
Medical Profession Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"The vast majority of doctors are dedicated professionals who strive to meet reasonable standards of care for their patients."
"There's an inherent satisfaction in knowing you're able to manage most anything that walks through the door to some extent. You genuinely feel like you are a true doctor, and know a little something about everything!"
"The duty of a doctor is so huge in society that it cannot be put into words."
"Just because we're doctors, everybody thinks we know everything, and we don't."
"Maybe Dr. Han was the good doctor all along."
"I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I just lost a patient and a dear friend."
"It's really so important... to support primary care because they are undervalued, they are overworked."
"Dave, thank you very much. You are a rock star for us in medicine."
"But when I got to my surgery rotation it just became an undeniable truth that this was the one I loved the most."
"A lot of us are in it together with the long days and the scrubs and the disappointments and the highs and the lows."
"I got into this whole medical field to really help people."
"I felt like I was a super doctor, like a doctor with superpowers."
"It's time for me to take that leap of faith. It's time for me to take that jump and start working as a doctor, which is absolutely mad to think about."
"This is authoritarian takeover of the mind where now even doctors with medical degrees that are respected aren't allowed to speak."
"Being a doctor is all about helping people and being better today when compared to yesterday."
"You need to be radically invited into Medical School, even if you're C-minus average, you're radically invited anyway and you can still be a doctor, radically."
"The most rewarding aspect... is to have the privilege and honor to care for people at end of life."
"Doctors back then were just as poor as the rest of the middle class."
"There's something very special about being a doctor."
"Surgeons always have that cliche, you know they've got a god complex and they think they're awesome."
"These are the everyday cases of Dr. G, medical examiner."
"Thank you as physicians we don't really get awards so this is really lovely."
"We are increasingly aware of the physical and mental stress on doctors"
"Being a doctor is about the person as a whole, but also about their family as well."
"Being a physician is the best and most brilliant job in the world."
"To place political priorities over patient care especially over care for patients already involved in your care is to betray the purpose of the profession."
"Hippocrates, widely considered to be the father of Western medicine and the one who established medicine as a profession."
"There's no better person to do that than a doctor, so I'm gonna stick around 'cause I'm a doctor and I'm gonna help people heal."
"You're going to be an incredible doctor one day."
"Good doctors make mistakes too, that's why they buy insurance."
"Medical assistant... a new, extremely fast-growing career."
"I want to be a doctor or a nurse. Why? Because they help sick people get better."
"Isn't stuff like this the whole reason we went to medical or nursing school in the first place?"
"The world at large still mourns the untimely death of the greatest doctor of his age."
"He was the real doctor, the true physician, the real healer."
"I want to be that doctor when you walk into my office you know I care."
"A lot of applying to medical school is answering the question of why do you want to be a doctor."
"Huge respect for all those healthcare workers, it's pretty amazing what they do every day."
"Making fun of fat people is awful, but a doctor saying 'lose some weight'... that's their job."
"The first 10 plus years as a heart surgeon I was increasingly unhealthy... I was morbidly obese... and I realized that I was destined for my own operating."
"The vast majority of actual real medical personnel are good people... you're still better off with that."
"These crimes were so disconnected... except for one thing and that is this particular anesthesiologist having access to the bags of fluid."
"The best doctors in the world make mistakes. They get things wrong. They misdiagnose. They make errors of judgment."
"Being a physician is an amazing career if you want to do it."
"That was always my hope, I always wanted to be a doctor."
"Most doctors do not get into it for the money. Most doctors have wanted to be doctors since they were little; they have a powerful drive to help people, save lives, and make a difference."
"Orthopedic surgeons are consistently the number one or number two highest compensated physicians."
"Beyond a doctor's calm cool exterior, there is a profound depth of feeling, first-hand experience, and a desire to help and heal."
"If you're not passionate about medicine please don't go into medicine because we like we need doctors who are passionate about um providing care and taking the time to learn all this stuff to provide care for people."
"I don't feel bad leaving medicine because I believe I can still help a lot of people even if I don't get to do so as a doctor."
