
Household Management Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Figuring out like a fair and equitable distribution of roles in a household is really important."
"The very word economics...the law of the house, how we govern our own house."
"Financial freedom takes away so much stress in our household."
"You manage different aspects of our lives; maybe one person is more in charge of bringing home the bacon, the other person is more in charge of things at home."
"If a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God?"
"We have a lifetime to clean your house and so if it's not perfect that's okay."
"There's no order, and one thing we don't argue about around here is food."
"The rising cost of groceries has made chest freezers the number one request from my subscribers."
"Clean as you go and always start with a clean kitchen."
"Kendall realized that her kids aren't going to open the basement door and has an idea."
"Getting [ __ ] stains out of different materials."
"I feel so good to have these chickens taken care of and the garlic taken care of and more of the onions taken care of because the last thing I want to do is waste food."
"Opt for powdered laundry detergent over expensive pods."
"This generator is strictly used for running that well pump and for some reason it always seems like we're running out of water in the house at night so we've got a nice light that I can plug into the generator while it's running."
"Depending on where you're storing your food, you want to do everything in your power to make that food or store that food in something that is rodent-proof."
"It's also a great idea to check your pantry so you can use the things that you already have."
"Let the Lord keep your house; He moves things around."
"Husbands help your wives with this... supporter and that help support get the house around that."
"Those who trouble their households will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise."
"Clean trash can makes everything look tidier."
"House rules. Everyone has house rules for stuff."
"People should have more than three days of food and water in their house, and that's just sad."
"Given my kids and Shane zones to take care of for the week has been helping me."
"Keep away from other people in your home as much as you can."
"Don't worry, I'll just put the Roomba on the vanguard."
"You can store bedsheets in their matching pillow case to keep them together."
"Every dollar that comes into the house, I'm going to be very intentional with these dollars."
"Baby steps is the way to go. You can't do everything all at the same time cuz you could get exhausted too so I just try to clean most of the house."
"Did you know the average two-person household wastes thirty pounds per month just by throwing away food they've already bought?"
"Running a household is just like running a business. You really have to stay on top of it to be productive."
"By limiting the number of storage containers you have, [you're] less likely to have stuff rotting away in the fridge."
"The goal is to cook dinner in the morning and have a clean house by the end of the day."
"Since she pays rent she should have a say in the direction of the household."
"Opting for hooks... has solved our clutter problem."
"Get yourself a basket throw everything in the basket and then go put it where it belongs."
"Stocking up can be such an amazing tool for your family, for your household, for your finances, and in times of need for your family and friends around you."
"Turn off lights, electronic appliances when they're not in use."
"Cash is fungible. In fact, cash for years in my house."
"Use real plates and silverware over disposable, it's better for the planet and better for your wallet."
"You wouldn't even think about it, but I'm telling you. Toilets. Get ready for that."
"It's really convenient because it stops kids putting the toys on the hard floor or the carpet."
"That cleaning literally took me less than five minutes."
"Cleanliness is next to godliness, especially when it comes to coolers and refrigerators."
"It's an alternative mindset, an alternative community."
"I love having multiple sets of sheets ready to go."
"If I can't put something away quickly, it just doesn't get put away."
"I always prefer to clean as I go as much as I can, even though I don't always feel like doing it. I always thank myself later when I do that."
"I'm trying my best not to miss out on all the family time just so we can have a perfectly clean house more often."
"Stop letting your daughter's boyfriend spend the night in your house, get your house in order."
"Do not let your household turn into a war zone because they're not living up to what you want them to be."
"What's the best thing about living alone? When you clean something, it stays clean."
"Everybody likes saving money, and the annual savings on toilet paper, particularly for households with many humans, is significant."
"As women, we spend, we are normally responsible in an average household 80 percent of what gets spent... Every woman should know they should have a good baseline education of what money they have in their family."
"A clean home is not everything but it does make such a difference."
"There's just something about waking up on a Monday morning with the fridge and pantry fully stocked."
"I could keep this kitchen clean if you people would just stop eating here."
"Spices generally keep for six months to a year so if you have something that's older it's probably time to toss it."
"Sorting stuff as it comes into your house makes a huge difference."
"So, if you can have a plan that will completely work for your animals in-house, awesome."
"With the chores mod, you can actually add a cleaning schedule for your kids, so honestly, no one is safe."
"This is like a series of disasters for the household, and people need to look at things like how does this affect the entire family."
"You put as much effort into taking care of this house as we do to the home we occupy or our car or our outfits, imagine what could happen."
"Running out of toilet paper is definitely an emergency, and you need to plan ahead."
"We changed up our cleaning routine, and it made the biggest difference in maintaining our home."
"I just pay all the bills in the house like they think that I pay every like that's insane."
"It's really nice to go to bed with the kitchen completely spotless."
"Starting your day with a clean kitchen, it's literally life-changing."
"Use doormats at entrance... Prevention is better than cure."
"The Victorian mistress had a constant battle against her greatest enemy which was dirt."
"When you're all living in one life's space together, especially five of you all together, you need to keep on top of that clean and keep on top of that tidy because if you don't, it quickly turns into chaos."
