
Aid Quotes

There are 464 quotes

"The international community should provide humanitarian assistance in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality, and impartiality."
"No country ever got rich through aid. The United States did not get rich because people gave the United States aid."
"20 million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed."
"Republicans are holding that aid hostage with their political gimmicks and games."
"The West needs to have a Marshall Plan for Ukraine."
"We need to get this money quickly into your hands."
"Without this significant amount of aid, even vast Soviet industrial might would not be able to stand against Germany's onslaught for long."
"Congress plans to take steps this week to quickly pass President Biden's coronavirus aid proposals."
"Every day that goes by... the aid has become... Slimmer and Slimmer... it gets worse and worse."
"People are hurting and we need to get them more aid." - Senator Deb Fischer
"Sweden has announced a $133 million winter Aid package for Ukraine."
"There's really a mixture of both. The outpouring has been unbelievable."
"Nigeria should be the country that gives other African countries aid."
"Western Aid and military training to the Ukrainian Army began to pay off."
"People of the world have reached down and offered to help you."
"I will send aid in the midst of famine, supplies in the midst of surprise."
"The bystander effect is the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other people are present."
"Throughout this pandemic, the federal government has seemed extremely reluctant to provide aid directly to individuals."
"Our donations come with zero strings attached."
"Immediate relief for a lot of people who are displaced by the economic effects of the COVID-19 virus."
"A lack of aid would affect far more than Ukraine... a Russian victory will reverberate around the world."
"Along the way, if you have opportunity to help give ease to someone in their suffering, do it."
"Reba's contributions include making sure the American Red Cross can keep on saving lives, providing disaster relief, and giving a hand to those who need it most."
"To start, he tells her that he'll transform his base into a hospital so they can establish themselves and learn more about the people of this world."
"The Good Samaritan was separated from all the other Samaritans."
"We're here to help Puerto Rico with its restart; it's always better with some help."
"Nobody doubts the good intentions of a lot of the efforts to help but I guess the question has to be asked - is the world going about it the right way?"
"You're going to be saving people whether you know it or not in the smallest ways."
"I survived in the rainforest with the aid of a monkey troop which led me to fresh water and shelter every day."
"Aid particularly in the health area has saved millions of lives."
"It's going to help a lot of people out."
"The vicaria was helping the distant and the suffering impoverished of Chile."
"This led to her understanding between direct assistance and political agenda."
"The urgency of the aid is because only the US has enough stocks and enough capacity right now to deal with the immediate emergency."
"The sky was helping their city-state of Zulon and sending its Mercy."
"She folds and stacks bandages; a handful of residents have turned their homes into makeshift hospitals and she will treat anyone who needs it."
"We want to get rid of them. We're doing that to stop them operating, to help poor people go about their daily lives."
"Lucy goes around the battlefield with her healing potion to help the injured."
"We've cultivated our own here, saved a fair few folk here from losing limbs or worse."
"Sir, it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry. You just stay right there and I'll call someone who can come help you. Don't worry, it'll be okay, just don't move and I'll call for an ambulance."
"Here is a man who can help me to solve the awful predicament which I find myself."
"European countries must now step up assistance to Ukraine."
"The red arrow, delivered to Théoden by Háma, a messenger from Gondor, symbolized a call to arms and an appeal for allies to come to Gondor's aid."
"Why is it more being done to help the people of Haiti?"
"Reynolds instead stopped to provide aid to his Klingon allies, a selfless and noble gesture."
"This wasn't for recreation or a toy. This was the thing to stop the hungry child from crying."
"Most of the meaningful aid that we're seeing is from private citizens who are getting Starlink and distributing them, or starting food and soup kitchens and delivering them."
"This man will live but must now rest. Come, all that are wounded, and we will care for you."
"She was deeply moved by the story and felt compelled to aid the villagers."
"...even in death, a goat wouldn't rest as Ang's Spirit would Aid his reincarnation Kora several times."
"Her blessing will be very useful to him."
"He will strengthen you, he will help you, and come to your aid."
