
Detective Work Quotes

There are 414 quotes

"Having low standards is not a virtue, detective. Let me see if I can broaden your perspective."
"I'm a detective witch for the Council of Witches. Recently, I've been investigating a series of disappearances that I think are the work of a serial killer."
"If you want to understand the Bible or the period, you have to be like a detective going back to the scene."
"Doing science is like a detective story. You don't know the answer, you make mistakes, but once the evidence is clear enough, the public believes you."
"You have to solve this case, that's what the sign is for, that's why you have the hat, that's why you have the whip."
"Thank you so much, and that's why you and I should be detectives. That's the truth. Through detection, detectives. Yeah, true detectives."
"A detective is neither light nor shadow. We represent neither justice nor evil. That is how we can uncover the absolute truth."
"Surely you must know that in criminal cases handled by me it is never the obvious situation that is the correct one."
"Wait a bit my dear doctor Counsel Holmes and it will be possible in time."
"Every criminal leaves evidence behind. The key is to know how to find it."
"There's satisfaction when the pieces come together in a case like this, and other similar cases."
"The stories on 72-hours are true. The detectives and forensic scientists are the ones who actually worked on it."
"It looks like it has been abandoned for several years but Abby comments that Evan has been attending aristocratic gatherings and academic sorcery summits looking at the evidence it is apparent that he's after Rebecca's sorcerer's eyes."
"You guys are the detectives, you guys are the ones spotting everything!"
"Russell Poole was known as a really diligent, hard-working, respected detective."
"For all intents and purposes, we've solved this murder."
"Batman is referred to as the world's greatest detective... add something to that detective experience."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved, a whodunit, a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science."
"It's code breaking, it's following your hunch, it's understanding that things are not right, it's watching for a long time and putting pieces together."
"He’s supposed to be a case too tough for even the World’s Greatest Detective to solve."
"His brilliant reasoning power would rise to the level of intuition, until those who were unacquainted with his methods would look askance at him as on a man whose knowledge was not that of mere mortals."
"You see, Watson, it was perfectly obvious from the first."
"If it ain't Charles Reed, the genius to crack the case of Albert Throgmorton."
"Clearly the criminals in this case have masterminded and pulled off a nearly perfect Heist with no Witnesses, no direct Clues, and certainly no suspects. It seems impossible to solve, but the FBI is determined to identify the burglars."
"It's what a detective's motivation is, to solve a mystery."
"Good detectives observe, research, interview, find patterns, are able to keep an open mind, follow the evidence, etc."
"Batman's detective skills are really put through the ringer."
"Despite his dubious profile, detectives didn't have a single shred of physical evidence."
"Cheer up Watson, for I am very sure that our material has not yet all come to hand. When it does, we may soon leave our difficulties behind us."
"Detectives knew that every possible piece of physical evidence was potentially invaluable."
"But that's our job. That's what we're supposed to do because you will have situations where you're like, 'I think this is our guy,' and a lot of the factors will fit. But in order for it to be them, they all have to."
"As the ultimate detective, I know we can't solve this case with belief alone."
"When something strange happens and no one knows why, you need a great detective."
"The biggest clues often hide in plain sight, and what seems trivial to some is, in reality, critical evidence."
"How the hell do you know that, Sherlock?" "Because she was on the same train as us and I heard her calling its name. And that's not cheating, that's listening. I use my senses, John, unlike some people."
"There at lives at stake, Sherlock. Actual human lives. J-just so I know, do you care about that at all?"
"How did you notice that?" "I lack the arrogance to ignore details. I’m not the police."
"Loki's past as a juvenile criminal influences his detective work."
"It was a moment of joy for detectives because they had finally made a discovery that had evaded them for more than 10 years."
"The game trusts the player's intelligence enough to let them do some detective work."
"This extremely strange and seemingly nonsensical twist in the investigation took the detectives down a rabbit hole."
"The family was notified on Friday by Bradenton detectives of Kelly's passing."
"This is the inside track on one of the greatest archaeological detective stories ever told."
"They're basically space detectives with enormous power."
"Any change in speech patterns and demeanor compared to a suspect's well-established Baseline is something in which detectives will note."
