
Historical Importance Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"We need to get what happened on October the 7th right because it's being used as justification for this and it will reverberate for decades to come."
"Jerusalem is undoubtedly a place of immense religious and historical importance for these three faiths."
"Love you all, this is a heavy one and it's important, a lot of history here, enjoy it."
"Property was very important to 17th century Englishmen like John Locke because property represented political and social agency."
"Prague is known as the political, cultural, and economic center of Europe."
"To think that this could have been common knowledge... is upsetting."
"This is an awesome time in history as far as I'm concerned."
"For as long as human civilization exists, this will be taught about in history books."
"It's history that deserves to be remembered."
"If you take out Lincoln and all the founding fathers, you've basically taken out the ability of an American to feel pride in the past."
"Yesterday was the most important day in American history." - Ben Shapiro
"This particular summit meeting is a watershed."
"For countless millions throughout the ages, this has been the spiritual navel of the world."
"The history of the man who has been described as America's Leonardo deserves to be remembered."
"This is something really important in terms of human history and in terms of understanding our own evolution."
"This is going to be the most important rally in history for black people in America."
"If you're having a hard time trying to think of a good reason to vote, think back on the people that died for us."
"This is massive, if you know something about history."
"While the industry has moved on in recent decades it's still at the center of British musical culture."
"It's quite hopeful that the fact that so many people were able to rally around this history is awareness. History is acceptance."
"It's hard to overstate the importance of the fabled Rosetta Stone."
"The kingdom will fall if the ravens ever leave the tower."
"Music notation is the biggest and most important invention of all time for music and musicians."
"It's been decades since Congress passed such a significant stand-alone investment."
"There's nothing else like this in the history of mankind that we have in his short writings. They're worth reading."
"Remember that you are continuing a long-held tradition."
"Pompeii is the most important archaeological site in the Roman World."
"If we had the pushback for vaccines... I don't think it would have been possible... we would still have smallpox and we probably would still have polio."
"It's a battle and a part of history that's easily overlooked, but something that definitely deserves to be remembered."
"The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law Prevail in our great country."
"Our history is important enough to merit a lively debate."
"The archaeological sites of Mexico are not only magnificent, they are above all of special historical importance."
"We cannot allow the temples of modern India to be destroyed."
"I think movement is so important because I've played players that have really, really good aim but their movement is just absolutely terrible."
"Jerusalem is one of the pillars of Western civilization."
"The Battle of the Atlantic was the most important battle of World War two, the most fundamental battle."
"The importance of the maritime Silk Road cannot be overstated."
"History is an important tool for us to learn from past human errors and is vital for those who work in certain professions."
"I believe that history is an important tool for us to learn from past human errors."
"This is an enormously pivotal moment in the history of this conflict."
"During WWII, Iran was a vital oil resource for the Allies."
"Pure survivability: nothing was more important to a historical ninja."
"The reason that sassafras would have been important to the colonists and to John White specifically is because sassafras was thought to be used for medicinal purposes."
"It's hard to overstate the importance of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri."
"1619 is as foundational to the American story as year 1776."
"Without them there would very probably have been no D-day."
"The history of the NACA deserves to be remembered."
"This is the last chance to get involved with the historic Hidden Colors series... We've already etched our place in history."
"She simply took her rightful place at the center of the battle for the freedom of black people."
"Never in the history of human conflict, no such debt was contracted by so many towards so few."
"The ancient Temple dedicated to Zeus Cassius: Uncovering layers of historical importance."
"I just really hope that they continue and I think history is an important thing."
"When you destroy the past, you eliminate all reference points."
"This gun goes way back to the 1950s and I'm not just talking combat shotguns here, I'm talking overall hunting and sporting use."
"It's an affirmation of people of color's place in history and their contributions."
"This is the Montfort Hall and it's amazing thing when you look at such a fantastic looking building that this was actually one of the great rock-and-roll venues of all time."
"Without World War II veterans, the world would be a much worse place."
"I wanna have someone who's like the historical account of events because you know like a part of human history is that we embed a sharing stories."
"We are living in probably the most important time in history."
"Latinx histories are critical, central, and pivotal to the U.S. story."
"A vault is a storage place for beautiful things that apparently have nothing to do with us but actually this is not true because these pieces are a true source of life."
"Oppenheimer is one of the most important figures that has ever lived."
"What you can't do is deny how important fallout 3 is in Fallout history."
"Who's lost more land in any War I think that's a pretty important factor."
"The modern continuation of the cold war in Korea is without a doubt one of the most fascinating violent and controversial conflicts of both the 20th and 21st centuries."
"This matchup, it has to be the best matchup of all time."
"Reflects the historical importance of jury trials in protecting individual rights."
"We need to make sure that we are conserving things because... it's about preserving the past so it's there for the future."
