
Solution-oriented Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"We might as well do the one thing that makes obvious sense, which is restore our ability to think without conflicts of interest."
"You got to get the diagnosis right before you can prescribe the cure."
"Be confident, don't listen to or believe anything that's been told to you until now, and don't complain unless you have a solution."
"Because I took a piece of being the problem, I now own a piece of being the solution."
"Bring solutions. Bring solutions as a person. Bring solutions as a business. Bring solutions as a ministry, and you will always soar."
"I do not like to ever discuss anything that doesn't have a solution."
"Find a problem that's in everybody's everyday life and just provide a solution."
"Let's diagnose the problem and let's all give our opinion and try to have a solution."
"Who are the people I most want to help? What problem or desire do those people have? What are the solutions to those people's problems that I most get excited about?"
"This is a dramatic time in an unprecedented time, and great challenges require great leaders and great solutions."
"He's the answer to whatever question that comes up."
"It's a privilege to be part of the solution and be part of this team."
"So I think the main takeaway there is we could have a solution but the smoothness or lack of smoothness with the transition is dependent upon politicians being intelligent and working together."
"Jesus is the answer to every single need we have."
"Don't complain about it. Go do something about it."
"We're just trying to offer solutions and spread awareness of what's going on."
"Speaking up can be definitely helpful for people but only if you're providing a solution."
"I like solutions. Let's analyze the problem, understand it, fix it like a doctor working on a patient."
"There's a lot that needs to be done but we have the solution and let's get on with it."
"Crypto is still in its much early stages, we're getting more and more good news."
"The people are ready so we need to educate them about the solutions... and then as they do that they will then be able to successfully help the world community after we get our own things put together successfully."
"We have to be known as the party that has answers to every question facing Canadians."
"To live in the solution, not to get bogged down by a problem."
"We have to look beyond saying that every solution has to have a winner and a loser."
"To solve the 'too many choices' issue, the solution isn't to remove choice, it's to make choosing easier."
"I'm not interested in just talking anymore by itself. I'm interested in educating but also providing Solutions right after that."
"I just think that we need to acknowledge that we have problems... and we need to find some solutions."
"Debates about gun control only work if both sides are genuinely interested in finding a solution to gun violence."
"We deserve better... it's all preventable, it's all avoidable, it's all fixable."
"When you focus on a problem the solution is going to come up."
"Faith is not struggling with issues, it creates solutions."
"Sometimes if you have the right tool, you can get the job done."
"Go dump out the pissy cereal, get some milk, pour it in the bowl, get you some fresh flakes or whatever you put in there, just be normal."
"For every problem, there's a solution, so..."
"Spotting the problem does nothing; fixing the problem puts us on the path to solutions."
"Bitcoin is the answer for a lot of the problems that people are facing."
"If you feel frustrated in any area of your life... it can be remedied."
"You don't want to be the person that's always pointing out problems; you also want to be a part of the solution."
"All that doctor had really convinced me to do was to go find a doctor who was not problem conscious but one who was solution conscious."
"I am not problem conscious, I am solution conscious."
"I don't dwell on it. I figure out the solution, and then that's what I work on."
"Don't dwell on all the problems, dwell on solutions."
"None of our discussions are ego-driven. We don't care who wins the debate on how to do something. We care about getting to the solution."
"You'll lose interest in assigning blame to yourself or other people for problems and focus instead on just finding good solutions."
"We are our own problems and I believe we are also our own solution not the colonizer not relocation not the West we are the answer to our own problems."
"You are the answer to the crisis."
"Assume there is always a solution."
"If we find a problem worth solving, we need to uncover a solution."
"What I am suggesting is turning towards the solution and letting the problem resolve itself."
"You have to keep going as heartbreaking as it is. You have to stay focused on the solution."
"You gotta be really solution oriented for that, yeah, because most time when you're going through, you're like, 'I have no solutions,' but when you calm and level-headed, you might boom, I have anxiety, what solution? You take medicine, you go to therapy, boom."
"Okay well the answer is you don't scream at the darkness the answer is you turn on the light."
"...share what your challenges but what you would need instead and that will help you frame your thinking about the problem into a solution oriented format."
