
Pronouns Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"I think that by using someone's pronouns you are acknowledging their gender identity, their subjective sense of 'I am a woman, I am a man.'"
"Share your pronouns in your email, particularly if you're a person who doesn't think they need to."
"You making fun of certain people for having pronouns is just so stupid, because we all use pronouns, to address ourselves and to address others."
"I'm non-binary and trans masculine, so I identify with the pronoun they/them/theirs."
"People felt that having pronouns tied to the binary didn't allow for full expression."
"Pronouns, just like anything that we have, names, identities that we care about, matter to us."
"Singular they is a great example of a place where we should look back at history to understand the current moment."
"The whole pronoun thing, it's actually it's not semantics, it's a really important hill worth dying on because they're trying to redefine the language."
"Refusing to refer to us by our pronouns creates alienation that results in suicide."
"It's hurtful not to use people's preferred pronouns. It just kills them inside and causes depression."
"Most people use 'his' and 'her,' but I'll respect your pronouns."
"Disrespect pronouns and get money, that is the new phrase that I think we should all surf on because there's an individual in the United States who has done this and got paid 400 grand for disrespecting pronouns. Not even joking, seriously."
"My pronouns are yours/mom, that's basically what I'm listening to."
"If someone asks you to call them 'they,' you call them 'they.'"
"The use of preferred pronouns has been considered a necessary element of the promotion of inclusion of gender diversity."
"When in doubt, use 'they'. If you literally are not sure of someone's pronouns, just use 'they'."
"I will address them that way. I will try to remember. You just did it. If someone goes by they/them pronouns, I will address them that way. It's not hard."
"It's not that hard to just get people's pronouns right."
"Just because I don't personally understand the experience of wanting to use pronouns like that, does not mean that we should [ ] on people who do."
"They/them pronouns can be used for everyone, not just non-binary people."
"If someone responds to you messing up their pronouns in a snappish or harsh way, it's more about their insecurities and not really about you."
"If you can make somebody happy by calling them they instead of he or she, why not do it?"
"We cannot force a kid to choose pronouns in the state of Florida."
"The pointing out of the melin's pronouns by monio nuet was also just very cool to do. It was a small mention but just spoke volumes for how important it is to respect someone's pronouns."
"Intuition rules the day when it comes to pronoun usage. We default to what feels right."
"Pronouns are not something that you can decide, pronouns are something that comes along with your sex which is what happened when you were born."
"Some people are really adamant that they can only go by they/them, and I understand that completely."
"God has preferred pronouns it's he him himself every single time forever."
"Just default to they them pronouns for anybody you don't know 100 with what their gender is."
"My pronouns are she, they. You could also just call me Paige."
"I am a trans non-binary person, and I use any and all pronouns."
"Adjusting their language to fit someone else's pronouns is just a simple courtesy."
"My pronouns are he/him, but I want to be yours."
"Hi, I use she/her pronouns. I'm not sir."
"I did specifically ask ahead of time not to be called sir."
"Honestly, if pronouns can take down the world, I don't think it's a world that we should be living in. It's a little bit too fragile for me."
"Harvard is now the place where using the wrong pronoun is a hanging offense, but calling for another Holocaust depends on context."
"For people who are non-binary or gender fluid, they/them is a pronoun because those terms don't seem to fit."
"My pronouns are he/they by the way, thank you for asking."
"If someone were to say, 'They were a she, would you respect their pronouns?' He was like, 'Sure.'"
"I feel like we really need to make pronouns a thing."
"I like to just call everybody they."
"That arguments a lot of arguments have there been barrels though yeah it actually went viral oh yeah because I came out and everyone was like um everyone's pissed off at Max about pronouns and I was sat there thinking Pro now like when did you and then it made sense."
"My pronouns are gjem and I will be known as Zim."
"Having people know that like your pronouns are they them if that's not what they think is important."
"You might as well just put pronouns in your bio if you don't support them."
"To his credit rags has never personally misgendered Riley J. Dennis seemingly on principle. He will always refer to Riley using she her pronouns."
"He's the Rosa Parks of pronouns basically."
"Your name is just how you refer to yourself, and a name is not as essentially tied to a sex as a pronoun."
"I'll keep saying he, but it could also be she."
"Referring to me with they them pronouns covers the whole me."
"I go by all the pronouns. I don't go strictly by they them. I go by all of them because I also am non-binary."
"I think there can be room for conscience... I personally would have a really difficult time... using a preferred pronoun that doesn't match up with one's biological sex."
"My name is Michael J. Morris and my pronouns are they/them/their."
"...pronouns belong to the person using them."
"And when it comes to they them pronouns, I think half the battle is just practicing using those pronouns."
"It's a dangerous precedent to say that we get to pick and choose when to use someone's correct pronouns."
"If you're going to try to force people into announcing their pronouns, you're going to get a lot of people that tell you to [ __ ] off."
"It's important for us to hear people's intention, and then meet them where they're at, and be like, 'Oh, actually, I do use they/them.'"
"I learned to be respectful of people with pronouns."
"My pronouns are 'he' and 'him.' Sorry for ssscreaming that just now, my bad."
"In terms of whether or not I feel people should be compelled in order to gender someone according to their appropriate pronouns... I don't think the question is necessarily one of metaphysics so much as one of language..."
"You have the right to call me he, right? Like, you should do that, right? There's no reason why you shouldn't do that."
"If going by 'they' pronouns is gonna help you and alleviate dysphoria, then by all means, I support that."
