
Wage Disparity Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Home prices are rising faster than 80 percent of wages in the United States."
"The bottom 90% of American workers saw their annual wages increase by 28.2% from 1979 to 2020, while wages for the top 1% increased by 179.3%."
"The pay gap will take over a hundred years to close."
"I'm bitter because of the imbalance in how people are paid."
"Women must still fight to be paid what they're worth."
"If you make $20 an hour, you're really making $120 an hour and the company's stealing a hundred of that and paying you 20. Who's the fool?"
"The gender wage gap isn't about women's choices, it's about how we value their work."
"Real wages in the United States are falling, that the United States like Britain like other countries in the West is now experiencing a cost of living crisis."
"In today's inflationary environment, large companies are reporting greater profits and revenues, while at the same time Americans have witnessed all their wage gains for the last 12 to 15 months eliminated."
"If men earn more than women overall, could it possibly be because men typically choose higher paying jobs?"
"The gender pay Gap should be zero. It is not zero."
"15 bucks an hour in New York is nothing but 15 bucks an hour in a rural area is substantive."
"Men today earn less than most American men did in 1979, a huge gender gap in education."
"Executives keep getting millions and millions while ground floor workers and developers suffer."
"The majority of jobs in North America for auto workers are in Mexico, they make a dollar a day two dollars and eighty five dollars a day."
"I think he is punishing nurses now in England these nurses are now paid and the worst across the UK when you look at what's happened in Wales in Scotland and is that fair it most certainly isn't."
"The reason why a cashier at McDonald's makes minimum wage while LeBron James earns millions and millions and millions of dollars a year is not because of how hard they work."
"The wage premium for bachelor's degrees has skyrocketed over time."
"The one thing where there is pay inequality is what I call the motherhood pay gap."
"The real question and controversy is in the why of why do women participate less and earn less when they do."
"There definitely is a problem with wage disparity here."
"People are paying higher prices; wages have not adjusted quickly enough to compensate for that."
"Minimum wage would be $18 had it risen alongside productivity."
"It would take just something like me 40 hours a week no overtime 365 years to make what our CEO made."
"Statistically speaking, men argue for higher wages than women do, and that is another reason why they get higher wages."
"Women are still making like 70 cents to the dollar in this country, and like we've fucking failed."
"Two things can be true at once, and the comparison was only being made to highlight the fact that she is underpaid."
"Black women on average have to work between seven and eight months just to earn what a white man earned the year before."
"It absolutely is an issue of the gender pay gap."
"Home prices have been rising way faster than wages."
"Every time most black people pick up our paychecks we are being robbed." - Assata Shakur
"Even if you got paid more, well, you're still technically getting paid less."
"These guys laid their lives on the line alongside American soldiers and got paid a fraction of what I made." - Jake Thomas
"It's great for the rich. It's good for you. But the fat people who work, see their wages go down. That seems to be." - Ann Coulter
"CEO pay has gone up 979 percent compared to just over 11 percent for workers."
"Women often get paid less; feminism is about the struggles of ordinary people."
"Men don't get paid more for the same job; women are underrepresented in higher paying careers."
"Women in sports continue to push new boundaries and inspire us all. But right now, we're seeing that even if you're the best, women are not paid their fair share."
"I don't want American workers to compete against people making 56 cents an hour."
"It's not that the train people are earning too much, it's that everybody else is earning too little."
"About 90 percent of the counties across the United States saw home prices overtake wage growth."
"The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, but in 43 states, employers are allowed to pay tipped workers less, some as little as $2.13 an hour."
"My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I watch streams on company time."
"Inflation is growing at significantly higher levels, and wages aren't keeping up."
"A New Yorker would need to make at least $38.80 an hour or more than four times the minimum wage to afford the city's median asking rent of $2,690."
"Globalization, the opening up of the world labor market driving down the wages of younger workers relative to older workers in the past 10 or 20 years, wasn't a plot by the Baby Boomers."
"Inflation has made the cost of living rise faster than wages."
"I got love for the women 'cause they stay fresh, why in the [__] are they still getting paid less?"