"Inspector Cherrill finally had a bit of evidence to work with, a fingerprint of the killer, but now began the laborious task of going through all the records in Scotland Yard in the hope of finding a match."
"I believe in your detective skills, Shuichi."
"The case that gnaws at your guts and ruins your marriage, the case that keeps you propping up a bar as you relive the what-ifs."
"The ability to communicate is the greatest skill that murder squad detectives have."
"He wants to be the world's greatest detective, and from what I've seen so far, he will be someday." - Batman
"The case against Pat Solace was solved through forensics detective work."
"Sometimes it takes one psycho to catch another."
"I'm so proud of us, we're such big detectives now."
"An investigation filled with blind alleys and dead ends. In order to go forward, we had to revisit the past."
"Each fact is suggestive in itself; together they have a cumulative force."
"Detectives to interpret body language and verbal responses in conjunction with the actual physical evidence."
"Sherlock Holmes may well have been the greatest detective living or dead."
"His scientific way of looking at clues revealed forensic evidence."
"The investigation into three seemingly unrelated homicides were converging, exposing a trail of murder that led to one serial killer."
"Personally, I really want Bruce to go through a grueling time trying to solve the crimes in this movie."
"That would undermine the world's greatest detective's own abilities."
"The crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved."
"But as today's detectives know, it could provide a treasure trove of evidence."
"Every murder investigation is like a puzzle solving. It requires finding the right pieces."
"I promise, we have nothing to go on. That's the rotten part of it."
"Another puzzle just now with a case that I'm working on, how fascinating. Tell me about it."
"The letter left at the hotel was the key to solving the mystery."
"Detective, you better be right about her being here. My investigation led me to this place. I'm sure she's here. Let's make this arrest quick then."
"It is a curious thing," remarked Holmes, "that a typewriter has really quite as much individuality as a man's handwriting."
"The crime scene does tell you who did it, you just need to get in there."
"They started to see a pattern of the double initials plus the letter of the place that they were dropped."
"It's like detective work, getting a magnifying glass, getting real up close, and you're like, 'I think you did something there.'"
"Was it the hard work of detectives and advancement in technology that could possibly help solve some of the world's greatest cold cases in the years to come?"
"In some cases it's no surprise that investigators come to a point where they must mark a case as cold or... worse, unsolvable."
"Most homicide detectives agree that the first 48 hours of a murder investigation are the most crucial."
"Jerome Caminata, Manchester detective often credited for being the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, apparently took up the Colt for his personal protection."
"Small Town Murders: the perfect challenge for your inner detective."
"Could the text and the glass jars give up the last Clues he needed to wrap up the case?"
"If criminals were smart, they wouldn't get caught."
"Nancy Drews! Nancy Drews, pull out your magnifying glass."
"The actual process of your work sounds very much like a Sherlock Holmes with a PhD trying to piece together stuff."
"Ultimately, that's what detectives need: to stop the killers who are driven by bloodlust."
"The challenge to us is to find and to establish the link from the crime scene to that individual."
"It starts out, 'Hamster Holmes and Dr. Watson, they were excited to take a break from detective work.'"
"Can we close the case? Can you tell us who did it once and for all?"
"I like the whole detective aspect of it all."
"Batman at his core is a detective with an unending desire to solve the mystery of Gotham City."
"Solving the murder... that's gonna be a way of making some really good money."
"Something is not right and detectives refuse to let the matter rest."
"I can't talk to Rex, really weird. I probably already have all the clues I need."
"Homicide detectives need to always remember that when they get involved in this stuff, you don't fit the evidence to your theory."
"Everyone is an investigator, playing as detectives, uncovering secrets."
"The evidence was under your nose the whole time."
"Can we still crack this case of course there's no such thing as an unsolvable case."
"It just took a tremendous amount of investigative skill and effort to put the pieces together."
"The effort of the detective in unraveling Yuri's psyche deserves appreciation."
"This is just the beginning of this investigation."
"Proving that Raymond Van Evenhoven was in fact the killer."
"I'm gonna find him. I'm gonna use my ultimate detective abilities."
"The killing was the most baffling case the Bloomingdale police ever encountered. Who had shot the man and why? Unraveling the mystery, forging a link between victim and killer, would demand all the ingenuity forensic experts could muster."
