
Directing Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"I enjoy the process of directing and writing, telling people what we're wanting to do and executing it in a fun way."
"Beyond her acting career, she fearlessly ventured into directing and helming impactful documentaries."
"This is a master class in cinematography and directing."
"Marvel at the gift. There are some directors that are very very good, and there's some that are tremendously gifted. Mani Ratnam is a master director."
"Greta Gerwig... she just knocked it out of the park."
"Dear Evan Hansen's directing is just not good. It fails to understand how to best elevate the material, how to translate the work to stage, and how to make the most out of the musical numbers."
"In simplest terms a role-playing game is acting, every choice you make for your character is like a director telling his actors how they should feel."
"Nikki Blonsky does a good job with most of this movie, there are certain moments where I'm like what was that choice but I think a lot of it has to do with direction and the script."
"Romero’s attempt to transition into feature film directing defined the modern idea of the zombie."
"Black Klansmen: Really enjoyable movie. Well-directed, a lot of good choices in terms of music and editing, and very good performances throughout."
"There's no anime that can be both compelling action-packed and well-directed like Attack on Titan."
"I mean, that, I actually directed my first sketch like last week literally."
"This is what started MCU, Jon Favreau directed the first movie that launched the whole MCU."
"Matthew Vaughn is really one of our finest action directors he would and not only could he direct the crap out of this movie his movies have a joy his movies have life."
"Charlie's Angels reboot with Elizabeth Banks directing? It makes sense. She's a big star and could get some quality talent."
"Now there's going to be a really big shift of female directing versus male directing."
"It's fantastic an excellent video and it goes beyond the acting it's fantastically well directed the camera angles are brilliant."
"Honestly, creatively, this might have been the most fun I've had not only shooting something, editing something, but kind of taking a step back away from the front of the camera and directing it."
"Excellent with actors and more specifically at tapping into the perspective of the every man."
"You'll rarely see me shitting on something if ever... I don't bother talking about it. That's how I deal with shit I don't like."
"This movie could have been really stupid and cheesy if handled by a different director but it was pretty good."
"The way she got the performances out of the talent in the film... it takes a really qualified, a really, really smart, intelligent director to pull it out of them."
"I think Lexi Alexander is the right person to tackle this directing the movie." - Mark Ellis
"Dissecting Jungkook's brain as a director watching these is fascinating."
"The humor in this movie is great; Edgar Wright is the master of visual comedy and timing."
"The directing is the big star of this movie."
"The Wachowskis' direction is absolutely sublime."
"Best directed film in the saga since Empire."
"Horrifying and a testament to the directing of this show."
"Can you stay like super still? Can you use the voice on the worm?"
"Greta Gerwig is directing a Barbie movie written by Noah Baumbach, starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling."
"Luckily, Ryan made a return to the industry in the 2010s and will be directing the Netflix adaptation of 'A Lady's Guide to Selling Out' in the 2020s."
"What makes this movie work aside from just being really well shot, really well directed, and about an interesting person, aside from all of that, Anthony Hopkins' performance is just incredible."
"A flawed film for sure but handled by a great director who may have been the wrong choice at the time to handle this property."
"John Krasinski did direct the hell out of this movie and he blew me away as a director."
"Creed one and Creed 2 had there wasn't an ounce of disappointment within those films and that's what directors should do."
"It's the best found movie I've ever seen - everything is found in the direction."
"I think everyone should try direct because I just think it's the most honest, authentic, and open way of doing it."
"Beyond acting, she has delved into directing and producing, showcasing her versatility and enduring influence in the entertainment industry."
"Beyond his sharp writing, Vince Gilligan shows immense talent in the realm of direction."
"It's really well directed really well acted its intense at times the concept is disturbing enough but then it gets it gets darker."
"Clint Eastwood is a true master of pacing and dramatic tension building."
"Angelica Huston is a distinguished American actress, director, and former fashion model celebrated for her captivating performances and distinguished career in Hollywood."
"I decided to just focus myself on directing."
"I love acting, but ultimately I want to direct."
"All directors have different styles, and some directors are easier on their stars than others."
"With this final season, Bill Hader has cemented himself as one of the most promising and innovative directors in Hollywood."
