
Spiritual Aspiration Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"If you want to love at the level that Christ or Gandhi loved at, you have to surrender yourself entirely."
"Don't live your life pursuing a dream of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, live your life pursuing the companionship of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in Paradise."
"I want a righteousness that comes from God through faith."
"Lord, I pray for a heart of worship like David; I too want to chase after Your heart."
"The ultimate thing is to bring every man and woman to the kingdom of God."
"You're never going to really aspire to it until you realize the victory that's available to you in Christ."
"Recruits wishing to join the Templar order made a vow to discover the joys of paradise."
"I want the best that God has for me. I don't want average, I don't want mediocre, I don't want to settle."
"The idea of Christ... that's the highest ideal that we can conceive of."
"One space in Paradise is better than this whole world."
"I want to be holy like Jesus. I haven't been there, but I want to be there."
"O Allah, guarantee me a place in Jannah with them."
"God said be holy. That's it, the Lord our God is holy."
"The righteous of the believers, even if they're sinners, they will always be scared of Jahannam and desiring Jannah."
"Sin is not a let's get as close to we can sin is like because of the wretchedness and the evil of sin I don't even want to look like that I want to look different I want to be as scripture says set apart."
"The more I see of him, the more I want to be like him."
"The meek may inherit the earth but a bold preacher has his eye on the heavens."
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness."
"A saint is someone who can rise above the game."
"May we be amongst those whom Allah boasts about."
"Be you perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect."
"God wants to make us perfect according to His desire, not ours."
"I want to be a Christian, I want to be saved, I want to know that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life."
"Keep going higher... make room for the glory."
"The name of the Lord must be glorified in all the earth."
"Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets."
"Move your hands together, inhale, maybe happy, maybe free, free from suffering, free from pain, experience real love, real peace, and real joy."
"I don't want that type of life for me. I want to be something more spiritual, more loving, more calm."
"The kingdom is supposed to operate on earth and it's supposed to make earth like heaven."
"There arises the desire for what gets called enlightenment or truth, or self-knowledge."
"Enoch did it all by faith and skipped death. Imagine a generation rising that don't even glimpse death."
"Hopefully become as strong as Jesus because he was kind of like the ultimate healer."
"We should desire spiritual gifts, but especially to prophesy."
"It's time for a generation to miss out on what the world has and get everything that God has."
"The most important thing is to become Saint."
"But most of all, heaven is a place to fellowship with Jesus."
"God, I will not let you go until you favor my life."
"This is our portion, this is our plea, this is our reward, all we want is the strength, not just the strength to climb the mountain, you've not called us to climb mountains you called us to talk to them."
"We should all carry a passion for righteousness, a passion for God's rule and reign."
"Our heart shouldn't be like how close can I get to sinning? Heart should be how can I more glorify Jesus, man and live for him? That's the heart of a genuine believer loves God hate the garments of Flesh."
"May the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect love."
"You want to go all in, you want to win, God's goal is to make you a saint."
"Your soul's desire is for everybody to be in unity and love each other, releasing burdens of the past."
"Let us be a representation of your glory and make people level up and go after who you truly are."
"I want my life to look like your life, I want my heart to look like your heart, God, thank you for Jesus."
"All the baptized are called to the full level of holiness."
"To be like Jesus is to be radically in love with people."
"I always want my life to be free from the nature of the enemy, I want the nature of Jesus Christ to manifest."
"God's looking for a people of people who want to be right."
"If by any means that I may attain to the resurrection of the dead."
"One thing I'll seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple."
"I want to be like Jesus. I don't know about you, but you know something? I've been preaching, I've walked this path for many years, and one thing I desire more than anything else is to be like Jesus."
"When we see Him, we shall be like Him."
"Whatever are the characteristics of the perfect one are the practices for the seeker."
"I want to live a life worthy of the call. I want to burn with Holy Fire."
"Oh Allah, we ask that you grant us the best pleasure on the day that we meet with you."
"Rebbe Nachman is there even for the ordinary man, even the greatest sinner can aspire to be like him."
"Oh Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like Yours."
"I want to become Buddha in the female form so that I can inspire other female practitioners that they can also achieve enlightenment."
"I ask Allah that he makes us from the people of the Quran."
"I want to look like Jesus; I want people to see me, have an interaction with me, and see Jesus."
"You must therefore be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect."
"It is for not only the highest and greatest good of all those who experience this video but for the highest and greatest good of humanity and the highest and greatest good of this universe."
"I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus."
"A hope shared by hundreds here and thousands across the city that one day their collective prayers will be answered."
"I will only be happy when I wake up in your likeness, oh God."
"We live our life hoping, praying, supplicating, wishing, and thinking good that Inshallah, Allah will send us into Jannah."
"My primary goal is God realization; the more I move towards God realization, more I'm moving towards my goal."
"I desperately want to hear, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'"
"Bodhichitta, in its truest sense, can be evoked and manifest as an aspiration in the beginning."
"For such an aspiration to take flight and to be able to be free, the beginning must be in developing and generating powerful intention."
"The companionship of the most high, I want the companionship of the most high."
"We never were supposed to be like Joshua; we're supposed to try to be like Jesus."
"We want a 'well done and good and faithful servant' kind of a dream, amen everybody?"
"Choose to look at the goal... which is eternal life with Jesus."
"Lord, we don't want to stay where we are, send your fire."
"Seek those things that are above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God."
"Mumukshutva is your hankering for liberation, which means an unconditioned, uncluttered, pure state of existence."
"A burning desire to transcend this limited level of existence and go into our original state of pure bliss."
"I want to aspire to nothing but to love Jesus, to fulfill His holy will perfectly."
"Be the best man I can be, be the best man of God that I can be."
"May the actions of my three doors be blessed by glorious Heruka's body, speech, and mind."
"And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds."
"Help us to always desire to uplift you and give the glory to you alone."
"Purity isn't about following all these rules so you don't go to hell; it's about wanting heaven for the person that you love."
"Oh Allah, allow me to live in your remembrance and die in your remembrance and raise me in your remembrance."
"'May you all develop pure, unmotivated love for Krishna.'"
"All things that exist long to move into this transcendence."
"It is the very nature of the soul or the psychic being to turn towards the divine truth as the sunflower to the sun."
"We're not trying to be better than people; we're trying to be like Jesus."
"Pray to the Lord: make me like David, make me like Solomon, make me like Christ, make me like Nehemiah."
"You also should have in yourselves the mind of Christ."
"You can make me a king, you can make me a poverty-stricken beggar, you can give me a lot of respect or you can publicly humiliate me... but I have only one goal that is getting love of godhead and serving your lotus feet with affection."
"Our emphasis is to have this aspiration to experience or realize the ultimate aim of practice, which is spiritual enlightenment."
"The reason why this element was used so much in the Gothic architecture was to allow and improve the verticality of the edifice, thinking the taller it would get, the more it would bring the people closer to God."
"I hope to be a little bit more like Jesus."
"I live to see the glory of God fill it."
"We look to honor them and walk the way they did in Jesus' name."
"I want to be like Jesus in my character, in my life."
"Our heavenly parents' highest aspiration for us as their children is for us to become like them."
"I want to be a Buddha, and my nature is, by nature, I am lazy, and I am also becoming impatient."
"I want to be like Jesus. My goal is Psalm 17, the last verse: I will only be happy when I wake up in your likeness, oh God."
"The goal is to strive towards that ideal of perfection, to strive towards being Christ-like in our actions and our thoughts."
"We want heaven to be mirrored here on Earth."