"So long as there's a bullet, there's a clue. And so long as there's a clue, there's a chance to catch a killer."
"Unraveling mysteries is all about gathering evidence and applying sound logic to the conclusions that you come up with."
"And so long as there's a clue, there's a chance to catch a killer."
"I'm a good detective, it'll just be a matter of time."
"Police knew that cooper was responsible; it's just finding the golden nugget piece of evidence."
"Detectives encounter a challenge: 'Interrogating these cunning serial killers can be very challenging for investigators.'"
"Inside the house, veteran homicide detectives Johnny Crumby and Andrew Ingechock stood in the spacious living room."
"You have uncovered enough evidence to tell Madame Carlyle that Emma is the murderer, Detective 47."
"Creating brand identities is like being a detective, snooping around for patterns of behavior."
"She's a sleuth who will go to Great Lengths to solve cases..."
"The ultimate detective gets it right again. Eventually."
"It's time for the detective to shine, Shuichi, please keep up the good work."
"Justice was at the forefront of Detective Kelly's mind as he pursued the investigation."
"Crimes committed by strangers on strangers are the hardest to solve, but the scratches on the bullet, the fingerprint, and the tire tread bore the traces of the killer's guilt."
"I could have told you that, a psychological profile of Riddler. It's obvious he left us a clue."
"The benefits can be many to those detectives willing to overcome their distaste for bugs. Insects can make or break an investigation."
"Every detective's favorite part of the mystery."
"Toby has never confirmed any of this... he likes to just spectate take a step back and watch people run wild with their detective work."
"Taking all these different clues and finding the little intricate details and connecting the dots and putting it all together is literally my job."
"Years passed without a break in the case; chances that the mystery victim would ever find justice dwindled, and detectives began to believe that his killer may never be found."
"If anyone has anything to hide, my special wisdom shooting will soon set them straight."
"You know you're hot on the trail of the number one suspect."
"The sudden appearance of a mysterious vigilante startled the criminals long enough for the detectives to arrest three of them."
"If we don't catch them before they kill twice, we lose."
"Nagito was attempting to reveal the traitor for everyone's sake."
"He's leaving all these clues, he's leaving breadcrumbs to follow for investigators."
"I say it was murder. Did you check to see if Delgado had any visitors this afternoon?"
"Can't even take no credit for this. I can't say look at me I'm the best detective in MPV I can it's just like a present."
"It's hard to spot if you're just running around the POI, but with a little detective work, you can find it, and this is an Easter egg obviously teasing the upcoming 'Gears of War' collab."
"This Outburst was interpreted by detectives as a Slip that revealed his internal turmoil, suggesting a realization that he had overlooked how securely locked the house was."
"There's nothing wrong with kicking ass I just like it when the detective angle is satisfied too."
"Keep the heavy focus on detective, of course."
"Some people might say it was a judgment. I wonder whether if she didn't do it, she has spotted the murderer herself."
"I'm a very competent detective, and I've solved a lot of really difficult cases, I'll have you know."
"Classic detective work right when the mystery is at its peak."
"I'm realizing you're a canny sleuth, Lady Margery." "Less of the 'lady', please."
"What are some outrageous requests you've gotten calls in for to work a case?"
"It is possible that our inquiry may but confirm his guilt, but in any case, we have a line of investigation which has been missed by the police and which a singular chance has placed in our hands. Let us follow it out to the bitter end."
"A business man as well as a writer and a private detective."
"Being the world's greatest consulting detective has its disadvantages. People always manage the difficulties at the most inopportune moments."
"Then Columbo cleverly has Brimmer fill out a receipt for his files he brought over, and what does Brimmer do but start writing with his left hand."
"I like how he's doing a lot of his detective work not in costume, not as Batman. Because obviously Batman's pretty ostentatious. Unless it's Halloween, he's not in the batsuit during daylight in this film."
"I think I may have been the first person to solve the case."
"He's cracking the case that none of them would have been able to touch without him."
"The big answer is lots. Detectives use Witnesses, fingerprints, DNA, and other types of evidence too."
"You know, I always wanted to be a private eye, aka like a detective."
"For detectives, it was a vindication of all their hard work."
"...one detail of the kidnapping stood out to detective Eric drer and he decided to follow up on it."