"So, I do use a cleaning service that helps me out, but they do not come every single day. So I just try to keep up with the cleaning as much as I can, and that definitely means cleaning up at least a little bit before bed every night."
"What parents do when kids are gone. It's not all fun and games, sometimes you gotta get stuff done."
"Why can't we respect the fact that people get to make decisions and how they run their households?"
"Some people don't vacuum at night because it's too loud."
"Going to bed at night with a clean kitchen... it just makes all the difference."
"Dishes and laundry daily is non-negotiable; you are not going to bed with dirty dishes; you're not doing it."
"She is the one that runs the household, I'm not afraid to admit that."
"When life feels out of control, you want to have a really watchful eye over how you're spending on all of your various household items."
"Realizing that I can run my household in a way that works well for me."
"So much cheaper when you buy them in bulk. I still like to wait till they go on sale. Next time they go on sale, I am going to start stocking up for the twins, I promise."
"So it's kind of like whenever it's like, everyone's a little on edge, I'm feeling on edge, I can tell Tom's feeling on edge, it's like, 'Okay, stop. We need to pick up the house.'"
"There is nothing holding them back from getting up every day and doing the things they need to do to keep their house under control."
"Every night we do 10 minute clean up right before bed. We'll all spend 10 minutes cleaning up the house, just getting done anything that we can get done, and it really helps each and every day."
"Reduce the effects of inflation on your household."
"My house was always a mess... my mom never, love you, mom, she would always say, the purpose of life is not to clean all the time."
"Designate certain days of the week for certain chores and activities."
"The male's number one assignment is to keep God's presence in the house."
"So this time around Esther gave us a tip to actually delegate a home for our appliances."
"This isn't necessarily what I was planning on doing, but if you want the convenience of meat in your freezer, milk and butter and yogurt in your fridge, this is what you got to do every once in a while."
"I've had my mother-in-law with us, we've had our mother-in-law, my mother with us for six weeks and I can tell you that doing the fly lady system saved my sanity."
"You gotta keep him in check before you just the house."
"I want you younger women to raise children well, to marry, raise children, and manage a household."
"I like to clean out the fridge and dispose of anything old or that's gone bad and just kind of organize what's already there."
"I kind of want to run my house in communication and as a business."
"Doing the dishes every single day will change that feeling of overwhelm."
"We're talking about groceries and food is one of the biggest issues."
"It saves a ton of time and energy and effort in the home."
"In return for three meals and a roof over their head, the child must do a major chore every day that benefits the rest of the family."
"If you clean a little bit as you go, then you don't have near as much to do when you're done."
"She holds down the house, she makes sure the kid is good, homework's done, yeah, house is clean, all that type of stuff."
"Doing the dishes and doing a five-minute pickup... that's what gets a house under control and keeps the house under control."
"We are a family of nine, and I budget $1,100 a month for all groceries and household items."
"Welcome to the go zone, the government is somewhere near our door where we put things in when they come into the house and we take things out when they go out of the house."
"Our fridge is literally packed; we're not gonna have to go grocery shopping for like another month."
"We cannot go forward until we maintain the integrity of our perspective households."
"I think it comes down to what your baby likes and what is most helpful for you and your household and your situation."
"Use what you already have. Look in that pantry, go through everything."
"Invest in a freezer, the biggest freezer you can get. The freezer can save you so much money."
"In a house, delineation of chores is one of the most important things."
"Food is essential, food is important, especially a family of six."
"She suggested that we each pay an equal percentage of our earnings towards rent and household utilities."
"When you put stuff up wet like this, never, never, never leave it like this. Never. That's just not a good idea."
"I don't see nothing wrong with going 50/50 in a household."
"The investment is in your family, the household; that's the investment. As long as your household bills are taken care of, that's an investment."
"It costs 26 dollars a year to run this freezer, which is nothing."
"Learn to replace behaviors that you don't find acceptable in your household with other behaviors."
"You shall be in charge of my household, and all my people shall be ruled by what you say."
"Learning the reality of what it takes to run a family and a household and what real life is like."
"The average American household spends about 10 percent of its total budget on food."
"I just wanted to have my house fully stocked with groceries to the point where we don't have to worry about it for a while."
"Sustainability was integral; we used only reusable vessels in our house."
"Once you have it nice and cleaned up... you really can save some time and effort."
"Ultimately, you want your kids to get on these privileges, right? They're helping you, they're maintaining order in the house, it's making things get done."
"She was filial to her in-laws, maintained the household well, and supported the family's career."
"We are going to stock up our fridge and cupboards and hopefully it'll last us quite some time."
"Long-term improvement in the financial situation of households by reducing fuel and chemical fertilizer expenses."
"I just feel happier when I'm in control of my house and how things like my laundry and my cleaning are going."
"I do one load of laundry every single day."
"It's just going to be a lot easier to be able to open the fridge, see what we're low on, and then just restock it every single week."
"I do it once, clean up, and done."
"I've been trying really hard to tackle my dishes while I'm doing dinner or at least after dinner."
"There's nothing like going to bed with a clean kitchen."