discovered magic was real."
"He's like, 'I'm not going to die, don't worry, it's just a dream.' Yeah, let's ignore the Duke's kid son of a witch with magical powers and his dream predicted your future demise. Seems very smart."
"We're all fairy-like and magical on the inside."
"He reflected on how something so beautiful could be created solely using magical power."
"The Owl House is a special place, it's a house where anything is possible, where you come in as someone confused and you walk out as someone new."
"I thought was phenomenal... a weird magical realism element."
"Blurring the lines between magic and technology."
"No one could bring a magical house to life like Disney Imagineering."
"He was alive through strange magic, wreaked havoc in the Light, and was clearly up to his own devices."
"Sue asks if he found a way to unlock her powers and he tells her that they need the water of spiritual sky."
"Reality becomes very magical in the unknown."
"Especially describing her magic and, you know, plants are always kind of leaning towards her and stuff like that so that's why I say it's really cozy."
"Magic is more real than people give it credit for."
"Flying in the game is possible via various mounts from the Harry Potter World and of course brooms."
"Fairy tale versus reality, but our entire story is then told from the point of view of the person that believed in fairy tale."
"Control is just good old-fashioned, good honest magic."
"This one is a bit of a coming-of-age story but also has some magical realism to it and really tackles the idea of the model minority myth."
"Eating one more instantly teleport you down to the ground safely."
"Hogwarts brings us through each season of the year completely transforming the map."
"Harry Potter's magic system is just unbelievably rich."
"She reveals that she's done the impossible and has stopped time all around them. She is a magical girl too and this is her power, the ability to control time without hesitation."
"It's about trauma and grief and it just reads like a puzzle this is my second favorite as king my favorite is dig which i think um goes more realistic and has that little bit of magic so i would definitely highly recommend that or any of her books."
"Wow, that's a wholesome freaky magic right there."
"Human beings are capable of more than what we think and magic. It's possible to actually manifest magic, you know, manifest our biggest dreams."
"I love Doctor Strange. They did such a great job of bringing magic into the MCU and making it not goofy."
"The world is your oyster and when you get this card there is a magic within you."
"I love the part where the witch very slowly writes 'Surrender Dorothy' in all caps."
"A world where miracles take place at your command, where your most cherished dreams come true every day in the week." - Ultra Psychonics promises boundless potential.
"She took real life and did something magical to it."
"I'm really enjoying the magic, it's pretty central to the plot."
"You can dress the mundane until it is Magic."
"There's magic to like for instance with like your own personal experience that you had a couple days ago."
"Hey, maybe trolls are real. What are we going to do now? It's time to call the Super Wings, my awesome airplane friends who come to help whenever I need them."
"Astral sorcery: where magic and science intertwine under the stars."
"Magic objects teach us to look for what can’t be seen."
"Magic means more when it is grounded and followed up by practical action."
"A bat carried a gem and flew into a cave, suddenly it began to swell all over, the ugly bat transformed into a woman and she held a ruby in her mouth."
"How (beep) crazy is it that you discover you have a twin sister and then magic starts happening."
"Remember that you are a magical being with a uniqueness."
"Everything is completely interconnected. I don't just live in a magical world, you live in a magical world."
"Some fear our new resident wizard as they grow to know him; they will come around. Time will prove me right."
"Day 109, I wandered up to the train station where the wizard told me about his romantic history with the witch."
"In a world where magic is present and heavily used on the battlefield, armor would evolve accordingly."
"Magician says you could have whatever you want."
"The ring begins glowing and you feel cool inside like heat or bright things don't affect you as much anymore."
"Magic dust when you can hold something and sort of be transported."
"Life is magical and there's a lot for me to experience before I exit this material plane."
"We are a lot more magical than we could ever know."
"Our white powder potion to make you go fast."
"The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is this epic, labyrinthine, sprawling story which is a magical realism story."
"The real, by the addition of the magical, actually gains in dramatic and emotional force. It becomes more real, not less."
"Considered a major example of magical realism, which 1967 novel tells the story of seven generations of the Buendía family?"