"Some people would call me a spy hunter, and that would be relatively accurate."
"Positive aspects make you a really great detective, able to dig deep and uncover mysteries."
"A detective agency runs on information, that's our raw material."
"Sherlock Holmes has solved many impossible cases in his day, but this will be the hardest yet."
"...I've enjoyed being a scientific detective."
"What you are doing is solving a mystery."
"It's true, you really are the world's greatest detective."
"Meanwhile, detectives had begun using a method called genetic genealogy to track a possible lead."
"In order to solve cases, you have to learn the three S's: Scotch, snitches, and shoe leather."
"Thanks to advances in forensic science, detectives have new tools to catch the killer and unravel the mystery behind an invisible death."
"Pretty impressive detective work if I do say so myself."
"...cracking open a cold one and cracking a cold case sounds like your idea of a fun night in."
"Detective Reuben was certain that he had narrowed in on the likely killer but the only evidence he had was circumstantial."
"She thought she got away with it she thought she got rid of the gun and again but the Good Samaritan finds the gun and we have great detective work by detective Reuben and the Mystery is solved."
"I'm not you know it would be quite nice to be a sort of Sunday night detective but I don't need to do that for maybe 15 years would be yeah that would be all right I look forward to that."
"It was by chance and good detective work by detective Hospital Anderson at Reading that actually broke the case."
"What contribution did Batman make to get closer to solving the case? I'm starting to think that our world's greatest detective may lose that title pretty quick at this rate."
"We're just sleuthing through, looking for clues."
"You're a good detective, Nancy," her father praised her.
"To the working detective, the difference between guilt and innocence lies in the details."
"Perhaps you think I killed Mr. Middleton. Good. Very good. Never overlooked anything. First rule of a good detective."
"You may have lost the girl, but I think you've solved the case."
"Solving a crime is not easy at all, but it looks like a lot of fun."
"We're not quite there yet, but it's amazing how many of you have been inspired by the story to become detectives yourselves."
"You are the greatest detective of them all."
"To help investigate a murder, Mr. Destin."
"You want to be kind of like a detective finding clues and hints of what the family was like so I always check the cabinets and the drawers you never know what information you might find."
"Detective Hanstra had already paid a visit to Kipling Memorial Union Hospital and interviewed the nurses on duty."
"Detective work is a team effort, no one person can do it alone."
"Know the guy you're looking for? One of those idiots dressing in Black, tearing posters off the post office wall, had a one-room office in a strip mall. But it's closed up. I checked for you," Nash said.
"He's a good detective, he'll find out what really happened."
"Real detective work is not the stuff of Sherlock Holmes type intuition but of persistence and of a close relationship between the public and the police."
"As a detective, one of the first things you're taught to sniff out in a case are the patterns."
"Detectives see a side of life the average person is never exposed to."
"...the detectives believed that even the smartest criminals always miss something."
"You're a great detective if it wasn't for you Buster would still be locked up."
"The investigation into Laurel's murder spanned over four decades and it was only through advances in technology and dogged detective work that justice was finally served."
"Through my detective skills, I have played some part in seeing justice done, in seeing problems solved, and seeing truths which the guilty and powerful wish to remain hidden, uncovered."
"If Judy's death had not been an accident, the detective needed to find out who might have wanted her dead and why."
"As a detective, no stone should be left unturned."
"Bright enough for a first-class detective."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved, but whodunit? A scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science."
"A crime scene holds the secrets, and through meticulous examination, they can be uncovered."
"'It's not what I found, detective. It's what's missing. It's finding something that should be there but isn't. Bingo, now you sound like a detective.'"
"I know how to solve the case of the missing artwork."
"Lie detectors aren't admissible in court, but the detectives played within the law and got what they needed."
"To become a detective or an investigator, you need to be very attentive and astute because detectives solve mysteries, find missing things, and detangle the most twisted cases."
"The marine qualities of a detective are intelligence and logic."
"The detective figured out exactly who did it."
"Sorry, sir, but I just got a lead. Oh, I love leads."
"I love it I mean it's always challenging because there's never a one-size-fits-all it's not like I look in your ear oh it's effective it's never that simple so I love that you're always trying to solve problems like a detective that's fun."
"They'd built a reputation on their ability to solve extremely difficult cases."