"I was able to go to villages and teach mothers that if they would put salt in their water, their children wouldn't die from diarrhea. And so I spent a year and a half in Haiti, saving babies' lives."
"One aid package will not be sufficient."
"This also leads him back to Quasimodo as the only one who could have helped her escape the tower."
"When Luca explained that his parents were looking to send him away, Guilia accepted their aid."
"He came back into his lines... the shooting resumed... he spent a total of about an hour and a half moving on his hands and knees around the field to Aid and comfort the enemy."
"Under his leadership, the Russian military had become the number one supplier of military aid to Ukraine."
"The only thing that you should be concerned about is how do we help those who have lost everything?"
"Jorah is later visited by Sam, who offers to try to save him from greyscale out of respect for his father, Jeor Mormont."
"The Czech Republic will donate tens of millions of Euros to an initiative it is leading to buy hundreds of thousands of artillery ammunition rounds for Ukraine."
"Don't worry guys, more backup is on the way."
"But Lafayette said, 'No, no, I can help, I can help,' and they were like, 'No, we've seen your help before, thank you, thank you, appreciate it, don't come.'"
"Show people that you can actually help by actually helping."
"Providing you with a lifeline and a Beacon of Hope in times of crisis."
"Or perhaps in those you've aided who will feel grateful."
"As the evacuation process continued, Craighead continued to help coordinate medical aid and clear floors of the public."
"Anuki wanted to help, but the water was so polluted she couldn't let people drink it."
"I honestly think the most helpful thing for me was my weighted blanket."
"...and most countries would want to either free themselves out of poverty rather than depend on assistance."
"Whole Villages got saved and then they brought their agricultural specialist. They' never seen a vegetable, they taught them how to grow food."
"We need to invest, Africans don't want aid, they want investment dollars."
"I really think these will be your extra set of hands in this."
"We save more lives, we help more than we do hurt anything."
"The World Bank was the most important institution for people who wanted to help poor countries develop."
"It definitely aids in better starting."
"How obscene it is that we can't mobilize 1% of our national income to help the poorest places in the world period."
"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. I want to help you," Naruto said.
"We're gonna be providing so much for humanity, Africa will actually be helped because we're getting rid of something that's not natural to the ecosystem."
"Luckily you're about to get the fire hose."
"The rewards often get through to those in need of help."
"Help is on the way, help is on the way, help is on the way."
"Talking about helping does not end in aid."
"More money comes into Africa from the African diaspora than from international aid combined."
"So desperate for aid at his banjo concert, the Caretaker pulled ships from all over the galaxy, usually sending them back afterward."
"The Salvation Army's dedication to the relief of suffering has been consistent. Their uniform is a very familiar sight in Camberwell."
"Alfred come get me and like bring a band-aid."
"Help is on its way, y'all ain't ready for me."
"But even if it is, I would say there is still plenty of scope for more direct, more effective aid."
"Help has been slow. There hasn't been people on the ground apart from the amazing voluntary services and organizations and people who've just come out of nowhere just to come and help us. That's been amazing."
"Jai turns to the shooter and asks him how he can help them."
"Overcome your struggles... redistribution and actual aid... help people thrive."
"What we have, we could provide aid and access to technology and refuge to those who need it."
"Cries for help drew us from our slimy refuge and we ran to do what we could to help the dying."
"...I simply gave Naruto a gift... it will undoubtedly help him in the times to come."
"So, he's going to need a lot of help to be able to make it the rest of the way."
"As long as we stay in victimhood, we stay poor and foreign aid keeps pouring in."
"The government's going to shut down, we have to get aid to Ukraine and to Israel."
"Khalsa Aid is an international NGO with the aim to provide humanitarian aid in disaster areas and civil conflict zones around the world."
"Help is really important and I swear by it."
"I find those really helpful, definitely Super Super Kid finds chewy stuff really helpful, and Wonder Girl also does."
"Do for the people of Zimbabwe what they can't do for themselves."
