
Camp Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Hell, we can take over the whole damn world because if camp has taught us anything, it's how to make the absurd into reality."
"To enjoy something for being campy is to love human nature, to relish in all of its imperfections and flaws."
"Camp rivalry, that's fine too. Yeah, camp rivalry is the best part of camp because you have to hate someone."
"We're ready for the camp, we're ready for the tights, and we're ready to be hopeful again."
"Some people in the camp have special abilities like strength and healing."
"It fully embraced the campy nature of comic books while also critiquing them with just the right amount of meta humor."
"There's a balance between like the serious drama of it and dare I say a slight Camp element that Creeps in just a little bit."
"Camp is a place to have fun and make lifelong friends."
"In a survival situation, capitalize on a place where there are signs of food and set up camp."
"It's been a day quick little tour of camp."
"It's a new morning, new camp, sun is just Rising behind me."
"As the day ended, exhausted survivors started to ride into the British camp."
"Most kids will tell you that camp actually saved their life because the hardest part of their cancer journey it isn't always just the chemo and the radiation and the treatments that everyone thinks about."
"So dramatic and just like so good. I love it. It's so much camp, you have to love it."
"Now let's all head back to camp. Anywhere can be a merry Christmas as long as we're all together."
"Spud at sleep away camp for one whole week. I want to keep my t-shirt on till he gets back."
"She even sent Jackie and even Jennica for a little bit to what they call Fat Camp."
"I love when it's a blend. The perfect sweet spot is when you combine glamour and camp because that's drag."
"It's Camp. It's very Camp. I loved it."
"...I actually love this challenge it's delightfully camp and stupid and even the bad sketches are fun to watch because of just how bad they are so I was living."
"It's like you know the classic old camps where your parents send you off, you're there for like four or five days, you don't really know who anyone else is, and you just start to create relationships."
"I thought it was literally like the best musical theater Camp I ever got to go to every day."
"All of the horses have now been recovered and returned to Camp."
"And the Lyre River back at camp was much louder than we expected."
"Camp was such a haven, a place for kids to go and be who they are, however they feel, this summer might not be the way they felt last summer or will feel next summer." - Todd
"There's actually a camp for magicians and there's all these kind of nerdy kids like me who wanted to learn magic."
"I genuinely think like Camp is obviously so exciting."
"...I really hope you guys enjoyed this video and hopefully I will be making some more this summer before I leave for camp."
"We were in Camp no one was talking."
"Hey there, campers! I'm feeling a little... bored. Get it? Board?"
"The night was fun for the first few hours, people were laughing and drinking and taking pictures, posing in front of the huge bonfire. It was one of the rare times the three sub-camps got together and socialized with one another."
"It's very Camp, very fun, oh yes."
"At first, the camp was an absolute Delight."
"This looks so cute, it's like the epitome of the perfect adventure camp."
"...this is one of the only movies in recent years that has been truly camp in every sense of the word."
"Well, guys, the sun is setting. We're headed back to camp. What a phenomenal day."
"Welcome to camp boys, y'all dudes, that's so dirty, some people would be a little bougie because there's bunk beds, Harrison if you see, we just kinda scroll it on and we're like hey."
"I know I'm going to spend the summer working at the kids' camp. It seems perfect that they needed someone to help with cheerleading."
"Camp to me is innocent. You can't try to be camp. It's something that was so bad it was great without their knowledge that accidentally happened."
"Best part of camps? I think it's sitting down for food with everyone after a long tiring training session."
"One of the best things about this camp is that you can talk to other people, other kids. This is like one of the most fun parts of my year."
"...like a camp we're basically at Camp we're at a dope Camp that's what this is like..."
"Arriving early into camp this afternoon is giving all of us time for a reset."
"Kenneth williams spent a lifetime analyzing and performing the art of campri like no one else."
"Camp has been good for me personally."
"Camp was mad, probably one of the best experiences of my life."
