
Network Management Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Software-defined networking allows you to automatically allocate and shape traffic depending on your current needs."
"Particularly as networks get larger being able to visualize them in this way is enormously powerful."
"Wi-Fi 6 is like a virtual circuit or a virtual tunnel."
"Wi-Fi 6 introduces BSS Coloring to avoid overlaps."
"Don't scan networks that you don't have any permission for, only scan your own network, your own computers, your own servers."
"You're gonna want to go with the Unifi system if you want to take control of your network."
"Volley abstracts away the underlying network transport."
"Managing Wi-Fi networks: a delicate balance between tech prowess and family peace."
"Here we have it, I am using the UDM as the core of the network."
"So, with this robust home network and the Cloud Key Gen 2 Plus... you've got all of your wireless devices, you've got any hardwired devices that you want."
"Context and propagation represent the engine behind distributed tracing."
"Copy, paste, apply - simplicity in network management."
"Quality of service prioritization this basically analyzes your network traffic and gives priority to specific devices or activities."
"On a switch network, the switch makes the determination intelligently on where the traffic happens to go."
"Now in the second part, we're going to set up our UNVR. If you're using the UDM Pro as your Protect, you're going to want to go to the top left corner and then select the Protect controller."
"Think about the time saved with a domain controller."
"We're all interconnected now, of course you could firewall it and you can section off and you can close down and you can eradicate something but it's like trying to get rid of an infestation in a building."
"We often go into defense mode, we want to cover ourselves, we want to prove it's not the network."
"Active Directory allows you to implement group policies which allows the administrator to control almost every aspect of the operating system."
"If you're pretty familiar with firewalls and your network, using prevent mode may be fine from the start, provided you're prepared to do some quick troubleshooting if something is blocked from a false positive."
"As already mentioned, the most used rules should appear first in the rule order."
"If you can cross-reference that with the IP addresses that are coming into your network."
"...the omada GUI for your network is extremely clean. It is leaps and bounds better than a lot of GUIs you see with typical network devices in the consumer field."
"By doing this, it only sends you important issues and doesn't waste your time with things that are just normal issues that your network has because of the network conditions."
"Essentially if you have a bunch of computers on a network and you want to be able to manage those like deploy the same sort of settings to those computers you can use Active Directory."
"SNMP is certainly one of those that um is an important tool to use but it doesn't help us with this particular problem."
"OSPF in a nutshell, it's a routing protocol that will make your life a lot easier once you implement it inside your network."
"With policy-based routing, network management becomes a strategic advantage."
"It helps you to have a simplified network architecture."
"Isn't SDN more about managing flows instead of managing device configs?"
"Network security group is a fundamental way of protecting traffic."
"If you're managing a layer 3 network, or routed network, you also have to be aware of routing loops."
"For the most part, if you start out with really good planning and figuring out that there's no channel overlap, you'll solve the majority of the problems."
"Shaping says 'I'm so sorry, I simply don't have enough bandwidth for you at the moment, but please don't go anywhere'."
"Engine's Proxy Manager is the man in the middle, and it says yes, pass to here, no, stay away, or redirect, or whatever the case might be."
"We live in a world of dynamic services... we want to be able to dynamically change how the networks behave."
"Once you have the network built and you have it lit up, being able to manage that asset and the entire network is crucial."
"It simplifies network management by abstracting away the complexity of service discovery, load balancing, and traffic routing."
"Using Utility Network Management can ensure all the design integrity for the network completeness and avoid any human errors."
"It's a future-proof enterprise solution that enables modern telecoms to design, manage, and operate the next generation telecommunication network with unlimited possibilities."
"Pi-hole works great for that and has a nice web interface that has some graphs and charts."
"We wanted to reduce the number of network engineers actually physically touching these boxes and move this to an automation sense."
"Intent based networking... we just express our intent, we say 'Yeah, I'd like to prioritize video, I'd like to de-prioritize Xbox traffic'."
"MQTT lets you manage potentially hundreds of thousands of network connected devices using a single service."
"The inventory part of Ansible is where we maintain the structure of our network environment."
"Running multiple Py Hole instances is a great way to have critical services in your lab environment or home network to be redundant or highly available."
"So rather than setting up the same or similar ACLs on your firewall, on your routers, ingress, egress everywhere, you can use ICE to apply a specific scalable or security group tag to the user or the device."
"The DNA Center is also a better way that you can leverage to control your network and your network access."
"One thing that I like with Meraki is the health dashboard."
"Our control plane has 100% visibility into where every L2 and L3 address is placed in the network."
"We're going to set our Config Manager site to be HTTPS only."
"SNMP allows you to proactively view what's going on on the devices in your network and fix issues before they become major problems."
"With Zabbix, you can monitor all kinds of networking equipment, servers, application services, and more."
"Every network is unique; what you do in a given network is going to be different than what other people do."
"NetBox is intended to be populated with authoritative data, not live data fed from a network."
"Flexibility from a point of view of keeping that config the same but in places where you need different, the config needs to work on different IP addresses or it needs to work on different security profiles."
"Any config that you can see and do from the firewall is available in Panorama."
"Network segregation is key to have different blocks in your network."
"The ACC provides this knowledge in an interactive, easy to use, and visual way."
"VLANs enhance scalability, security, and network management in general."
"It's a really great way to separate concerns and maintain some control over your network."
"The easier it is to run operate the network, the more efficient and profitable the network provider can be."
"Using Genie, I can learn the status of this network."
"With the VDS, we can span multiple hosts with one configuration."
"Implementing QoS policies will certainly help during high congestion times, but QoS doesn't prevent over utilization of bandwidth."
"We're effectively going to disable any connections to the server that aren't for SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS."
"Practice really good protocol hygiene... the more that you can actually segment your network... the better you're going to be able to do filtering."
"You can then create firewall rules to allow viewing of the camera footage through the VLAN or through the firewall in between your separate networks."
"The promises of Open RAN basically disaggregation, open ecosystem, and intelligent management."
"Port security helps limit how many devices can plug into our network and what devices can."
"It's a network monitoring and latency tool that will hopefully help you figure out your network issues."
"Traffic shaping is the act of controlling the bandwidth or latency of one or more traffic flows."
"Every time there is a phone that connects to your network on that specific site, the GDMS will apply these changes automatically to the phone."
"Being able to separate the network functions in this manner to meet the requirements for a particular slice and its applications helps the operator put in place the right capabilities to meet the diverse performance requirements."
"The user profile has all the slicing information."
"It turns out that being able to control every single network request to your origin and the request that your origin makes to other origins is super powerful and awesome."
"You would want to further lock this down with the switch port block feature in addition to switch port protected to truly ensure that no traffic can flow between these ports."
"Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime."
"It's a full-service solution that enables anyone to easily build and manage a network focused on connecting your community."