"Any good doctor any curious moral ethical doctor is going to go what are you talking about."
"It wasn't a time to show that the doctor isn't human... it was the time to show the doctor's humanity."
"Anesthesiology is one of the few specialties that goes out of their way to make sure that we actually get to eat throughout the course of the day. Cheers to anesthesiology!"
"I decided to become a doctor since there's a shortage of doctors and nurses and we have to take care of people cuz there's actually an epidemic going it's right behind you isn't it the a one what."
"Gastroenterologists are often outgoing and friendly, as they're constantly interacting with others, both patients and colleagues in other specialties."
"My favorite part of seeing patients and the eye exam is explaining to my patients the different diseases and helping them kind of have that aha moment."
"Dr. Levi on the case, okay, so we are officially a medical technologist."
"A good doctor is about empathy, not just knowledge."
"It seemed like they were the most noble people on the face of the Earth and I decided that's what I wanted to do from the time I was eight years old."
"Heroically allowed Dr. Cavoda, our guest for today, to save a life before coming here."
"I hope that you can find a place through your suffering to know that you're teaching people like me, if nothing else you're teaching doctors like me to do a better job as a Healer."
"I'm a bad doctor, have you been? I think we've all been."
"As a POTS doctor, one of the most useful things I can do is be the patient's advocate."
"Surgeons who played 3 hours of video games made 37% fewer mistakes and performed 27% faster than non-gaming doctors."
"I've really wanted to be one since I was in first grade but I think like another big point in my life I went to like a med camp and that really solidified me wanting to become a doctor."
"I would love to study a medical pathway. I would love to be, like, a nurse or a doctor."
"Medics have to be so brave to do what they do."
"You wake up in the morning, you look at the chart, you look at the patient and you get to work."
"It's not always about the medical problems, sometimes it is nice to get to know the patient."
"Being a doctor in this series is neither glamorous nor sexy. It's challenging work that even someone who just went through years of med school is barely ready to handle."
"Doctors can scare you, but you know the real doctor is Hashem."
"Being a doctor is saving lives. It's incredible, it's so noble."
"This might be finally the barrier that gets it across to the medical profession how important diet is."
"Reflecting on my career so far, I believe an important skill for a doctor is to develop trust within the team and with the patient by maintaining the principles of honesty and integrity."
"If there's emergencies happening or critical things going on with your patient in the moment, all this gets pushed to the side, and you spend your time in the room with the patient trying to maintain their life."
"You know, every doctor has some kind of torture, but some of them are more self-reflective than others."
"Medical gas lighting is a big one I see so many providers that take to social media and they're like oh you know we hate these social media influencers."
"The four years of residency that followed had been no easier but at least Hannah had shared an apartment with two other young doctors who understood the need to get shitfaced drunk the first day you lost a patient."
"Doctors have to make profits, and in the process, they might find out that helping other people is a real big reward too."
"She's going to make a difference not just in the medical field, but to so many people out there."
"The medical profession has to expand cultural awareness at all levels of practice and training so that providers can interact more effectively with various patient populations."
"I think Australia is a place to be for young doctors, specialists, and the GPs."
"As a physician, I'm very worried about the first principle in the Hippocratic oath, you know first do no harm."
"Most non-specialist doctors mix their work."
"Their life is usually very chilled and they tend to have an overall good work-life balance."
"Our job is often to say we're not treating the color, we're treating the patient."
"I'm a registered nurse, Dana. You haven't got anything I haven't seen before."
"I'm spending a short amount of time compared to a decade of their lives that Physicians go into so I've been renewed respect for the amount of knowledge and the amount of insight that Physicians do."
"I cannot believe I've made it onto my final rotation in my first year of being a doctor."
"I do it for good reasons, for the greater good, for the benefit of the patient. And sometimes it doesn't work. That's why it's called brain surgery."
"I want to operate in an environment where it's perfect, where I can just focus on the disease that's the enemy, not my colleagues, not the media."
