
Nuclear Policy Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Intelligence analysts regard the reopening of a long-closed nuclear site as a significant shift in Russia's military strategy."
"The President has made clear that through following diplomacy, the United States seeks to strengthen nuclear constraints on Iran."
"Beijing's unfettered nuclear development is a central part of the CCP's threat."
"And everyone can go back to agreeing that nuclear first strikes are probably stupid and that the whole mutually assured destruction thing isn't all that bad."
"His legacy continues to influence us nuclear policy and energy discussions."
"Never promised to go to nuclear war for a country you can't find on a map."
"Anything that improves the political climate on the Korean Peninsula and engages North Korea on its nuclear program is a good thing."
"Abolition of nuclear weapons is essential to address the unacceptable reality of nuclear weapons in our world."
"The fact that an advisor for nuclear weapons thought this was a good idea to get the gravitas across shows you the insanity of the situation that we find ourselves in."
"We need to get back into the Iran nuclear agreement and negotiate how we can improve it."
"President Biden campaigned on reviving the nuclear deal after former President Trump withdrew from the 2015 deal with Iran and other world powers."
"No matter what I see in this video I and every other YouTuber Oh Ethan Klein and Hila Klein a debt of gratitude for what they did with Fupa."
"There are only downsides, there are zero upsides for them to use a nuclear weapon."
"China’s increasing nuclear stockpile could reduce those defenses to rubble should Beijing choose the nuclear option."
"Do you think China’s nuclear demands are reasonable, or are they a smokescreen to distract U.S. and global attention from its own militaristic maneuvering?"
"Our policy ought to be zero nuclear weapons for anybody."
"Resolve is what matters, because nobody is scared of America's nuclear arsenal if they don't fear its use."
"Kim ordered the establishment of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme."
"We have an obligation, we are violating the non-proliferation treaty today in this country."
"There's a high cost to alienating China completely by breaking the nuclear taboo."
"Sweden confirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament."
"We don't want a nuclear Iran and a rampaging Putin in Ukraine at the same time."
"I think this constant harping about nuclear weapons... is actually not just irresponsible and Reckless but... it's going to start back firing before very long."
"There is absolutely no evidence to show that Iran was actively developing a nuclear weapon."
"I would adopt the no first use of nuclear weapons policy because we should not be the first country to use nuclear weapons."
"This guy is single-handedly changing the way people think about nuclear war."
"Russia is never going to nuke Ukraine, guys, that would kill Russia."
"Striking at the heart of Iran's nuclear program is exactly what I was concerned about."
"This is enormous triumph for Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader, he's built a nuclear force that has been his leverage talks."
"Our nuclear deterrence is not to attack other countries, including Australia. Our nuclear deterrence is to protect our selves from the nuclear threats from the US."
"Could these concerns about China’s nuclear deterrent readiness be what’s been causing trouble for high-ranking officials?"
"China has pledged to what they call No-first-use (NFU), meaning they say they will never launch nuclear weapons against any nuclear or non-nuclear nation."
"NATO says it's concerned about China's nuclear expansion."
"What is more dangerous than nuclear expansion is the Chinese Communist Authority's view of nuclear war."
"They went from being a great team to one of the best teams of all time."
"Iran is further from a nuclear weapon today than it was when the deal was agreed to."
"The deal isn't rotten Iran has dismantled a huge portion of its nuclear program."
"The only way you're going to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons is... crippling sanctions and... strong military option." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"The United States does not have to engage in a charm offensive with North Korea... There's legitimately no reason we have to engage in a charm offensive when we're telling a tin-pot dictatorship to give up their nukes."
"Belka detonated seven nuclear weapons on its own soil to ensure its sovereignty."
"It's not going to be World War Three, you know this is all a bluff. Putin knows that no one wins a nuclear exchange."
"Nuclear weapons provided the ultimate insurance policy."
"I really, really feel like what we're seeing in Ukraine right now is evidence that nobody needs any nukes to meaningfully defend themselves against invasion."
"Iran must never be allowed to obtain a nuclear bomb. Not ever."
"We're now many months with no additional missile tests, many months with no additional nuclear testing from the North Koreans."
"Iran threatens the world order in a very specific way."
"No war with Iran. We need to get back into the Iran nuclear agreement."
"This nuclear saber-rattling of Russia is unjustified, destabilizing, and dangerous."
"Nuclear weapons should always go off when you want them to and never go off when you don't want them to."
"Article 7 stated: 'All parties hereby agree that all future developments of nuclear capability shall be shared with all other parties,'"
"...for Russia and Vladimir Putin these weapons are seen as a line that he is reluctant to cross."
"...the decision to develop the h-bomb is about what is the role of these weapons going to be in society and in Warfare going forward."
"...people should not be unduly concerned, it's a bit like Finland joining NATO, the Russians have used the nuclear issue to keep NATO out and it just hasn't worked."
"The alliance should sort of stay the course on its nuclear policy."
"Australia's proud record of leadership in the international nuclear non-proliferation regime will of course continue."
"Japan will contribute to the NPT as a guardian."
"Strengthening the credibility of extended nuclear deterrence is more reasonable and effective."
"Imagine how dope it is that Israel may have struck the nuclear facility."
"Why does no one question why the US is allowed to determine who gets nuclear bombs when the only people with a history of using them is the US?"
"The sensible implementation and building of nuclear plants across the world, in line with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Authority, is capable of maintaining quality and standards."
"The Iran deal... prevented Iran from enriching uranium for so long that it was actually well worth it."
"To give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete."
"Russian nuclear weapons are more effective when they don’t use them."
"Metal Gear Solid free and Peace Walker are pretty scathing towards America while educating the audience on nuclear deterrence."
"Dialogue among civilizations now thanks to Iran's nuclear program, it's facing sanctions and the threat of war."
"The North Korean regime must be lawful, it must end its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile development, and cease all support for international terrorism."
"We assess Kim is unlikely to use nuclear weapons unless Kim believes his regime is in peril."
"India's nuclear Doctrine... focused on the no first use of nuclear weapons, massive retaliation, a credible minimum deterrent, and commitment to the goal of a nuclear weapon free world."
"Nuclear weapons don't need to be on high alert. Retaliation doesn't need to be immediate. It just needs to be certain."