"'100 Years of Solitude' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Marquez loves to talk about families, cycles, and thematic events that loop back on themselves in this classic work of magical realism."
"The wall is a hinge of the world, melisandra is basically reveling orgasmically in its magical power."
"The astonishing color of after by Emily XR Pan, such a good contemporary with a little bit of magic sprinkled in there, and it's beautiful, heartbreaking, I love it."
"It's like a living photograph more than a person, you know, Harry Potter style."
"On the following day, everyone knew that a flesh and blood angel was held captive in Pelayo's house."
"Magical realism is something everybody says but nobody can define it, and everyone else agrees with them."
"It's a magical realist coming of age story that skewers the model minority myth."
"This is Murakami at his purest form, his tamest in his combination of realistic fiction and magical realism."
"It's not magical realism, but its realism that feels magical."
"It has tons of magical realism, it's about this cafe where you can sit in this one specific seat and go back in time."
"The candle that Abuela prayed to not only gave her family impressive gifts but an even more impressive house."
"It's so uplifting and it certainly sweeps you away to the sort of magical realism world."
"It's not enough to be born with a magical gift; you have to practice it constantly to develop it."
"It's mundane sprinkled with the fantastical, magical realism. I just love it."
"Fantasy is my favorite genre by far, but within the realm of speculative literature, there's one very specific genre called magical realism."
"Magical realism is a genre of books which take place in our realistic world that have fantastical elements in the context in which fantastical things are not normal."
"Welcome to Ciénaga, the capital of magical realism of Colombia."
"I'm still really enjoying it. I actually like this whole like time... I don't even know if it's like time travel or what, but I really like this kind of like magical aspect in the plot."
"Saga of Tanya the Evil is my favorite magical girl story, one where our heroine is a complete sociopath fighting for not Germany in an unholy merger of World War One and World War Two with magic."
"Think of yourself as the magical realist."
"Magical realism is not the same thing as urban fantasy."
"It's just furniture because furniture come to life to help you doesn't sound like a curse, that sounds like a blessing."
"This one sounds so good and mysterious, and a little bit magical potentially too."
"I've read about others seeing her, a young woman who comes out when it rains to drink from the sky."
"It's magical realism which I usually don't care for, but this was fantastic."
"Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was truly, literally magical."
"They cook their food with these magical stones; if you put three of these stones together, they glow red-hot."
"Laura must confront her own strange hungers in a sinister game of politics, bloodthirsty professors, and dark magic."
"I just think that is such a fun concept of this magical living house."
"It's magical realism, a book about book lovers, and a bookish competition, and then it also has a little bit of romance in it."
"It was a magical place where earth, sea, and sky met."
"They make it feel grounded because they're like, 'Oh, you can make a Polyjuice Potion, but yeah, all these crazy ingredients and it takes like six months or something crazy.'"
"Wonder what happens when a magical girl dies in this way, do people just forget her existence?"
"It's like some Mexican magical realism film all of a sudden."
"There was magical realism, I was like here for this."
"A warm breeze in the middle of winter blows past them, and the birds on Grover's coffee cup come alive and fly away."
"Goya's lifelong transition from realism to magical realism allowed his paintings to develop an increasing capacity to evoke something deeper than simple representational scenes."
"The synopsis says that it's a magical feminist retelling of a classic Korean Legend, perfect for fans of Spirited Away."
"He must make use of his newfound ability of communicating with cats to fulfill the requests of 100 cats."
"Lights began to appear in the girls' dormitories like the bursting of luminous seeds flung broadside by an invisible hand."
"Every time she stepped into the hidden master sanctum, it had changed."
"Magical objects had minds of their own."
"It kind of sounds a little bit like magical realism, but definitely a really charming book and perfect for the summertime."
"This book is strange, full of twists and turns, full of stories, and again just has a very unusual setting with beautiful writing and so much magic."
"It's magical realism that takes place in a mixed version of reality between our world and the digital magical one."
"You should be proud of yourself; in a world where there is little to no magic, few people can reach that level of strength."
"It's sort of a magical realism style book."