"I directed a movie once called Angelo My Love where I only used one professional actor and all the rest of the actors were American Gypsies and they were terrific natural actors."
"He's writing directing acting... he's so amazing."
"Jordan Peele so expertly dropped subtle hints about the overall reveal that you think he's a seasoned veteran director."
"this is one of my favorite Spielberg movies if we're solely judging it by the way he directs it just incredible"
"I love Christopher Nolan's directing style. He keeps me on my toes. It honestly upsets me a little bit because I cannot guess what's happening next. Drives me insane."
"Directing actors is like the very first time I held a baby because it doesn't talk, it just wiggles."
"It requires you as the director to be there, right there with them."
"Directing is basically compromising. That is the biggest thing that directing is. You're compromising constantly because of things and elements that are being thrown at you."
"One of the best 24 hours of my life was when we directed my special in Minneapolis and then watched those dudes."
"There was a certain kind of sense of fun on the set that was something that I thought if I ever get to direct a movie, I want my set to feel like this set."
"There's something about Stanley Kubrick's directing that almost brings me on the verge of tears, not out of emotion like he's trying to evoke an emotion, but like how beautiful it is."
"The directing of this movie was great."
"A well-directed movie, but moving nonetheless."
"The directing has been amazing throughout all three of these movies."
"He's a true artist directing huge movies."
"To get a film off the ground, you just need to prove that you can direct."
"Chapter 3 is a master class in directing and storytelling. The whole point of this chapter is that Mando gives a child back to the Empire. He feels immense guilt and regret and goes back to save him."
"The secret to directing kids is don't direct them like kids, direct them like actors. Talk to them like you would any other actor."
"The camera work in this movie I thought was excellent... it felt like the director of this movie, Jandabon, I thought did an incredible job with the directing, some of his shot choices and his composition of the shots were so cool."
"Directing is the most fulfilling. You go home at the end of the day really feeling like you achieved something."
"That's what makes a great film director."
"The best relationship between a director and an actor is not dictation it's observation."
"I felt like the directing was way better in this movie than it was in 'Hereditary', but the directing here, I was just in awe when it comes to every shot in this film."
"You act, produce, and direct, is there one you like to do more? I like them all equally."
"I've always been interested in directing... you have to do it or shut up. Stop talking about it, or do it."
"The art of directing is casting, Michael. If you cast it right, you don't have to tell them what to do."
"Directing is an extension of the storytelling process."
"an incredibly Unique Piece of directing"
"Patty Jenkins did an amazing job directing."
"You're the worst person to ask this too but just I understand you have a lot on your plate in the future anywhere would you ever consider directing something no never you gotta know how to do it."
"If you want to be a director then you should be directing stuff."
"The directing was so well done and really does carry a lot of this film."
"I want to direct. That's my next goal."
"I want to direct more than anything else. That's really what it was. Better than acting. Well, it's the difference between being a chess player and a chess pawn, you know? And besides that, you don't have to hold your stomach in."
"I feel it is the film is totally a director's medium. Maybe about eight years now. Maybe before that I'll stop acting altogether, which is what I want to do. You want to walk away when you're on top and get behind the camera."
"I knew from the get-go I had to direct it. It was my baby, Sharky's Machine."
"Ron Howard further demonstrated his grasp on the dramatic and family dynamics."
"'A Beautiful Mind' really showed that Ron Howard could be an actor's director, pulling out the best from Russell Crowe and Jennifer Conley."
"...It's asking the actors to turn that information into emotion. What I've learned is it is the director's job to create the emotional environment so that the script doesn't need to be emotional, the actors don't need to emote."
"Directing Duo weren't shooting what was on the page, leaning more into comedic improv, which is fine for a mid-budget comedy but would be a bit of an issue for a mega franchise like Star Wars."
"I was up in Seattle, they said I could pick two scenes from anything and direct in front of 500 people with actors that I didn't know as if it was the first day of rehearsal. How could I have said yes to this? How could I have said yes to this?"
"If I watched this movie and I didn't know who wrote it or directed it, I would think that person was skilled at writing and directing it."
"Kids in their early teenage years were easier to direct."