"But this, our friends, is by far the most important discovery, I believe."
"Plans are underway at Saint Peter's Church in Camarthen to move his tomb to a more prominent position. Now is the time to bring him into the limelight, to retell the story, to emphasize his importance to Welsh history and to British history."
"Notre Dame means more than just a beautiful building."
"Alfred was a vitally important King in Anglo-Saxon II, wrapped up in a cultural ethos swirling and changing over the centuries."
"Invaluable historical landmarks are found in one place: a city that during the Late Bronze Age constituted one of the biggest metropolises in the world."
"The tower was critical to America's national defense."
"The subway was London's lifeline during the Blitz."
"these were a people that mattered a lot and they saved the colony from likely doom by helping them"
"History is the most important of all the lessons of history."
"This is why the United States would serve as the arsenal of democracy."
"We are not going to let anybody down and we're gonna be really, really incredibly rigorous in how we do our work." - Carol
"This week, something will be revealed to you—an option, a path, a new beginning."
"Their book is not only essential reading for Americans today; it's a work that people will read for generations."
"Remember, this time is a particularly important time in history."
"Why name the Alliance in Fritz's honor? I had happen to read a little bit about Fritz Pollard, right, and realized he was a sensational African-American player in the 1920s. So I'm like, well, why not reclaim the history?"
"The intent of the founders is Paramount and should be of most importance."
"I hope we lived through this because people need to know what went on here."
"One of the highest concentrations of archaeological sites in the world."
"We collect today for tomorrow, not just yesterday."
"This ancient Hebrew inscription is really one of the most important pieces of evidence we have for the rise of Judah as a kingdom."
"There are a lot of pretty important people housed here."
"You cannot have longevity if you do not know or respect the history from which you come."
"The founding fathers put it in the first amendment for a reason. It's that important."
"The prophetic is more important now than any time in history."
"Black History Month is more than a celebration; it's a powerful reminder that black history is American history."
"The map of the stars has been located, a big deal, the oldest known map, a remarkable breakthrough."
"People without the knowledge of their past history, origin, or culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey
"But more importantly, the Eddystone rocks were once again guarded."
"The most important piece by far is a helmet."
"What is so important about this battle is how it would affect the future of Japan."
"There is nothing of Greater importance to secure the future of this Empire."
"It would take another world war and a new president to see Lady Liberty take the center stage in world affairs again."
"Vote the states where you can still register and vote. Take advantage of it. Our ancestors died for it. You bet not waste your vote and your opportunity."
"Donkey Kong for the Game Boy... is one of the most significant, important, and awesome games ever released on the Game Boy platform."
"We should definitely be taking history seriously."
"This is maybe the most significant car there is."
"It's a part of history, and more to the point, it's my favorite."
"The people of the country need to understand how close we were to losing it all on that day."
"The enduring legacy of the Ridgeway goes beyond its position as a natural line of defense."
"2023, 2030 has been one of those years that has actually stood out to me more than any other year in our history."
"Of all the momentous news events this year, the most newsworthy and historically important event will be the beginning of this Cold War."
"Whoever releases this information will be considered a pioneer, a hero."
"The metropolis algorithm was named one of the top ten most important algorithms of the 20th century."
"The railways help create the postal service we still rely on today."
"This moment is not about Democrat or Republican, it's about being on the right side of history."
"Legacy is something you have to work and fight to preserve."
"The Constitution is one of the most perfect documents in history."
"The Bayeux Tapestry is an incredible piece of Middle Ages art."
"There's a lot not just to see in the Haunted Mansion but a lot to learn about it culturally."
"This really was the thing that kicked it all off."
"This match is one of the most highly anticipated in the history of the sport."
"And to make sure history never forgets the name... Enterprise."
"It's important to have a film about the life of Fatima."
"Generations of historians have Herodotus to thank for being the first person to look into the past and inquire, why?"
"Every bit as powerfully as the statue-covered museums of old Berlin once did."
"Black people, we are the original everything. Everything that matters, we are the beginning of that, the Alpha and the Omega."
"These are extremely important times that we're living in."
"Objectively the greatest ordination in history."
"The archers were really crucial to the victory."
"The idea that this is nonviolent is ridiculous."
"This is American history and we need to talk about it because if you don't talk about it you don't share it."
"Jerusalem is where Christ coming was first promised way back in Genesis."
"God has worked the work of redemption and that's probably why Jerusalem is the most important city."
"Rampage is an important chapter in the story of gaming."
"The holland tunnel was officially recognized for its incredible contributions to engineering."
"There's never been a time in history where it was more important for us to stand together."
"It is unequivocally a historically important watch."
"Tonight honestly for me is one of the most important nights in 50 years we've got to make a mark."
"What made it so important? Well, for over a century Pearl Harbor had been an essential location for the US Navy..."