"They just need to look at a dashboard and they need to say, 'Okay, we see these two problem areas, we need to come up with an immediate solution about that.'"
"I believe in finding a solution. When you do things that you want to do and you make people kind of bend to what you want them to do, you can achieve anything."
"She decides to keep her personal resentment aside and work on the solution."
"By focusing on 'coulds' rather than 'shoulds,' we can come up with better solutions and be more creative as a result."
"This is the crisis that can be solved."
"Strive for the ideal and find a solution."
"I am extremely hopeful because I can see a very clear solution here."
"When you can describe someone's pain and someone's situation better than they can themselves then they will be looking to you as the expert who has the solution."
"When you're living from the end, you're living and thinking from the solution."
"Our citizens are not problems to deal with - they are essential to every solution."
"You are a solution finder, you are a problem solver."
"For everything we identify as a problem, we actually have something to fix that problem."
"See the solution first and then find a way to make money off the solution or profit off the solution."
"It's time to go back, and we can do this. We have the solutions."
"Complaining is not a substitute for strategy."
"The real solution, not the band-aid."
"I've got a solution to my problem, which is the main thing in life."
"Run towards the problem with the authority of God's word."
"Be solution oriented, like create an opinion about whatever you're doing."
"Do the mind exploring community a favor and try to be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem."
"It's not just treating the symptoms it's treating the root of the problem."
"Your prospects have problems. Your solution solves those."
"You're not going to dwell on the problem, you're only going to think about solutions."
"To prepare for a negotiation, I should research the client's needs and interests, set clear goals, and be ready to offer solutions that meet both our needs."
"We just need people to ask, 'Do you have it? Let's get it solved.'"
"There's no use in talking about a problem unless we also talk about the solution."
"There is a way and it's actually kind of fun"
"God has called us to be answers. Don't just look at problems and then be like everybody else and say, 'Oh Lord, what is the world coming to? Be an answer.'"
"There's always a positive solution. It doesn't matter how far whatever's happened in our lives, we can turn it around."
"The real solution is to change our mind."
"There's a powerful and positive solution here."
"Highlight the problem but also make sure that you know how-to manual."
"...let's not just complain about what's wrong let's actually try to fix it or let's do something about it..."
"Your focus is on becoming the solution, building the best beliefs about yourself."
"Solutions happen when people are shown that Solutions can happen."
"Solution questions are used to secure commitment."
"I like coming up with solutions rather than focusing on the problem."
"You may not know it, but I'm the solution to this problem."
"I do have hope that a solution will come quickly."
"I want a country called India whereby everyone is and will become a part of the solution, not add to the problem."
"Put a hundred percent of your energy towards the solution."
"The solution is more information and the solution is teaching people critical thought."
"Instead of complaining about something, she did something about it."
"I will be part of the solution, not the problem."
"Let's be solution-oriented, I believe that this is the way that society will move forward."
"Specifying systems and solutions that aren't just fit for purpose, but designed for purpose."
"Our community deserves transparency, respect, and thoughtful solutions."
"A problem solver is someone who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution."
"Genuine political will and innovative thinking are required to not only identify the solutions but to pursue them diligently and consistently until the desired results are achieved."
"We are the movement. God raised up the church to be the one who presents the solutions to the problem."
"I want to be a part of the solution when it comes to maternity mortality."
"I don’t believe in complaining without offering a solution."
"It's ending, you know. And by accepting it, you can kind of get into a solution-oriented place."
"We are constantly challenging existing solutions and looking for new ways to make work easier, faster, and more enjoyable."
"One person can't make a difference or you can't change the world but to me, I'd rather be a part of the solution than the problem."
"I want to walk around being filled with solution."
"The affirmative side is one that believes in a possible solution."
"We should always strive to be problem solvers; you see a problem, find a solution for it."
"Your users don't care about Windows, they don't care about Linux, they don't care about Unix, they don't really care about Mac. They care about solutions."
"Don't become part of the problem; always be part of the solution."
"They have a can-do and let's fix it attitude."
"Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Make it a non-event."
"Join the movement, be part of the solution, people."
"The first step into figuring out a solution is to identify the challenge."
"Don't focus on the problem, focus on either the solution or better energy."
"Be the solution, not the problem."