
Efforts Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"When you're doing anything worthwhile, you'll get critics."
"We are working hard to find ways to support you, too."
"It's basically describing that they tried they were making it little immortal Guardians they were trying anyway."
"Every effort, every decision that we're making at the moment is toward maintaining that peace."
"It feels like everything we did, none of it mattered."
"Every misplaced Grand gesture was born of his desire to make his partner happy."
"Almost everything that is going to change the world solve a problem improve something these are usually big efforts."
"Thank you for everyone who understands me trying to make the series more entertaining..."
"In this new world, dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them."
"I think ultimately it's a case of trying and it's a case of experimenting with new things."
"The scandal started to threaten all that hard work that had been done."
"The only time you start at the top is when you're digging a hole."
"I do so much stuff for her that I feel like is appreciated."
"Writing a wrong: the new efforts for justice."
"I think there's been a concerted effort to obscure maybe what fascism is."
"We're doing everything to keep our marriage together."
"It feels like they're trying to do some of the right things here."
"Make efforts to protect yourself and your energy."
"Through their efforts these dogs once verging on the brink of local Extinction are making a comeback."
"But I don't think their place is the first attempt to solve people's mental health struggles."
"The person with BPD will see this as the opening that they need and they will escalate the intensity of their efforts."
"So, how well is this all working? The city's efforts, and it's really, it is having a very dramatic impact."
"This person wants to make you happy in love, to build a connection with you again, to be the type of partner you need."
"What's interesting and different than cases that I've covered before, when another person's loved one goes missing, they're doing anything and everything to try to get the word out."
"Human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability, it comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals."
"I was the only one trying to save his life."
"Your parents, they did the best they could."
"I declare that your little efforts to achieve greatness will never go unrewarded."
"Sometimes we realize that we're putting our efforts into something that is just not going to serve us long term."
"Allah, may He continue to bless our efforts and promote it and to amplify it."
"Favor comes on your person... Favors also on your path... It's on your efforts."
"Netflix have been trying to get people to come back."
"...for his pioneering efforts to fight global poverty."
"Thanks to their efforts we get to see the Spy under his mask."
"...the protective measures put forward by the fisherman's Association and the scientists seem to be bearing fruit."
"Thankfully their attempts proved successful."
"Even if we don't see the outcome we desire in this life, our efforts are rewarded by Allah."
"They did everything they could to make it mildly infuriating."
"I think efforts are important, whether it's scheduling dates or making small gestures."
"You're making a very big contribution in the efforts of giving people information."
"...through our efforts with God's grace we will continue to push Humanity toward the light."
"Thank you for your frankness, your knowledge, and your efforts to protect all of us, to protect Americans but others as well."
"They did spend about 15 years, a lot of money, a lot of policies to try to eradicate some of the brutalities."
"So these kind of insane megaprojects require efforts that are mind-boggling, but they get a bit more believable when you have superior automation..."
"Your inspiring efforts to help us fight homelessness."
"Our efforts have brought new hope to all mankind."
"Chamberlain continued in his efforts to preserve peace through diplomacy."
"Through ongoing efforts in search and rescue operations, education, and visitor safety guidelines, organizations strive to enhance visitor safety and mitigate the risks associated with this extraordinary landscape."
"These animals are not doing well, thankfully there are conservation and breeding efforts in China and Vietnam."
"There were attempts made to protect the wetlands, but some of them weren't very well thought out or well designed."
"Their efforts are directed toward preserving property and other lives."
"Many of these unsolved mysteries have remained dormant for decades despite the best efforts of everyone involved."
"All peaceful means were utilized in order to save the peace of the world."
"We've been trying out a few different things to see if it improves our situation."
"I do believe in this big concept of a lot of tiny efforts in the right direction that add up to this magnified positive impact."
"Aggressive efforts will be necessary to implement global fortification of food staples."
"Your romantic efforts are going to be rewarded."