"Sustainable energy was important before the environmental implications became obvious."
"Religions, whether you believe in them or not, are important to studying history."
"The days in which we live are solemn and important. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude."
"Geometry was considered in the classical world as essential."
"I have to say at the outset, this may be the most consequential day since I've been president."
"That's history. That is a piece of American history." - Wyatt Martin
"Pitt did have ideas, pit was a reforming prime minister he's probably one of the most important Prime Ministers that Britain's ever had."
"From Roman settlers to Saxon Lords, Stephen and Matilda, not to mention a couple of civil wars, we found evidence of some of the key moments of English history."
"Critical race theory is not divisive; not teaching history is."
"History can guide us; it is why it's vital to know and understand."
"Westminster Abbey has been the coronation church since 1066 and is the final resting place of seventeen monarchs."
"The declaration of independence is a kind of ringing declaration of human equality."
"History matters because if we let go of our history, we become totally Orwellian. If you do not hang on history and the people in power today are going to rewrite that history on you."
"It was transcendent. What made the circumstance so powerfully tragic is that you have perhaps the most well-qualified individual ever presented to serve on the United States Supreme Court."
"When you remove people from their history, you're removing the roots from the tree."
"The power of acknowledging both Nubia and Egypt as African civilizations is that it destroys the logic of racism, especially American racism."
"Cemeteries were much more than where the dead were deposited."
"The birthplace of western democracy valued civic responsibility highly."
"We couldn't imagine that right? Of course we're glad that we went through that period of Crisis. It made us a much more powerful and better Nation."
"What they have done to save this historic house is it will be talked about for years and years to come."
"The ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion was once one of the most vital trade links in the country."
"A photo like this is really such an important message for us to remember today."
"Learning our true history is vital because it gives us a sense of our true identity."
"It's important to understand historical context."
"We can't minimize and we can't maximize the importance of these schools. Consider this: those schools that I listed just now were the core of the civil rights movement."
"It's such an important piece of gaming history."
"I've had to go to a lot of funerals over the past couple of months. You gain a much deeper appreciation for having stories like this on record."
"If you don't study history you are destined to repeat it and that's what's happening."
"Our rights as individuals ultimately trace back to the Magna Carta and we shouldn't forget that."
"Without petrol and oil fuel supplied by the Shell organization, the Allies could not have beaten the Germans."
"I knew that this story needed to be told. You don't see it in history books."
"Anything that's 9, 10, or 11,000 years old is the heritage of all mankind."
"I think that Russia is is the deciding factor I think they're one of the probably the most important country in world war one."
"Just think about it, you know? If you're not aware of the past, then you have no understanding of the present and you have no control over the future."
"It might have very well been the most important win in NASCAR history."
"It's just as historically important as its northern cousin, Route 66."
"Nowadays you have GPS but at one point in history, a very accurate clock on a ship was extremely important."
"The Magna Carta is seen today as one of the cornerstones of Western Liberty."
"Cleopatra's story is one of the best and most important we have from ancient history."
"Two of the most vital days in Chelsea's history."
"You already know. History in the making."
"These hoards are time capsules. They're of extraordinary importance."
"One of the most important aspects for the 1967 season was the preacher to the States."
"1864 was the key year in Lincoln's life. The year that reveals his unique importance to our history. The year that revealed the meaning of his life. More than 1776, which is in my view it's only competition, 1864 was the most crucial year in American history."
"This is probably the most important town on all of Route 66."
"Baptism is so important historically and biblically, as scholars and biblical accounts show."
"'Spawn deserves its place in toy history.'"
"...that's why I think this is the most important story in history because in the space of about a decade or so the Weimar government went from the most progressive government in human history to Nazis"
"The influence is what makes the roman empire if you will the outstanding empire of history."
"Rosa Parks stood up for her rights as a human being and became a catalyst for change."
"Her courageous act--sitting on a bus and refusing to move--was as important to our nation's formation as was Paul Revere's ride or the Boston Tea Party."
"Rosa Parks is as much an American hero as any of those who died in the Revolutionary War or signed the Declaration of Independence."
"The existence of democracy or freedom as we knew it was on the line."
"Using quality fabric was important even in the 1860s."
"It is impossible for us to overstate the importance of this car to the history of both the Ford Motor Company and the family car market."
"There's more than local history here though."
"Even though we now know his music best from a small subset of his overall work, he is extremely important to the history of Western music altogether."
"Our moment in history is terribly important, but it's not the only moment that matters."
"The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are the most important events in all of human history."
"This is what will be one of the most important buildings for the resurrection of BSA."
"We get to live in a very important time in human history. We're going to be able to tell our kids and grandkids when we stood."
"This fourth generation is very important because from these people you get some of the most important names throughout the Pacific."
"If we lose our history, we're lost as a country."