"I became a doctor because I wanted to help people. It's probably the greatest job in the world for me."
"My journey as an OB GYN, I have vlog videos taking you to the hospital with me, stuff like that."
"There was a book about 20 years ago called 'Complications' that brought the concept of doctors being these lofty super intelligent objective altruistic non-fallible humans down a few notches."
"He is a medic, a paramedic, and an EMT."
"My name is Sager lonial and I'm the chief medical officer at the Winship Cancer Institute."
"I'm just making some chamomile tea to help me get to sleep for my early day in the OR the next day."
"If you were a doctor, you'd surely become an outstanding one."
"That's the kind of doctor I want to be."
"He became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1985."
"The whole goal of the personal statement is to tell me why you've been preparing your whole life to become a physician."
"Tell me why you want to be a doctor."
"Medical affairs is a core for doctors."
"Observing the physician's care of Jamie and Wanda illuminates the variety of ways a doctor can care for a patient."
"Understanding the needs of a patient is a privilege."
"Being a physician is kind of hard, going to medical school is very hard, being a resident is hard."
"Your patients are not going to care whether you have an MD or DO; all they care about is that you help them and that you empathize with them."
"If you're good at physiology, if you have a robust knowledge in pharmacology, and you're good in internal medicine, you will thrive through anesthesiology like a sharp knife through warm butter."
"Medicine is a science, but it's an art, it's a humanity."
"I am a medical coder, auditor, educator, and influencer."
"Boy, being a doctor is really important. They help people every day."
"Being a doctor is a hugely rewarding career but with everything in life, it comes with its unique set of challenges."
"I yearn to interact with patients directly and provide reassurance and compassion."
"I graduated the top 200 University, majoring in Biochemistry and Microbiology. I am also a medical doctor."
"We're very lucky to have you, doctor."
"If you are a first-year doctor or any sort of doctor, there is a way that you're actually able to boost your salary, and this is by working as a Locum doctor."
"Nursing or medical profession... is not a normal job; it's a profession which requires some sort of vocation."
"I'm an interventional cardiologist, which means I'm a plumber, so I like to open arteries, and it's fun to do; that's why I do it."
"If you can do these, you've become a pediatric echo tech."
"It's so important for international medical graduates to do well on these tests."
"You're never going to match unless you try."
"We care about our patients, or else we wouldn't do it."
"These are the conversations where I felt the most like a doctor and where I really felt the burden or the weight on my shoulders of what it means to be a doctor."
"My dream life is to own my own doctor offices."
"As radiology techs, we make a lot of money if you consider the amount of training that you go through to get this job."
"I treated my patients with open arms and an open heart."
"You didn't go to medical school just to serve as a medical scribe and an order writing machine."
"I'm an internist by training and have practiced general internal medicine for over 30 years at Denver Health and loved doing it."
"I feel so invested in these patients."
"Of course, I know what I'm doing; I wouldn't have gone through all those years of medical school if I didn't."
"I wish patients realized how much work and dedication and how much we stress over their lives and their medical concerns."
"You join the profession to be an advocate for patients."
"While everybody else is taking life, I'm gonna be saving it."
"He was always very supportive, very generous with his time and energy, that was one of the things that made him such a great doctor."
"Good luck, get some practice, and you'll be ready to see patients."
"If you have the desire to help people and you're not squeamish... that's what this is all about."
"He was such a good doctor it is beyond belief."
"A doctor's job is to save people."
"Gage is a medic, a paramedic, and an EMT."
"A good physician will be able to diagnose and recognize disease; a great physician can diagnose and recognize people."
"The true test of a doctor is his faith in his own judgment."
"He was never afraid, never selfish, a doctor, and he's always forgiving."
"One common theme on the show, his Achilles heel, is that he's a doctor and can't leave someone when they're in pain or sick and need help."
"If there's misconduct, is the priority the public or the medical profession?"
"It's a tough field, we need more nurses especially, well, and doctors."
"We need doctors, we need nurses, we need medics."
"That's the defining moment for every physician I've ever met, to have somebody walking around because you helped."