"Respect our pronouns please, respect everyone's pronouns. Yeah, the comments, don't be a turf."
"I would like to think that one day in a perfect world I can make fun of we can make fun of each other's pronouns the way we make fun of each other's names."
"You think that's brave? I use they/them pronouns."
"Excuse me, it's not her, I'm nonbinary, it's her ex zerm."
"Concepts like preferred pronouns and misgendering were born on social media, not in the academy."
"People are compelled to name their pronouns, for whom it makes them feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. For instance, I have a woman that spoken to me about this who's a rape victim and does not feel comfortable sharing any kind of information like that in a room full of people."
"When I released my special, I basically started a nationwide manhunt for my pronouns. That phrasing is incredible."
"Maybe I wouldn't have grown up in a world where people were and are scared of what pronoun someone identifies as, as if a simple question and clarification isn't all that's required."
"I actually sincerely agree with your tweet. I agree that when people ask for pronouns, it is usually because they've clocked you and they are just trying to be polite in an inept way that you can see through."
"I think pronouns should be super normalized everywhere."
"'I'm the person who's talking right now. My pronouns are he and him.'"
"I go by all pronouns, but they/them is my preferred. I'm not offended if you use others."
"You never really know beforehand. Just ask people to try out different pronouns for you."
"My pronouns are he and him, okay? Go."
"Put your pronouns in on YouTube. I know for Twitch you're able to. So when I use this on Twitch, it's probably gonna come up the way it's supposed to. But probably not on YouTube, but definitely you're gonna have the option for your pronouns."
"There is no name for me, no pronoun for me."
"I'll use their preferred pronouns. I'll treat them with the most respect they deserve."
"I find that attempting to inhabit a role as male or female or as man or woman in the current way that we understand it even with the allowances for gender nonconformity, those things really do not work for me, they cause me discomfort, they cause me pain."
"When someone says sir or when they say ma'am these both are are uncomfortable for me in various levels and when people use the pronouns she or he those also cause me a decent amount of discomfort and so I go by the pronouns they/them."
"Respect pronouns. That's what you should do."
"I'm a huge fan of the pronouns. I think we should be called whatever it is we want to be called."
"Pronouns are just as important as pronouncing someone's name right."
"Don't insist people give their pronouns, but ask everyone."
"So you agree they/them can be singular."
"I always make sure I know people's pronouns, not preferred pronouns but their actual pronouns."
"International Pronouns Day seeks to make sharing, respecting, and educating the world about personal pronouns commonplace."
"And just as a quick reminder, it is never ever a bad thing to ask someone which pronouns they prefer to be addressed by."
"If I don't know anybody's pronoun, I just say 'they'. Is that acceptable?"
"Who is used as a subject pronoun, and whom is used as an object pronoun."
"It is totally acceptable to use 'they' and 'their' as singular pronouns to refer to individuals whose gender is unknown, irrelevant, or people who prefer not to be identified by a specific gender."
"Good luck in this class, I will teach you the Spanish subject pronouns or personal pronouns."
"Nosotros for we, and nosotras for we when the we is a group of women."
"In Spanish, there is no such thing as English pronoun 'it'."
"In this house, we respect people's pronouns."
"I would prefer they/them pronouns."
"It's really nice when someone uses the proper pronouns for you."
"I like all pronouns. My favorite is 'you'."
"The most important reason to use appropriate pronouns for trans people is because of the message it sends when you don't."
"I believe in the non-binary whose pronouns are plural."
"I try and be gender neutral if I don't know, like tell me your pronouns and I'll use them."
"Mine's they/them, in case you were wondering."
"What does it matter to you if you can make somebody happy by calling them 'they' instead of 'he' or 'she'? Why not do it?"
"Respecting someone's pronouns is the easiest [__] thing to do."
"I use personal pronouns when people ask me to."
"Pronouns matter. We must normalize respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns to ensure a more inclusive society."
"In an official sense her, in a technical sense him, in a practical sense them, in an idealistic sense us."
"Include the audience so we, you, us; think about the personal pronouns that you're using."
"I appreciate it, I get it. It is a nice thing to acknowledge that non-binary people use different pronouns."
"Ochre Forn is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns."
"He used the wrong pronouns for me not because of any malice but because he didn't know."
"Everyone messes up pronouns at some point, and especially when people are learning, it's just all about respect."
"Teach children about pronouns, what they are, how we use them, and why they're important."
"Pronouns are this really interesting thing of like their identifiers, right? And gender isn't real, but it is real because we're real and we live in this world."
"Pronouns in bio thing was started, I believe, in solidarity for trans people."
"Only negatives can come from not using their preferred pronouns."
"It doesn't hurt anything or anybody to say she, her, and hers to those that it applies to."
"Coherence can be achieved by using pronouns; additionally, transition signals help to make a text coherent."
"With that said, I'll officially be changing my pronouns to they/them."
"The English language, for as long as it has existed, has had the singular 'they' pronoun."
"If we are expected to respect people's preferred pronouns, everyone should respect Katherine's preferred name."
"They/them can be singular when you don't know the person's gender."
"How weird they feel about this and how strange it is to not give these pronouns to the beings they're dealing with, it's fascinating."
"The purpose of sharing your pronouns is to normalize it for people who might feel intimidated sharing their pronouns."
"Pronouns are an essential part of someone's gender expression and using them correctly demonstrates recognition and respect for that identity."
"You can call me Cam, you can call me Cameron, my pronouns are she/her."
"I have ascended so far beyond your mortal concepts of gender that my pronouns are in fact without number."