"...every filmmaker is a storyteller, but every director also has a dilemma: what kind of storyteller they want to be."
"You want to be the director of a movie and lead your audience how you want."
"I'm directing my first movie right now."
"...what makes great directing is being open to the unexpected."
"One of the best I had a great one in New York with Ryan Gosling actually. He directed 'Lost River.'"
"I kind of have pretty high expectations because it's James Cameron directing this film."
"Directing a film is not about manipulating footage that you got in order to conjure a story out of nothing. It's more about trying to, with the help of the crew and the cast, create an atmosphere in which real-life remarkable events can happen."
"The directing in this movie was very well done too."
"At the monitor directing something, especially like someone like Danielle Brooks or Justin Black, who's just like so ridiculously gifted, it's just, it's insane."
"Each one of these photos has been arranged. They have to get the actors, get all the props, the director had to tell them exactly what to say and do, how to act, how to pose in the shots."
"The camera work and directing of this show are mediocre, with scenes often lacking dynamic movement or direction."
"You might be a terrible technical advisor, but you are one hell of a director. Thanks, Jimmy."
"He’s directing the film… we do tag-team directing."
"Martin Campbell did a wonderful job directing."
"Directing is like teamwork, and I become hypersensitive during filmmaking."
"This is the work of a seasoned director guiding the audience's eyes through a world there's a lot of genuine thought put into these images."
"We want viewers to look where we want. We want to limit contrast in areas that are less important."
"The thing I enjoy the most about my show is directing and editing it."
"Here's something I learned working with Joel and Ethan. If I was thinking of a setup, if I wanted it to be that or tighter, I would show it to Joel, and if I wanted it to be that size or wider, I'd show it to Ethan."
"I mean today, you have no time to process. There is almost zero directing going on on television today. You go in, if you're lucky, you get two takes, and you're done."
"I think you can love or hate the content of 'The Last Jedi', but as far as what he is able to frame as a director, I mean, I don't think you can deny the quality on that."
"Overall I thought that the directing and pacing and just everything about the movie I really enjoyed."
"He started as a stun man which we can relate to right why he wanted to become an actor but he became a director which means he took control of everything."
"Christopher Nolan is very likely winning the Oscar for best director."
"A masterpiece of television, writing, and directing."
"James Gunn nails it with Guardians of the Galaxy Three."
"I take nothing from Spielberg because Spielberg has shown that he is one of the most versatile directors in Hollywood."
"Would you rather see an Alfred Hitchcock directed Friday the 13th, Halloween, or Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"Matt Reeves directed the [ __ ] out of this movie."
"You know because when we was watching Power Rangers coming up it was just it was just fire because they was actually doing it you know but I want to direct stuff like that I want to direct actual be the first person to actually do a live action anime and make it look good."
"Did your father ever direct Romeo and Juliet and did you ever ask him about it?"
"The directing style is sporadic chaos chaotic, and it gets more and more chaotic as the film goes along which makes it feel uncomfortable."
"Directing is the last morally acceptable authoritarian position in the world."
"I'm going to really wind up doing most of my directing in the editing room."
"The directing was fantastic, the camera work, the sound, the story was wild."
"Every director has his own way of working; he was unique."
"I want to continue acting, but I'd like to be a director too one day."
"I think director Mel Gibson is a great director."
"This is a joint where you're watching, you're like, 'God damn, the director knows what he's doing.'"
"For any directors, if you've managed to do one drama that can qualify as one of those dramas, you kind of have succeeded in your life."
"I think the director is a master of pulling that performance out of people."
"Find a good script that you like and hire a good director that really cares."
"He's amazing, fabulous, one of my favorite directors of all time."
"I'm a woman who has been in the business for over 20 years and it's something that I have fought for myself and others, especially being a director."
"I want to do more writing and directing."
"Clint Eastwood is better known as a sensitive director than as Dirty Harry."
"She is determined to establish a place in the profession based on her talent and enthusiasm for directing."
"I was privileged to be hired to direct Star Trek First Contact."
"Directing is not about micromanaging, it's about empowering."
"You need this España in the soul, vulnerable as very good director."
"There's nothing more that I want to do except for direct a Star Wars movie."
