
Constitutional Interpretation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"That means that I interpret the Constitution as a law, that I interpret its text as text, and I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it."
"I believe Americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written."
"The Supreme Court's job is to interpret the Constitution."
"Originalism is the search for the original meaning of provisions of the Constitution."
"The Establishment Clause has come to mean that the establishment of religion is forbidden, ensuring freedom from having an established religion imposed upon you."
"Originalism reflects and serves the interests of a very narrow and increasingly destructive top layer of society."
"Choosing a method of constitutional interpretation is also choosing how people will experience the law."
"To confine the right to bear arms to the home would nullify half of the Second Amendment's protections."
"The constitution effectively thought that it could minimize the reality of power."
"Originalism actually favors more often the little guy because that's honoring the will of the people."
"Democratic Republicans championed a strict constructionist view of the Constitution."
"Strict construction vs. loose interpretation: a debate over the extent of federal power."
"Having a judicial supremacist on the court who wants to steal our liberty and steal our self-governance and govern from the bench... to have someone who defers to the constitution and applies it as written and originally understood... that's fine."
"Abortion has been regulated by the states... it's not part of the constitution... the courts mistook their policy preference for what the constitution requires."
"Cynicism is not intelligence. In fact, I think it's kind of a closed mind."
"The Constitution is not a suggestion, it's carefully laid out."
"The Constitution is a living, breathing document."
"In my world, even the constitution has to bow its knee to the bible."
"What Barr has said is something no responsible constitutional scholar in our history has ever adopted which is the idea that the president on his own can basically run the government and be immune from any sort of second-guessing or criticism."
"They all want to get rid of the electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, so they can get the Constitution interpreted out of existence."
"The men and women of the ATF deserve a leader with integrity and with respect for the second amendment to our constitution."
"The Second Amendment creates an individual right to keep and bear arms is one of the greatest hoaxes in the history of this country." - Dr. Alan Lichtman
"The belief of the authors of the 14th amendment that allowing voters to get basically snookered into giving that sort of person power is not an adequate remedy."
"The court finally for the first time in my lifetime as we can actually treat itself as a court that interprets the text of the constitution."
"The framers intended impeached officials to face criminal liability according to the law."
"This is not some radical deviation from our constitutional history; it's a continued expression of it."
"Our Founding Fathers would be sickened by this clear separation of Church and State, even though they wrote it in the Bill of Rights."
"Each of these words set forth in the Second Amendment were carefully chosen by our founding fathers and they were not intended to have some sort of false and secret meaning."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"These documents are written to limit the scope of authority that public officials have over the people."
"Expressed with the way Gerry wrote it originally... are reserved to the States or to the people."
"The Constitution was meant to evolve, it's a living document."
"The rockets that are talked about in the Constitution are written in stone and if you find a candidate that honors the Constitution 100% then you have a good man in there."
"The founders wanted general welfare, not welfare in general."
"The constitution means what the founders intended it to mean, otherwise it means nothing."
"We are confirmed and this is something they say most important thing you can do judges I say most important thing is defense second is judges a record number of 217 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written."
"Sometimes a judicial opinion is about the law and the constitution and not about the author of the opinion." - Lawrence O'Donnell
"The original intent of the constitution must be factored in. It means what it says, and it says what it means."
"The rights of the government aren't subject to majority rule, but to the law."
"Perhaps Ed's greatest contribution to American law has been his unwavering advocacy for the legal principle that judges must adhere to the original meaning of the Constitution."
"The Constitution was meant to be a living document."
"The Second Amendment is a mutually assured destruction relationship between the citizens and their government."
"It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says, it matters what the founders believed the second amendment was intended to mean."
"The intent of the founders is Paramount and should be of most importance."
"Folks, the constitution was not written to keep you safe. The constitution was written to keep you free."
"The Constitution has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it."
"The job of the judiciary is to interpret the constitutional law, separation of powers, due process, limits on government, and of course, inalienable human rights."
"The Constitution on this hypothesis is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary." - Thomas Jefferson
"When they said the militia in the Second Amendment they were talking about the people and you are the people."
"No matter what the post-ratification adoption or acceptance of the law is, if it is inconsistent with the original meaning of the Constitution, then it cannot overcome the change of the text."
"Constitution doesn't give us rights. The constitution is we the people telling the government what our rights are, so government protects those rights."
"The Second Amendment is exactly saying political suicide insurance."
"The only test you can use on Second Amendment cases is the text history and the tradition of the meaning of the words in the Second Amendment at the founding."
"This constitution shall not be interpreted such that rights not expressed herein shall be deemed as absent."
"The Jeffersonian Republicans believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution."
"The Constitution was written to limit the scope of authority that officials have over the people."
"The idea that there isn't a right to privacy in the constitution is insane considering the entire bill of rights is essentially 10 different ways to say mind your own [__] business."
"The constitutional right so-called to abortion does not exist in the United States Constitution. That is what the court decided."
"The first amendment was written to protect the church from the state not the state from the church."
"Our founding fathers... certainly never considered where we are now and how the constitution can be circumvented through a public private partnership."
"The plain text of the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, not just keep them."
"Confirmed 187 federal judges of record who will interpret the Constitution."
"The business of trying to cement judicial policy preferences into the constitution did not begin with Dred Scott and unfortunately, it did not end there."
"Judges have only the power that the people have given them. In matters of interpretation, that means fidelity to the text that the people adopted."
"If we understand the relationship between slavery and the Constitution correctly, we're getting America correctly. If we don't, we're not."
"It's words on a page... but the institutions and the popular will have to be in place to make something of those fine words."
"We use the necessary and proper clause to create an Air Force, and it's all legit and all legal and all found in Article 1 of the Constitution."
"The Constitution being a living, breathing document whose evolving social mores are supposed to be read onto it by the justices sitting."
"Specifically, it can and should interpret the constitution in a way that works for the people of today."
"We reinterpret and we reimagine the living document that is our Constitution."
"As an unapologetic living constitutionalist, I believe even constitutional terms of art can be flexible enough to accommodate changing national values, experiences, and practices."
"It's the conflicts and disagreements that have binded us together as much, if not more than, the agreements we've had about what the constitution means."
"The Constitution should be interpreted strictly in terms of its text and history, and judicial restraint and deference to the political branches should be the watchword of all principled conservatives."
"It was obvious that where a provision of the Constitution was designed to limit the powers of a governmental organ, it could be effectively nullified if its interpretation and enforcement were left to the authorities it was designed to restrain."
"The ninth amendment protects rights not enumerated in the Constitution."
"It's a process of understanding what the core foundational principles are in the Constitution as captured by the text, as originally intended, and then applying those principles to modern day."
"We have to trust the intelligence and goodwill of our judges to be able to interpret those words so as to give justice to those citizens which they are obliged to under the Constitution."
"Discern what the intent of those framers are and then try to actuate that."