"The raid proved that Uncle Sam wouldn't forget about us."
"Prayer is just a first aid. It's just a first aid, you can use it completely."
"Ukrainians are proud and brave people who deserve our help in their time of need."
"Charles decreed that markets be immediately constructed around the perimeter of the city and that supplies of bread should be brought in daily for the hungry refugees."
"They might perceive you as their saving grace, as a person who's trying to rescue or heal or help in some regard."
"We can go out there with a little bit of American money and make a lot of things happen in Sierra Leone."
"That's one of the great stories: how we use things like GAVI to get out vaccines."
"There's so much aid from multilateral institutional intervention. My concern is to an extent, can we ensure that there's effective utilization of our resources?"
"One of the fundamental values is that we at the World Bank never want our aid to slow down the growth and development of any country."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we took some of the profits from the extraction of natural resources and use them to support, for example, social programs like education?"
"Microcredit will save the third world."
"Our job is to ease that burden. We're doing lots of things to help in the short term. For example, over the course of this winter and beyond, we're paying around half of everyone's energy bill. That's worth £1,500 of support."
"Saruman the White answered Radagast, and he told me to say that if you feel the need, he will help. But you must seek his aid once, or it will be too late."
"We rich countries that produce a lot of food should sell it to poor countries and relieve them of the burden of producing their own food."
"It's not enough to get people what they need to survive, you have to give them what they need to live."
"We're just gonna try and help you as much as we can."
"Here was the same monster that consumed my first country and my family, and now I am having an opportunity to help these people that are actually fighting it."
"Danger to help the four young adults from each major."
"Galadriel helped the free peoples of Middle-earth."
"Pippin would help set the Shire right again."
"Maki's glasses are essential for her to see curses, as her heavenly restriction isn't fully developed."
"Yeah, they have hurricanes, we give them money. All of a sudden the Hollywood Hills catch on fire, they don't know our number anymore."
"The programs helped not only the countries fighting in Europe and Asia but the unemployed in America."
"That Aid may come in the form of the Ratan Tata scholarship."
"If you really want to do something that will make a difference, those old 4x4s are really very much required and wanted."
"Getting food to starving people is a lot more than just saying we need food. You've got to get it there."
"To be of aid to those who suffer begins with the practice of listening."
"The resources are so stretched thin, there's so many people out there needing help."
"Suzie actually isn't continuing Holman's work of mechanizing planets. Instead, she's using their advanced technology to aid others and stop any evildoers."
"It's something that we can do to provide immediate relief."
"A lot of positivity and hope and Aid coming from across the country."
"He is the Good Samaritan who picks you up because it's there that our divided hearts are really healed."
"Our desire is to manage a humanitarian crisis."
"The Queens challenged the fury of Hitlerism in the Battle of the Atlantic. Without their aid, the day of final victory must unquestionably have been postponed."
"If we're not funding these world food programs, we're letting future conflict grow."
"She just said she needed help at that time."
"It's really a process geared toward helping you as much as possible to be eligible for the program."
"Are they delivering it when they say they're going to buy that promised aid or is it coming in later or even earlier?"
"It's so remote that it's really just for people in trouble who might find water here."
"He was a righteous man who would help someone in their time of need,"
"Unohana arrives to aid her, almost coming to her like an angel in her time of need."
"In the past 50 years, over 1 trillion in development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa. Has the assistance made African people better off? No. How can that be when a trillion dollars has not helped?"
"The idea of the rationale for aid was very clear. We were coming out of the Marshall Plan, so this is after post-World War II."
"Reparations will help rebuild Ukraine."
"We as a global society must start to look at the Africa question and in particular the issue of aid and how we as a global society are trying to address the issue of poverty in Africa in a much more realistic and sensible lens."
"What if one by one African countries each received a phone call telling them that in exactly five years the aid taps would be shut off? What would happen?"
"It's incumbent upon the donors and countries to start thinking, rethinking these stale kinds of models."
"The humanitarian program helped people who were in prison or in service for more than three years."