"I remember watching that movie and going, 'Oh my God, I want to work with this director.'"
"James Gunn's such a talented writer, such a talented director."
"I think Fred did an extraordinary job writing this and directing it; he's a top artist."
"This guy Martin Scorsese is a brilliant director; he's going to be a great American director."
"I think the director and the editing team did such an amazing job."
"I love directing, I always wanted to do it."
"Do you have any interest at all in directing film, or do you want to stay solely focused on being an actor?"
"I'm really falling in love with directing and I will definitely be doing a lot of it in the future."
"I trusted in Scott, his writing and his directing."
"I mean, 'Being John Malkovich' is pretty amazing because you just got one screenwriter, you got another director, they both work perfectly together."
"I never want to be a performer; I really want to be a director."
"The only way that a director can learn to direct is by directing."
"Here's one of my favorite directors ever and one of his best scenes ever."
"One of the hardest parts of directing is the moment you know something is not right."
"I really like Jon Favreau as a director; he's so versatile."
"I loved directing, and it came out of having a story to tell."
"That's what I love about it, Simon's just a great, he's a really good guy, really good writer, but a really good director of actors too."
"George Miller is one of the most uniquely versatile directors."
"It's amazing what happens when you have an amazing director like Steven Spielberg."
"If all of these directors that living today have been influenced so greatly by Stanley Kubrick, how can Kubrick not be the greatest director?"
"He was one of the best directors I ever worked with, long before MASH."
"The thing that makes John Carpenter's Halloween stand out... is just this simplistic approach that he took in his directing."
"There is so much nuance to the performances and the directing."
"To be a successful multi-camera director, you need tenacity, patience, some vision, but you'll also need some passion."
"It's never easy directing a show like Eurovision with 40 wildly different entries."
"It's an honor to get a directing award, that's freaking awesome."
"Scott's hallmark as a director is in building an on-screen world so rich in detail and character that merely being on set is an overwhelming experience."
"I just want a director to make the best movie they can and tell the best story they can."
"I loved it. Paul's the best director in the world, and he's an amazing person."
"I wanted to be a movie director since I was seven years old because I grew up behind a movie theater in Queens."
"If a director needs to have a quality and you have to choose between talent and curiosity, I would choose curiosity."
"The greatest directors... bring out the real humanity out of the actors."
"I think actor directors make the best directors."
"Directing action is fun, complicated, stressful, and just a beast all into itself."
"I can't imagine not being a writer and a director because I feel like the writing is the heart of everything, knowing what the story is that you want to tell."
"I'm kind of mentoring a whole another generation of young people that are aspiring to become directors."
"You've always wanted to direct, ever since you weren't on Friends."
"I always think, you know, sending things into the universe that I want to be directed by Martin Scorsese and De Niro and Al Pacino in the film."
"That's not just a testament to the actor being able to do that; that's a testament to the director."
"Directing is about limiting all the stuff that you don't want to see."
"You have a very limited amount of time to make your point and being concise is one of the hallmarks of directing."
"He has Best Director Oscars for 'The Awful Truth' and 'Going My Way'."
"He's a force of nature, Jonathan, and he is also my favorite director of all time."
"Directing is achieving vision through multiple people and marching towards the same destination."
"Although he's no longer a major TV sensation, Brandon is still a writer and a director today."
"Francis Ford Coppola is the critically acclaimed director of the Godfather Trilogy."
"I think that's what makes him a great director, he makes decisions really fast."
"I can't believe Stuttering John is directing Quentin, isn't that amazing?"
"It feels to me sometimes when he's directing that he's conducting an orchestra."
"I would love to direct one day. It seems like just a fun way to be responsible for your own content."
"I enjoy them equally, acting and directing."
"It was a fantastic film, the directing, script, acting, and practical effects were on point."
"Alfred Hitchcock might be the most important director ever."
"I like being a director, but I think for me if I find a role that I love, it's an amazing feeling."
"He is considered by many the greatest film director the medium has ever known."
"Directing is something that I might be interested in in the future."
"I think that animation directing plays a much bigger role in creating memorable moments."
"The directing is just absolutely impeccable this season."
"The guy has got an eye for directing, he's got style."