
Scene Analysis Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The greatest thing about this scene is what it isn't."
"The end of the scene perfectly encapsulates my feelings on it."
"This scene is just amazing as well as other scenes. What's going on? What happened in here? What's going on here? This guy is pretty mellow considering there's a [ __ ] hole in the wall."
"When rewriting, you can get more analytical and use these questions so that you can find and fix your scenes' problems."
"Here's just a quick tally for all the things I missed on how great this scene is."
"Every single scene has got an emotional content to it which leads to drama."
"That part of this sequence with her and Michael I thought was done really well."
"For such a short scene, it's densely packed with detail... establishes the personal and narrative stakes at play."
"I found the very last scene in this movie very disturbing."
"Everything he's doing in this scene is done correctly."
"It's definitely like one of the best-acted scenes in the entire series for sure."
"Just watching Rudy chase after Roxy and stopping, saying thank you, the music direction, the emotion, it all elevated this scene to a whole other level."
"Tony arrives, Patsy. This is a really good scene. Jim was really good in this scene. It really shows him taking charge, being the boss, taking care of business."
"This entire scene is delivering character and story right, oh yeah it is not just a frivolous action scene it's not just a chase."
"It's a perfect scene of ever heightening tension."
"It's perfectly well set up for what then happens."
"It really is striking, the red and black contrast in these scenes."
"This scene was flawlessly done on every level."
"This is what Katos is demonstrating in this scene: extremely high emotional intelligence."
"Love the throne room scene. Everything about it is movie perfection for me."
"But you guys let me know, man. What do you think about that whole scene between Enough, Mecca, the chef? Do y'all believe that the whole cell phone thing kind of got brushed off?"
"Understanding the relationship between light versus shadow, how to read a scene that's unfolding in front of you, and also how to read your histogram is crucial."
"This movie sure got its money's worth out of this staircase."
"For this particular scene, all of that makes sense."
"The point of the drinking milk scene during the murder is to show that Varg is comfortable in his own metal-ness."
"There's so much information that you can gather from the sounds of a particular scene."
"What does my character want now in this scene? Why am I walking into this room and what's my agenda? And if you've identified what that is, then things can somehow fall into place, I think."
"This scene here, the animation is good, yeah."
"For a show that often explains extreme emotions through dialogue and song lyrics this 10 seconds of just crying is one of the strongest feeling scenes in the show."
"So, I love… love, love that in that scene Thor is finally just like I'm just going to kind of be a dick. I'm over it."
"It's not rubbish but like the suspense in this scene when you're just waiting."
"I love this scene right here because the moon is an actual villain. Oh yeah, like the moon, the moon rises over the horizon. I was sneaking up on that, yeah, that, I was gone. He's here, yeah."
"Manaphy returns to the sea, on paper, this scene has no right being this impactful."
"The horror in his voice is so pronounced, similarly to the way the one guy yells 'launch' at the end. The scene works so well as a horror scene if you will because of these reactions from the rebels. And that is also why this is the best scene in 'Rogue One'."
"This is one of the best written scenes about what a codependent relationship with a toxic abuser looks like."
"This scene is so good that I don't think there are any words that can properly describe just how good it is."
"...asking yourself why will this be someone's favorite scene? Why am I going to have such a good time writing this?"
"Particularly worthy of note is the scene towards the end where Steven argues with the Doctor about changing history, which is a superb scene."
"This is stunning. We've got the child back there, and then the duel next to that, a Mandalorian standoff scene. So, this is when they just like I think blast a whole bunch into the building first season."
"one of the funniest scenes I've watched in a theatrical setting in a long time everyone was dying laughing"
"It's fun to recall that, but then as I'm watching the scene, I'm saying, I hit that moment where I said I could have done that better."
"I gotta admit that it held my attention more than other scenes as Werner's anxiety while fixing the explosives was pretty intense."
"The best part of this whole scene is Jaws like stops the wheel and then he goes to walk away from it to like go do his nefarious plan and then the wheel like creaks and moves a bit and he like looks back at it and he's like, 'No.'"
"The writing in this scene is just so [ __ ] odd."
"The look on Anthony's face in this scene... boy, that hits different, doesn't it?"
"This is a lively, informative scene, visually informative I mean, and interesting in that way."
"I like the scene where um actress you claim is amazing guys in the elevator in the escalator."
"I was confused by that because they showed the hand coming through the portal and he climbs into the hand."
"It hurts to say it and it's even more disgusting to watch it really is [ __ ] up but just like the Shinji masturbation scene what ends up making this scene brilliant is how Rei rejects Gendo and decides to act on her own accord."
"That scene with Sylvie and Loki in the bar, and just again you just see his heart."
"There's a lot to admire in this scene."
"Just like the scene we witness when Shrek is rescued by his friends."
"This sequence is also an opportunity for us to realize that it is Cinderella's other sister-in-law who now runs the bar."
"Yeah, Bond sits down to learn his test scores, Mallory comes in, this is where Bond meets Mallory for the first time. Em gives Bond the news that he passed his tests by the skin of his teeth and is back on active service."
"It's such a fantastic scene that I loved so so much and this is where the finale first starts to dip for a bit."
"The entire scene was a perfect example of storytelling."
"Enough praise cannot be said about this scene right here."
"That subway scene, I didn't particularly care for that. It didn't really work for the city."
"It's always nice to see more of Akon, but this scene is quite good actually for a number of reasons."
"This scene perfectly demonstrates her internal suffering."
"Pylon scene, that's where it peaks."
"The suspense in that scene was about electricity and a kid getting caught."
"The entire scene in the teaser this week was just pleasant."
"I really hope that they don't have another scene like this because it's really hard seeing LC just stretched out so helpless."
"This scene really appeals to me because of the open fence. It's like an open window, a view from one world to the next."
"There is one scene within it that I think is genuinely [__] great."
"It's a great scene, it's superbly acted."
"This movie is amazing and this scene is worth buying the criterion alone."
"She explores things in her mind before we get there, and she also has a really neat way of breaking down every scene."
"Reactions of characters within a scene help the audience understand how they should feel about the scene."
"I have a really intense need to understand the scene."
"Everything that's being reported is consistent with what we observed at the scene with the order and sequence of the events that we observed."