"The original Fright Night is one of those great movies that balances camp in horror really well."
"This was amazing. This was what we look for. You like martial arts, you like campy stuff? Perfect. Who doesn't?"
"I got a lot of work to do here at the camp, as you can see. I'll be bringing you videos on the builds and more animals, of course, going to be moving into this camp. We've got a lot of improvements happening. I like improvements."
"I learned a lot of things at camp."
"Have you ever been to summer camp before? It's a totally cool experience."
"This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included."
"I just signed the girls up for that camp again."
"I knew it was based on a film that had Cher and Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon, so you know it's camp."
"Dear Mom, friendships here at Camp Lake Bottom sure do warm the heart."
"Camp America or camp Canada... it's so much fun, you could be a general camp counselor or have a specific skill at the camp."
"You're definitely able to build relationships with people from all around the world, that's what I love about camp."
"It's like nothing else you'll ever experience."
"You helped special needs children remember that, to go to Camp. That's the most important thing."
"Camp is about feeling comfortable and pushing yourself and exploring new boundaries."
"I loved this camp; it meant a great deal to me."
"Well, I'm so happy that you are all here because this is my favorite day at camp."
"We want you to harness your inner cheerleader and write a cheer about the friends, the supports, the love, and the fun you've experienced right here at Camp Waunakee ki."
"Here at Camp Wanna Kiki, the campers and the staff, we're gonna do our very best to try and make you laugh."
"All right, Camp Cool School is back! Excellent teamwork, everyone."
"Mirror, mirror in the stall, who's the campiest of them all?"
"It's only been a day, but it really seems like they're bonding fast, which is really a wonderful thing at camp."
"It's a sportsman's camp, but it's all based around Jesus too, so they're gonna hear the gospel."
"It's going to be something really unique and special right here at Camp Kenon."
"We've had an amazing time at camp today, we can't wait to keep doing it, we love you so much, thank you for hanging out with us."
"Good morning, welcome to our camp."
"Trails and Roots is a trail running camp, modeled on a multi-day ultra marathon, just minus the ultra marathon part."
"When I was in high school, I would spend one month every summer at a summer camp held out in the woods."
"We weren't allowed to bring our cell phones to camp, so most of our entertainment came from doing activities outside."
"Camp is just amazing, you get so much from it."
"I had the opportunity to attend the camp and it was an amazing experience."
"Camp is a great place to grow; Camp is where your mother can't hear you scream."
"It's a very campy film but also a brilliant performance from Vincent Price."
"I can smell dinner just up ahead, Camp one baby, go check it out for us."
"My drag is a great mix between camp and glam, stupid but looking great."
"This month's charity donation is going to Camp Easton, where we are headed to summer camp in just a few weeks."
"Let's have a bear, let's have a ball."
"Welcome to Camp Cannon, little guy."
"I felt renewed and brand new, like so many new things I learned at camp."
"Thanks for another awesome camp dude, always man."
"This absolute silliness, camp, and fashion, this look is hot."
"You know, camp's where you go to play and laugh and have adventures every day."
"If it wasn't for this camp, I never would have met my wife."
"That's the cool thing about Ultimate Adventure Summer Camp, is that every day starts to blur together."
"She talked about all this amazing stuff that camp offered: magic, archery, Pegasus riding, the lava wall, fighting monsters."
"I really love Camp. I love being tongue-in-cheek and sort of ridiculous."
"I Love you. Have so much fun at camp, okay."
"I went to a 28-day camp once, that was fun."
"Listen to your counselor above all else; camp counselors are there to make sure that all campers have the best time possible."
"Your children's life will never be the same after Camp Believe."
"Camp is all about artifice, exaggeration, and superficial style over content, and yet it's dead serious."
"It isn't a maintenance tunnel," she confided, "it's the entrance to camp."
"Camp is about courage, the courage to ask someone out."
"...we live in a very small camp and our lifestyles are slightly confined, shall we say..."