"Canada's greatest contribution came from the direct and Industrial Aid it sent to Europe."
"Desperate need for Aid and assistance."
"Can Western Aid deliver a Ukrainian Victory?"
"Scientology in society: disaster relief."
"For those Americans, this is a critical lifeline."
"The world is getting smaller and we need to look at humanitarian aid person to person."
"We don't care from where the aid comes, as long as it comes."
"The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society began providing food, shelter, and medical treatment for the most vulnerable new immigrants as well as helping them to learn English and navigate the American legal system."
"Bringing other countries up to our standard of living benefits our country overall."
"Please hail it, and I will come to the side and give you a ride; you just have to put a little money in my water aid box, which is for people in Africa who don't have clean water."
"We take every opportunity to ensure that countries around the world recognise the importance of international aid."
"The only way of getting supplies to a people who are currently being starved is for a ceasefire so that humanitarian supplies can enter."
"We will work night and day to get more aid to those who desperately need it."
"Thousands and thousands of pounds of food have been donating or coming and are basically en route."
"We have a human responsibility to all the people in Gaza."
"We are doing everything we can to increase the flow of aid into Gaza."
"Poland's reason for providing this unparalleled aid stems from the synthesis of two approaches: top-down and bottom-up."
"Coming to the aid of a family you disdained is admirable."
"The priority has to be securing an immediate pause in fighting to ensure we can get Aid in."
"UK Aid is saving children's lives."
"We have given our hair to the witch," said they, "to obtain help for you, that you may not die tonight."
"We have to find other ways of delivering restructurings to help these countries that have got into trouble."
"A hero is someone who sees a person in need and helps them."
"Senator Padme Amidala arrives on Scipio in order to request a loan for refugees who are escaping the horrors of the Clone Wars."
"An amazing scene of caring and support unfolded as the occupants of the apartment building began dropping bandages, first aid kits, and rubbing alcohol from their balconies."
"His companion was profuse in his liberality; the idol, the vagabond, and the beggar received from his hand more than enough to relieve their immediate wants."
"Kyle had more compassion than that and not only spared their lives but ordered the medics to render aid to their wounded."
"We as a planet, as a global community, will work together to help countries around the world rebuild their struggling economies."
"We are working with our partners to mitigate the impacts to poorer nations."
"The ray of hope for survivors and those who are seeking to render aid is that eventually the floodwaters will subside, the storm will pass and the devastated region can be restored."
"We should be like the Good Samaritan... he had compassion, and he poured oil and wine into the wounds."
"Helping the most vulnerable, those displaced by conflict, persecution, and political instability is a shared responsibility of all countries."
"We all have a responsibility to help those in need."
"Open your hand willingly, lending enough to meet the need, whatever it may be."
"...he actually looked after them, fed them, he took them to the Bucklebury Ferry, he was a good person doing the right thing."
"Anything that's got to do with aiding Islam, anything that's got to do with aiding the community."
"We are giving food to India. And we are also giving lives to India."
"Deliver the poor and the needy; rid them out of the hand of the wicked."
"These are children crying for us to help, how can we possibly turn our backs on them?"
"Hundreds and thousands and thousands of people came to Galveston to help their fellow man and woman clean up what nature destroyed."
"Just like pulse oximetry, an end-tidal CO2 monitoring device can aid us in helping us understand about ventilation."
"The blessing box is for food, toiletries, just whatever you think people in the community might be able to use."
"We run to the fire of where people are because we love on them, we provide in their greatest need which opens up the opportunities to share that God loves them, God hasn't forsaken them."
"The Marshall Plan provided over 15 billion dollars to help rebuild Western Europe."
"I belong to a group, St. Vincent de Paul; that is what we do, we help people."
"Other countries sent aid in the form of food, fresh water, and medical supplies."
"Set goals, study how to achieve them... and then development aid should be oriented towards systematically supporting the achievement of these goals."
"...this is money which is going to help people who really really need some help right now."
"The Turks have done more for the Somali people than the United States and the United Nations have in 20 years."
"For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help."