"Being a pathologist means you're always learning, and it doesn't end after your residency."
"I might be able to do this whole doctor thing and enjoy my life at the same time."
"Doctors don't lie. I'm saying these doctors are credible."
"Being a doctor is a lot about listening, not just listening but actually hearing what the person is saying."
"At the end of the day, I'm a physician and I'm also a cancer survivor."
"I'm about to be a fantastic doctor."
"Study because one day you will need that knowledge to give better care to your patients, not because you're fighting for a grade."
"I don't think having a doctorate makes you a doctor; it's the years that you put in, the passion that you have for medicine."
"Dr Richard was a brilliant physician and great humanitarian."
"I'd like to dedicate this video to my father who is very sick in hospital at the moment. In his professional life, he was a surgeon and he helped save the lives of probably tens of thousands of people."
"Doctors are a bit more than just someone that you see in a consultation; they can really impact your life."
"I'm expecting one of my patients to make the next census richer by one small item."
"I felt privileged that my patients trusted me with their health."
"It's important to share that with you guys because I feel like I want to give you guys a full picture of what it's like to be a junior doctor here in the UK."
"Communication skills is like the main thing for being a doctor."
"Every patient I saw, every case I wrote, every book and video I studied from, it all brought me here."
"Gary was one of the most humane, kind, compassionate doctors one could ever come across."
"Doctors are who we have trust in society."
"She went through four years of college, four years of medical school."
"Doctors are the strongest believers in forces greater than themselves because they know how beautiful and how strange life can actually be."
"He cares about his patient, and he's actually a good surgeon."
"I want to focus more on patient care."
"If you want it, you will get there. We need doctors, so don't give up."
"I chose to be a doctor because I really like to work with people. I like to communicate one-on-one and I'm also just very interested in the human body."
"If you're currently applying or you're thinking about applying, it's because you know in your heart that you're capable of getting in."
"You're the one that's gonna get in, you're the one that's gonna become a doctor, you're the one's gonna save so many freaking lives."
"When you wake up and you want to go to work and see what patients we have today and just experience everything, that's when you know this is something you should pursue."
"You will repay me by becoming a brilliant doctor. That's the deal."
"Above all, enjoy your interaction with patients. Good luck."
"If you're a good doctor, your goal should be to put yourself out of business by making your patient population so healthy they don't need you."
"I went through years of medical school and residency, but it was worth it."
"I think the core of being a good doctor is having good communication skills."
"Dr. Golson was a real fine man; he was meticulous, he was dedicated, he did well by his patients."
"The mentees will get benefited from the insight and experience of an already landed NHS doctor."
"I was very frightened, but many times in my medical career, I've had to keep my panic and my fear under control."
"I look forward to being a readily accessible provider to patients as a PA."
"Doctors cry too, and doctors are compassionate."
"One's merit as a physician has much more to do with their abilities as an individual than the letters behind their name."
"My creativity brings me one step closer to becoming the physician of today."
"The qualities of the worthy physician are three: the eye of an eagle, the heart of a lion, the hand of a woman."
"It's how do we get people the affordable care they need; that there's more choice; that more doctors are coming into the system instead of leaving."
"You are the surgeon and you are the radiologist at the same time."
"It's not the size of your stethoscope that counts, it's what you do with it."
"Being able to inspire millions and millions of future physicians and students around the world, I think it's amazing."
"If you truly want to get into medical billing and coding, you shouldn't let age stop you."
"I love to treat my patients with respect and dignity."
"Anesthesia is 95% boredom and 5% sheer terror."
"It's a really risky job, but it's kind of rewarding because you are actually with lives."
"The number one green flag in a woman is if she is a nurse or in the medical field."
"If you are someone who likes to be with a patient for the long haul... then naturopathic medicine is for you."
"I have been a doctor for 10 years. If you count my school days, then it's about 15 years. I have always believed that a doctor should save people."
"Being a doctor is really hard, especially in these unusual times."
"I'm going to put everything behind me and work hard to become a great doctor."