
Atrocities Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"The gulags in North Korea are nightmarish, and the genocide and the concentration camps in China are probably the worst possible thing you know we could imagine existing in terms of what a human could do to another human."
"France's historical actions in Congo include atrocities during its Colonial period."
"If you can make people believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities."
"The worst atrocities come from fear, not hate."
"No other head of state has used chemical weapons against his own people like this before Saddam Hussein."
"You need to be in the center of your personal universe."
"It's not just killing, people are being castrated, raped, tortured."
"Nazis killed over six million civilians... they're not tweeting, they're going out into killing people systematically."
"Now after I have gained a full insight into all the horrible atrocities which have been committed, I am possessed by a deep sense of guilt."
"The emphasis must be on the destruction and the atrocities committed in Ukraine."
"History teaches us that atrocities from times gone by, such as war, should not be repeated."
"The worst atrocities and worst things that happened didn't happen because most people were evil. They happened because most people were apathetic or passive or quietly complicit."
"There's often no counter-vailing point... Some human atrocities simply don't have a counterpoint."
"A government that can silence its critics has a license for any kind of atrocity."
"Forced organ harvesting is truly a monstrous practice that is difficult to conceive even exists until it is brought before you."
"The subordinates of Hitler all followed orders willingly, enthusiastically, and effectively."
"You can't understand the human cost unless you portray the atrocities."
"How these atrocities slowly became accepted in society."
"North Korea's prison camps have been compared to those operated by the Nazis in the Second World War."
"Ask yourself whether you're complicit in its atrocities by doing business with it."
"The horrors of the only concentration camp to be built on British soil were exposed."
"I could tell you a million more stories of stories where it seems like Mengele killed literally just to amuse himself..."
"The human experiments were just part of the Nazi atrocities that took place during World War II."
"There's never gonna be a history of any country that is free of genocide or kidnappings or general bad things that aren't good."
"The more normies that know about the atrocities of the Chinese government, the better."
"Think of James Foley. Think of Kayla. Think of the things he did to Kayla, what he did to Foley and so many others."
"Films were seen by officials throughout Manchuria showing the brutal projects conducted by Ishii."
"Hitler himself actually forced sterilization of all the mixed-race people in Germany."
"Jack has been here. He's committed these atrocities before and he's going to keep committing it as long as, like the photograph, this evil is overlooked."
"The extent of Hitler's atrocities slowly dawned on a disbelieving world."
"How many atrocities has the colonizer engaged in, and then completely justified it?"
"He built soundproof rooms that asphyxiated his victims with gas, a 'secret hanging chamber,' rooms in which he locked his victims until they starved to death, and an airless vault where he would slowly suffocate some."
"That's why they call it a genocide, they attempt to eliminate a whole group of people."
"Stalin alone annihilated 60 to 70 million people."
"the Saudi the united arab emirate war and yemen has been a hideous atrocity of this probably nobody knows maybe sixty seventy thousand people killed half the population barely surviving as the UN describes as the worst humanitarian disaster in the world it's a real monstrosity"
"The Armenian Genocide saw as many as 1.2 million Armenians killed by the Ottomans."
"Atrocities happened on both sides, such as the massacre of the Latins in 1182."
"how cheap genocide is to commit and how few marginal resources are needed to kill six million people."
"Soldiers looking at concentration camps: Seeing what really went on was a wake-up call."
"Stalin's crimes... can be compared quite closely to the Holocaust."
"The human rights violations that happened there could fill a book, so we’ll concentrate on the medical experiments only."
"World War II was a horrendous time, with millions of lives lost, tormented, or experimented on in vicious and cruel ways, a depiction of Good and Evil facing off."
"Tomas de Torquemada was responsible for thousands of deaths during the Spanish Inquisition."
"Highly educated men often responsible for the worst atrocities."
"To Heaven, how long shall such inhuman atrocities go unpunished?"
"How could a civilized nation run concentration camps and murder millions?"
"Things like the Holocaust happened."
"Even if it wasn't always carried out, by the spring of 1938, he was already rounding up thousands of republican soldiers and sending them to concentration camps, and the war still had a year to run."
"It's one thing, you know, it's one thing to, like, say 'I don't like this group' or whatever, it's another thing, what they were doing in Germany in the 30s and 40s is, is, is, is arguably the worst time in human history."
"The slaughter became known as the Manila Massacre."
"Slavery was one of if not the worst atrocity humans ever committed against each other."
"Mannerheim denounced 'the mutilated bodies of murdered citizens and the ruins of burned villages,' demanding 'revenge on the country’s traitors.'"
"Himmler was responsible for the expansion of the Concentration Camp system."
"He was key to the systematic murder of not just Jews but all those considered enemies of the state."
"Torture, mass murders, pain, heartbreak, and execution have stained not only this Castle but its surrounding grounds."
"The reality on the other side is that the work in the camp was actually designed by the Nazis, pure and simple, to break the inmates."
"During Mandl’s reign of terror, newborns and several-month-old babies were frequently drowned or burned alive in furnaces."
"...it is estimated that Stalin orchestrated the deaths of 60 million people."
"The horror of the Nazi master plan could not have been more evident."
"If we look at historical examples of atrocities, they have been motivated by a systematic neglect of the well-being of certain people."
"There was also chemical weapons, like sarin gas."
"Japanese Unit 731 was a research program that turned terribly terribly evil"
"I protest against meeting atrocities with atrocities."
"I mean, it's the Germans, so you expect that, but it's just a horrible thing that they would do. That's a war, you know? War is hell, really."
"Any sane person, no matter what side of the street you're on, there is absolutely no way that you can defend the horror, the butchery, and the atrocities that were carried out against these innocent people."
"I know the Holocaust mainly refers to like the the Jewish population but I think it should refer to all of the ones that the atrocities you know Hitler's you know that did not fit Hitler's perfect view."
"Thousands were sold as slaves, yet prior to their being sold, they were submitted to tortures, cruelties, outrages, too revolting to repulsive to heart-rending to be here narrating right now."
"It was a place where dozens of thousands died and where the true evils of the Third Reich were carried out."
"I don't know what you've heard, but if you want to know what happened, these atrocities were committed by a human, and they were stopped by a human."
"The internet, it's full of amazing, wonderful creativity, but it's also home to some of the absolute worst atrocities."
"The British Empire, like every other empire, every other state in every other part of the world for all of human history, yes, committed obscene and extreme atrocities."
"Everybody on here has committed enough atrocities to at this point like I just kind of have to be like I really only base people off of how I feel about them in general."
"We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the United States, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban."
"...we need to hear all of them as a way of remembering the horrors committed against anyone who Hitler saw as a hindrance to his race cleansing agenda."
"It's important to think about what we know about other people's atrocities, when do we react to it, and it usually requires something more than mere knowledge."
"Even to enter into the arena of debate on the question of whether the Nazis carried out such atrocities is already to lose one's humanity."
"The alienation, the Islamophobia, the feeling of suppression and humiliation is so pervasive that pushes them to commit these atrocities."
"History is drenched with all these atrocities; writers are very feebly able to write a tiny little portion."
"Those who can convince you to believe absurdities can convince you to commit atrocities."
"The horrors of the war became unveiled; these are mass graves, every one of these white sheets is the body of a Shiite who was killed under Saddam Hussein."
"The West broadly condemned the atrocities committed by the Japanese military on Chinese civilians."
"I was responsible for investigation of all atrocities that are committed."
"Mass atrocities in the 20th century... something that's so horrible beyond comprehension."